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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 3/28/2024

1-909014 Navarro, Juan PAINTING WAR 14: WWII British & Commonwealth Armies Latest in the superb series. Learn painting techniques for figures of this period.1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 SPAIN
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$34.00 rct

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1-243070 Stallard, John & Drew, Robin TALKING MINIATURES: History of Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures Two-volume set in slip case recaps the early years of Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures. Written and compiled by former White Dwarf Editor and Design Studio Manager Robin Dews, and ex-Citadel/GW Sales Director, now Head of Warlord Games, John Stallard, the book consists of a series of lavishly illustrated conversations with some of the eclectic cast of designers, sculptors, artists, rebels and similar non-conformists who in the early 1980s gravitated towards Bryan Ansell and the early Citadel Miniatures team.2 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, Two-volume set, available mid April 2024 ......$80.00 rct

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1-935129 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 129: Warfare in the Bronze Age Theme: Warfare in the Bronze Age
* Ideas for Wargaming History's Earliest Conflicts - Battles in Bronze
* Gaming the Western European Bronze Age - The Riddle of Bronze
* The Achaean Invasion of Anatolia and Cyprus - The Fall of Arzawa and Alashiya
* Fighting for the Corpse of Patroclus in the Iliad - Over my Dead Body
* Jonathan Unleashes His Fury Against the Philistines - The Battle of Michmash
* Wargaming in the Age of Bronze - History's First Fighters
* Painting a Bronze Age Cover for WS&S - The Vulture Stele

* A Saxon Ambuscade Against a New Norman Lord - 1069 Ambush
* Phillips and Arnold's Raid Along the Appomattox - The First Battle of Petersburg, 1781
* The Battle of Bourlon Wood, November 1917 - Through the Mud, Blood, and Trees
* The Disastrous Battle for Asse: 18 May, 1940 - Enemies on all Sides
* How to Paint Spanish Conquistadors, Circa 1519 - Clash of Empires
* Making Camouflage Netting and Foliage for AFVs - Under Cover

* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - Everything Old is New Again
* The Irregular - Night Fighting: Descent Into Darkness
* More Skirmish Warfare in the Eternal City - Let's Play Gangs of Rome 2
* Game Reviews - When Nightmares Come, ABC Warriors, Setting the East Ablaze, and Sludge War
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-243080 Hutton, Gary BREAK THROUGH: Napoleonic Solo Battlegaming Playing card-based system to be used in conjunction with your favorite set of Napoleonic rules. Both sides field seven brigades of differing size and integral artillery.1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-243000 Spring, Larence THE FIRST BRITISH ARMY 1624-1628: The Army of the Duke Of Buckingham -- Revised Edition The army raised by Charles I in 1625 for his war against Spain -- and subsequently, with France -- is most famous for its failure, but it is one of the best-documented armies of the early 17th century. First half of the book covers the origins and lives of the officers and men serving in the army of Charles I as well as the women who accompanied them. Discusses how men from England, Scotland, and Ireland were recruited, clothed, fed, given medical care, and taught tactics.

Second half of the book covers expeditions to Cadiz, the Isle de Rhe, and the siege of La Rochelle and their effect on England that feared a Spanish (and later a French) invasion. Also covered are the campaigns of Count Ernest von Mansfeldt and Sir Charles Morgan and battles of Breda, Dessau Bridge, and against the forces of the Holy Roman Empire. The final chapter examines disbandment of the army and fates of soldiers and their widows. Includes 30 b/w illustrations, maps, and four pages of color plates.1 vol, 224 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-2195871 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 7 - German Armies, 1660-1687 -- Part 1 Examines the development of several German states' disciplined military that produced outstanding armies after the Peace of Westphalia. Germany supplied mercenary troops to major and minor powers in Europe, and the military state, usually exemplified by Prussia, became a crucial part of German history. Includes 16 color plates and 100 b/w illustrations.

