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Updated as of 7/25 /2024

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Weekly eFlyer: 8/17/2023

1-GFN020021 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Desert Raid Expansion Set 28mm This expansion adds two opposing forces ready for night raids in the desert, plus the new Weather Events - battle the elements as well as the enemy! Intrepid members of the LRDG and SAS travel hundreds of miles through the deserts of North Africa, braving sandstorms and extreme temperatures to raid German airfields.

28mm Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. All cards are new, adding unique options and tactics to the game.

This set contains:

14 metal miniatures including:
* The Ghost - SAS character
* 3 LRDG / SAS Troopers
* Erwin Rommel / DAK Officer
* Luftwaffe Pilot
* 5 DAK Sentries
* DAK Sergeant
* DAK Handler
* Guard Dog

12 Recruitment cards:
* 2 Requisition cards
* 2 Veteran cards
* 1 Order card
* 6 Event cards (inc. Weather Events)
* 1 Rules card


The miniatures in this set can represent either LRDG or Desert-based SAS, or a mix of both. For SAS use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent characters and sentries of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK). The cards for Seasoned Troopers represent more experienced soldiers, stationed nearby.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$75.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-GFN020022 02 HUNDRED HOURS: LRDG / SAS Reinforcements 28mm The LRDG (Long Range Desert Group) acted as guides and transport for the SAS and other Allied forces across the punishing deserts of the North African theatre, facilitating strikes hundreds of miles behind enemy lines. They often added their own firepower to SAS raids as well as completing their own separate missions.

This set contains: 4 metal LRDG / SAS figures and Bases.

The 28mm miniatures in this set can represent either LRDG or Desert-based SAS, or a mix of both.

Recruitment cards not included. For SAS use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set. For LRDG use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-GFN020023 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Reinforcements 1 28mm Reinforcements to fill out your German Afrikakorps forces. The 28mm miniatures in this set represent represent forces of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK).

This set contains:

* 2 metal DAK troopers
* 1 metal DAK handler
* 1 metal Guard Dog


Recruitment cards not included. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent DAK characters and sentries. For DAK Seasoned Troopers use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-GFN020024 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Reinforcements 2 28mm Reinforcements to fill out your German Afrikakorps forces. The 28mm miniatures in this set represent represent forces of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK).

This set contains: 4 metal DAK troopers and Bases.

Recruitment cards not included. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent DAK characters and sentries. For DAK Seasoned Troopers use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-GFN020025 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Casualties 28mm This set contains: 4 metal DAK casualties and Bases.

Recruitment cards not included. 28mm models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-N150B AIRFIELD ASSAULT SET Temporary airfields might look like easy targets... Will you dare infiltrate the base and destroy the vital supplies you find?

This set contains one each of:

* N040 Nissan / Quonset hut
* N099 Static Oil Tank
* N102 Water Bowser
* N148 Covered Storage Sheds
* N180 Renault AHN (28mm)1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK,SARISSA
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$89.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-238450 Grant, Charles A WARGAMING RETROSPECTIVE: From Pre-WW2 Onwards A personal reflection on the growth of wargaming, starting with Charles Grant's descriptions of pre-WWII gaming and then the Grant family's involvement in the hobby and the people they have known. A very personal, and at times light hearted, look at the names and games of modern wargaming.1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback, available mid September 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-908429 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 429 Articles Include:

