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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 8/31/2023

1-1994040 BOLT ACTION: Campaign: Italy: Tough Gut -- 2nd Edition Second Edition. Supplement for Bolt Action focuses on the Italian battles ranging from the Gustav Line in 1944 all the way to those of the Gothic Line in 1945, with the breakouts at Anzio and Monte Cassino of particular focus. Containing many scenarios to refight these famous battles, along with new units, special rules, and Theatre Selectors.1 vol, 176 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-WGAME58 Anderson, Kerry WARGAMER #58: Clash of Empires: The Battle for France 1914 Features:

GAME: Clash of Empires: August 1914
Designer's Notes
- for Clash of Empires
For Allah & Christ
- Knights of Justice (Wgmr-50) replay
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- Struggle for Stalingrad (Wgmr-47)
- Condottieri (Wgmr-54)
Vietnam: The Strategy of Isolation
- Game review of Vietnam (VG)1 vol, 44 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-WGAME14 Bagley, Andy WARGAMER #14: Assault on Leningrad Simulates the German Army's attempt to capture the city of Leningrad in the Autumn of 1941. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Articles also include: Crescendo of Doom; Demonstration Against the Turk (Gallipoli); Enemy at the Gates: Battle for Stalingrad; Battle for Stalingrad; Hougomont and All That (Thin Red Line); Medieval Imperialism; Poulter VC! (Blue Max replay), and more.1 vol, 60 pgs 1980 US, 3W
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00 rct

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1-WGAME47 Baslund, Chris WARGAMER #47: Struggle for Stalingrad for Stalingrad is a small game on the German's
attempt to take Stalingrad from Sept.-Dec. 1942.

- 100 counters,
- 17x22 map (areas - including special strong points, no hexes)
- eight pages of rules

Includes some fog of war as Soviet unit values are hidden until they are assaulted
1 vol, 48 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00

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1-WGAME62 Bates, Marion WARGAMER #62: Fallen Eagle: Battle of Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 1968 This game, published in The Wargamer Magazine (#62), is a simulation of the Battle of Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 1968. It depicts the defense of the U.S. Marine base at Khe Sanh against the forces of the North Vietnamese Army.

Points are scored for certain objective hexes on the map and for units eliminated. The U.S. total is subtracted from the N.V.A. total and the resulting amount determines the level of victory.

The game contains both an historical and a hypothetical 'What if the NVA performed an all-out attack?' scenario
1 vol, 44 pgs 1987 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME18 Berg, Richard WARGAMER #18: Birth of a Nation Features:

GAME: Birth of a Nation
Achtung, Zucker!
- Review of Air Force
Belgium Put the Bybosh On the Kaiser
- Guns of August
Deep From the Heart... That's Texas
- Review of Texas Revolution
Errata: Guns of August
House Divided
Ironbottom Sound
How the East Was Won
Leading Edge of Game Design
Rules Variants: Air Force
Le Paradis
- a Squad Leader scenario1 vol, 60 pgs 1981 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00

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1-WGAME29 Bolt, David WARGAMER #29: Lods 1914: Blitzkrieg in the East Features:

Tactical Successes, Strategic Failures - Historical background for the issue game
Soldiers of the Tsar, Warriors of the Kaiser
German and Russian Divisions in 1914
Review of Crisis in the Ukraine (Cent)
A Cold Day in Belgium
An Ambush (VG) replay
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming
The Empires of Napoleon1 vol, 48 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME57 Bolt, David WARGAMER #57: Race for Tunis Features:

GAME: Race for Tunis
Operation Torch: The Final Act
- Historical background to 'Race for Tunis'
The Valiant Few
- Game review of RAF (WEG)
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- Okinawa (Wgmr-55)
- Condottieri (Wgmr-54)
- Red Baron (Wgmr-48)
Strategies for The Rise of the House of Saud1 vol, 48 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 DISCOUNT:25%

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1-WGAME35 Bomba, Ty WARGAMER #35: West Wall Features:

GAME: West Wall
Breaching the West Wall
- Historical background for the issue game
The Wilderness (SimCan)
- Game Review
Royal Navy (QtrD) - 2 scenarios
Napoleon at Lutzen (Wgmr-32) - scenario
Building the West Wall
- Developer notes
- Designer notes
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming
- F15 (MicroP)
- 50 Mission Crush
Lawrence of Arabia? Allenby of Palestine!
- An alternative strategy for Lawrence (3W)
A Double Dose of Double Blind
- Review of GDW's Normandy Campaign and 8th Army1 vol, 56 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME42 Bomba, Ty WARGAMER #42: End of the Iron Dream Features:

GAME: End of the Iron Dream
End of the Iron Dream
- Designer's Notes
- Scenario Two: Let History Choose
- Game review of Vietnam rpg
Work in Progress
- SimCan's forthcoming West Wall
Variations on a Theme
- New scenarios for 3W's 20th century games
Wargaming Trivia1 vol, 44 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 inc

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1-WGAME53 Bomba, Ty WARGAMER #53: Dunkirk 1940: Operation Dynamo Features:

GAME: Dunkirk 1940: Operation Dynamo
Sichelschnitt and Dynamo
- Historical background to 'Dunkirk 1940'
Duel for Kharkov (PWG)
- Game review
- Designer's response
Main Battle Area (Omega)
- Game review
- Designer's response
Remember the Reds!
- Strategy in China Incident
Mightier Than the Sword
- Book reviews
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- War to End Wars (3W)
- Rommel at Bay (3W)
- Operation Market Garden (GDW)
- Champion Hill (S&T)
1 vol, 60 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMING MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00

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1-WGAME59 Borries, Vance von WARGAMER #59: Bloody Keren Features:

GAME: Bloody Keren: Ethiopia 1941
The Forgotten Legions
- Historical background to 'Anvil-Dragoon'
Italian East Africa: A British View
- Historical background to 'Anvil-Dragoon'
Malaya and Burma (HJ)
- Game review
Korean War (VG)
- Game review
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- Napoleon & the Archduke Charles (Wgmr-49)1 vol, 48 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-WGAME06 Broadhurst, Ken WARGAMER #6: Operation Condor: The Liberation of Spain 1942/1943 Features:

GAME: Operation Condor
The Galleys of the Turks
- Profile of the Invasion of Malta 1942 (AH)
De-Briefing: Court Martial
- Game etiquette
Scenario: new look for Eylau and Outreach
Desert Rats (SimGames)
- Design notes
Malbrouck S'en Va-t-en Guerre
The Demise of the German Infantry
- An analysis of the regular army infantry divisions 1935-1945
Blinkered PanzerBlitz (AH)
- Game replay
Case White (GDW), Blitzkrieg in Poland
- Game analysis1 vol, 42 pgs 1978 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 inc

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1-WGAME45 Close, Wayne WARGAMER #45: Custer's Luck GAME: Custer's Luck 1876 campaign. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* War for the Plains - Historical background
* World in Flames (ADG) - Game review, Examples of play, and Designer's Notes
* Russian Front (AH) - Game review
* End of the Iron Dream - errata
* Work in Progress - A prepublication look at Rommel's War (QtrD)
* La Bataille d'Auerstadt (CoA) - Game review
* and more1 vol, 46 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 rct

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1-WGAME19 Coatney, Lou WARGAMER #19: Sturm Nach Osten Features:

GAME: Sturm Nach Osten
- Russo-German War 1941-45
Never Call Retreat
- Review of Battles and Leaders (Yaq)
- Two scenarios
Inside the Third Reich
- Review of Third Reich (AH) update
Austrians to the Left of Us
- Review of La Bataille de Deutsch-Wagram (ME)
Notes from the Captain's Log
- Wooden Ships and Iron Men (AH) tactical tips
Winter Storm: Or How Not to Produce an East Front Game
- Review of Winter Storm (Vanguard)1 vol, 48 pgs 1981 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME31 Coatney, Lou WARGAMER #31: Clash of Steel GAME: Clash of Steel. WWII strategic Eastern Front. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* Clash of Steel - Game System and Strategy, Examples of play, and Strategic Options & Scenarios
* Challenging the Future - Review of Assault (GDW)
* A Gleam of Bayonets (TSR) - Game Review
* and more1 vol, 64 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME37 Cochran, Laurel WARGAMER #37: China Incident GAME: China Incident
The Generalissimo's War
- Historical background for the issue game
- The Armies of '37
Killer Angels (WEG)
- Game review
Clash of Steel (Wgmr-31)
- Replay of 3W's recent double-blind game
Chariots of Fire
- Game review of Druid (WEG)
3W Wargaming Trivia
Errata: Lutzen
Changing the Guard
- Interview with the new editor of F&M: Wallace Poulter
Home Front
- Behind the scenes at 3W 1 vol, 48 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-WGAME38 Cochran, Laurel WARGAMER #38: Hell Hath No Fury Features:

GAME: Hell Hath No Fury
Boudica's Vengeance
- Historical background for the issue game
Bull Run (AH) vs Forward to Richmond (3W)
- Comparative game review
- Designer's response (Bull Run)
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming
- Breakthrough in the Ardennes (SSI)
- War in Russia (SSI)
Hitler Turns Against Russia (Task)
- Game review
- Designer's response
Hoist the Jolly Roger
- Review of Spanish Main (Hartland)
Forward to Washington
- Strategy in A House Divided (GDW)
Hell Hath No Fury
- Questions and answers1 vol, 48 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$5.00 inc

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1-WGAME39 Cochran, Laurel WARGAMER #39: Hellfire Pass Features:

GAME: Hellfire Pass
Struggle for the Frontier
- Historical background for the issue game
Work in Progress
- A look ahread to End of the Iron Dream (3W)
The Return of Milton Bradley
- Reviews of Conquest of the Empire,
Axis & Allies, and Broadsides & Boarding Parties
Vietnam (VG)
- Another view
The Bricks We Dropped
- Design changes and errata to West Wall
Liberating Ancient Britain
- A Tribal strategy for Hell Hath No Fury
- Game review1 vol, 46 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00 inc

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1-WGAME60 Cochran, Laurel WARGAMER #60: Anvil-Dragoon: Southwall 1944 Features:

GAME: Anvil-Dragoon: Southwall 1944
The Huntsman is Hungry
- Historical background to 'Anvil-Dragoon'
A Gamer's Second Look at Vietnam
- Game review of Vietnam (VG)
Yamato (QtD/HJ)
- Game Rreview
Power - The Game
- Game review1 vol, 42 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-JAGD001 Cole, Stephen JAGDPANTHER: Airborne! A tactical game of airborne operations from 1930 to present. A variant of Jagdpanther's Marine! game.

AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00 inc

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1-JAGD309 Cole, Stephen JAGDPANTHER MAGAZINE Vol 3, #9: Goetterdaemmerung This is a wargame on the final Allied and Soviet offensives to take Nazi Germany in 1945. It has two scenarios, February 1945 and the Downfall (April 1945) scenarios.1 vol, 23 pgs 1975 US, JAGDPANTHER PUBLICATIONS
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00 inc

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1-JAGD310 Cole, Stephen JAGDPANTHER MAGAZINE Vol 3, #10: Marine! A tactical game of U.S. Marine Corps operations.

