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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 8/03/2023

1-VG12020 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm German Fallschirmjaeger Figures Hard plastic miniatures. Supplied unpainted. This 12mm /1:144th scale WWII infantry set contains 196 superbly detailed miniatures and features many different poses and weapon types. We have pushed the tooling boundaries at this scale to give you well-proportioned figures with a high level of detail that surpasses many 15mm and 20mm miniatures currently on the market.

Set includes: 112 x Rifleman, 8 x MG42 teams, 16 x Panzerschrek/Panzerfaust teams, 16 x HQ figures plus radios, 16 x Pioneers with anti tank mines, 4 x 50mm mortar teams, and 4 x 82mm mortars.1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$42.00 inc

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1-VG12026 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm German Pak 40 + Sd.Kfz.11 Hard plastic miniatures. Supplied unpainted. The kit comes with 4 x Sdkfz 11's and 4 x Pak 40 antitank guns. There are two gun crews. 1 set in standard uniform and 1 crew in smocks. There are crew for the back of the halftrack and plenty of stowage and ammo boxes and spent shells. We have also included sand bags to help secure the gun emplacement.

The Pak 40 entered service in 1942 and became a mainstay of German towed antitank guns until the end of the war. With its powerful 7.5/L46 gun it could take on most allied and Soviet armour. The Sdkfz 11 entered service in 1939 and was used up to the end of the war as a prime mover of towed artillery and Flak guns. It could also carry 8 men and 9,000 were produced.1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$42.00 inc

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1-907002S DIORAMAG: Special #2 - LEBANON 1982 This book contains two incredible dioramas inspired by the battles in Lebanon in 1982. The authors of this special delivery of Dioramag are the masters Imad Bouantoun (Lebanon) and Takehisa Shimotani (Japan) and in its 96 pages tell us how they made two masterpieces. Dioramag Lebanon 1982 is a compendium of dozens of tricks and techniques for modelers.1 vol, 92 pgs 2023 SPAIN, PLA EDITIONS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 inc

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1-907014 DIORAMAG: Volume 14 - The Price of War Contents: A modeler's delight in instructive photos.
* Escape from Falaise
* News
* Dioramic Evolution
* Diorama Classics: Endstation 1 and Endstation 2
* Ghost Ship
* Pectopah? Chechen War Diorama
* Battlefield Pacific
* Victim of the Storm
* Winter Relax, Alsace 44
* Monte Cassino1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 SPAIN, PLA EDITIONS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 inc

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1-238030 Garnett, Tom MARENGO CAMPAIGN: Wargaming the Late-French Revolutionary Wars with Miniatures Covers the lesser-known campaigns of the 2nd Coalition against France within the northern regions of Italy. This book only provides scenario information and some additional rules modifications design for a variant of the Regimental Fire and Fury rule system. The basic rulebook is needed to play these scenarios.

In Napoleon's first campaign of 1796-1797, France defeated both the Kingdom of Savoy and that of Austrian-Hungary to bring the states of Italy under French control. In 1799, with the formation of the 2nd Coalition against France, a Russo-Austrian army led by Russian hero Marshal Alexander Suvorov drove the French Army of Italy into the fortifications of Genoa and into the far southwest corner of Italy. In 1800, the newly created French Army of the Reserve, led by Napoleon, initiated his second Italian offensive leading to the defeat of the Austrian army at the famous Battle of Marengo.

Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and special rules and content you need to set up and play each game.

Scenarios include: Val D'Aosta; Chatilion; Ivrea; Fort Bard; Romano-Chiusella River; Turbigo; Milan and the Po River; Casteggio-Mopntebello; and Marengo including Dessaix's Counterattack.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$34.00 inc

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2-238030 Garnett, Tom MARENGO CAMPAIGN: Wargaming the Late-French Revolutionary Wars with MiniaturesPDF Covers the lesser-known campaigns of the 2nd Coalition against France within the northern regions of Italy. This book only provides scenario information and some additional rules modifications design for a variant of the Regimental Fire and Fury rule system. The basic rulebook is needed to play these scenarios.

In Napoleon's first campaign of 1796-1797, France defeated both the Kingdom of Savoy and that of Austrian-Hungary to bring the states of Italy under French control. In 1799, with the formation of the 2nd Coalition against France, a Russo-Austrian army led by Russian hero Marshal Alexander Suvorov drove the French Army of Italy into the fortifications of Genoa and into the far southwest corner of Italy. In 1800, the newly created French Army of the Reserve, led by Napoleon, initiated his second Italian offensive leading to the defeat of the Austrian army at the famous Battle of Marengo.

Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and special rules and content you need to set up and play each game.

Scenarios include: Val D'Aosta; Chatilion; Ivrea; Fort Bard; Romano-Chiusella River; Turbigo; Milan and the Po River; Casteggio-Mopntebello; and Marengo including Dessaix's Counterattack.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-PDF ......$30.00 inc

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2-62211 Kirby, Mike THE CAMPAIGNS IN INDIA DURING THE SYW: 1756-1764 A wargamer's guide to the campaigns in India during the Seven Years War, this book covers the armies of Britain, France, and Indian princes; key battles of the war such as Plassey, Pondicherry, and Patna with orders of battle, army lists, sources of figures, painting and basing tips, and special rules. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2033 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, back in print ......$24.00 inc

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1-916485 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 485 Cover: The Great Rebellion - English Civil War
* Solitary England: ECW Battles Solitaire
* The Buff: Painting guide for Pike & Shotte covering Armour and more
* Portable Middleton: Portable Wargame scenario: Battle of Middleton Cheney

* Send 3 and 4 pence: Ras To The Swift The Abyssinian Army of the 1860-80s for The Men Who Would Be Kings rule set.
* The First L.R.D.G.: Part 2 of the Senussi Campaign 1915-1917 with digital rules links and map downloads.
* Five Rounds Rapid: World War Two gaming
* Baptism Of Fire Command Decision: ACW with James Island, 1863
* Practical Wargames Scenery: Ruined Chapel
* Food For Powder: Edible Casualty Markers
* Defence in Depth: Reviews of figures and rules
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book reviews1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 inc

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1-235941 Wiley, Jaye HORSE & MUSKET RULES: Fistful of Lead rules Red Hatchets and Black Powder - F&I Wars Supplement to Fistful of Lead brings the Horse & Musket era, specifically the French & Indian War, to the Fistful tabletop. Take on the role of a Captain or War Leader, either leading a troop of brave soldiers, stalwart Rangers, terrified militia, or stealthy Natives. Included are 10 scenarios, special rules for the French and Indian War, and rules for building your forces.1 vol, 24 pgs 2023 US, WILEY GAME DESIGN
NEW-Deck ......$12.00 inc

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1-BRIG403 Bunde, Peter 403: GRAND DUCHY OF HESSE-DARMSTADT: Garde Chevauleger Regiment 1809-1815 Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$14.00 inc

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1-BRIG404 Bunde, Peter 404: MARGRAVIATE / GRAND DUCHY OF BADEN: Artillery on Foot 1798-1809 Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$14.00 inc

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1-938023 STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #23: War of 1812 - Rise of a Nation The War of 1812 is sometimes called the Second American Revolution. The war saw the new United States engage Great Britain in North America and on the high seas, to include dramatic moments like the burning of Washington DC. The War of 1812 in many ways led to the foundations of the American military system for the ensuing century, to include a rise of professionalism, the reliance on volunteer regiments, and an aggressive naval policy. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 US, DECISION GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:10% inc

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1-237940 Black, Jeremy CAVALRY: A Global History Covers the role of horses and essential mobility. Focuses on warfare in the classical world, in the major civilizations of China and India, Steppe cavalry, in the middle ages with Islamic and European conflict, the 'social politics' in Christendom with knightly valor, and war with non-Christian forces including the Muslim invasion of Europe, Islamic Spain, and conflict with the Mongols.