Observation Post: New releases
Release Radar: Esoteric new releases
Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations
Desert Raids in the Dark: Interview with 02 Hundred Hours' game designer Graham Davey and his next expansion - Desert Raid.
Alesia: Caesar's Greatest Victory: Photo-heavy look at Swordpoint game featuring Alesia siegeworks
How Did I Miss . Test of Honour: Interview with ToH's designer Graham Davey
A Very Fierce and Hot Dispute: Part One -- English Civil War battle
1066 and All That: Wargaming the battles of 11th Century England
Talking Miniatures: New book Talking Miniatures. or how the Lincoln Model Railway and Wargaming Society changed the world
Tough Gut: Bolt Action Campaign book
Scratch-Building Terrain for the Doomed: Hand-craft terrain suitable for many games or genres
Patron Class triremes: Thalassa's ancient naval battles with rules for a new ship class that brings the divine powers to the tabletop
Communal Construction: Collaborative project to build a Salute gaming board recreating
the attack on the US Embassy in Saigon during the Vietnam War.
Historicon 2023: Report1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-928002 Konstam, Angus 002 GERMAN HIGH SEAS FLEET 1914-18: The Kaiser's Challenge to the Royal Navy A concise, fully illustrated account of how the entire High Seas Fleet was designed and built, how it operated, and how it fought during WWI. The fleet was a modern, balanced force of dreadnought battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers and torpedo boats, using Zeppelins and U-boats for reconnaissance. The ultimate test between them came in May 1916, when they clashed at Jutland. Explains how and why the fleet was built, its role, and how and why it fought as it did. From fighting doctrine and crew training to intelligence, logistics, and gunnery, this book is an essential guide to the Kaiser's audacious bid for naval glory.1 vol, 80 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-928001 Stille, Mark 001 JAPANESE COMBINED FLEET 1941-42: The IJN at Its Zenith, Pearl Harbor to Midway Profile of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Combined Fleet during 1941-42 period of expansion and constant victories ended at the Battle of Midway, after which the Combined Fleet was forced onto the defensive. Details the qualities and importance of IJN leadership, logistics, naval infrastructure, and Japan's shipbuilding capability, and gives an account and analysis of the IJN's combat performance during these crucial months - not just in the famous carrier battles, but also exploring lesser-known elements such as IJN amphibious forces and land-based aviation.1 vol, 80 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-968039 Napier, Michael KOREA 1950-53: B-29s, Thunderjets and Skyraiders Fight the Strategic Bombing Campaign Account of the last battles of the piston-engined aircraft era as the superpowers vied for victory in the first clash of the Cold War. The B-29s operated in a new world dominated by jet fighters and jet age technology, and developed new tactics for the strategic air campaign against North Korea. The bombers' task was to destroy North Korea's facilities for waging war, from industry and hydroelectric dams to airfields and bridges. Analyses in detail the relationship between battlefield progress, armistice negotiations and the bombing strategy developed over the complex campaign.1 vol, 80 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-977059 Galeotti, Mark 059 PUTIN TAKES CRIMEA 2014: Grey-Zone Warfare Opens the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 was almost bloodless - fought as much through propaganda, cyberattacks, and subversion as by force of arms - but it is crucial for our understanding of both modern warfare and recent Russian history. Ironically, this slick triumph eventually led to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the largest and costliest conventional war in Europe since 1945. Examines how Russia developed its new model of 'hybrid' or 'grey-zone' warfare, and planned and deployed it against Crimea, from the choreographed appearance of 'spontaneous' protesters through to the deployment of unbadged Russian elite forces.1 vol, 80 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-978129 Forsyth, Robert JU 87D/G STUKA vs T-34: Eastern Front 1942-45 Examines the nuts and bolts of 37mm cannon-armed JU 87D-5 Stukas and T-34 tanks as the Luftwaffe performed ground-attack missions against the ever-increasing Soviet tank force. Includes personal accounts and biographies of the anti-tank aces. Profusely illustrated per usual Osprey standards.1 vol, 48 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-978128 Zaloga, Steven ALLIED WARSHIPS vs THE ATLANTIC WALL: Normandy 1944 Details of the design, construction and ammunition of the weapons involved and explores the evolution of Allied naval doctrine, which was based on repeated experiences during a succession of amphibious operations, and which enabled the Allies to successfully overcome the coastal gun threat. Discusses the clash between Batterie Hamburg (defending Cherbourg) and the Allied naval bombardment group led by the battleship USS Texas on 25 June 1944.

By 1944, the French coast featured more than 1,900 coastal guns over 75mm in calibre. The Royal Navy and the US Navy provided operational mobility that allowed the Allies to strike unexpectedly across the vast coastlines of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Amphibious landings were an essential tool of Allied military strategy in World War II.1 vol, 48 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-985073 Edwards, Aaron 073 THE NORTHERN IRELAND TROUBLES: Operation Banner 1969-2007 Revised edition provides an overview of the 'Troubles' -- the British Army's deployment of over 10,000 troops in Northern Ireland (codenamed Operation Banner). Considers the strategic, operational, and tactical aspects of Operation Banner as the Army's military objectives morphed from high-profile peacekeeping into a covert war against the IRA. Using personal testimony from both sides of the sectarian divide, as well as insights from the soldiers themselves, presents an authoritative introduction to the Army's role in the Troubles, providing expert analysis of Operation Banner's successes and failures.1 vol, 144 pgs 2011 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb,expanded edtion available mid September 2023 ......$20.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238990 Orrison, Robert and Mark Wilcox ALL THAT CAN BE EXPECTED: The Battle of Camden and the British High Tide in the South, August 16, 1780 After the fall of Charleston, SC, in May 1780, the British set up outposts across SC's backcountry in an effort to secure that colony before moving into NC. American Gen. Horatio Gates led an American army, mostly comprised of untested soldiers and newly recruited VA and NC militia, south to confront the British near Camden, South Carolina. The mostly inexperienced American force found itself facing some of the best units of the British army under the command of one of its best generals, Charles Cornwallis.

