Updated as of ..7/25 /2024


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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 3/21/2024

1-VXDA016 Victrix EARLY SAXON UNARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Represents the Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles, and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries.

Set includes:
* 36 x unarmoured warrior bodies
* 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)
* 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)
* 60 x helmeted heads
* 30 x bare heads and heads with caps
* An assortment of sword, axe, javelin, and spear arms
* 12 x fur cloaks

These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range.1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$54.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-908436 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 436 Theme: Big Screen to Small Board -- Translate movies and TV shows to tabletop
* Ridley Scott at Austerlitz: Two versions -- Historical and Ridley Scott's version
* Djins from the Dunes (SAS Rogue Heroes): TV inspiration from SAS Rogue Heroes and drives WWII Egypt
* From Spec Ops to COD -- Call of Duty characters from Warlord Games' Special Operations team frame and how other video games can offer inspiration
* Home Guard Heroes: Home Guard in history and in the classic BBC comedy series Dad's Army, then shows how he painted his troops in miniature
* Genre Hopping with 7TV: The 80s -- Development of skirmish game's latest Genre Guide

* Observation Post: Reviews include Wargames Atlantic plastics, Dead Man's Hand cowboy scatter, Oathmark characters, and inter-war MDF kits.
* Release Radar: New and upcoming releases.
* Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.

* Salute 51: Pirate Painting -- Preview versions of this year's Salute show minis.
* Designer's Notes: Development of The Army Painter's new Fanatic paints
* Designer's Notes: Celtic Fringe and Montrose -- two new For King and Parliament supplements
* Designer's Notes: Achtung Panzer! -- Development and mechanics of new 'skirmish'-level tank battle game
* Painting Polish Plastics: Paint new Perry Miniatures Duchy of Warsaw infantry using Army Painter's new Fanatic range paints
* Designer's Notes: Alala! Development and playtesting of new rule set for Greek hoplite battles
* Jack Alexander Obituary: Farewell to early icon of miniature making and his Jacklex range1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-2089418 McCullough, Joseph FROSTGRAVE: Mortal Enemies Rules for creating recurring villains in both competitive and solo campaigns. These characters are unique individuals who return over the course of a campaign to plague the players' wizards, gaining experience, recruiting allies, and becoming more deadly with each appearance. Against such threats, a wizard's base becomes as much hideout as headquarters, and an expanded range of options for enhancing bases is provided, as are rules for defending your own and attacking those of your rivals.1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-967033 Todoroff, Patrick WHEN NIGHTMARES COME: An Investigative Wargame of Supernatural Horror Rules for modern-day monster hunting and occult investigations. Players will form a team of paranormal vigilantes -- being self-taught occult specialists and monster hunters who call themselves the Nightwatch -- who tackle the supernatural horrors and investigate the strange disturbances that plague their city. The core of the game uses the Action Dice Pool with multiple die types and tiered enemies, flexible player classes, and straightforward mission objectives. Also contains a roleplaying element that allows for non-combat challenges and dramatic encounters. This system uses the same dice types as the core game's Action Dice Pool and emphasizes quick resolutions. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242960 Wiley, Jaye ARENA OF BLOOD: Roman Gladiatorial Rules Be the proud owner of a gladiator school with a stable of gladiators, all with different fighting techniques and abilities. Careful use of your fighters is crucial. Each gladiator has strengths and weaknesses. Matches are quick -- you can play a whole tournament in an evening. Note: rules require you to supply several six-sided dice, an ordinary deck of playing cards, a measuring tape, and miniatures of your favorite gladiators. For 2 to 8 players, scale of 6 mm to 54 mm, and a player controls four to eight miniatures. From the makers of Fistful of Lead

OMM Bonus: If you purchase both the rules ($20) and the custom card deck ($20), we will include a copy of the Gladiator Cards and Markers sheet.1 vol, 20 pgs 2024 US, WILEY GAME DESIGN
NEW-pb ......$20.00 rct

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1-2429698 Wiley, Jaye ARENA OF BLOOD: Cards and Markers 3 pages of Gladiator cards
3 pages of animal cards
1 page of markers
1 vol, 7 pgs 2024 US, WILEY GAME DESIGN
NEW-pb ......$5.00 rct

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1-2429699 Wiley, Jaye ARENA OF BLOOD: Custom Card Deck Custom deck designed specifically for Arena Of Blood, but it works with any Fistful of Lead title. Special abilities front and center on easy to read cards that have a vintage parchment look.

