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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Weekly eFlyer: 9/14/2023

1-MT0103 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm British Regular Infantry (AWI) Eight 28mm sized metal miniature figures per pack, supplied unpainted.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$18.00 rct

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1-MT0104 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm Indian Sachem One 28mm sized metal miniature figure per pack, supplied unpainted.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$4.00 rct

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1-MT0105 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm Indian Warriors V Six 28mm sized metal miniature figures per pack, supplied unpainted.1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$14.00 rct

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2-234790 Farnworth, Michael VIETNAM WARGAMES: Modeling and Painting Offers painting guides for American, Anzac, French, and North and South Vietnamese forces, including characters from movies Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and Platoon. Tutorials advise on building military vehicles, boats, helicopters, and landscapes of Vietnam, from rural villages to Hue's ancient Citadel. Techniques cover 20mm and 28mm in metal, soft plastic, hard plastic kits, resin models, 3D printing, MDF buildings, and XPS foam scenery. Over 250 color images.1 vol, 142 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$48.00 rct

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1-935126 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 126: The Far East during World War II Theme: The Far East during World War II
* Gaming the Pacific and Far East WWII - The Empire of the Sun
* A Half-Pint campaign for Chain of Command - Water Tower Hill
* The U.S. Marine Corps Evacuation at Point Cruz - Did They Get Off?
* The Allied Recapture of Rangoon, May 1945 - Operation Dracula
* Building Forces for the Pacific War - Ten Thousand Years!
* Painting a Diorama for a Far East Theme - The Forgotten War

* Henry VIII of England Versus Louis XII of France - The Battle of the Spurs
* Of Mistletoe and Oak: part II of the Campaign - Celtic Fury
* A Very Horsey Campaign for the English Civil War - For King and Kingdom
* Our Notes on Running a France 1940 Campaign - Dispatches From the Front
* A Simple Guide to Horses Using Contrast Paints - Horses for Courses
* Scratch-Building a Traditional German Tavern - Zur Hoell

* Miniature Reviews
* Up front - Defeat Into Victory
* The Irregular - The 3d Printing Revolution
* Firelock Games' Blood & Plunder Goes Medieval - Let's Play Blood & Crowns
* A Rootin', Tootin', Shootin' Time in the Wild West - Let's Play What a Cowboy!
* Game Reviews - Tales of Men, Myths & Monsters, Bolt Action Campaign - Italy: Tough Gut, Mad for War, and The Doomed
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-2367802 Sutherland, Jon MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN: 2nd Edition Add On Pack #2 - Far Flung Conflicts Extra large MD&E pack: New Scenarios; Campaign ideas, Solo play rules; Quick Reference sheets; and Card sets to save you cutting up your precious copy.1 vol, 46 pgs 2023 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover, available late September 2023 ......$24.00 rct

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1-239051 Sutherland, Jon MAD DOGS & ENGLISHMEN: Far Flung Conflicts 1: New Zealand - The Maori Wars 1843-1869 All color illustrated booklet. 39 Scenarios, maps, and OOBs plus bonus Boer War scenario involving NZ troops. Large scale skirmish games. Can be used for any sets of rules but especially paired with Mad Dogs & Englishmen.1 vol, 92 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$38.00 rct

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1-239160 Farrokh, Kaveh THE SASSANIANS: The Armies of Ancient Persia First of three volumes on ancient Persian armies. The Sassanians, the native Iranian dynasty that ousted their Parthian overlords in AD 226, developed a highly sophisticated army that was able for centuries to hold off all comers. They continued the Parthians' famous winning combination of swift horse archers with heavily-armored cataphract cavalry, also making much use of war elephants but their oft-maligned infantry has been much underestimated. Focuses on the organization, equipment, and tactics of the armies that dominated the ancient Middle East by drawing on the latest research and new archaeological evidence.1 vol, 504 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239140 Hyden, Marc MARCUS FURIUS CAMILLUS: The Life of Rome's Second Founder Biography of Marcus Furius Camillus, who served as a censor, was elected to six consular tribuneships, appointed dictator five times, and enjoyed four triumphs. He toppled mighty Veii, ejected the Senones from Rome following its sacking, and helped orchestrate a grand compromise between the patricians and plebeians. The Romans even considered him Rome's second founder - a proud appellation for any Roman - and revered him for being an exemplar of Roman virtue. Interestingly, he never held the consulship. Plutarch stated that Camillus had avoided it on purpose, and for good reason. The office was often at the heart of controversy, given that patricians dominated it for most of Camillus' life.

The appointment of a dictator was an emergency measure taken only in the direst of situations and the fact that Camillus was repeatedly appointed speaks of a period when the young Republic was surrounded by enemies and still fighting for survival. Without Camillus' efforts the city may never have fulfilled its great destiny. Sifts the fragmentary and contradictory sources and, while acknowledging that much legend and exaggeration quickly accrued around Camillus' name.1 vol, 224 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$35.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-COM1115 Markowitz, Mark ALEXANDROS AND I AM SPARTACUS: Wargames These wargames originally appeared in Command magazine issue 10 in 1991 and issue 15 in 1992, garnering numerous Charles S. Roberts Award nominations and awards - Alexandros and I Am Spartacus. This expanded edition features both games along with three multiple expansions to round out this deluxe package with two full-size game maps and updated graphics throughout. Boxed with two dice.