The battle was an unmitigated disaster for the Americans with far-reaching consequences. Also includes a narrative tour through the South Carolina backcountry to help better understand this fascinating campaign of August 1780.1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb ......$17.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238320 Contreras, Joaquin Garcia and Malcolm Marsh BRITISH AND SPANISH RELATIONS DURING THE PENINSULAR WAR: The British Gracchi At the start of the Spanish Peninsular War (1808-1814), the climate in London was favorable to cooperation with Spain. Yet the feeling of failure soon took hold of British society due to having embarked in another long and costly war, and many felt disappointment with the scarce cooperation of Spanish troops. Among the few who defended the importance of the Spanish cause were the Wellesley brothers, the 'British Gracchi,' who together maintained this fragile alliance between both countries until the final victory over the French.

Richard, the eldest brother and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Kingdom, changed the war against France and was decisive in the success on the Iberian Peninsula. Beside him, his younger brother Henry coordinated official relations between Britain and Spain in his role as ambassador plenipotentiary in Cadiz, maintaining a climate of collaboration up to the end of the war. But the efforts of the two brothers would not have borne fruit without the intervention of a third, Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington), who, in a five-year campaign defeated the French troops which outnumbered his, liberating Portugal and Spain from Napoleon's grip. 1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late August 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238370 Cowie, Steven WHEN HELL CAME TO SHARPSBURG: The Battle of Antietam and Its Impact on the Civilians Who Called It Home Studies the impact on the local community of Sharpsburg, MD, surrounding the battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. Families lived, worked, and worshipped there. It was their home. And the horrific fighting and its aftermath turned their lives upside down. This book recounts the horrendous effect on area civilians that is rarely discussed. 1 vol, 552 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$27.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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2-223240 Markus Stein & Gerhard Bauer (volume 1) Louis Delperier, Laurent Mirouze & Christophe Pommier (volume 2) Franco-Prussian War 1870/71 - Uniforms and Equipment of the German and French Armies Two volumes in a slipcase, card slipcase, more than 2,500 colour and black-and-white photographs

Volume 1 The last of the so-called 'German wars of unification' began in July 1870. With Prussia marched not only the troops of the north German states, but from the very beginning the armies of all other German states, including the south German kingdoms. By September 1870 this 'multinational' power, initially consisting of three armies, was able to force the Imperial French Army to retreat from the borders in a series of costly battles and finally defeat it at Sedan and encircle it in Metz. After Napoleon III abdicated, the French Republic proclaimed on 4th September continued the struggle. A war of princes became a people's war, which in many ways anticipated the wars of the 20th century, including partisan warfare and the shooting of civilians.

Volume 2 Although it is less obvious than in Germany, since the two World Wars the conflict of 1870 has largely been forgotten in France. However, few events have been more decisive in the history of this country. The reign of Napoleon III had raised France to the status of a great power in the Europe of 1860. 'Master on land' at the end of the Crimean and Italian wars, by means of external operations carried out on a global scale, France followed closely behind Great Britain to become a 'master of the seas'. Nonetheless, this prosperous country, once again dominant, declared war on Prussia and paid for it by losing its continental pre-eminence forever. Additionally, the defeat allowed a bourgeois, rural and moderate republic to gain a lasting hold during this major political and social upheaval.
1 vol, 800 pgs 2020 AUSTRIA, VERLAG MILITARIA
NEW-dj in slip case [German text] ......$219.00 inc

