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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 9/07/2023

1-238940 Mandzy, Adrian BANDERA'S BOYS: Twelve Historic Scenarios Based on Actions of the Ukranian Insurgent Army (UPA) During and After WWII Full color, 140 pages of scenarios, organization and history of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. This book is illustrated using wargaming figures from many companies, historical photos, and private collections. Uniforms, equipment, and decorations are shown.

Little known outside of Central Europe, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) mounted one of the largest and longest lasting armed resistance against the totalitarian forces that occupied their homeland. This handbook focuses on the struggle against Nazi and Soviet occupations in the UPA's campaign for Ukrainian independence. Contains 13 maps and 114 images, including historical images and modern reenactor photographs, allowing the reader to expand their knowledge of this area of history as well as to provide the information needed to refight battles in miniature. The scenarios themselves can be adapted to your favorite rulesets and suggestions are included to fight small-scale actions using Warlord Games Bolt Action ruleset.1 vol, 144 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-CWJ000 Various THE CANADIAN WARGAMERS JOURNAL #42, 46, and BEST OF #3 OMM has acquired a few issues of THE CANADIAN WARGAMERS JOURNAL. All are in excellent condition. Listed below:

42: Famous Victory Review & Variants - $5
46: Gettysburg 1863, Army of the Heartland, No Sailor But a Fool - $10
Best of the Journal #3: Eliminating the Norwegian Gambit, Rise and Fall, The Siege of Jerusalem, and Napoleon's Battles - $151 vol, 70 pgs 1990s CA, CANADIAN WARGAMERS GROUP
V.GOOD-softcover, Only 1 copy of each available, first come first served ......$ inc

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1-GREN000 Various THE GRENADIER MAGAZINE: Assorted 1-35 OMM just acquired a collection of THE GRENADIER magazines. All are excellent condition. First come first served.

01: DNO/UNT Scenario - $8
02: Armor Effects in DNO/UNT - $8
03: Narvik Rule Varients - $15
04: Air Systems in Europa - $10
05: The Next War - $30
06: Operation Crusader - $7
08: Salerno, Marita-Merkur: $7
28: East Wind Rain - $5
29: World in Flames - $5
30: A Gleam of Bayonets - $5
33: Assault - $5
34: Advanced Squad Leader - $5
35: Advanced Squad Leader Part 2 - $101 vol, 35 pgs 1980s US, GDW
V.GOOD-softcover, Only 1 copy of each available, first come first served ......$ inc

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1-NAVSIT000 Various THE NAVAL SITREP: Journal of Miniatures Wargaming OMM has acquired several issues of THE NAVAL SITREP, all in excellent condition. $10 each, first come first served.

04: Revised Gun System for CaS 2nd Edition
06: Harpoon Scenario: Sea of Fire
07: Harpoon Scenario: Sea of Fire, Part 2
08: Double Scenario Issue!
09: CaS Scenario: Looking for Trouble
10: Airships Rise Again!1 vol, 17 pgs 1990 US, CLASH OF ARMS GAMES
V.GOOD-softcover, Only 1 copy of each available, first come first served ......$10.00 inc

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1-WGAM000 Various THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE (Only the Magazine): Volume 2, Issues 1-25 OMM just acquired a collection of THE WARGAMER magazines (NO GAMES INCLUDED) volume 2, issues 01-25. All are in excellent condition. Although some duplicate issues, the majority of issues are only one copy. First come first served. They are priced at $2 each, or you can buy them in a bundle, 5 for $7.

01: Central America
02: Raid on St. Nazaire
04: Shot & Shell
05: Lee vs Grant
06: Pas De Calais
07: Eastfront
08: Nicaragua!
09: Typhoon of Steel
10: Assault on Hoth
11: Red Storm Rising
12: Edelweiss
13: Axis & Allies
14: Desert Steel
15: Light Division
16: First Blood
17: Hitler's Last Gamble
18: Steel Thunder
19: RAF
20: Two From Ty (Blitzkrieg '41 and Sunrise of Victory reviews)
21: Second Front, Team Yankee
22: A House Divided
23: La Bataille De Preussisch-Eylau
25: Operation Shoestring1 vol, 0 pgs 1980'S US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, Only 1 copy of each available, first come first served ......$2.00 inc

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1-238950 Coker, Kathryn Roe and Jason Wetzel THE U.S. ARMY COMBAT HISTORIAN AND COMBAT HISTORY OPERATIONS: World War I to the Vietnam War This study focuses on U.S. Army historical programs during combat operations from World War I to the Vietnam War with particular attention on the combat historians, those individuals deployed to a theater of war with the mission of documenting the actions of that theater for current and future historical use. Extensive discussions about TO&Es and where such historical units were to be inserted within Army TO&Es, difficulties in convincing front-line commanders of worth of adding historians to immediately record viewpoints from command to enlisted, and profiles of the army and civilian personnel assigned to the units.