Coverage continues with Asia and North Africa and the Ottomans. The modern period from Napoleon to the First World War is the history of the mobility of cavalry in European warfare and in imperial expansion and empire-building, but the concept of cavalry 'redundancy' arises in the maelstrom of 1914-1918 with artillery bombardment, trench warfare, and the role of infantry. The long 'transition' period leading up the present and future is fascinating for both cavalry and infantry, with the development of tanks and armor. Examines the concept of cavalry 'transformation' instead of 'survivalism', with modern and post-modern development of drone warfare - from horses to drones - as a 'new cavalry' for reconnaissance and combat.1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237910 Hughes, Ian THIRTEEN ROMAN DEFEATS: The Disasters That Made The Legions Examines the course of the fighting (in as much detail as the sources allow) and describes the forces involved, the strategy and tactics employed, and the reasons for the Roman defeat. The chosen battles span the centuries, from the disastrous battle against invading Celts at the Allia River in (387 or 386 BC) to the naval defeat by the Vandals off Cap Bon in AD 468. They are selected either for the magnitude of the tactical defeat or the political and strategic significance of the outcome. Apart from the inherent interest in the individual battles, this study offers a survey of the development of the Roman forces evolving to survive. Includes 32 illustrations.1 vol, 264 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237900 Sampson, Gareth THE BATTLE OF PHARSALUS (48 BC): Caesar, Pompey and their Final Clash in the Third Roman Civil War Examines the campaigns which led up to the August 48 BC battle between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great as well as the role played by the various regional powers who got drawn into the Roman Civil War. The Battle of Pharsalus is analyzed in detail to determine the strengths and weakness of both armies and their various commanders, as well as the organization, equipment, and tactics of the forces involved in the battle which culminated in a decisive victory for Caesar. The author concludes with consideration of the aftermath of the battle, which saw Pompey murdered in Egypt and Caesar distracted by the affairs of the East.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-238020 Barnby, David and John Leftwich 1066: The Lost Hastings Battlefield Recounts Duke William of Normandy's invasion of England to wrest the kingship from Harold Godwinson from initial landing to the final battle of Hastings. Argues that the traditional battleground is incorrect and claims the actual battle was on Blackhorse Hill on the high ridge some two miles east of the traditional site at Battle Abbey.

Relies upon the several historic accounts and the placing of events, carefully matching them to the terrain described there with the topography of the area. Uses satellite imagery to confirm the location of the old Cinque port of Hastings (first proposed by Nick Austin in his Secrets of the Norman Invasion), the site of Duke Williams's pre-battle camp. The author has analyzed the relative distances from the old port to the Battle Abbey site and the Blackhorse Hill site to eliminate the former and confirm the latter. Includes 22 color illustrations and 58 mono illustrations.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237930 Peers, Chris CLAN BATTLES: Warfare in the Scottish Highlands Examines warfare between the clans of the Highlands in the late Middle Ages with descriptions of the battles fought between the 1430s and the 1540s. Explains the strategies, tactics, weapons, and armor they employed. The first, Druim n Coub, was fought in 1433 between the Mackays and the Sutherlands. Then came Bloody Bay, a sea fight between rival MacDonald factions, Blar na Parc between the MacDonalds and the Mackenzies, Creag an Airgid between the MacDonalds and the MacIains, Glendale between the MacDonalds and MacLeods, and Torran Dubh between alliances headed by the Mackays and Sutherlands. The final battle, Blar na Leine, fought between the MacDonalds and the Frasers in 1544, marked the end of an era. Includes 20 color illustrations.1 vol, 184 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237850 Davies, Jonathan THE TUDOR ARTE OF WARRE: Volume 2 - The Conduct of War in the Reign of Elizabeth I, 1558-1603: Diplomacy, Strategy, Campaigns and Battles Provides a comprehensive explanation of the part the Elizabethan army played in Elizabeth's long and increasingly troubled reign. Elizabeth was no Amazon Queen; she abhorred war because of its cost, its unpredictability and the inconstancy and insubordination of those she placed in charge. She could gain little personally from war as she was excluded from direct participation. Determined as she was to maintain domestic peace, the Northern Rebellion of 1569 made it clear that England's military preparedness was wholly inadequate. Thus began a long project to make widespread military service managed by the government, especially as after 1585 more and more men were sent for service abroad.