OMM Bonus: If you purchase both the rules ($20) and the custom card deck ($20), we will include a copy of the Gladiator Cards and Markers sheet.1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 US, WILEY GAME DESIGN
NEW-deck ......$20.00 rct

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1-928006 Cernuschi, Enrico 006 ITALIAN BATTLE FLEET 1940-43: 'La Squadra', The Pride of the Regia Marina Provides a concise account and analysis of the WWII Italian battle fleet's activities through the war, from major clashes such as the Battle of Calabria to lesser-known expeditions. Includes command structure, logistics, codebreaking, fleet logistics, qualities and limitations of Italian industry, and more. Contains illustrations throughout, with at least 40 photos and 15 pages of color illustrations.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-939011 Forsyth, Robert 011 FW190 STURMJAGER: Defence of the Reich 1943-45 An illustrated account of how the USAAF was challenged by the Jagdflieger and their heavily armed and armored, FW 190A-8 Sturmjager. Explores the fascinating feats of the men flying the Fw 190A-8 and its subvariants. Pilots were given exceptional training and many were volunteers, some of whom were willing to sign oaths that they would bring down a bomber at all costs - even if it meant ramming the enemy aircraft. Uses first-person accounts, archival photos, full-color illustrations, maps, and tactical diagrams.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-968044 Worrall, Richard 044 HAMBURG 1940-45: The Long War Against Germany's Great Port City Covers the history of the RAF's air war against Hamburg. Explains how the German city was an industrial center of immense proportions and proved a consistent target for Bomber Command throughout World War II. It was home to oil refineries, U-boat pens, and shipbuilding and submarine-building yards -- all sustained by a large industrial workforce. RAF Bomber Command evolved tactically and technically throughout the war, and the Luftwaffe's defensive capabilities would do so likewise in response. Includes 60 photos, 14 pages of color illustration, maps, and diagrams.1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-978135 Forsyth, Robert 135 ME 163 vs ALLIED HEAVY BOMBERS: Northern Europe 1944-45 Illustrated account of the engagement between the Luftwaffe's ME 163 units and Allied bombers during the closing years of World War II. Details the testing of the aircraft and its lethal SG 500 'Fighter Fist' weapons system, as well as its deployment against the B17s and B24s of the USAAF's Eighth Air Force and, from late 1944, the Lancasters and Halifaxes of RAF Bomber Command. Includes photos, maps, art, and first-person pilot interviews.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-995327 Zaloga, Steven 327 GERMAN TANKS IN FRANCE 1940: Armor in the Wehrmacht's Greatest Blitzkrieg Victory New assessment of the German tank force that won its greatest Blitzkrieg victory in France during 1940. Explains that although the German Panzers won their reputation in France, they were far from being a technological juggernaut. The vast majority were the small PzKpfw I and PzKpfw II light tanks. The more effective medium tanks such as the PzKpfw III and PzKpfw IV were available in relatively small numbers. Examines the wide range of German tanks employed in France in 1940, as well as their organization and tactical doctrine. Contains 40 photos and 8 pages of color illustrations.1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242980 Jackson, Andrew THE JACOBITE REBELLIONS OF THE BRITISH ISLES The story of the Jacobite Rebellions really began in 1534, when King Henry VIII changed the official religion of England from Catholic to Protestant. The narrative then continued through turbulent times of civil war and religious and political strife, leading to tensions and discontent boiling over when the Catholic King James II came to the throne in 1685; whereupon he was immediately beset by a Protestant rebellion led by the Duke of Monmouth, which set a chain of events in motion, resulting in William III and Mary II being crowned as Joint Monarchs after a bloodless coup. It was James' removal from the throne which created the spark for his supporters to orchestrate a series of revolts, known as the Jacobite Rebellions; the name coming from the Latin for James - Jacobus.

These uprisings, which included the rebellions from the Highlands of Scotland, and the Williamite Wars in Ireland, also formed part of the wider picture of a European war, known as the Nine Years War; the War of the Grand Alliance; or the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697). During the war, King Louis XIV of France strove to realise his expansionist plans while enforcing the Catholic religion and continuing to promote the Jacobite cause for his own ends.

Later, King Louis XIV was instrumental in initiating another conflict in Europe; the Spanish War of Succession 1701-1714, which led the French to continue to support Jacobite risings in Scotland during the same period and beyond, ultimately leading to Bonnie Prince Charlie's audacious bid for the British throne in 1745.

The '45 rebellion was eventually crushed in a 1746 military defeat at Culloden that finally sounded the death knell for the Catholic and Stuart monarchy. However, the legend of the dashing prince, who came so near, but yet so far in his bid to win the throne back for the Stuarts, is still very much alive in Scotland, especially as he continued to frustrate an enormous government manhunt to capture him, amidst a savage backdrop of reprisals being wreaked on the Highland Jacobites.1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-224060 Grainger, John THE ROMAN IMPERIAL SUCCESSION Analyzes the Roman imperial succession, demonstrating that the empire organized by Augustus was fundamentally flawed in the method it used to find emperors. Augustus' system was a mixture of heredity, senatorial, and military influences, and these were generally antagonistic. Consequently the Empire went through a series of crises, in which the succession to a previous, usually dead, emperor was the main issue.

