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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 7/25 /2024

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price

1-VXA001 VICTRIX 28MM - Ancient Greek Athenian Hoplites 450-300 BC The box contains 48 hard-plastic miniatures with thrusting and at-rest arm positions, plus lots of extra options, such as sword arms and specialty pieces to customize your figures, creating the huge variety of poses and character which people have come to expect from Victrix sets.

The spears are separate to the hands, as some customers prefer to add metal spears. The plastic spears in the set are very robust and flex without breaking, but if you still prefer to replace with metal spears, the choice is yours. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA002 VICTRIX 28MM - Spartan Armored Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BC Hard Plastic Figures The box contains 48 hard-plastic miniatures with thrusting and at-rest arm positions, plus lots of extra options representing Greek Hoplites of Sparta and Laconia from the 5th Century covering the end of the wars with Persia, to the 4th century and the titanic struggle for Greek supremacy in the Peloponnesian war against Athens and Thebes.

You get 48 superbly detailed miniatures with nine head variants, of which seven come in two halves -- the hair plugs into the back of the head to achieve the distinctive moulding of the Spartan long hair. There is also a bare head and another with a shorter bob style to shoulders plus a helmet. There are a couple of crest options to make some officer variants. There are thrusting arms options, spear at rest options and sword arms. (Remember if you want to make more at rest arms, by rotating a thrusting arm 90 degrees it becomes a spear at rest position). Spears are separate to the hands for those wanting to add metal spears.

There are eight figures per sprue, of which four have shield arms attached and four have no arms attached to enable you to make the musician and other specialty positions for officers and character figures. There are cloaks and various sword scabbards to add even more character and flavor to your Hoplite miniatures. Making this set one of the finest detailed and versatile plastic sets on the market

This set can be mixed with all the parts from the Athenian, Theban, and Mercenary sets which all have their own specialty heads and options to add yet more variety to your Greek armies.

Includes Spartan unit statistics for 'Clash of Empires' rules. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$40.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA003 VICTRIX 28MM -Theban Armoured Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BC. This fantastic set of miniatures represents Greek Hoplites of Thebes Boitia and Thessaly from the 5th Century covering the end of the wars with Persia, to the 4th century and the titanic struggle for Greek supremacy in the Peloponnesian war against Athens, Thebes rise and battle for Hegemony over Greece and the destructive war against Macedonia .

You get 48 superbly detailed miniatures. The detail is crisp and sharp. There are 8 head variants. There are thrusting arms options, spear at rest options and sword arms. (Remember if you want to make more at rest arms, by rotating a thrusting arm 90 degrees it becomes a spear at rest position) There are 8 figures per sprue, 4 have shield arms attached and 4 have no arms attached to enable you to make the musician and other speciality positions for officers and character figures. There are cloaks and various sword scabbards to add even more character and flavour to your Hoplite miniatures. Making this set one of the finest detailed and versatile plastic sets on the market

This set can be mixed with all the parts from the other 3 Hoplite sets, Athenian, Spartan and Mercenary which all have their own speciality heads and options to add yet more variety to your Greek armies.

Included in the box is a fantastic flyer produced for us by Great Escape Games giving you unit statistics for your Ancient Thebans to work with their Ancient Rules 'Clash of Empires', a superb set of rules that really capture the flavour of warfare in the ancient world.

Plastic 28mm sized figures, supplied unpainted. Glue is required in the assembly of Victrix plastic Thebans. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$42.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA004 VICTRIX 28MM -Mercenary Armoured Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BC This boxed set contains 48 superbly detailed 28mm hard plastic miniatures. There are arm positions for thrusting or grounded spears plus a variety of sword arms. There are 48 heads wearing many styles of helmet, including Attic, Thracian, Phrygian and Pylos types.

These figures represent Ancient Greek Hoplites of most of the City States of Greece and the Mercenaries who fought for and against the Persian Empire. They can also be used for the many Mercenary Hoplites who fought during the Peloponnesian War and for the Thessalian tyrant Jason of Pherae and the Phocians during the Sacred War - just to give you a few examples.

Figures are 28mm sized, made of plastic and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$42.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA005 VICTRIX 28MM -Greek Unarmoured Hoplites and Archers This superb set contains 56 high quality plastic Greek unarmoured Hoplites and archers.

28mm sized plastic figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$5.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA006 VICTRIX 28MM -Greek Peltasts and Slingers This superb set contains 56 high quality plastic Greek Peltasts, Javelin men and slingers.