Nine scenarios include rescue of PoW's, installation raids and an army/marine exercise.1 vol, 23 pgs 1975 US, JAGDPANTHER PUBLICATIONS
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$25.00 inc

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1-JAGD311 Cole, Stephen JAGDPANTHER MAGAZINE Vol 3, #11: The March on India, 1944 This is a wargame on the battles of Imphal and Kohima 1944.
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$45.00 inc

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1-JAGD414 Cole, Stephen JAGDPANTHER MAGAZINE Vol 4, #14: Warsaw Pact This is a NATO vs Warsaw Pact game with three scenarios (1967, 1973, and the 1980s) with variant rules. The game scale is 30 mile hexes and 5 day turns. The map runs from Denmark to Turkey.
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$45.00 inc

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1-JAGD415 Cole, Stephen BATTLEFIELD MAGAZINE Vol 4, #15: Jacksonville: The Beaches of Doom Jacksonville: the Beaches of Doom is a hypothetical 'what if?' depiction of an invasion of the USA. in 1997, following a major War in Europe by about 15 years, according to the game description. Published in JagdPanther magazine which was renamed BATTLEFIELD as of this issue #15, OCT 1976. This was also the final issue of the magazine.1 vol, 31 pgs 1976 US, JAGDPANTHER PUBLICATIONS
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$25.00 inc

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1-WGAME43 Dangel, Paul WARGAMER #43: Wellington vs Massena Features:

GAME: Wellington vs Messena
Wellington vs Messena at Fuentes D'Onoro
- Historical background for the issue game
Operation Battleaxe Thoughts and Reflections
- Strategy in Hellfire Pass
Campaign in the East
- Game review of Lebensraum (SimCan)
Restoring Roman Order or How Paulinus Can Win
- Roman strategy in Hell Hath No Fury
One Gamer's Perspective
- Origins '85 Report
Holy Roman Empire - errata1 vol, 46 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME51 Faulkner, Bob WARGAMER #51: Duel in the Desert Features:

Duel in the Desert: Historical background to 'Duel in the Desert'
Pacific Fleet (HJ): Game review
North and South: Civil War trivia
Hell Hath No Fury (Wgmr-38): Game replay1 vol, 48 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-WGAME11 Fowler, Bob WARGAMER #11: Fortress Europa, Chinese Civil War, Four Battles of the Crimean War Features:

Editors Choice: Keith Poulter looks at Jedko's Fortress Europa
Tactics in Chinese Civil War: 1946-1949 by Mark Sallis
A Methodology of Wargame Design by Bob Fowler
Nor the Battle to the Strong: Donald Mack takes a closer look at SPI's Crimean War Battles (aka 'Four Battles of the Crimean War')
Rheinubung Revisited: John Prados and Jack Greene on AH's Bismarck
Campaign Ideas for Armada: The War With Spain 1585-1604 by James C Gordon
The Visurgis Strategy: a new look at Caesar's Legions
ISSUE GAME Simon de Montfort Henry III versus the barons on the thirteenth century England
WWW News
Thoughts and reflections: Jack Greene
Opponents Wanted
Question Box
Swapshop1 vol, 48 pgs 1980 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched and missing cover, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME34 Furey, Ted WARGAMER #34: Khyber Rifles Features:

GAME: Khyber Rifles
Afghanistan: Britain's Imperial Migraine
- Historical background for the issue game
State of the Art
- Graphics in Wargaming
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming
- Combat Leader (SSI)
- TAC (AH)
South Mountain (WEG)
- Game Review
- Example of Play
- Overwatch, book
- 1809 (VG)
- Moscow '41 (Vigard)
Ace of Aces Flying Machines
- Game variant1 vol, 64 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME44 Greene, Jack WARGAMER #44: MacArthur: The Road to Bataan GAME: MacArthur: The Road to Bataan 1941-1942. Counters unpunched

Magazine Features:
* A Tale of Two Plans - Historical background
* We Have the Ships - Strategy in 3W's Port Stanley
* Pax Britannica (VG) - Game review
* Dreams of Iron - Strategy for End of the Iron Dream
* Mightier Than the Sword - Book reviews
* and more1 vol, 46 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME61 Guthrie, W.P. WARGAMER #61: Campaigns of Marlborough Features:

Over the Hills and Far Away - Historical background to 'Campaigns of Marlborough'
Manchester Board Wargamers - Thoughts on the Club Concept
War to End Wars (3W) - Game Review
Errata for Anvil-Dragoon: Southwall 19441 vol, 44 pgs 1987 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 rct

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1-WGAME16 Harries, Meic WARGAMER #16: Carrier Strike Features:

Punch Counter-Punch: Union strategy in Forward to Richmond (3W), Optional rules and clarifications
Changing the Guard at SPI: Along the Cardboard Battle Front, Putting a ZOC in it, ZOC usage in game design
Capturing Cassino the SPI Way: Game strategy for Battle for Cassino (SPI), How Many Miles to Gettysburg?, First report on Lee at the Crossroads, Designer reply
Command Reaction for The Solitaire Player1 vol, 56 pgs 1981 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00 inc

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1-WGAME17 Hind, James WARGAMER #17: Napolean at Austerlitz An elegant design, with just 9 pages of rules, plus 4 of historical background, 2 pages of charts and tables and a page of designers notes.

Scenarios-The Lower Goldbach, Lannes vs Bagration, Pratzen Heights, and The Campaign game.1 vol, 60 pgs 1981 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-WGAME04 Hind, Jim WARGAMER #4: Blenheim Features:

GAME: Blenheim
Acadian Campaign
All Male Autumn Convention
Bias in Wargaming
Caesar's Legions
D-Briefing: Musket and Pike
Eylau Addenda
Float Like a Battleship Sting Like a Bomber
Scenario: CA
Scenario: Fast Carriers
Scenario: Frigate
Scenario: Musket and Pike
Spotlight: Waterloo1 vol, 30 pgs 1977 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$35.00 inc

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1-WGAME12 Hind, Jim WARGAMER #12: Aces High The war in the air 1914-1918, published in The Wargamer Magazine issue 12 and later in a box.