Alexandros: Conquest & Empire
It covers all of Alexander's campaigns from 334 to 323 BC with one 34x22-inch area map, 180 counters, a playing time of about three to four hours, and low-medium complexity. One player commands the Macedonians and the other the Persians. It's easily adaptable for solitaire play. The area map is based on the province boundaries of those times, and game turns are quarterly. Combat can be fought tactically, using a separate battlefield display with units assigned to various sectors of the engagement. There are also special rules for besieging cities.

Play lasts a variable numbers of turns, depending on the course of the larger war. There are several ways to win, including the killing of enemy leaders and conquering a large mass of territory, which can end the game at any time. Otherwise, play continues to the summer of 323, when Alexander actually died historically. An optional rule allows play to go to 318. Also included: two expansions from Command Magazine: Successors: Clash of Generals, 323-301 BC and Xenophon: March of the Ten-Thousand, 401-400 BC.

I Am Spartacus: The Slave Rebellion Against Rome, 73-71 BC
This is a two-player (solitaire adaptable) simulation of the Third Servile War with one 34x22-inch area map, 180 counters, and low-medium complexity. Barring the capture of Rome by the Rebel player, or the capture of Spartacus by the Roman player, both of which are sudden death victories, the game is won on points for territorial control and other issues. At the end of 17 turns, the player with the most points wins. Also included: expansion from Command Magazine: Pyrrhic Victory: Legion vs Phalanx, 280-275 BC, and several historical and informational articles on the period.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$79.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-964044 Various ANCIENT HISTORY MAGAZINE # 44: Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age Theme: Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age
* War, Diplomacy, and Treason - The Indictment of Madduwatta
* Minoans and Mycenaeans in Anatolia - Millawanda
* Troy During the Late Bronze Age - Well-walled Wilusa
* An Anatolian Lingua Franca - Luwian
* Myths and Realities - The Phyrgian Migration

* Greek Stone Vaulting - A Quiet Revolution
* Displaced Persons in the Ancient World - We Gotta Go Now
* 'Public Relations in the Age of the Flavians - Roman Mass Communication
* The Men and Women Behind Roman Food - The Lowest of Society
* Political Betrayal in the Peloponnesian War - Success by Treachery
* Ferus Buelleris' Day Off - Roman Leisure Time1 vol, 68 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover, available late September 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-964045 Various ANCIENT HISTORY MAGAZINE # 45: Luxury and Conspicuous Consumption Theme: Luxury and Conspicuous Consumption
* A Lady That Was Both Loved and Feared - The Woman of Vix
* Power and Wealth in the Mycenaean World - Cyclopean Fortifications
* Luxury, Competition, and Austerity - Sybaritic Elites
* Showing Status in the Roman Home - Decorating the Roman Indoors
* Funerary Practices in Ancient Rome - The Price of Remembrance

* Texts from the Villa of the Papyri - A Tantalizing Promise
* Literacy and Occupations in Ancient Egypt - To Scribe or Not to Scribe
* Culinary Creativity in the Ancient World - Roman Veggies
* Was This Famous Philosopher Also a Slave? - Plato Goes to Syracuse
* Land of Rivers and Horses - The Many Names of Mittani
* Roman Military Logistics in Spain - To Starve or Be Beaten
* The Public and Private Bonds Between Families - Roman Marriage1 vol, 68 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover, available late September 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-239130 Spencer, Dan THE CASTLE IN THE WARS OF THE ROSES Castle battles and sieges during the Wars of the Roses, including the siege of Bamburgh Castle in 1464. Using a wide range of narrative, architectural, financial, and administrative sources, sheds new light on the functions of castles, demonstrating their importance as strategic and logistical centers, bases for marshaling troops, and as fortresses. Traces their use from the outbreak of civil war in the reign of Henry VI in the 1450s to the triumph of Henry VII some 30 years later. 1 vol, 264 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$29.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239120 Dean, Riaz MAPPING THE GREAT GAME: Explorers, Spies and Maps in 19th-Century Asia The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India was founded in the 18th century with the aim of creating a detailed map of the country. Under George Everest, whose name is on the world's highest mountain, mapped the Great Arc of Afghanistan, Turkestan and Tibet. Much of the work of the Survey was undertaken by native Indians, known as Pundits, who were trained to explore, spy out, and map Central Asia and Tibet.

They did this at great personal risk and with meager resources, while traveling entirely on foot. They would be the first to reveal the mysteries of the forbidden city of Lhasa, and discover the true course of Tibet's mighty Tsangpo River. They were the greatest group of explorers the world has seen in recent history, all the while exploring within the context of the Great Game between Great Britain and Imperial Russia in the 19th century.1 vol, 320 pgs 2023 US, CASEMATE
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$25.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239170 Dawson, Paul L WATERLOO: The Truth At Last: Why Napoleon Lost the Great Battle The genesis of this book started in Oct 2016 when the author found still sealed records from 1816 and received permission to break them to read the roughly 200 accounts within.