28mm sized plastic figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA007 VICTRIX 28mm: Rome's Legions of the Republic (I) This set contains 60 superbly detailed Republican Romans in mail armour. Suitable for The wars with Pyrrhos and the Punic wars against Carthage, the first and second Macedonian wars and the conquest of Greece and the wars against the Successors. They also can fight Celts, Spanish and Numidians.

The set contains 36 legionary figures which can be armed with pilums, swords and long spears and come with an assortment of 12 legionary helmets which include Montefortino, Attic and Corinthian styles.

Not only do you get the legionaries you get 18 light infantry in the set which can be made up as Velites or the less well armed earlier Roman light skirmishers (The choice is yours) They can also be sued for a massive variety of other troop types if you mix in shields and heads from our Greek sets and soon to be released Italian allied Legions.

Each set has 3 command frames giving you 3 Centurions and 3 standard bearers. There are musician arms which you can use to convert a legionary to a musician. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA008 VICTRIX 28mm Rome's Legions of the Republic (II) This set contains 60 superbly detailed Republican Romans. Suitable for The wars with Pyrrhos and the Punic wars against Carthage, the first and second Macedonian wars and the conquest of Greece and the wars against the Successors. They also can fight Celts, Spanish and Numidians.

The set contains 36 legionary figures in square pectoral armour which can be armed with pilums, swords and long spears and come with an assortment of 12 legionary helmets which include Montefortino, Attic and Corinthian styles.

Not only do you get the legionaries you get 18 light infantry in the set which can be made up as Velites or the less well armed earlier Roman light skirmishers (The choice is yours) They can also be sued for a massive variety of other troop types if you mix in shields and heads from our Greek sets and soon to be released Italian allied Legions.

Each set has 3 command frames giving you 3 Centurions and 3 standard bearers. There are musician arms which you can use to convert a legionary to a musician. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA009 VICTRIX 28mm: Rome's Italian Allies This set contains 60 superbly detailed figures representing Rome's Italian allied legions in a mix of armour styles, including muscled cuirasses, Triple disc armour and pectoral plates. Suitable for The wars with Pyrrhos and the Punic wars against Carthage, the first and second Macedonian wars and the conquest of Greece and the wars against the Successors. They also can fight Celts, Spanish and Numidians.

The set contains 36 legionary figures which can be armed with pilums, swords and long spears and come with an assortment of 12 legionary helmets which include Montefortino, Attic and Corinthian styles with assortments of feathers and separate crests to individualise your Italian allies even more.

Not only do you get the legionaries you get 18 light infantry in the set which can be made up as Velites or the less well armed earlier Italian light skirmishers (The choice is yours) They can also be used for a massive variety of other troop types if you mix in shields and heads from our Greek sets and you can also make un-armoured Oscan type warriors.

Each set has 3 command frames giving you 3 Centurions and 3 standard bearers. There are musician arms which you can use to convert a legionary to a musician. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA010 VICTRIX 28mm: Warriors of Carthage This superb set contains 62 highly detailed Carthaginian warriors. Suitable for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Punic wars against Rome and also fighting Spanish, Gauls, Greeks, and Numidians.

The box contains enough figures to make 24 of Hannibal's hardened veterans (wearing a mixture of Punic and captured Roman armour), 24 Liby-Phoenician heavy infantry, and 14 Libyan javelinmen light infantry. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA011 VICTRIX 28mm: Carthage Citizen Infantry This set contains 21 Carthaginian Citizen Infantry and 3 Command 28mm hard plastic figures (24 total) that were recruited to swell the numbers of the regular Carthaginian military. They were unarmored but were equipped with helmets shields and spears. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pack ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA012 ANCIENT IBERIAN UNARMORED WARRIORS: 28mm Miniatures This set of 40 figures contains 36 unarmoured warriors and 4 command including chiefs and standard bearers.

The Ancient Iberians were one of Rome's most formidable foes during the republics expansion into the Iberian Peninsular. Furthermore the Iberians were also in the pay of Carthage as one of the North African kingdom's most effective allies.

The warriors in this set are armed with sword, daggers, javelins, and pilums. They are also equipped with an assortment of oval, scutum, and round shields. There will be a comprehensive series of shield transfers from Little Big Men Studios to compliment the range. The figures feature much ornate belt, buckle, breast plate, sword hilt, helmet, and crest detail allowing gamers to field a colorful and vibrant army. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA013 ANCIENT IBERIAN ARMORED WARRIORS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set of 40 figures contains 36 armored warriors and 4 command figures including chiefs and standard bearers.

The warriors are armed with sword, daggers, javelins, and pilums. They are also equipped with an assortment of oval, scutum, and round shields. There will be a comprehensive series of shield transfers from LittleBigMenStudios to compliment the range. The figures feature much ornate belt, buckle, breast plate, sword hilt, helmet, and crest detail allowing gamers to field a colorful and vibrant army.