However, Germany was apparently weak and internally divided into a multitude of states that constantly faced a hostile environment formed by belligerent great powers. Moreover, the German military existed within a system of collective security, internal conflict, and resolution that allowed a rich variety of political traditions to coexist. This system tried to preserve Germany against formidable attacks without making it a danger to the security of its neighbors. In contrast to the political culture of later German states, that of the this 'Reich' was inherently defensive, preferring peace to war in domestic politics and external relations. The book also includes unpublished iconography.1 vol, 652 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-2195872 Mugnai, Bruno WARS AND SOLDIERS IN THE EARLY REIGN OF LOUIS XIV: Volume 7 - German Armies, 1660-1687 -- Part 2 Continues examining the development of several German states' disciplined military that produced outstanding armies. Germany supplied mercenary troops to major and minor powers in Europe, and the military state, usually exemplified by Prussia, became a crucial part of German history. Includes 120 b/w illustrations & maps and 16 pages of color plates.1 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-936252 Mc Intyre, James JOURNAL OF THE SEVEN YEARS WAR ASSOCIATION: Issue 25.2 Articles Include:
* Review and Outlook
* Call for Submissions
* Article Submission Guidelines
* Johann Jakob von Wunsch
* An Overlooked but Pivotal Commander: Karl Friedrich von Wolffersdorff
* The Political General? Friedrich Daniel St. Andre
* Small but Well Executed: The Battle of Zinna, September 8, 1759
* Book Reviews
* Items of Interest1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$12.00 rct

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1-243010 Podruczny, Grzegorz THE KING AND HIS FORTRESSES: Frederick the Great and Prussian Permanent Fortifications 1740-1786 Describes Prussian fortifications during the reign of Frederick the Great, including historical background, the experience of attacking the fortresses captured by the Prussian king, and the theory of fortification. At the book's core are two extensive chapters describing the fortresses built and modernized by the Prussians in two periods -- 1740-1756 and 1763-1786, separated by the Seven Years War. Includes 116 b/w illustrations.

Provides a comprehensive overview of Prussian fortifications during the reign of Frederick the Great. The first three chapters briefly describe the Prussian state, European fortification in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and the state of Prussian fortifications when Frederick the Great took power. Chapter four details Frederick the Great's experience in fortress warfare, including his education in the field, the fortress exercises he conducted during peacetime, and the sieges he led or observed. Chapter five covers Prussian fortification theory during the Frederician period, including both the king's own ideas and the texts written by his engineers.

Chapter six covers the design and construction of fortresses between 1740 and 1756, including detailed information about fortresses in Silesia, Glogau, Neisse, Glatz, Cosel, Schurgast, Brieg, Schweidnitz, and Breslau. Also describes the different types of fortress used in Prussian fortification, including the use of advanced works, forts, and caponiers. Chapter seven covers the years between 1763 and 1786, detailing the construction of fortresses on the Oder and in the mountains of Silesia and other provinces of the Prussian state. Extensive discussion of artillery casemates, including specific Prussian solutions in the form of casemates with arcaded walls open from behind and so-called Hangars - free-standing casemates serving as shelters for guns firing from open positions.

The final chapter provides a collective overview of various aspects of the design and construction of Prussian fortresses during the Prussian period, including the most influential designers, the organization of construction, workers, contractors, and issues related to financing the construction of fortresses and controlling expenditure.1 vol, 338 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-243030 Barry, Quintin SUFFREN VERSUS HUGHES: War in the Indian Ocean 1781-1783 Describes the naval campaign between Britain and France for mastery of the Indian Ocean in the closing years of the War of American Independence. It is effectively the third volume of a trilogy recording the history of the Royal Navy during this period -- the earlier volumes being Crisis at the Chesapeake (2021) and From Ushant to Gibraltar (2022). In the course of their hard-fought campaign, the British and French fought five battles, none of which produced the decisive victory which each sought. Includes 11 b/w illustrations, 9 b/w maps, and 5 tables.