The infamous 'Year of the Four Emperors', AD 69, is only the most famous of these crises, which often involved bouts of bloody and destructive civil war, assassinations and purges. These were followed by a period, usually relatively short, in which the victor in the 'crisis' established a new system, juggling the three basic elements identified by Augustus, but which was as fragile and short lived as its predecessor; these 'consequences' of each crisis are discussed. Includes numerous genealogical tables and dozens of depictions of emperors.1 vol, 336 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2024 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-230770 Livingston, Michael CRECY: Battle of Five Kings Paperback edition. Author reveals how modern scholars have used archived manuscripts, satellite technologies, and traditional fieldwork to help find the location of the fields where thousands died. Explores the battle of Crecy, the repercussions that were felt for hundreds of years, and incorporates cutting-edge revelations and the personal story of how those discoveries were made. Contains 16 pages of full-color plates.

* Foreword
* Preface
* List of Illustrations
* List of Maps
* Introduction: The Crecy Dead, 28 August 1346
* 1. Roots of War, 1066-1308
* 2. Isabella and the Two Edwards, 1308-30
* 3. Wine, Wool, and the March to War, 1202-1337
* 4. The Hundred Years War Begins, 1337-46
* 5. The Campaign Begins, 12-23 July
* 6. The Sacking of Caen, 23-30 July
* 7. The Long Road to Paris, 30 July-16 August
* 8. The Battle of Blanchetaque, 16-25 August
* 9. Reconstructing Battles
* 10. The Armies Approach, 26 August
* 11. Finding Crecy
* 12. The Battle of Crecy, 26 August
* 13. The Second Day, 27 August
* Epilogue: All the Days to Come
* Appendix: The Location of Crecy
* Suggested Reading and Acknowledgments
* Endnotes
* Index1 vol, 304 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2024 ......$22.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242970 Gottfried, Bradley RACE TO THE POTOMAC: Lee and Meade After Gettysburg, July 4-14, 1863 Even before the guns fell silent at Gettysburg, Robert E. Lee was preparing for the arduous task of getting his defeated Confederate army back safely into northern Virginia. It was an enormous, complex, and exceedingly dangerous undertaking -- all in a pouring rainstorm and all under the shadow of a possible attack from the Federal Army of the Potomac. Lee first needed to assemble two wagon trains, one to transport the wounded and the other to deliver the tons of supplies acquired by the army as it roamed across Pennsylvania and Maryland on the way to Gettysburg. Once the wagon trains were set, he mapped routes for his infantry and artillery on different roads to speed the journey and protect his command. Includes 13 maps and 134 images.1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$17.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-207250 Trudeau, Noah Andre THE LAST CITADEL: Petersburg, June 1864 - April 1865 Revised sesquicentennial edition includes updated text, redrawn maps, and new material about the investment of Petersburg, Virginia (June 9, 1864 to April 3, 1865). The 10-month Petersburg siege involved an average of 170,000 soldiers, not to mention thousands of civilians, who were also caught up in the maelstrom. By its bloody end, the Petersburg campaign would add more than 70,000 casualties to the war's total. Includes 23 maps and a choice selection of drawings by on-the-spot combat artists.1 vol, 552 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2024 ......$27.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242720 Brouwer, Jaap THE GERMAN WAY OF WAR ON THE EASTERN FRONT, 1941-1943: A Lesson in Tactical Management Explores the Battle of Stalingrad through eyewitness accounts from generals, soldiers, and civilians. Attention is not only paid to the course of the battle, but also to the tactics and organizational dimensions of the armies involved, the challenges of the vastness of the country, the dilemmas for people in the conquered areas, and the way the Germans tried to conquer their hearts while at the same time fighting a guerrilla war. The role of the Reichsbahn in the field of logistics is also examined, as is the importance of the innovation and production capacity of both armies. Contains 60 mono illustrations.1 vol, 240 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb edition, available mid April 2024 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-242990 Cooper, Alan AIR BATTLE FOR ARNHEM Over a period of seven days troops of the 1st Airborne were taken by the RAF in towed gliders for Operation Market Garden. In subsequent days the RAF showed courage of the highest order to make sure that the ground troops were supplied with ammunition and food to sustain them in their efforts to take the bridges at Arnhem. Its efforts were costly, 309 aircrew and 79 Air Dispatchers were killed and 107 aircraft. Its efforts to make sure the supplies were released from the aircraft to the besieged men on the ground was a vital factor in getting vital supplies to the troops. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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