Simultaneous movement game includes data on 72 different types of aircraft (speed, flying qualities, armament, ability to absorb punishment, etc.). Includes rules for stalls, spins, ropey (unreliable) engines, aircrew quality, spotting, anti-aircraft fire, and more. Mission types include photo-reconnaissance to balloon busting to bombing. Counters unpunched.1 vol, 60 pgs 1980 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME28 Hind, Jim WARGAMER #28: Port Stanley: Battle for the Falklands GAME: Port Stanley: Battle for the Falklands. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* The Reason Why - Historical background to the Falklands War
* The Naval War
* La Fuerza de Nuestra Fuerza - The Argentine air war
* Amphibious Victory - The British Perspective
* Port Stanley: Battle for the Falklands - Designer's Notes
* Panzers to the Left, Panzers to the Right
* New releases from West End and People's War Games
* Gazala (PWG)
* To the Wolf's Lair (PWG)
* Aachen (PWG)
* Jack Radey Replies
* Last Panzer Victory (WEG)
* Operation Badr (WEG)
* Developer Notes from West End Games
* Grant Moves South (QtrD) - Game Review, Accuracy Counts, and The Last Word
* And more1 vol, 60 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 rct

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1-WGAME56 Joslyn, Mike WARGAMER #56: First Team: Vietnam Features:

GAME: First Team: Vietnam
First Team: Vietnam
- Historical background to 'First Team'
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- Glory Road (Wgmr-52)
- Rommel At Bay (3W)
- Dunkirk 1940 (Wgmr-53)
- Condottieri (Wgmr-54)
St. Lo (WEG)
- Game review1 vol, 48 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00

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1-WGAME08 Latter, Bob WARGAMER #8: Albuera & Vittoria Features:

GAME: Albuera/Vittoria
Alma and the Squads
Bandits, Angels and all that (Air Force)
De-Briefing: To Glory We Steer
- Frigate (SPI)
Little Big Fight (Stonewall)
Scenario: Repairs on the Drive to Stalingrad
Third Reich (An Analysis)
Tobruk on Five Shiilings a Day (Desert Rats)
Wellington in the Peninsula
Where Shining Popocatapetl in the Sunlght Stands (Veracruz)1 vol, 48 pgs 1979 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$35.00 inc

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1-WGAME46 Markham, Robert WARGAMER #46: The Rise of the House of Sa'ud GAME: The Rise of the House of Sa'ud. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* The Rise of the House of Sa'ud - Background to the issue game
* The Royal Navy (QtrD) - Game review
* World War II ETO (TSR) - Game review
* Descent into Hell - Game review of Operation Market Garden (GDW)
* 1941 - A variant for Axis & Allies (MB)
* and more1 vol, 48 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$15.00 rct

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2-WGAME46 Markham, Robert WARGAMER #46: The Rise of the House of Sa'ud GAME: The Rise of the House of Sa'ud. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* The Rise of the House of Sa'ud - Background to the issue game
* The Royal Navy (QtrD) - Game review
* World War II ETO (TSR) - Game review
* Descent into Hell - Game review of Operation Market Garden (GDW)
* 1941 - A variant for Axis & Allies (MB)
* and more1 vol, 48 pgs 1985 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAME26 McWilliams, Bob WARGAMER #26: Race to the Meuse GAME: Race to the Meuse Battle of the Bulge Counters unpunched

Magazine Features:
* Historical background to issue game
* Hit the Deck, Then Shuffle It! - An Introduction to UpFront (AH)
* Ambush (VG) - Game Review
* Series Replay - Decision at Kasserine (3W)
* and more 1 vol, 46 pgs 1983 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME32 McWilliams, Bob WARGAMER #32: Napoleon at Lutzen GAME: Napoleon at Lutzen. Counters Unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* Lutzen - Historical background and Designer Notes
* Paying the Toll on Hell's Highway - A winning strategy for Hell's Highway (VG)
* Just One More Jump... - Game Review of Arnhem Bridge (Attactix)
* Rommel in the Desert (GameP/Columbia) - Game Review and Designer's Response
* A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming - Carrier Force (SSI), After Pearl (Superware), and TSKFRC 58 (Jagdstaffel)
* Games Rating Chart
* Brigade Level Games of the Civil War - Comparative analysis of: Fury in the West, Gettysburg '77, Forward to Richmond, and Pickett's Charge
* and more1 vol, 64 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME24 Nord, Roger WARGAMER # 24: Lawrence of Arabia GAME: Lawrence of Arabia. Counters unpunched.

Magazine Feature Articles:
* Sheikh Down in Araby
* VI Caesars
* What Brand of Whiskey: A House Divided
* Combat: Infantry Combat by Gameform
* Third Reich: Middle Years: Strategy
* The Bruneval Raid: Squad Leader
* And more.1 vol, 48 pgs 1983 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-WGAME55 Nord, Roger WARGAMER #55: Okinawa: The Bloodiest Battle in the Pacific Features:

GAME: Okinawa
The Last Samurai
Weapons and Tactics
The Kamikazes
- Historical background to 'Okinawa'
M*A*S*H Clarification & Errata
- Dunkirk 1940 (Wgmr-53)1 vol, 56 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$20.00 rct

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1-WGAME07 Pollard, Bob WARGAMER #7: Marston Moor 'Marston Moor' is a wargame simulation of the largest battle of the English Civil War. Fought in the county of Yorkshire, this battle decided the fate of the North and influenced the ultimate course of the war.1 vol, 42 pgs 1978 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover punched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 inc

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1-238820 Various BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO STRATEGY GAMES Similar in concept to Jim Dunnigan's book The Complete Wargames Handbook, the publication was intended as an introduction for novices to the hobby. Chapters included a welcome to wargaming (called 'strategy gaming' in this publication), a section on 'the basics' explaining such things as charts, maps, and counters, a glossary of terminology, notes on solitaire play, guides to computer gaming, multi-player grand strategy games, principles of war, an article on naval games, a two part article on how play the included introductory wargame, 'A Beginners' Wargame Library', and a final chapter on how to get started in the hobby.1 vol, 64 pgs 1986 US, DECISION GAMES
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 inc

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1-916486 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 486 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 inc

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1-BPLAN000 Various BATTLEPLAN WITH GAME: Issues 1-8 OMM just acquired a collection of BATTLEPLAN magazines. All are in excellent condition and most wargames are unpunched. Although some duplicate issues, the majority of issues are only one copy. First come first served.