In World War I, Major General Pershing proposed the idea of establishing a historical office within the AEF headquarters. The War Department reorganized the General Staff to include a Historical Branch. By World War II, combat historians were behind and on the front lines with a notebook in one hand and their carbine in the other hand, ever ready to collect battlefield information. Eight historical service detachments were deployed to Korea.

After the Korean War, the duties of the combat historian further evolved as what became the Center of Military History published doctrine about military history detachments (MHDs). As America's immersion in Vietnam escalated, there was concern regarding historical coverage. Chief of Military History Brigadier General Hal Pattison established a network of historical teams to collect information on the U.S Army in the war. A major development in the history program and in deploying MHDs came with the establishment of Headquarters, U.S. Army Vietnam (USARV) under General William C. Westmoreland's command. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239080 Carney, James CATILINE: Rebel of the Roman Republic - The Life and Conspiracy of Lucius Sergius Catilina Lucius Sergius Catilina (Catiline) was a Roman aristocrat from a poor but noble family. He was controversial figure both in his own times and in subsequent historical scholarship. Catiline was cast first as the Roman equivalent of Richard III and later as a left-wing revolutionary, depending on the times and historians' leanings. Although Catiline's calls for debt relief and other measures in his second consular campaign earned him support from the poor, Catiline was motivated by pride and ambition rather than by an interest in widespread social and economic reforms. Embittered by his failure to attain the consulship which he thought was his due given his heritage, he had his lieutenant Manlius raise armed forces in Etruria while he planned to stage a coup in Rome when these forces approached the city.

The conspiracy was betrayed to Cicero. Cicero skillfully used his knowledge of the conspiracy to force Catiline to leave Rome and join Manlius, leaving the city conspirators without effective leadership. Catiline's urban lieutenants soon blundered by seeking to enlist the support of a Gallic tribe whose emissaries were in the city. The Gauls, skeptical of the conspirators, decided report all that they had learned about the conspirators' plans to Cicero. Using the evidence obtained from the Gauls, Cicero presented a prosecutor's case against the conspirators to the Senate and rallied public opinion against the Catilinarians.

Cicero then executed five of the key conspirators without trial. When Catiline's soldiers learned of destruction of the urban conspiracy, many deserted. Cataline, finding his army trapped between two larger government forces, died fighting in a fierce but doomed battle at Pistoia.1 vol, 232 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239010 Kambouris, Manousos ALEXANDER THE GREAT AVENGER: The Campaign That Felled Achaemenid Persia In Macedonia, a new model army had been developed, taking the traditional hoplite heavy infantry in a new evolutionary direction and similarly transforming the heavy cavalry. With Alexander the Great's invasion, these developments neutralized the Persians' own efforts to modernize their troops, tactics, and equipment. Despite the inclusion of a state-of-the-art siege train, the structure of the reformed Macedonian army allowed an unprecedented operational tempo.

Explains Alexander's intelligent use of these forces that allowed him to dictate the course of the campaign. His excellent strategic and operational decision-making, based on an intimate knowledge of geography and logistics, along with well-timed movements and clever feints, allowed him to choose his battles, which he then won by tactical brilliance and guts. Also assesses the Persian capabilities and decision making, concluding that Darius III was not as inept as often thought. Indeed, he may have been the most militarily capable King of Kings but it was his misfortune to be pitted against the genius of Alexander, the great avenger.1 vol, 304 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$47.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-914170 various VAE VICTIS # 170: The Jugurthine War Features:

* ART of WAR: Lutzen 1813; The Arab Conquest of the Levant
* NEWS HEXES: War for America; 12 h at Maleme; Sleepwalkers; Barrack Emperor; Under the Southern Cross; Clash of Sovereigns; On to Richmond; Tactics & Strategy 47
* BOARDGAME: Europa Universalis 2; Onus Traianus; Inferno; Storm over Jerusalem; White Plains; Saigon; We are coming Nineveh; Traces of War; Las Navas de Tolosa; The British Way
* HOBBY: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat 4e partie; Donald Featherstone; Malefices
* FIGURINES: Au contact : Indochine 1945-1954; Galley and Galleons; L'empire des Hauteville, Campagne en Sicile XIe; Scenarios XVIIIe; Game of Thrones; Silver Bayonet : The Carpathians Castle Fier; Shakos et Baionnettes : Raid sur les Calanques 1813
* NEWS RULES: What a Cowboy; Mad Dogs & Englishmen; Tales of Men; Myths and Monsters; Blood Bilge and Iron balls; Musket & Springfields
* ART of WAR: Jurgurthine wargame with die-cut counters
The Jugurthine War is the name of the conflict between the Roman Republic and the Numidian king Jugurtha between 112 and 105 BC. We have retained, thanks to Sallust, fairly detailed information on this war, it is nevertheless the first time that this conflict is covered by a game on a strategic scale. Complexity: 4/10; Solo play: 3/10; Duration: 2-3 hours; One turn: about two months; Combat unit: approximately 2,000 cavalry or 4,000 infantry; One hex: 25 km1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$28.00 rct