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1-238400 Dannatt, Richard VICTORY TO DEFEAT: The British Army 1918-40 History of the mismanagement of a war-winning army between the world wars. The hard-won knowledge, experience, and strategic vision that delivered victory after victory in the closing stages of WWI was lost. In the inter-war years there was plenty of talking, but very little focus on who Britain might have to fight, and how. The failure of the army's leadership led directly to its abysmal performance in Norway and France in 1940. It is also a stark warning that we neglect to understand who our enemy might be, and how to defeat him, at the peril of our country. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238340 Osborne, Eric THE BATTLE OF MEGIDDO: Palestine 1918 The Battle of Megiddo was not only the last large cavalry offensive, but also a tribute to combined arms operations fostered over the course of WWI. Fought between 19-25 September 1918, it was the final Allied offensive of the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. The contending forces were the British Empire's EEF (Egyptian Expeditionary Force) of three infantry and one mounted corps pitted against the Ottoman-German Yildirim Army Group which numbered three weak armies with the approximate total strength of a single enemy corps. Comparable to what General Erich von Ludendorff called the 'Black Day' of the German Army (opening of the Battle of Amiens, 8 August 1918) on the Western Front, the complete Ottoman defeat would have been impossible without the application of superior logistics. Whilst Megiddo did not determine the outcome of the war in the Middle East, the ramifications of the victory decisively shaped the post-war world in the region.1 vol, 118 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238360 Perrett, Bryan BRITISH ARMOURED CAR OPERATIONS IN WORLD WAR ONE Details the history and use of the armored car, from invention onwards, and setting the history of WWI service career firmly in context. Serves as an impressive tribute to the armored car, one of the most effective weapons utilized by the allies during the course of the Great War.1 vol, 184 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238380 Rommel, Erwin and Gary Sheffield INFANTRY ATTACKS Reprint of the 1937 classic study of the art of war. Examines the tactics and leadership skills that generated successful attacks. Rommel graphically describes his own achievements, and those of his units, in the swift-moving battles on the Western Front, in the ensuing trench warfare, in the 1917 campaign in Romania, and in the pursuit across the Tagliamento and Piave rivers. As a leader of a small unit in the First World War, he proved himself an aggressive and versatile commander with a reputation for using the battleground terrain to his own advantage, for gathering intelligence, and for seeking out and exploiting enemy weaknesses.

First published in 1937, it quickly became a highly-regarded military textbook and brought its author to the attention of Adolph Hitler. Rommel was to subsequently advance through the ranks to the high command WWII. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, GREENHILL BOOKS
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$19.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238420 Buttar, Prit TO BESIEGE A CITY: Leningrad 1941-42 Examines the 900-day siege of Leningrad, with constant bombing, shelling, and starvation, during WWII. Discusses the first German offensive of January 1942 and was followed by repeated assaults and details the dramatic race to create the road across the ice of Lake Ladoga. First-hand accounts from both Soviet and German soldiers, many never previously translated, explore the horrific series of battles and assaults to life. Ultimately the determination of the defenders to hold out during this first phase of the siege and the desperate attempts to break it became a hugely significant part of Russian wartime history.1 vol, 464 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238300 Clark, Lt. Col. Major DERRICKS' BRIDGEHEAD: The History of the 92nd Division, 597th Field Artillery Battalion, and the Leadership Legacy of Col. Wendell T. Derricks First-hand account of the WWII 597th Field Artillery Battalion, 92nd Division -- the first, last, and only all-Black officered, direct-support field artillery battalion committed to combat in the history of the U.S. Army. Colonel Wendell Derricks worked to shelter his troops from the worst of the racism exhibited during the war and, due to his ability to envision an integrated postwar army, he provided unique leadership opportunities for his senior officers. The alumni of the 597th Field Artillery Battalion have an impressive record of success, many of them were inducted into the Field Artillery Hall of Fame; some served at the Pentagon, including Lieutenant Colonel Clark; and others forged successful careers in the civilian world.1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late August 2023 ......$38.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238390 Fagone, Salvo THE EYES OF MALTA: The Crucial Role of Aerial Reconnaissance and ULTRA Intelligence, 1940-1943 Examines the importance of aerial reconnaissance in all its aspects - photographic, strategic, tactical and armed - in WWII. The British, French, Americans, Germans, and Italians all used this exceptional means of observation to try to understand the enemy's strategies in advance. The reconnaissance aircraft used throughout the Mediterranean during the war were, early on, a mixed bunch of odd types often doing a job they weren't designed for. As the war progressed, the aircraft became more specialized. The same can be said for the men who flew them, many of whom are quoted at length.