Gives considerable space to the Nine Years' War in Ireland because it was of central importance to Elizabeth and the military establishment. It involved several key battles as well as developments in strategy and tactics. Includes 31 b/w illustrations, 11 color illustrations, 9 color photos, 22 maps, and one table.1 vol, 310 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237870 Querengasser, Alexander THE WAR OF THE BAVARIAN SUCCESSION 1778-1779: Prussian Military Power in Decline? The short War of the Bavarian Succession (1778-1779), the last war of Frederick the Great, is often considered as a first stage in the rapid decline of Prussia's forces. Offers a critical analysis of the strength and limitations of the Frederician war machine, before offering a narrative of this forgotten war, which, because of its lack of battles, was scoffed at by contemporaries as a 'potato war' -- soldiers struggled more to find food than to fight the enemy. While the war definitely revealed weaknesses within the Prussian military system, it was not necessary for Frederick to win battles and campaigns as long as he was able to achieve his political goals. Includes 35 b/w illustrations, 8 color illustrations, 8 pages of color plates, and 1 map.1 vol, 164 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237860 Harding-Edgar, John NEXT TO WELLINGTON: General Sir George Murray: The Story of a Scottish Soldier and Statesman, Wellington's Quartermaster General Biography provides insight into the life, ambitions, opinions, and actions of Wellington's most trusted, professional, and thoughtful staff officer, described as the only man received into the unlimited confidence of Lord Wellington. Covers his service in the Low Countries, Ireland, West Indies, Egypt, and the Peninsular War. Murray's development of the Quartermaster General's department into an impressively efficient operation, touching on almost every aspect of the Army's movement, topographical and military intelligence, and preparation for battle, was of immense value to Wellington. Includes 24 color ills, 41 b/w illustrations, and 9 maps.1 vol, 410 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237840 Nichols, Alistair A FINE CORPS AND WILL SERVE FAITHFULLY: The Swiss Regiment de Roll in the British Army 1794-1816 In the first years after Revolutionary France declared war in 1793, Britain scrambled to raise forces at home and abroad. One source was Switzerland, whose experienced soldiers had previously served the French monarchy but were now unemployed.

The story of the Regiment de Roll is told using of a variety of primary documents including official reports, correspondence and lists, and private letters, as well as journals and other material. It is set in the Mediterranean theater which, overshadowed by that of the Iberian Peninsula, and is perhaps less familiar to readers. Service included Menorca and Egypt, with detachments in Italy and Spain. The regiment was disbanded in 1816. Includes 22 b/w illustrations, 13 color illustrations, 8pp color plates, 7 maps, and 15 tables.1 vol, 246 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-238000 Wagevier, C J FIGHTING FOR NAPOLEON'S ARMY IN RUSSIA: A POW's Memoir Carel Johannes Wagevier, an officer in the 125th Regiment of the Line, which was staffed by mostly Dutch soldiers. Full of confidence, they went to war in 1812 and began the long journey to the East. What followed was a horrific expedition deep into the Russian interior, a chaotic retreat, and captivity. After fighting at the battle of Berezina in November 1812, he was taken prisoner and transported all the way to the Russian interior. In 1814 he and his remaining fellow officers were released, and together they started the journey back home.

During his travels across Russia, he made notes of events that occurred or meetings that seemed memorable, including ones of unexpected generosity as well as sudden cruelty. These notes were later expanded into his memoir and published in 1820. Now translated into English, he provides a fascinating insight into the life of a solider in Napoleon's army.1 vol, 208 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237950 Mackowski, Chris FALLEN LEADERS: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians of Emerging Civil War This collection of essays by many writers recounts the fall of some of the most famous, infamous, and under appreciated ACW commanders from both the North and South. Taken from Emerging Civil War's blog, symposia, and podcast, all essays have been revised, updated, and footnoted. Leaders covered are Abraham Lincoln, Stonewall Jackson, and John Reynolds remain well-known and even legendary. Others, like Confederate cavalry commander Earl Van Dorn, remain locked in infamy. The deaths of army commanders Albert Sidney Johnston and James McPherson and regimental leader Col. Elmer Ellsworth (the first Union officer killed) left more questions than answers about unfulfilled potential and lost opportunities. Thousands more have faded into historical obscurity. Others fell not from death or wounds but because of their own missteps or misdeeds, their reputations ruined forever. Includes 85 images and 5 maps.1 vol, 336 pgs 2023 UK, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237990 Elmark, Nils FIGHTING FOR THE FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION: Americans Who Joined the First World War in 1914 On 24 August 1914, 44 Americans joined the Foreign Legion. This book covers three of the young volunteers: David Wooster King, Alan Seeger, and Eugene James Bullard. The three men represent different pillars of the American soul, and their lives and dreams symbolize the story of how America became modern and remind us of the strong historic ties between France and America.

* David Wooster King - a 21-year-old dropout from Harvard, son of a rich businessman. King survived four years in the trenches ending as an officer in the US Army chasing German spies in Switzerland. He became a modern global adventurer and when the world went to war again David King was the first to volunteer for an even greater adventure in North Africa.

* Alan Seeger - a 26-year-old poet and dreamer from a New York family of intellectuals. Seeger was killed during the Battle of the Somme on 4 July 1916. Six weeks earlier, he wrote the famous poem, I Have a Rendezvous with Death which was to become his legacy and the favorite poem of President Kennedy. It has inspired a line of American presidents during the 20th century and is an indestructible poetic lifeline linking France and the United States of America.