01: Fortress Europa Variant with Counters (unpunched) - $25
02: World in Flames, Fallschirmjager, Supremacy - $10
03: Axis & Allies and War in Europe Mega-Variants (unpunched) - $15
04: Ambush! - Mission 17, Block Party (unpunched) - $10
05: Guns of August (unpunched) - $25
06: Central America Scenario, A House Divided Variant, Axis & Allies Technologies - $10
07: Zulu War and Fortress America Variants - $20
08: Deluxe Third Reich Issue with w/map (unpunched) - $301 vol, 60 pgs 1985-2000 US, XTR
V.GOOD-softcover, unpunched and punched game. First come first served ......$0.00 inc

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1-WGAME000 Various THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE WITH GAME: Issues 04-62 OMM just acquired a large collection of THE WARGAMER magazines 04 thru 62 that include the wargames. All are in excellent condition and most wargames are unpunched. Although some duplicate issues, the majority of issues are only one copy. First come first served.

04: Blenheim (unpunched) -$35
05: Kesserling (punched) -$25
06: Operation Condor: The Liberation of Spain 1942/1943 (punched) -$20
07: Marston Moor (punched) - $10
08: Albuera & Vittoria (unpunched) - $35
09: Bloody Buna (unpunched) - $30
10: Chinese Civil War 1946-49 (unpunched) - $35
11: Fortress Europa, Chinese Civil War, (4) Battles of the Crimean War (punched, no cover) - $10
12: Aces High (unpunched) - $10
14: Assault on Leningrad (unpunched) - $15
15: Drive on Damascus (punched) - $20
16: Carrier Strike (unpunched) - $15
17: Napolean at Austerlitz (unpunched) - $10
18: Birth of a Nation (unpunched) - $15
19: Sturm Nach Osten (punched) - $10
21: Siege at Peking (punched) - $20
22: No Trumpets, No Drums: The Vietnam War 1965-1975 (unpunched) - $15
23: Decision at Kasserine (unpunched) - $15
24: Lawrence of Arabia (unpunched) - $10
26: Race to the Meuse (unpunched) - $10
27: Peter the Great (unpunched) - $10
28: Port Stanley: Battle for the Falklands (unpunched) - $20
29: Lods 1914: Blitzkrieg in the East (punched) - $10
31: Clash of Steel (unpunched) - $10
32: Napoleon at Lutzen (unpunched) - $10
33: Holy Roman Empire (unpunched) - $20
34: Khyber Rifles (unpunched) - $10
35: West Wall (unpunched) - $10
37: China Incident (unpunched) - $10
38: Hell Hath No Fury (punched) - $5
39: Hellfire Pass (unpunched) - $15
40: Fight on the Beaches (unpunched) - $15
41: O'Connor's Offensive (unpunched) - $20
42: End of the Iron Dream (unpunched) - $20
44: MacArthur: The Road to Bataan (unpunched) - $10
45: Custer's Luck (unpunched) - $20
46: The Rise of the House of Sa'ud (unpunched) - $15; (punched) - $10
47: Struggle for Stalingrad (unpunched) - $15
48: Red Baron (unpunched) - $20
49: Napoleon and the Archduke Charles: The Battle of Aspern-Essling (unpunched) - $10
51: Duel in the Desert (unpunched) - $10
53: Dunkirk 1940: Operation Dynamo (unpunched) - $15
54: Condottieri: Soldiers of Fortune (unpunched) - $10
55: Okinawa: The Bloodiest Battle in the Pacific (unpunched) - $20
56: First Team: Vietnam (unpunched) - $20
57: Race for Tunis (unpunched) - $10
58: Clash of Empires: The Battle for France 1914 (unpunched) - $10
59: Bloody Keren (unpunched) - $10
60: Anvil-Dragoon: Southwall 1944 (unpunched) - $10
61: Campaigns of Marlborough (unpunched) - $20
62: Fallen Eagle: Battle of Khe Sanh, Vietnam, 1968 (unpunched) - $101 vol, 60 pgs 1980'S US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, Most 1 copy each available, First Come, First Served ......$0.00

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1-216651 Benge, Bob HISTORICAL BATTLELINES: American Civil War Data Book Covers the Union and Confederate Armies' infantry, cavalry and artillery units. The heart of this book is the extensive list of Federal, Confederate, State, and Irregular Regiments, and Cannons and Rifles used during the war. In all, there are over 2,500 Union and 1,900 Confederate Regiments, 2,500 Union and 780 Confederate General Listings, 40 Union and 20 Confederate Rifles, 180 Union and 230 Confederate Cannons, and 230 Union and 80 Confederate Ship classes listed in this book. Each regiment has its listed stats from the start of the war.

Also included in the book are Notes and Special Rules that apply specifically to the War. Notes covering Stands in the Army Tables, Flying Artillery, and Legion Units and Special Rules covering Legion Units, Weapons Smoke, Grenades, Land Mines, and Observation Balloons.
Finally, the original American BattleLines Army Tables are included for those who still like to generate their own units and the extensive Bibliography that was used to prepare this work. These pages are included in two appendices in the back of the book. Overall, ODGW has tried to include everything that the player needs to generate any battle fought during the American Civil War and hopes that you enjoy the book! 1 vol, 234 pgs 2023 US, OLD DOMINION GAMEWORKS
NEW-Loose-Leaf - US 3-Hole Punch ......$35.00 inc

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1-237790T Mandzy, Adrian and Tod Kershner WAR IN THE AGE OF PERICLES: 500 to 400 BCE - Morale Tokens 30 Green, Yellow, Blue and Orange tokens1 vol, 32 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-bag of morale tokens ......$10.00 inc

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1-ST157 Miranda, Joseph S&T #157: Roman Civil War Roman Civil War is a two player wargame covering the battles between Pompey and Julius Caesar. The game is strategic in scale, with units representing legions, fleets and allied units on both sides. The mapsheet, overlaid with a hexagonal grid, covers the important areas of the Roman empire, including Italy, Greece, Asia and Egypt. Off-board areas represent surrounding areas such as Spain, Gaul and Syria.