These contents challenge some widely held views: The start of the battle was delayed because of the state of the ground - not so. Marshal Ney destroyed the French cavalry in his reckless charges against the Allied infantry squares - wrong. The stubborn defense of Hougoumont, the key to Wellington's victory, where a plucky little garrison of British Guards held the farmhouse against the overwhelming force of Jerome Bonaparte's division and the rest of II Corps - not true. Did the Union Brigade really destroy d'Erlon's Corps, did the Scots Greys actually attack a massed French battery, did La Haie Sainte hold out until late in the afternoon? Most significantly of all is the revelation of exactly how, and why, Napoleon was defeated.1 vol, 568 pgs 2023 UK, FRONTLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-239150 Saunders, Tim and Rob Yuill THE LIGHT DIVISION IN THE PENINSULA WAR: 1811-1814 By the middle of 1811, Brigadier General Robert Craufurd's Light Division was emerging as the elite of the Peninsular Army and Wellington was seeking opportunities to go over to the offensive, following the expulsion of Marshal Massena from Portugal. Covers the Salamanca campaign, the 1812 counter offensive by the French, the 1813 campaigns, and then at Vitoria the Light Division fought their way into the heart of the French position. They pursued the French into the Pyrenees in 1814 and then into France itself.1 vol, 360 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-LEG2301 Willis, Gina A GLORIOUS CHANCE: The Naval Struggle for Lake Ontario during the War of 1812 Wargame Solitaire, operational wargame that puts you in command of the U.S. or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake but each patrol, each convoy mission, each amphibious landing you make to pursue victory risks full-scale battle with the enemy squadron - a battle that could leave you triumphant or shattered in a matter of hours. A dynamic card-driven AI opponent assigns your opponents missions, refits and launches new ships, and plots raids on your supply routes and coastlines. Lake combat is resolved on an odds-based table, modified by drawn/selected tactic chits, and can result in victory points for enemy ships destroyed or captured.

The eight turns represent June-Sept 1813. Each turn, the human player assigns friendly ships or stacks to patrol, convoy escort, land-support, or interception missions in any of six lake zones. Card and chit draws determine which enemy ships may deploy to the lake or stay in the shipyard to acquire more potent weaponry. The player draws a row of Target Cards, face-down. Each card back shows a lake zone where the enemy may be active this turn. If a card's zone matches a zone with a friendly mission, an encounter is possible. An encounter flips that Target Card to reveal the enemy mission type and an effort level, which help determine how many enemy ships appear.

Ships with a land-support mission increase the chance of their side's success in a land attack, which also earns victory points. An administrative phase at the end of each turn establishes which side earns VPs for control of lake zones, whether a side's home port is under blockade, and how arrived, delayed, or captured supply convoys affect the progress of each side's supply track. A side that reaches certain supply levels can launch certain ships from a shipyard, or have army troops readied to attempt more ambitious land operations. A final victory level is assessed at the end of the eighth turn; depending on the VP level, the game result can be a draw, or either side can win a marginal victory, victory, or decisive victory.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, LEGION WARGAMES LLC
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$84.00 DISCOUNT:10% rct

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1-239110 Lepage, Jean-Denis GEBIRGSJAGER: German Mountain Troops - 1935-1945 A concise history of the Gebirgsjager's history, from formation in 1935 to the final surrender in 1945. Includes combat deployments and operations in WWII, including Poland, Tunisia, and Lappland. Covers uniforms and insignia, equipment, organization, training, and tactics. The distinctive Eidelweiss cap badge was adopted in 1939. Illustrated with more than 170 line drawings.1 vol, 192 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid September 2023 ......$37.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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1-COM1172 Miller, Brien SILENT WAR and IJN: Second Edition Second edition of solitaire simulation of the United States Navy's WWII submarine war against Imperial Japan. As Commander of Submarines, US Pacific Fleet (ComSubPac), you deploy subs to inflict maximum damage to Japanese shipping while limiting your own submarine losses. Featured scenarios cover actions ranging from famous short single sub patrols, through small campaigns of about a year of the war, ending with the grand campaign covering the entire Pacific War.

Every Japanese warship down through the large destroyer escorts and the major auxiliary cargo ships and tankers are provided in two full countersheets with 336 new playing pieces for the game and rules to integrate them seamlessly into the game. The game map divides the Pacific into Operations Areas that subs move through as they patrol in search of Japanese shipping. Special rules feature historical events that occurred during the war, ULTRA intelligence information reports, torpedo quality improvements, wolfpack capabilities, Super-Skippers, and many others. Every US sub deployed in the Pacific is represented with its very own counter.

Product Information:

Complexity: Medium
Playing Time: 1 hour (scenarios), 125 hours (full campaign)
Solitaire Suitability: Perfect (designed for solitaire play)

Components: 1 Mounted map; 8 Countersheets (Silent War & IJN); 1 Consolidated Rulebook; 1 Scenario book; 6 Player aid card including 1 tactical board and 1 base display; 10-sided die; and Box and Lid.1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 US, COMPASS GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$89.00 DISCOUNT:15% rct

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