* Eugene James Bullard - the last of the three legionnaires and a 19-year-old entertainer and boxer from Columbus, Georgia. His father was born a slave and his mother was Creek Indian. Although wounded at Verdun and invalided out of the French Army, Bullard became the world's first black aviator. After the war he settled in Paris and ran a bar in Montmartre before going to war for France again in 1940.1 vol, 272 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237920 Esdaile, Charles BRITISH BATTLES OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR: How Volunteers from Britain Fought Against Franco Re-examines the contribution of the British Brigaders who fought in the Spanish Civil War for the Republic against the Nationalists of General Franco. During the war the Nationalists exaggerated the importance of the International Brigades in order to demonstrate the influence of the Communists on the Republic, and the Republicans portrayed them as part of the great crusade to defend democracy.

Then, after the war, surviving Brigaders tended to overstate the part they played and the sacrifices they made. The one fact that nobody would dispute was the terrible losses sustained by the volunteers. This produced an impression that they were veritable men of iron who played a key part in the fighting and helped stave off the Nationalist victory until the eve of the Second World War. Includes detailed descriptions of major battles and impact of British performance on course of the battles. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$50.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-COM1144 Beyma, Robert OCEANS OF FIRE: WWII Pacific Wargame Area movement, strategic simulation of the Pacific Theater of Operations in World War II with an operational feel. Players command the Japanese, American, and British Commonwealth naval, air, and ground forces that fought in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. The Netherlands forces that fought in the Dutch East Indies and the Chinese forces that fought in Burma are also included. The map runs from India to the west coast of the United States and from the Aleutians to Australia. The game may be played with either two or three players. In the three-player game, a second Allied player commands the Commonwealth, Dutch, and Chinese forces.

Contains five scenarios: Introductory Solomons Islands; One-turn Midway; Two-turn Tournament Guadalcanal; Three-turn Japanese Expansion; and Eight-turn Campaign Game.

Product Information:

* Complexity: 7 out of 10 (Medium to High)
* Solitaire Suitability: 7 out of 10 (Medium)
* Time Scale: 6 Month turns with Four Rounds per turn
* Map Scale: Variable size areas
* Unit Scale: Ground: Divisions and brigades; Naval: 1 to 4 ships, more for submarines and transports; Air: About 30 aircraft per air point
* Players: 2 or 3 Players (can accommodate solitaire or team play)
* Playing Time: Approximately 3 hours per turn; Intro Scenario - 2 hours; Short Scenarios - an evening; Campaign Game - a weekend.


* Combined 34 x 43-inch game map (two unmounted map sheets)
* Two counter sheets of 1.5x.75-inch naval units and four 9/16-inch counter sheets of ground units, air units, and markers; 1080 counters in all
* Deck of 67 Event cards
* One Rulebook
* One Scenario Book
* One Naval Battle Board
* Four Player Aid cards
* Three Reinforcements cards
* Three Force Pool cards
* Three Carrier air displays
* Four 10-sided dice
* Box and Lid1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$109.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237970 Bulanda, Susan MILITARY DOGS OF WORLD WAR II This illustrated book presents an overview of how dogs were trained and used in WWII by different countries, including many stories of individual animals that served on the front lines. It also summarizes the various programs established to take care of the animals and send them home after the war.1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-COM1188 Carter, Joe Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas Dog Boats: Battle of the Narrow Seas is a solitaire, tactical-level, narrative-driven wargame. You, as Commander, will lead a squadron of 4 Royal Navy gun boats or torpedo boats on night missions against German Kriegsmarine forces in the English Channel during 1943-1944.

Dog Boats covers the months from June 1943 to June 1944. Based in either Plymouth or Lowestoft (England), your primary goal is to intercept and sink as many Kriegsmarine merchant ships and tankers as possible. But that's easier said than done, as Luftwaffe air patrols and Kriegsmarine warship patrols will do their best to stop you, along with determined Kriegsmarine convoy escorts.