Describes the political, economic and military background created by the impact of the British East India Company upon the complex system of the various dynasties that ruled India. Discusses abilities of the respective commanders. Sir Edward Hughes and Pierre-Andre de Suffren were very different men, who brought to their commands contrasting approaches to the particular problems of naval warfare of the eighteenth century. Hughes was a very typical product of the traditions of the Royal Navy, a patient and careful exponent of all that he had learned from his training and experience. Suffren, on the other hand, was atypical of French admirals of the period -- he was bold, aggressive, and innovative, and quite impatient of the stately conventions of sea battles of the period.1 vol, 126 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-243020 Wright, David A VERY PECULIAR BATTLE: The Double Battle of Fere-Champenoise, 25 March 1814 Fere-Champenoise was two separate battles that merged together. In one, a force of Russian, Wurttemberg, and Austrian cavalry and horse artillery defeated a larger French force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, opening the way to Paris. In the other, Russian cavalry and horse artillery destroyed Napoleon's last supply column. Both were encounter battles in that all four armies involved were unaware of the presence of their opponent until they met. In both battles, the allied forces consisted entirely of cavalry and horse artillery, while the French forces contained predominantly infantry and foot artillery. A French force of ligne and garde units panicked, while a force of ill-trained Gardes nationale fought stubbornly until overwhelmed. During the main battle, a short, violent storm had a devastating effect on the French, while the arrival of the secondary battle prevented the main from being an overwhelming success. Includes nine b/w illustrations, 20 color illustrations, 10 color photos, one color map, 33 b/w maps, and 11 tables.

Fere-Champenoise was a far more significant battle than is usually portrayed. Napoleon, after a string of victories in February 1814, had been defeated by superior numbers, first by Feldmarschall Blucher at Laon (9-10 March), then by Feldmarschall Schwarzenberg at Arcis-sur-Aube (20-21 March). Napoleon then gambled on a manoeuvre sur les derrieres, moving onto Schwarzenberg's line of communications and intending to join with troops from his border fortresses and Lyon to force a battle on ground of his choosing.

The allies started to follow, but Emperor Alexander of Russia made a crucial decision on March 24 for the allied armies to ignore Napoleon and head for Paris. The next day, allied cavalry and horse artillery led by the Crown Prince of Wurttemberg defeated a larger force of the corps of Marechaux Marmont and Mortier -- the last formed French troops barring the way to the capital. This enabled Schwarzenberg's and Blucher's armies to combine, defeat the last defenders of Paris, and force the city's surrender before Napoleon could return, allowing the allies to negotiate the end of the campaign without the Empereur being able to participate.

At the same time, a convoy of ammunition and supplies, escorted by the two weak Gardes nationale divisions of Generaux de division Pacthod and Amey, and trying to find Marechal Mortier, moved into the path of the advancing Russo-Prussian army.

Both defeated French forces retreated towards the town of Fere-Champenoise, one from the east and the other from the northeast. Four different armies were involved: the main battle between units from the allies' Hauptarmee and the French Armee de l'Aisne and the secondary one between units from the allies' Schlesische Armee and a convoy from Marechal Macdonald's XI Corps d'Armee, part of Napoleon's Grande Armee.1 vol, 226 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238674 Bird, Grenville THE DESTRUCTION OF THE IMPERIAL ARMY: Volume 4: Catastrophe: Sedan, Strasbourg and Metz 1870 The fourth and concluding volume in this series takes an in-depth look at events between the humiliating French surrender at Sedan and the ignominious submission of Bazaine and the Army of the Rhine at Metz. As with previous volumes, the narrative draws heavily on the French official history and Lehautcourt's exhaustive studies, enlivened by quotes from all the major participants and eyewitnesses which provide fresh insights into the final days of this momentous campaign, which resulted in the downfall of the Second Empire and the birth of the third Republic.

Offers chapters on French and German tactics, weapons, and warfighting, and as with previous volumes in the series, includes extensive orders of battle, casualty lists and appendices, the extensive text being complemented by numerous photographs and illustrations, period maps and copies of tactical plates taken from contemporary French and German training manuals. Includes 18 color illustrations, 38 b/w illustrations, c. 120 color & 71 b/w photos, 12 color maps, and 17 tactical diagrams.1 vol, 630 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$80.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-243050 Flores, Santiago GENESIS, EMPLOYMENT, AFTERMATH: First World War Tanks and the New Warfare 1900-1945 Collection of essays reconsiders the history of WWI tanks by widening the historical perspective beyond Britain to include France and Germany and by reflecting on the pre-1914 and post-1918 history of tanks. The employment of the first tanks by the British Army on the Western Front in September 1916, although symbolic rather than decisive in its effects, ushered in a new form of warfare - tank warfare. Includes 10 b/w photos, 10 maps, and diagrams.

