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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 2/13/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
2 results found for keywords containing 241290
1-241290 Sanders, Richard

THE STRELTSY - Russia's First Standing Forces 1500 to 1705
The Russian streltsy had a short, interesting, and later troubled history. Known as Orthodox 'old believers' that resented and refused western traditions, they were Russia's first permanent standing infantry with firearms - and this shows in their name, which roughly translates from the Russian word for 'shooter.' Created by Ivan the Terrible, this armed force was never disbanded, even in times of peace. Soldiers served for life, and they were nicknamed as 'stirrup' troops because they were usually always near the tsar's own stirrups. Often wielding both a musket and a poleaxe, they were a destructive force in Russia's army in the 16th and 17th centuries - fighting often behind a 'walking city' of wooden frames against forces such as the Tartars. However, their staunch believe in rejecting western ideology caused them to alienate themselves from Peter the Great, slaughtering his mother's family and dubbing him the Anti-Christ, ultimately leading to a failed rebellion and their complete dissolution from the Russian Army by 1720.

The author of this book dives into the history of the streltsy, their outfits, and their weaponry; he presents images of what remains of streltsy flags; as well as showcases both flat and 3D miniatures of the streltsy in wargaming. Fifty pages of color plates and illustrations.1 vol, 74 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS LLC
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$32.00 rct
..see our UNIFORMS page for more books on this subject
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2-241290 Sanders, Richard

THE STRELTSY: Russia's First Standing Forces 1500 to 1705
The Russian streltsy, created by Ivan the Terrible, were Russia's first permanent standing infantry with firearms. Examines their history, outfits, flags, and weaponry as well as showcases both flat and 3D miniatures of the streltsy in wargaming. Includes 50 pages of color plates and illustrations.

Soldiers served for life and were nicknamed as 'stirrup' troops because they were usually always near the tsar's own stirrups. Often wielding both a musket and a poleaxe, they often fought behind a 'walking city' of wooden frames against forces such as the Tartars. However, their staunch believe in rejecting western ideology caused them to alienate themselves from Peter the Great. They slaughtered his mother's family and dubbed him the Anti-Christ, ultimately leading to a failed rebellion and their complete dissolution from the Russian Army by 1720. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS LLC
NEW-hardcover ......$39.00 rct
..see our UNIFORMS page for more books on this subject
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