Product Information:

Complexity: 5 out of 10
Solitaire Suitability: 10 out of 10 (designed for solitaire play)
Time Scale: 1 day per mission, 10 missions per month
Map Scale: Abstract
Unit Scale: Individual boats, ships, aircraft, guns, crew members, equipment, and torpedoes/mines/depth charges/rockets
Players: One (with option for two or more)
Playing Time: 20-60 minutes per mission, 5-15+ hours for full campaign game

Two Counter Sheets of 5/8 unit-counters (double-sided)
One Strategic Movement Map Board (mounted, double-sided)
One Fairmile D Gun Boat Crewmen Placement Board (Card Stock)
One Vosper 72' Crewmen Placement Board (Card Stock)
Two Combat Boards (double-sided) (Card Stock) 8.5 x 11
One Boat Damage Log Sheet (double-sided) (Laminated Card Stock)
One Boat Squadron Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)
One Enemy Warship Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)
One Enemy Merchant Ship Status Sheet (Laminated Card Stock)
One Campaign Log Sheet (Paper Pad)
One Boat #1 Crew Status Sheet (Paper Pad)
One Boats #2-#4 Crew Status Sheet (Paper Pad)
Two Tables Books
One Rule Book
Four 10-sided dice, one 6-sided die, one 20-sided die, and one 4-sided die
Two erasable markers1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, available mid August 2023 ......$69.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237890 Isaev, Alexei THE END OF THE GALLOP: The Battle for Kharkov, February-March 1943 During the course of the battle for Kharkov, Soviet forces encountered a new, powerful enemy in the shape of the Panzer divisions of the SS. These were elite mechanized formations equipped with the latest technology, which were soon to become leading participants in decisive battles in the East and the West in the second half of the war. The battles outside Kharkov between February-March 1943 were dramatic maneuvering battles and the success of both sides hung in the balance on a daily basis. Includes 35 b/w photos, 3 maps, and 5 tables1 vol, 156 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237960 Jowett, Philip THE WINTER WAR: 1939-40 In 1939, when Finland refused a number of Soviet demands, including the ceding of substantial border territories ostensibly to enable the Soviets to protect Leningrad, the Soviets responded by launching an invasion. The invasion involved a large Soviet army, with several thousand tanks, and a large air force significantly outnumbering the Finns. Although hostilities finally ended in a peace treaty that saw Finland cede 9% of its territory, Soviet losses had been heavy, and Finland retained its sovereignty.1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-238010 Kinloch, Nicholas FROM THE SOVIET GULAG TO ARNHEM: A Polish Paratrooper's Epic Wartime Journey After the Russian occupation of Poland, Stanislaw Kulik, aged 15, was deported to the Soviet gulags and put to work. If you didn't work, you didn't eat. While many died, Stanislaw managed to survive. Following the Nazis' invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, he was given an opportunity to join the Polish army being formed somewhere in the Soviet Union, but nobody knew where. After months traveling on his own through central Asia, through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Stanislaw finally reached Iraq, where he worked in a camp which processed Polish refugees.

Too young to join, the Army faked his age and eventually he was then taken by ship to Great Britain via India, where he joined with the Polish Parachute Brigade. After qualifying as a paratrooper in Scotland, he dropped at Arnhem, in Operation Market Garden, where he found himself trapped behind enemy lines. Thanks to the Dutch underground he avoided capture by the Nazis. Includes 35 mono illustrations.1 vol, 208 pgs 2023 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid August 2023 ......$45.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237880 Morisi, Paolo STEEL CENTURIONS: Italian Armoured Formations of the Second World War 1940-43 Covering the period between 1940 to 1943, describes the formation and battle performance of the major armored units such as the Ariete, Littorio, and Centauro divisions together with lesser known special forces such as the motorized X Arditi Regiment and the Raggruppamenti Esploranti (special reconnaissance units) on the battlefields of France, Greece, North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Also describes the establishment of the 1. Divisione Corazzata M. Camicie Nere (M Blackshirts Armored division) of 1943, which was fully equipped with German-supplied tanks and self propelled guns. Includes 100 b/w photos and 8 maps.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-237981 Timin, Mikhail CAMOUFLAGE, INSIGNIA AND TACTICAL MARKINGS OF THE AIRCRAFT OF THE RED ARMY AIR FORCE IN 1941: Volume 1 Despite theoretical research, Soviet aircraft camouflage was not widely used until 1941. Only after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War were the standard black-and-green camouflage and the scheme for applying the color spots approved. In the meantime, in various units and formations of the Air Force, as well as at aircraft production factories, the camouflages were often applied without observing the prescribed scheme and approved colors. The red five-pointed star insignias were applied on the Soviet airplanes in 1920s-1930s, but the shape, dimensions and locations of the insignias changed several times throughout 1941. Includes 485 b/w photos, and 262 color illustrations.1 vol, 240 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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