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1-239070 Wallace, W.A. THE BATTLE OF THE LITTLE BIG HORN: A New Appraisal Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer died at the hands of native Americans by the banks of the Little Big Horn in Montana 25th June 1876. This is an established undisputed fact. What is disputed is the real reason that he died. So forget all you have been indoctrinated to believe and begin to learn the truth. George Custer was an anathema to his superiors, but the populace loved him. If he were to stand for president in the coming elections there was a strong possibility that he would win. Neither William T. Sherman nor Phil Sheridan could allow that to happen. Thus they conspired to put Custer in a position in the field where the opposing Sioux and Cheyenne were stronger and could deliver the Coup de Gras.

The first of two volumes to deal with the circumstances that arose leading the native Americans on a collision course with the US Army that fateful day and the death of a national hero. Subsequently the conspiracy is uncovered and shows how these men used their powers and positions and so deftly covered their tracks. Perhaps, but not quite.1 vol, 280 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238980 Otte, Maarten BELLEAU WOOD AND VAUX: 1 to 26 June & July 1918 Latest in a series of Battleground books differs from other guide books is the number of points to visit as well as the clear narrative that precedes the tours section of these WWI battlefields. Not only are many new points of interest explored in Belleau itself, but the surrounding countryside is not forgotten. Headquarters, temporary burial sites and other features are included.

The book is profusely illustrated by contemporary photographs and numerous maps, the narrative supplemented by a number of first hand accounts; the whole is supported by several walking and car tours. It is fortunate that so many of the AEF's actions took place in parts of France that have seen little development and are in agricultural or wooded country, which means that traces of their fighting are relatively plentiful.1 vol, 216 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$23.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239020 Bashford, Rex HITLER'S SHATTERED DREAMS OF EMPIRE: Crucial Battles of the Eastern and Western Front 1941-1944 Second of a three-part, in-depth study dealing with Hitler's influence on the crucial 1941 battles on the Eastern front as well as the 1944-45 Allied invasions of 'Festung Europa' and the Ardennes Offensive. Analyzes each of the Third Reich's military campaigns and the programs for the development of new weapons -- paying special attention to Hitler's role in them. How well did Hitler do as Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Chancellor, Minister of War, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army?

The book is based entirely on the evidence of the most senior military personnel who were there at the time, from their contemporaneous diaries and subsequent writings. The sources used include the diaries and recollections of three Chiefs of the Army General Staff; Field-Marshals Rommel, von Rundstedt, von Bock, von Kliest, and von Manstein; and numerous other senior generals, Hitler's military adjutants, ministers of his government, and evidence from the Trial of the Major War Criminals at Nuremberg. Is there a consistent thread in this evidence?1 vol, 312 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239040 Baxter, Ian HITLER'S DEATH TRAINS: The Role of the Reichsbahn in the Final Solution - Images of War Series Photo-heavy book in the series covers the role played by the Deutche Reichsbahn (German National Railway) in transporting victims to concentration camps. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$27.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239060 Baxter, Ian THE GERMAN SIEGE OF LENINGRAD 1941-1944: Images of War Series Another photo-heavy volume in the series covers the 872-day siege of Leningrad by German Army Group North that began in earnest on 8 September 1941 and was not lifted until 27 January 1944. During this period the Red Army made numerous desperate attempts to break the blockade, which the Germans, Spanish, and Finns doggedly resisted.

The bitter and prolonged fighting often under appalling climatic conditions resulted in many thousands of casualties for both sides from direct action and constant indirect artillery and air attack. Arguably most shocking was the loss of life due to the systematic starvation of the civilian population trapped inside and the intentional destruction of its buildings.1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$27.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239000 Musial, Bogdan STALIN'S PLANS FOR CAPTURING GERMANY Drawing on a host of internal Soviet Politburo discussions, memoranda, and speeches, this book shows that the Soviet Union was a heavily militarized state that incessantly planned to unleash a great, ideologically-motivated war against the rest of the world. In fact, its entire political life revolved around the question of war, especially following the onset of the Great Depression in 1929, which convinced Soviet leaders of the imminent collapse of the capitalist system abroad.