Reveals the way the war in Sicily, and in the Mediterranean in general, was influenced by aerial reconnaissance. Sicily was a proving ground for many reconnaissance techniques before, during and after its eventual invasion. The highly secret Ultra intelligence service also played a decisive role, anticipating the enemy's aerial and nautical activities. Finally, the strategic position of the island of Malta supported and facilitated the Allies. Heavily bombed throughout the first few years of the war, this tenacious island resisted admirably and became a thorn in the enemy's side as its reconnaissance aircraft repeatedly revealed Italian and German activities in North Africa, the Mediterranean, Sicily, and greater Italy.1 vol, 356 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$60.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238330 Stibbe, Philip RETURN VIA RANGOON Discusses training and fighting of the Chindwin in the Burmese jungle behind Japanese lines in 1943. Describes the first Chindit expedition, led by Orde Wingate, Bernard Fergusson, and Mike Calvert, then the capture of author Philip Stibbe -- Every Chindit agreed to be left behind if wounded. Stibbe was beaten up and water-tortured, yet Stibbe only gave his brutal captors false information. After being moved around Burma, he was jailed in Rangoon until released in 1945.1 vol, 248 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late August 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238310 Bega, Amir UNDERCURRENT: Tank Commander Cadet in the Yom Kippur War Memoir of a teenage tanker who served on active duty in the Armored Corps on the front line during the Yom Kippur War. Believing himself well-trained and the Israeli army unstoppable, Bega struggles to accept the horrifying events surrounding him. His battalion was annihilated in one of the first combats by new anti-tank weaponry. He survived and joined a reserve unit, with which he fought to stop the Egyptian army from advancing beyond the first line of defense, all through the war's end.

As the war progresses, he deals with the horrific losses of both those around him and his own innocence. Tank after tank that he joins is destroyed or damaged, and he is seen as a bad omen by those still alive. Gnawed by survivor guilt, the young soldier agrees to go on a sole perilous mission to rescue an army technical unit surrounded by Egyptian commandos.1 vol, 208 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available late August 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238440 Lechner, James WITH MY SHIELD: An Army Ranger in Somalia First-hand account tells the 1993 story of how US Army Rangers were able to stand together and prevail against incredible odds. It provides a perspective of an Army Ranger fighting on the ground, combined with professional military analysis, as part of a special operations task force sent to Mogadishu, Somalia.

During the raid, following the initial dangerous fast rope insertion and subsequent capture of a group of Aideed's lieutenants, one of the Task Force Black Hawk helicopters is shot down and Lechner and his comrades are soon caught up in the fiercest combat involving US forces since the Vietnam War. In the middle of the hostile city, deep in the enemy's stronghold, the small group of Rangers and special operators now find themselves fighting not only to rescue the downed helicopter's crewmen, but also to save their own lives.1 vol, 288 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$32.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238350 Milburn, Andrew WHEN THE TEMPEST GATHERS: From Mogadishu to the Fight Against ISIS, a Marine Special Operations Commander at War Recounts combat experiences of the first Marine to command a special operations task force, recounted against a backdrop of his journey from raw Second Lieutenant to seasoned Colonel and Task Force Commander; from leading Marines through the streets of Mogadishu, Baghdad, Fallujah and Mosul to directing multi-national special operations forces in a dauntingly complex fight against a formidable foe.

The journey culminates in the story's centerpiece: the fight against ISIS in which the author is able to use the lessons of his harsh apprenticeship to lead the SOF task force under his command to hasten the Caliphate's eventual demise. Uses self-effacing candor to describe his personal struggles with the isolation of command, post-combat trauma, and family tragedy.1 vol, 336 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late August 2023 ......$33.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238430 Napier, Michael AFGHAN AIR WARS: Soviet, US and NATO operations, 1979-2021 Illustrated with over 240 images and with first-hand accounts by aircrews, discusses the application of US, UK, and USSR airpower in Afghanistan. Details their series of operations in a hostile environment as well as the advent of high-resolution targeting pods and Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) which enabled aircraft to stand off from threat areas and also to deploy their weapons with deadly accuracy. The conflict also saw the groundbreaking introduction of Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RPV) into routine air operations.1 vol, 320 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238410 Stur, Heather 21 DAYS TO BAGHDAD: General Buford Blount and the 3rd Infantry Division in the Iraq War History of the 3rd Infantry Division to Kuwait, the invasion of Iraq, and the three weeks of violent desert conflicts on the way to Baghdad before the siege and battle for the city itself, and the thunder runs that saw its fall to US forces. Details the complex security mission that required the soldiers and their commanders to convince Iraqi citizens that the US was there to help them, while at the same time they continued fighting Saddam Hussein's elite Republican Guard, paramilitary forces, and terrorists.

Discusses the long reach of the US military, the limitations of nation building in the wake of war, and the tensions between policymakers in Washington DC, and troops on the ground over the purpose and conduct of the US invasion of Iraq. Based on exclusive, extensive interview with 3rd Division commander General Buford 'Buff' Blount.1 vol, 320 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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