Game components consist of a mapsheet, counters, rules and game charts.1 vol, 78 pgs 1993 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00 rct

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1-ST177 Miranda, Joseph S&T #177: The Hundred Years War The game recreates the wars fought between England and France between 1337 and 1453. Each game turn represents 1 year. Each unit represents leaders or 1-2000 soldiers. The units are either English (red), French (blue) or independent (white). The map is divided into areas not hexes and comes with 280 counters.

Victory is determined by comparing each major powers victory point total with its initial resource value. Victory points are awarded for occupation of capital cities, the total treasury value of occupied areas and in its own treasury. Areas with shared ownership have shared treasury points.1 vol, 54 pgs 1996 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00

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1-ST148 Grace, Michael S&T #148: Cropredy Bridge: A Fleeting Victory Features:

Cropredy Bridge
The Battle of Cropredy Bridge
- A Fleeting Victory, 29-June-1644
Remember Pearl Harbor!
Soviet Organization and Tactics in Afghanistan
Profile: Homer Lea
- Forgotten Grand Strategist
Data File
- Bloody Reign of Ivan the Terrible
- Objective Tunis (S&T 140) 1 vol, 60 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00

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2-ST151 Miranda, Joseph S&T #151: The Battle of Friedland 1807 & Battle of Vittoria 1813 Features:

Napoleonic Battes System: Friedland
The Napoleonic Revolution in Battle
Raphia nd the Military System of Alexander's Successors 1 vol, 64 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 inc

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1-WGAME49 Poulter, Kieth WARGAMER #49: Napoleon and the Archduke Charles: The Battle of Aspern-Essling Features:

GAME: Napoleon and the Archduke Charles
- The Battle of Aspern-Esling
Napoleon's First Defeat
- Historical background for issue game
No Dice Please, We're British
- Review of Clash of Empires (TFP) and Iron and Fire (TFP), miniatures
From the Fury of the Norsemen, Dear Lord, Deliver Us
- Review of Norseman1 vol, 40 pgs 1986 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00

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1-ST143 Berg, Richard S&T #143: Rio Grande: The Battle of Valverde Features:

Rio Grande: The Battle for Valverde, 21 Feb 1862
Profile: Ardant du Picq
- The Art of Tactical Analysis
Light Infantry and the Demise of the
Post-Frederican Prussian Army
Data File
- Montecuccoli: Forgotten Military Genius1 vol, 64 pgs 1991 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-238830 Bearss, Edwin OUTWITTING FORREST: The Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi, June 22 - July 23, 1864 Reprint of historian Edwin C. Bearss' classic study on the little-known Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi from June 22-July 23, 1864. Editor David A. Powell left Bearss's prose and notes intact, while adding additional sources and commentary of his own.

The engagement came about when Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith marched a Federal expeditionary force (his XVI Army Corps) into northern Mississippi in early July 1864. The thrust forced a response, the largest of which was delivered by the combined Confederate cavalry of Stephen D. Lee (who was in general command) and Forrest.

The tactical result was a Union defensive success. The larger Confederate strategic play, however-one that might have impacted the course of the war in the Western Theater-would have been to unleash Forrest on a raid into Middle Tennessee to destroy the single line of railroad track feeding and supplying the Union armies of William T. Sherman in his ongoing operations around Atlanta. Instead, his troopers were contained within the Magnolia State, where his combat effectiveness was severely curtailed.1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 US, SAVAS BEATIE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$30.00 DISCOUNT:15% inc

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1-ST169 Markam, Robert ST #169: The Atlanta Campaign: Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro Two complete ACW games

Four separate American Civil War games released over 2 issues of Strategy & Tactics magazine, based on Blue & Gray system. The updated game system is named Battles of the American Civil War ; it is also referred to as Second Edition Blue & Gray. The Series Rules have been updated and the Standard Rules may be used in playing previous published games in the series. This Second Edition series started with Seven Days Battles covering battles from the Penninsula Campaign, and continued through Savage Station and Olustee.

Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro appeared in S&T #169.
Atlanta & Ezra Church appeared in S&T #170.
1 vol, 80 pgs 1994 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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2-ST169 Markam, Robert ST #169: The Atlanta Campaign: Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro Two complete ACW games

Four separate American Civil War games released over 2 issues of Strategy & Tactics magazine, based on Blue & Gray system. The updated game system is named Battles of the American Civil War ; it is also referred to as Second Edition Blue & Gray. The Series Rules have been updated and the Standard Rules may be used in playing previous published games in the series. This Second Edition series started with Seven Days Battles covering battles from the Penninsula Campaign, and continued through Savage Station and Olustee.

Peachtree Creek & Jonesboro appeared in S&T #169.
Atlanta & Ezra Church appeared in S&T #170.
1 vol, 80 pgs 1994 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover just game unpunched, (1) copy available ......$5.00 inc

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1-ST179 Miranda, Joseph S&T #179: The First Afghan War, 1839-42 First Afghan War demonstrates the significant features of warfare in this era, including the great variety in weapons types, the importance of supply, leadership, and the meddling of the Home Office. Players must use organizational as well as tactical capabilities to win.1 vol, 54 pgs 1996 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00

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1-ST126 Hitchman, Richard S&T #126: Beirut '82 Features:

Beirut'82: Arab Stalingrad
For Your Information
- Las Malvinas: Argentine Perspective on the Falklands War
Beirut Under Fire
- Operation Iron Brain
Low Intensity Conflict
- Warfare in the Modern World
U.S. Special Operations KIAs on Grenada
The Role of Cuba's Expeditionary Force in Angola
- Part 1, The Internationalist Mission
- Fortress Stalingrad
- Campaigns in the Valley1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, SPI
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-ST176 Moore, Perry S&T #176: Blood on the Tigris Blood on the Tigris: The Iraq Campaign 1914-1917 is a simulation of the 1914-1917 British/Indian campaign in Mesopotamia during the Great War.