Slowed down by countless devastating setbacks, Stalin was nevertheless able to amass a gigantic army by the late 1930s. When Hitler approached Stalin in 1939 asking for Soviet neutrality in his planned invasion of Poland, Stalin sensed a golden opportunity: by supporting Hitler, he could turn the European powers against each another, allowing him to intervene once they were sufficiently weakened. However, Stalin miscalculated: Hitler beat both Poland and France in less than a year and then turned against Moscow in 1941, long before Stalin was ready for his own attack.1 vol, 456 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239030 Ranger, Alan LUFTWAFFE SEARCHLIGHTS AND RANGE FINDING EQUIPMENT Number 31 in the Camera On photo-heavy series covers Luftwaffe search lights and range finding equipment. The majority 140+ photographs are from private collections taken by ordinary German soldiers, not professional propagandists. The photos show how the soldiers viewed the emplacements as both work place and home, not the highly posed and polished views of the official photographers.1 vol, 72 pgs 2023 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$22.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239100 Starkey, John HITLER'S MOTORCARS: The Fuhrer's Vehicles From the Birth of the Nazi Party to the Fall of the Third Reich Many are the photographs of Hitler standing proudly in the passenger seat of a midnight blue Mercedes, arm outstretched in his famous salute to the adoring German crowds. Hitler loved cars and loved to be seen in and next to the special automobiles he purchased or was presented with through friends and Nazi Party funds. His first car was a 1920 green Selve 8/30, purchased in 1922, which was soon disposed of in favor of a Daimler-built Mercedes 15/70/10.

It was in this car that Hitler was involved in an accident with a large truck in March 1930. The truck was completely wrecked while the large Mercedes suffered only minor damage. This prompted Hitler to remark: 'It was then I decided to use only a Mercedes for the rest of my life.'

Security was always a great concern of Hitler and his entourage and his 770 was protected with bullet-proof windows and steel armor-plate built into all metal work. Wartime brought increased security fears, resulting in another Mercedes entering the German leader's car collection. This was the heavily armored, six-wheel G4, the first off-road Mercedes.

Provides photographs of Hitler's cars, discusses the men who became his chauffeurs, lists the technical specifications of those cars, and describes many of the journeys undertaken by Hitler over the course of two dramatic decades.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$37.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239090 Thomas, Graham THE DIEPPE RAID: The German Perspective Reassessment of the August 1942 Allied landings at Dieppe in German-occupied France with a German focus. Reconstructs the immediate response of the Germans to the landings, gives a graphic detailed description of their actions throughout, and looks at the tactical and strategic lessons they drew from them. Each phase and aspect of the action is depicted using a broad range of sources including official reports, correspondence, and recollections - the preliminary British commando attacks on the gun batteries, the landings themselves, the German defenses and preparations, and their counter-attacks, and the associated naval and air campaigns.1 vol, 264 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$43.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238960 Doherty, Francis ONLY THE LIGHT MOVES: Flying Covert Reconnaissance Missions in the Vietnam War Story of a 24-year-old US Army pilot who volunteered to fly covert S.O.G., or Studies and Observations Group, reconnaissance missions over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a region that came to represent not only the United States' war with Vietnam, but also the secret war with Laos and Cambodia. Captain Francis A. Doherty spent every day for 10 months above the jungle battlefield in an unarmed Cessna O-1 Bird Dog. Reveals the highs and lows of his year at war in Vietnam but expands beyond his time in the conflict. He explores the emotional struggle he and his comrades faced after they returned home, reconciliations with lost faith, and the incredible impact of war on families.1 vol, 296 pgs 2023 UK, AIR WORLD
NEW-dj, available mid November 2023 ......$33.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-238970 van der Bijl, Nicholas ARGENTINE PERSPECTIVES ON THE FALKLANDS WAR: The Recovery and Loss of Las Malvinas In 1982, the United Kingdom and Argentina fought a war over an historical disagreement over the colonial ownership over the Falkland Islands. Within months of the Argentinian defeat, General Edgardo Calvi, then the Argentine Head of the Army Joint Chief of Staff, was instructed to undertake a wide-ranging and formal inquiry to investigate the performance of the Argentine Army during the Falklands. Calvi concluded that while the Army had the motivation, it lacked the organization, equipment, training, and ability to oppose an army capable of operating in a variety of environments. This book tells the story of the Falklands War from the Argentine Army perspective.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-WGAM213 Albright, Dearl WARGAMER V2 #13: Axis & Allies Features:

Mastering Axis & Allies (MB)
- Tactics and strategies
Axis & Allies
- Enhanced rules update
Risk (PB)
- Strategies and analysis
- Unoffical Variants
- Continents at a Glance
- Combat Mathematics
Risk: Board vs Computer
Campaign Analysis: Fortress America (MB)
- Strategy and tactical tips
Analysis: Hit Probability
- Tables of Rommel in the Desert (Columbia)
Field Marshall (Jedko)
- Review and game replay
Gaming Clubs
- How to start, maintain, and grow
On the Production Spiral
- Beirut '82: Arab Stalingrad (S&T 126)
- Tomorrow the World (3W)
Moves' Review of Games
- Test of Arms (GDW)
- Sky Galleons of Mars (GDW)
Special Feature: Simulations for Education
- Learning and Teaching from Wargames1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM215 Balkoski, Joseph WARGAMER V2 #15: Light Division Features:

Light Division (3W)
The Last Hurrah (AH), ASL Module 6
The Campaigns of Robert E. Lee (CoA)
- Designer Reply
- Publisher Comment
Campaign Analysis: Rush for Glory (S&T 127)
- War with Mexico 1846-1847
Tokyo Express (VG)
- Game replay
On the Production Spiral
- Harvest of Death (S&T-129)
- Africa Orientale (S&T-128)
Moves' Review of Games
- Enemy in Sight (AH)
- Grand Army of the Republic (Task)
Origins '89, Los Angeles, CA1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM207 Besinque, Craig WARGAMER V2 #7: Eastfront Features:

EastFront (Columbia)
- Barbarossa and the Kremlin
- Designer's Notes
- Going Over Familiar Steppes
The Hunt for Red October (TSR)
Campaign Analysis
- The Tigers are Burning (S&T-118)
- Turn by Turn, game replay
The Korean War (VG)
- Mastering the First Scenario
- Depot Supply Point & Commitment Analyis
On the Production Spiral
- The Indian Mutiny (S&T-121)
- Pegasus Bridge (S&T-122)
- Campaigns in the Valley (S&T-123)
Novice vs Veteran
- Battle for Moscow replay
Janus: The US Army's Tactical Warfare Computer Simulation System
Move's Review
- Hornlock! (OSI)
- Shock Army Game (TFPG)1 vol, 62 pgs 1988 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM208 Burt, John WARGAMER V2 #8: Nicaragua! Features:

Nicaragua! (S&T-120)
- Game review
- Design Notes
- Campaign Scenario 1: Sandinista Revolution
- Campaign Scenario 2: War for Nicaragua
- Campaign Scenario 2: US/Sandinista Confrontation 1988
Campaign Analysis
- Nicaragua (S&T-120), War by Any Other means
- Manchu (S&T-116), Tactics and Answers
- Manchu (S&T-116), Optional Occidentals
Operation Medressah
- Scenario for Central Command
Thunder at Cassino (AH)
ASL Scenario: Counterattack at the Roundhouse. 19-Mar-1944
Novice vs Veteran
- Reinforcements and Replacements
Move's Review
- Open Fire (VG)
- Gulf Strike, 2nd (VG)
- Central America (VG)
After the Fall
- New scenarios for the Europa series
Viva La Revolucion!
- 4 ASL scenarios1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM214 Corless, Peter WARGAMER V2 #14: Desert Steel Features:

Desert Steel (WEG)
Lee Invades the North (PacRim)
- review and errata
Campaign Analysis: The Far Seas (S&T 125)
Duel in the Desert (Wgmr-51)
- A three turn replay and conversion to single map game
- errata
The City of Tolerance and Brotherhood
- Beirut '82 (S&T 126) , the game and the battle
- Sandbag Days: a variant scenario
On the Production Spiral
- Bloody 110th (Gamers)
- Rush for Glory (S&T 127)
- Guns of Cedar Creek (SDI)
Moves' Review of Games
- La Grande Armee (TSR)
Rules Clarifications and Errata for ASL Scenarios WG1-WG101 vol, 62 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM202 Dangel, Paul WARGAMER V2 #2: Raid on St. Nazaire Features:

Raid on St.Nazaire (AH)
A Night at St.Nazaire
- A Historical look at St.Nazaire
Raid on St.Nazaire (AH), Designer's Notes
Air & Armor (WEG)
- Designer's View
- Rules Clarifications
Origins '87 and Hobby News
Hedgerow Hell (AH)
ASL Scenario:
- One Lone Farmhouse. Issel Canal, Germany, Mar-24-45
Platoon (AH)
In Search of Typhoid Mary
- Designer Notes, Platoon (AH)
Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargames
- Ultima IV (Origins)
Designer's Response on Incredible Victory (QtrDeck)
On the Production Spiral
- Editorial
- Kanev (S&T-115)
- Manchu
Korea: the Mobile War (S&T-111)
- Game analysis, variants, errata, play aid
Onslaught (TSR)
- Game replay, errata
Berg's Review of Games
- War to the Death (Omega)
- Against the Reich (WEG)
- New France: 1760 (Interphase)
- Top Gun (Fasa)
- Hastings: 1066 (S&T-110)
- Rebel Sabers (TSR)
1 vol, 64 pgs 1987 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM210 Dangel, Paul WARGAMER V2 #10: Assault on Hoth Features:

Assault on Hoth (WEG)
- Game Review
- Designer's Notes
Fire-Brigade (Panther), computer
- Historical Account of the 48th Panzer Corps
Campaign Analysis
- Partisans (AH), ASL Module 4
Pegasus Bridge (S&T-122)
- Strategy Tips
- Variable Force Scenario: Expert Level Replay
Battle of Abensberg (S&T-113)
- Operational and Tactical Points
Novice vs Veteran
- The Identity Question Revisited
Move's Review
- Leatherneck (VG)
ASL Scenarios: On the Eastern Front
- WG3 Attack on the Frontier. Memel, Lithuania, 22-Jun-41.
- WG4 Breaking out of the Pocket. Kiev, Russia, Sept-41.
- WG5 Setback on the Road to Mtensk. Moscow, Russia, 5-Oct-41.
- WG6 Plugging the Gap. State Farm 79, Russia, 17-Dec-42.1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM222 Emrich, Alan WARGAMER V2 #22: A House Divided Features:

Getting Your House in Order
- Review of A House Divided (GDW) 2nd ed
- Designer Notes
Anthology of WW1 Games, Part 1
- 12 games
Campaign Analysis:
- Anzio (S&T-134)
- Samurai Sunset (Cmd-3)
Modern Air Combat: The Basics
Report Origins 1990
Scenarios & Variants
- Third World War (GDW), 3 scenarios
- World War 1 (SPI), pre-game scenario
- War to End Wars (3W), variant
Lift Off (Task)
- Replay
On the Production Spiral
- GMT Update1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
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1-WGAM201 Herrick, Roger WARGAMER V2 #1: Central America Features:

Central America (VG)
This is the United States Backyard War
- Playtesting of Central America (VG)
I've Done My Time
- Design forum Central America (VG)
Incredible Victory (QtrDeck)
- Game review
Tactics of Fire Team (WEG)
Onslaught: D-Day to the Rhine (TSR/SPI)
- Designer notes
Playtesting Onslaught (TSR/SPI)
Western Front Tank Leader (WEG)
Flight Leader (AH)
The Yanks are Coming
- A look at ASL module 3: Yanks (AH)
The Compromise
- Historical accuracy vs playability in designing an ASL scenario
- ASL Scenario: Swing on Singling. 6-Dec-44
- ASL Scenario: Objective Bill. Schanzerberg, Germany, 24-Mar-45
Soldiers (WEG)
Games Where You Can Change the Rules
- The Wargame Construction Kit (SSI)
- Battlefront (SSG)
Moves' Review of Games
- Rebel Sabres (TSR/SPI)
- Brandy Station scenario
The Battle of Aspern Essling (Wgmr-49)
- Game replay
The Axis at Bay, the War in Southern Tunisia
- Linking scenario for Patton Goes to War (3W) and
Rommel at Bay (3W)
Berg's Review of Games
- The Emperor Returns (CoA)
- La Bataille d'Espagnol Albuera (CoA)
- La Bataille d'Espagnol Talavera (CoA)
- Eastern Front Tank Leader (WEG)
- Okinawa (Wgmr-55)
- Campaigns of Marlborough (Wgmr-61)1 vol, 64 pgs 1987 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM212 Kingsley, Warren WARGAMER V2 #12: Edelweiss Features:

Edelweis (COA)
- Game Review
- Designer Notes
Great Patriotic War (GDW)
- Game Review
Tokyo Express (VG)
- Strategy & Tips
Fortress Stalingrad (S&T-124)
- Review and Analysis
Production Spiral
- Rise and Fall (EMS)
- Far Seas (S&T-125) Developer's Notes
Move's Review of Games
- Chieftain (GDW)
- Buck Rogers (TSR)
Article Index, Wargamer Vol.2 Issues 1-121 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM223 Kingsley, Warren WARGAMER V2 #23: La Bataille De Preussisch-Eylau Features:

La Bataille de Preussisch-Eylau (CoA)
Anthology of WW1 Games, Part 2
- 22 games
Lion of Ethiopia (Cmd-4)
- Tactics and Strategy for the 30's
Harpoon (GDW)
- The Aviation Aspect
Scenarios & Variants
- Shell Shock (VG) and the Soviets
- The Eagle has Landed, Shell Shock (VG)
- Team Yankee (GDW), 4 scenarios
- Team Yankee (GDW), variants
- Lion of Ethiopia (Cmd-4)
On the Production Spiral
- Modern Naval Battles III (3W)1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM217 Lowood, Henry WARGAMER V2 #17: Hitler's Last Gamble Features:

Hitler's Last Gamble (3W)
Hitler's Last Gamble (3W), Epilogue
Anthology of Bulge Games
- Chapter 4: The Western Front
Napoleon's Last Battles (SPI)
Campaign Analysis: Harvest of Death (S&T 127)
- Analysis, plus two new scenarios
Computer Analysis
- Decisive Battles of the American Civil War, Vol.3
On the Production Spiral
- Donau Front (S&T-131)
Moves' Review of Games
- Guns of Cedar Creek (SDI)
- MBT (AH)1 vol, 62 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM209 Martin, Hank WARGAMER V2 #9: Typhoon of Steel Features:

Typhoon of Steel (SSI)
- Computerized Whirlwind
- Developer's Notes
Civil War Brigade Series (Gamers)
- In Their Quiet Fields and Thunder at the Crossroads
Design Forum: Physical Systems Design
Campaign Analysis
- Onslaught (TSR), Strategic and Operational Planning
The Indian Mutiny (S&T-121)
- The Jewel of the Empire at Peril
- Game replay
On the Eastern Front
- The long and short of scenario design (ASL)
ASL Scenarios:
- WG1 Boltenko's Gun. Stalingrad, Russia, 28-Sept-1942
- WG2 Assault on the Teploye Heights. Teploye, russia, 8-July-1943
Novice vs Veteran
- I Play Alone
Move's Review
- Drive on Frankfurt (CtrAtk-1)
-Hetzer/Sniper! (TSR)
- Central America (VG)
- Tunder at Cassino (AH)
- Blood Royal (GWS)1 vol, 62 pgs 1988 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM218 Martin, Hank WARGAMER V2 #18: Steel Thunder Features:

Steel Thunder (Accolade)
La Grande Armee (TSR)
- Detailed review using the latest errata for new strategies
Campaign Analysis: Raid on St.Naziere (AH)
- Tactical tips and play suggestions
Tsushima (S&T 130)
- Strategy and tactical tips
Naval Warfare
- A brief look at naval warfare and how gaming approaches it
On the Production Spiral
- A House Divided (GDW), 2nd ed
Moves' Review of Games
- ASG Baseball (3W)
- Modern Naval Battles (3W)
- Developer's Notes for Modern Naval Battles (3W)
A Scenario for Knights of Justice1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM211 Niles, Doug WARGAMER V2 #11: Red Storm Rising Features:

Red Storm Rising (TSR)
- Game review
- Designer Notes
West of Alamein (AH)
- ASL module 5
Campaign Analysis: Moscow 1941 (TSR)
- A fresh approach to the Eastern Front
- Soviet Paratroop Procedure
- Weather Conditions Analysis
Campaigns in the Shenandoah 1862-1864
- Campaigns in the Valley (S&T 123)
- Game replay, scenario 16.2
Toying Around with War
- Air Force Encourages Wargaming
On the Production Spiral
- Developer Notes
Moves' Review of Games
- Gettysburg '88 (AH)
- Warrior Knights (GWS)
- Viceroys (Task)
- Merchant of Venus (AH)
ASL Scenarios:
- WG7: Desperation at Seelow. Seelow, Germany, 20-Apr-45
- WG8: The Storming of Ivanovo. Ivanovo, Russia, 15-Nov-41
- WG9: Retreat from Moscow. North of Rusa, Russia, 19-Dec-41
- WG10: Repulsed.1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM204 Perla, Peter WARGAMER V2 #4: Shot & Shell Features:

The Civil War on Water
Shot & Shell (3W)
Scenario 17: Missouri on the Red
Scenario 18: Inferno at Grand Gulf
Design Forum: Shot & Shell (3W)
Pro-Nazi Bias in East Front Wargame Titles
Patton's Best (AH)
Campaign Analysis: Variations on a Theme
- The South Mountain System (WEG)
- Central Powers Strategy in War to End Wars (3W)
Pleasant Hill (S&T-106)
- Player's Notes
A Look at Kanev (S&T-115)
- Parachutes Across the Dnepr
- Example of Air Operations
Developer's Notes
- Manchu
- Central Front Returns
Forward Observer
- Games For All
Novice vs Veteran
- Making the most of the combat phase
Amphibious Assaults in Central America (VG)
Central America (VG)
- Designer's Tips
- Scenario: Operation Delgado
German Front
- A Russian Front (AH) variant
Berg's Review of Games
- Fire Team (WEG)
- Fleet Admiral (QtrDeck)
- The Great Invasion (CoA)
- Shot & Shell (3W)1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM205 Poulter, Keith WARGAMER V2 #5: Lee vs Grant Features:

Lee vs Grant (VG)
- Game review
- Examples of Play: Scenarios 1 and 6
State of the Art of Wargaming Series, Part 3
- Critical Analysis of Wargame Graphics
Further Variations on a Theme
- Variants for 3W games: Dunkirk 1940, Southwall 1944,
Bloody Keren, Okinawa, First Team, Clash of Empires,
War to End Wars
Campaign Analysis: Knights of Justice (Wgmr-50)
- Questions and Answers
North German Plain (S&T-117)
- The Central Front Revisited
Invasion of Nicaragua
- An Amphibious Operation for Central America (VG)
On the Production Spiral
- Horse Soldiers (S&T-110
Novice vs Veteran
- Retreat and advance after combat
Scenario: War to End Wars (3W)
- The Last Year
Scenario: Shot & Shell (3W)
- Scen #19: Siege of Vicksburg
Berg's Review of Games
- Theatre Europe (Datasoft) computer
- Shanghai Trader (Panther)1 vol, 64 pgs 1988 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM225 Rooker, Terry WARGAMER V2 #25: Operation Shoestring Wargamer Vol. 2 Magazine Vol. 2, #25 'Operation Shoestring, Force Eagles, Hetzer Sniper, Blitzkrieg'1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM206 Schettler, John WARGAMER V2 #6: Pas De Calais Features:

Pas De Calais (Vanguard)
- Game review
- Designer's Response
Historical Alternatives: 1943 vs 1944, Calais vs Normandy
Hetzer Sniper! (TSR)
- Hitting the Bull's Eye
Sniper! Special Forces (TSR)
- Designer's Notes
- New Scenarios
Campaign Analysis
- A look at North German Plain (S&T-117)
Once More Into the Breach
- Horse Soldiers (S&T-119), Tupelo
- Game replay
Developer's Notes
- Nicaragua! (S&T-120)
Novice vs Veteran
- Who Am I? The Player's Dilemma
Move's Review
- Moscow 1941 (TSR)
- 7th Fleet (VG)
- Cannae (IES)
- Team Yankee (GDW)1 vol, 64 pgs 1986 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM216 Swan, Rick WARGAMER V2 #16: First Blood Features:

First Blood (SDI)
- Close look at the Civil War game by SDI
Test of Arms (GDW)
Campaign Analysis: La Bataille D'Albuera-Espagnol (CoA)
- Game replay
The Great Invasion
- A Southern strategy to isolate Washington in Civil War (VG)
Africa Orientale (S&T 128)
- Strategy and tactical tips
Rush for Glory (S&T 127)
- Game replay
On the Production Spiral
- SS: Amerika (3W)
Moves' Review of Games
- Rise and Fall (EMS)
- Bug Hunter Sniper (TSR)
Special Feature: Collecting Wargames1 vol, 64 pgs 1989 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM219 Swan, Rick WARGAMER V2 #19: RAF Features:

A Look at RAF (WEG)
- Game review
- RAF sector analysis
- RAF card analyis
A Connoisseur's Guide to Solitaire Games
- 20 solitaire games
Distant Replay, Fall of Rome (SPI)
- Scenario 3: 260 AD
Campaign Analysis: Bloody 110 (Gamers)
- play and analysis
Donau Front (S&T-132)
On the Production Spiral
- GMT Games
- Afghanistan Update
Moves' Review of Games
- Liftoff! (Task)
- Liftoff! (Task), Historical & Designer Notes1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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1-WGAM220 Swan, Rick WARGAMER V2 #20: Two From Ty (Blitzkrieg '41 and Sunrise of Victory reviews) Features:

Two From Ty
- An analysis of Command Magazine's first two games
(Blitzkrieg '41, Sunrise of Victory)
Taking Command!
- Review of the game magazine 'Command'
5th Fleet (VG)
- Analysis of Play
Campaign Analysis: Iron Cross (S&T-132)
- A Player's Guide
All in All, It's Just Another Breach in the Wall
- Analysis of Siege of Jerusalem (AH)
On the Production Spiral
- Revision and Expansion of World War II ETO
Moves' Review of Games
- Turning Point: Stalingrad (AH)
- Thunder at Cassino (AH)
- Designer's Comment1 vol, 64 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00 inc

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1-WGAM221 Various WARGAMER V2 #21: Second Front, Team Yankee Features:

Second Front, Germany Turns East (SSI)
- Computer game review
- Computerisms
- Game Two
Another Look at Team Yankee (GDW)
Hollow Legions (AH)
- Review of ASL module 7
Inside Perspective
- What is to be Done?
On the Production Spiral
- Borodino (S&T-136)
Moves Review
- Angola (Ragnar)
- The Urals (GRD)1 vol, 62 pgs 1990 US, WARGAMER MAGAZINE
V.GOOD-pb, (1) copy available ......$2.00

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