Based on painstaking research in archives across Europe, each of the chapters sheds new light on different aspects of the history of First World tanks. Two chapters consider why the Germans failed to recognize the possibilities of the tank and why they were so slow to develop their own machines after the first British tank attack in 1916. Two other chapters chart the history of French tanks on the Western Front and after the end of the war.

Tank communication, the employment of British tanks on the Western Front, as well as the activities of British Tank Corps intelligence, are also explained. The use of British tanks in Palestine and in the Russian Civil War is examined in detail for the first time. The volume also reflects on the impact of the Battle of Cambrai, both in terms of its psychological impact in Britain and the power it exerted over military debates until the end of the WWII. 1 vol, 256 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-243040 Flores, Santiago DECADES OF REBELLION: Mexican Military Aviation in Action, 1920s-1940s Discusses air operations over Mexico 1910-1939, when Mexican military aviation saw rapid growth and intense involvement in multiple rebellions, internal strife, and operations against armed banditry. Mexican military aviation helped defeat several armed uprisings - often by little more than the strong psychological impact upon the insurgents and the civilian population. Rather unsurprisingly, in at least one instance, an armed rebellion sought to obtain aircraft and recruit mercenary pilots to counter the federal air service. Includes 130 photos, 8 maps, and 18 color profiles.1 vol, 80 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-956096 Miranda, Joseph WORLD AT WAR # 96: Kriegsmarine Plan Z War Plan Z assumes that Adolf Hitler had not canceled the Kriegsmarine (Germany Navy) expansion program in 1939. World War II in Europe does not begin September of that year. Instead, Hitler waits until War Plan Z is complete (in various stages). The game is a strategic two player simulation of the ensuing hypothetical naval campaigns fought between the Germans and the Allies sometime in the 1940s. One assumption of the game is that since Germany concentrates on increasing the Navy, there is no campaign in the west, so France remains an Allied power. Germany and the USSR still divide Poland, and an uneasy peace remains in effect on the Eastern Front.

The game system shows the effects of various operations. Players conduct actions that encompass discrete combat, logistical, intelligence and other operations. A player can conduct one or more actions per turn, depending on control of bases.

Each area on the map is about 550 miles across. Each turn represents one month of operations. Ship units represent two fleet aircraft carriers, divisions of two or three battleships, four to eight cruisers, flotillas of 19-40 destroyers, or various numbers of other ship types. Most ground units in the game represent corps or divisions. Aircraft units represent six to twelve squadrons of aircraft.

22 x 34-inch game map and a sheet of 228 9/16-inch counters.1 vol, 62 pgs 2024 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:10% inc

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1-243060 Milyukov, Ilya THE SOVIET WAR IN AFGHANISTAN: An Infamous Military Intervention 1979-1988 Examines the main events of the war between the USSR and Afghanistan, which ran December 1979 to February 1989. Details involved units, their equipment, their tasks, every single of their engagement, and all of combat losses as well as all of atrocities committed against the Afghan civilian population. Includes 80 photographs, 8 maps, and 15 color profiles.

On 25 December 1979, the 40th Army of the Soviet Armed Forces was officially deployed to Afghanistan. The 108th Motor-Rifle Division crossed the Soviet-Afghan border near the town of Termez, and then advanced to Kabul, reaching the city two days later. Units of the 5th Guards Motor-Rifle Division entered Afghanistan during the night from 26 to 27 December and headed south for Herat and Shindand, and then for Kandahar. Units of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division landed at airports of Kabul and Baghram, and secured both by 27 December. Later on, the 201st Motor-Rifle Division was deployed to Afghanistan. Official explanation provided to officers, non-commissioned officers, and other ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces was that they are carrying out an 'international duty' in Afghanistan. What exactly that was: nobody knew. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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