It has 1 22x34' map and 220 counters in 2 sheets (140 & 80).
Scale is 6 miles per hex, 1 month per turn. Units are battalions, regiments and brigades.

There are 3 scenarios, including the 30 turns campaign.

It is of low complexity for this sort of game, having 7 pages of rules.1 vol, 64 pgs 1996 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00

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1-ST118 Bomba, Ty S&T #118: The Tigers Are Burning Features:

The Tigers Are Burning: Campaigns in the Ukraine, 1943-44
One Year on the Verge of Ruin, One Year on the Verge of Victory
- Army Group South and the Red Army
Nine Days During August 1862
- Cavalry Action Between the Rapidan and the Rappahannock 1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-ST128 Brown, Jeff S&T #128: Africa Orientale: Italian East Africa Features:

* Africa Orientale: The Allied Blitzkreig of Italian East Africa
* The End of Italian East Africa
* The First Golden Era: S&T and Me, The Perils of Youth, Twenty Years On SPI
Errata: Rush to Glory, Beirut '82

Game: Africa Orientale (linked to GDW Europa game system) Unpunched counters.1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-ST152 Desch, John S&T #152: Case Green: The War for Czechoslovakia 1938 Features:

Case Green: The War for Czechoslovakia 1938
Case Green: Nazis vs Czeches in 1938
Profile: Great Military Leaders
- T.E.Lawrence
Friedland / Vittoria Order of Battle
Conflict Analysis:
- The American Civil War: Tactical Doctrine
The Army and Alexander the Great's Successors
Tactical Notebook
- The USMC in the Interwar Period
- Colonial Armies 1900
- Tactics Made Simple
- Franco-Prussian War (S&T-149) 1 vol, 64 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-ST172 Desch, John S&T #172: Molotov's War: Russo-Finnish War 1939-40 Molotov's War: Russo-Finish Conflict, 1939-40 is a two-player simulation of the war that took place between the Soviet Union and Finland during the Winter of 1939-1940. This is a game of intermediate complexity in which the two players command the forces of Finland and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Player must gain certain territorial objectives in Finland; the Finnish Player must prevent this from happening.1 vol, 80 pgs 1995 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00

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1-ST178 Kutta, Timothy S&T #178: First Blood: Guadalcanal The contents of the game include: the RULES Folder(8)-pages; a thick paper CHART; a Sheet of adhesive backed counters(over 150); & a (4)-COLOR 11' by 17' thick paper Mapsheet; while players will need to provide their OWN 6-sided DIE.

The RULES contain the following sections of note: Off-board Movement; Artillery; I.J.N. Naval Units; U.S. Engineers; Airstrip Capacity; Air Units; Brief Historical Commentary; Counters mounting advice; & the Turn Sequence on the back page. The Counters are RED/WHITE(Japanese)& BLUE/WHITE(U.S.) which are Battalion level for ground units, Air Unit Squadrons, individual Ships(Destroyers), Damaged & Destroyed Airfield markers, & Off-board Movement markers. There are MANY different Combat Unit types as well as various Aircraft depicted in this although for game purposes, these are of either Fighter or Bomber types(and F4F-Wildcats can be considered as either).

The Game Chart is printed with the Setup-/Reinforcements-/Combat Results Explanations on one side with a Units-/Terrain Identification Charts on the reverse. Players may want to copy this prior to play for EACH player to have available. The game Mapsheet covers the area around Henderson Field and it's environs. Also on the Mapsheet are: the seperate Japanese & American Attack Tables; Terrain Movement Cost/Defense Modifiers Table; Off-board Movement Boxes; Reinforcements Starting locations; and BOXES for I.J.A.F. & I.J.N. - Reserve & Attack; and U.S.A.F. Reserve, C.A.P., & Ground Attack.

The Turn Sequence is as follows: 1.Japanese Reinforcement phase; 2.Japan. Movement phase; 3.Japan. Combat phase; 4.Japan. Supply Resolution phase; 5.Japan. Strategic phase; 6., 7., 8.,-U.S.Player's similar to Japanese 1st 3-phases; 9.U.S. Engineer phase; 10.U.S. Air phase; 11.Check Victory Conditions or begin NEW turn. Overall, a very professional appearing production considering it's subject matter & their operating strictures while the graphics are very detailed, especially for the Aircraft types depicted.1 vol, 64 pgs 1996 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$30.00

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1-ST122 Markam, Robert S&T #122: Pegasus Bridge Pegasus Bridge: The Beginning of D-Day
'The Other Side of the Hill'
- Memoirs
The Other BEF
German Aerial Reconnaissance in WWII
Errata, Q&A
- Eckmuhl
- Nicaragua
- Horse Soldiers
- Indian Mutiny 1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00 rct

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1-ST107 Prados, John S&T #107: Warsaw Rising Features:

Pleasant Hill: The Red River Campaign
Wargames Writ Large
Berg's Review of Games
- Russian Front (AH)
- Rise of the House of Sa'ud (Wgmr-46)
- Operation Thunderclap (SGP)
- Julius Caesar (TSR/SPI)
Moves Replays
- 13: Colonies in Revolt, scenario, errata, designer notes
Moves Forward Observer
- Command and Design: A Perspective 1 vol, 64 pgs 1986 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00 rct

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1-ST150 Schettler, John S&T #150: The Italian Campaign: Salerno Features:

The Italian Campaign: Salerno
The Salerno Invasion
- Background and Analysis
Tactical Notebook
- Guderian's Newsletter
- Upton's Armiers of Europe and Asia
Weapons and Tactics of the Franco-Prussian War
Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Army and World Empire
- Holy War (S&T-147)1 vol, 64 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00

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1-ST155 Schettler, John S&T #155: The Italian Campaign: Anzio The Italian Campaign Series: Anzio, is the third of four operational level games (Sicily, Salerno, Anzio and Med War) simulating the Battle for Italy in World War II using the Westwar Gaming System developed by Vanguard Games. This game completes 'The Italian Campaign' series land game and cannot be played by itself... ownership of Salerno is required. The game was first published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #155. Errata was published in S&T #157.

Five scenarios and two campaign games are provided. Each one uses counters and/or maps from the Salerno game. There are also linking rules with The Italian Campaign: Sicily. Victory is determined by the scenario being played.

Errata is also included for the first two games in the series.

Game Scale:
Turn: 1 to 2 days
Hex: 5 miles
Unit: Company to Brigade

Game Inventory:
One 22' X 34' mapsheet
One countersheet (200 1/2' counters)
One 20 page rule booklet
1 vol, 64 pgs 1992 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-ST160 Schettler, John ST #160: The Italian Campaign Series: Medwar The Italian Campaign Series: MedWar, is the fourth & final game in the series. This game adds a strategic map of the Mediterranean Sea around Italy and adds full Air and Naval operations to the game system. The game cannot be played by itself... ownership of Sicily, Salerno, and Anzio, are required. This game was first published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #160.

Numerous scenarios and campaign games are provided. Each one uses counters and maps from all of the preceding games in the series. Victory is determined by the scenario being played.

Eleven pages of additional errata and clarifications for rules, maps, and counters are also included in the S&T magazine for all of the games in the series.

Game Scale:
Turn: 1 to 2 days
Hex: 5 miles
Unit: Company to Brigade

Game Inventory:
One 22' X 34' mapsheet
One countersheet (240 1/2' counters)
One 20 page rule booklet
1 vol, 80 pgs 1993 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$40.00 rct

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1-ST132 Sprock, Mark S&T #132: Iron Cross Features:

Iron Cross
- Man-to-Man combat on the Eastfont 1941-42
For Your Information
- Date File: The Introduction of Firearms to Japan
- Modern Notes: The Third World and the Proliferation of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'
Iron Cross
- The Infantry Battle at Khristishche
Moritvri te Salvtanti! The Gladiators
- A Military Systems series article
Update: More Fighting in Beirut 1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-ST174 Miranda, Joseph S&T # 174: Indo-Pakistani Wars Covers the 1965, 1971 and a hypothetical 1990's conflict between India and Pakistan.1 vol, 54 pgs 1995 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00

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1-ST139 Bay, Austin S&T #139: Arabian Nightmare - The Kuwait War Features:

Arabian Nightmare: The Kuwait War
- The 1990 Crises in the Persian Gulf
Orders of Battle
- Extend OOB for Kuwait War
- 220 additional counters1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$15.00 rct

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1-ST120 Butt, John S&T #120: Nicaragua Features:

Nicaragua!: Guerrilla warfare in Central America
Revolution in Latin America
- (main article)
- Why Do Men Rebel?
- The Organization of Revolution
- The Weapons of Revolutionary Warfare
- Manchu
- Unconditional Surrender 1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-ST125 Kane, Thomas S&T #125: The Far Seas Features:

The Far Seas
For Your Information
- The Russo-Swedish War of 1808-09 in Finland
Eagles in the Sun
- German Cruiser Operations Outside of Europe during 1914
Island Combat
- Marines versus the Japanese in the Central Pacific
Designers Forum
- Iron Cross, a preview
- Pegasus Bridge
- Fortress Stalingrad 1 vol, 62 pgs 1989 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$20.00 rct

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1-ST168 Moore, Perry ST #168: Operation Shocktroop: Drive on Damascus, 1973 Operation Shock Troop: The Israeli Counterstroke Against Syria, 1973, is an operational level game depicting the Israeli offensive on the Golan Heights during the second half of the Yom Kippur War, 11 to 23 October 1973.

From the game rule booklet, 'The massive Syrian armored attack in the Golan Heights had finally been stopped, with tremendous equipment losses on both sides. The gallant but weary soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) now prepared a daring invasion of Syria that could put them in artillery range of the enemy capital in a matter of days. Somehow, the IDF reformed the battered 7th Armored Brigade and the 21st Tank Division and sent them forward with the 20th Brigade's old Super Sherman tanks in support. Brilliant flanking maneuvers, a spirit of improvisation, and further reinforcements created a miniature blitzkrieg. Syrian troops and leaders alike panicked. The call went out for help from brother Arab nations. Only the timely arrival of the Iraqi 3rd Tank Division halted the advance of near Damascus. At that point, the United States put its forces on global nuclear alert to head off a Soviet para drop into Syria, and both superpowers proceeded to clamp down on their clients, ending the operation and with it the 'Yom Kippur War.''

Game Scale:
Turn: 1-2 days (variable)
Hex: 1.5 miles / 2.4 km
Unit: Company to Battalion

Game Inventory:
One 22' X 34' mapsheet
One countersheet (240 1/2' counters)
One 12 page rules booklet
1 vol, 80 pgs 1994 US, SPI
V.GOOD-softcover unpunched, (1) copy available ......$10.00 rct

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1-ST153 Cummins, Christopher S&T #153: Operation Felix 1940, and ZAMA (2 games) Features:

GAME: Zama: Roman Empire
Zama: Triumph of the Roman Way of War

GAME: Operation Felix: Gibraltar 1940
Operation Felix: The Assault that never was on the Rock of Gibraltar
To See Her Redcoats Marching from the Hill: The British Regimental System since
Hector Bywater: Great Pacific War
Intelligence Operations During the Napoleonic Wars 1 vol, 60 pgs 1992 US, SPI
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