The Ancient Iberians were one of Rome's most formidable foes during the Republic's expansion into the Iberian Peninsular. Furthermore, the Iberians were also in the pay of Carthage as one of the North African kingdom's most effective allies. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$45.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA015 ARMORED SAMNITES: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set of 24 figures contains armored warriors and 4 command figures including chiefs and standard bearers.

The Samnites were a tribal group of the Oscan peoples that occupied Central and Southern Italy. They were fierce warriors and in their many wars with Rome they earned a high military reputation. Samnites fought in loose formations armed with javelins and sword, preferably in hilly or wooded terrain. They were formidable fighters in close combat.

These fantastic and highly detailed miniatures are ideal as enemies of Republican Rome or fighting as allies and mercenaries in a Carthaginian army. They can also be used as earlier Italian peoples such as Lucani, Bruttii, or Campani. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA016 UNARMORED SAMNITES: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set of 24 figures contains unarmored warriors and 4 command figures including chiefs and standard bearers.

TThe Samnites were a tribal group of the Oscan peoples that occupied Central and Southern Italy. They were fierce warriors and in their many wars with Rome they earned a high military reputation. Samnites fought in loose formations armed with javelins and sword, preferably in hilly or wooded terrain. They were formidable fighters in close combat.

These fantastic and highly detailed miniatures are ideal as enemies of Republican Rome or fighting as allies and mercenaries in a Carthaginian army. They can also be used as earlier Italian peoples such as Lucani, Bruttii, or Campani. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA019 MACEDONIAN PHALANGITES: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures Phalangites were pike (sarissa) armed close order infantry. They wore a helmet, greaves, and Linothorax armour with a round rimless shield called an Aspis. This was smaller than the Greek hoplite shield to enable the Phalangite to wield the pike in both hands when in combat.
We have included two types of helmet styles in the set. There are the Phrygian style with no side crest to represent the line Phalanx units. We also added a helmet with side feather which could be used for file leaders. There are also helmets with side crest to represent the Hypaspists if you choose to have these armed as Phalangites.

Tactically both Phillip and Alexander used the Phalanx to pin the enemy, then delivered the hammer blow with the Companion cavalry (they will be coming in plastic). Alexander took 9,000 Phalangites with him on his Persian expedition and joined these with the bridgehead forces of Parmenion sent a year ahead.

This set contains 24 Macedonian Phalangite pikemen infantry and 3 command. 1 vol, 27 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA020 SUCCESSOR PHALANGITES: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures Successor Phalangites in most aspects looked very much like the earlier Macedonian Phalangites. The only real difference in appearance would have been helmet styles, there will have been a greater variety of styles as the period stretched from the 4th to the 2nd century with many changes in fashion. We have included a great variety of helmets in the Successor set as well as extending the choice of crests allowing customers many many head variants.

The other option included in the set is the addition of separate legs in trousers. These are to represent Eastern Phalangites of Persian and Eastern descent. Before Alexanders death he had raised a corps of 30,000 young Asiatics trained in the Macedonian style (usually meaning as Phalangites) called epigonoi (Inheritors). These may well have formed the nucleus of the Eastern looking Phalanx used by the Seleucids. Finally the Phalanx used by Mithradates of Pontus may well have looked like this.

This set contains 24 Successor Phalangite pikemen infantry and 3 command. 1 vol, 27 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA021 MACEDONIAN HYPASPISTS: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures The Hypaspists were the Macedonian foot guards. They were tough and highly trained and disciplined. There is a lot of debate as to how the Hypaspists fought? and how they were armed?
Were they like traditional Hoplites with a long thrusting spear and large round Hoplite shield? (As we have made them). Or were they lightly armed Peltast types or armed and fought as Phalangites? The answer is probably that they were able to fight as all three. They had the position of honor on the right wing in battle and were often taken on smaller fast moving combined arms missions with cavalry and other light troops.

If you want Hypaspist armed as Phalanx just use the Macedonian Phalangites set with the Guard helmet heads provided.

If you want to make lightly armed Hypaspists armed as Peltasts. Why not use the Velite bodies from the Republican Roman sets and add a Hypaspist head and a Javelin arm.

We have made them armed as traditional Hoplites and have included some Corinthian style helmets and crests so you can use the figures as Hoplites. They will also mix with the other Victrix Greek hoplite sets.

This set contains 21 Macedonian Hypaspists and 3 command. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA022 NUMIDIAN CAVALRY: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures This is a 12-miniature set packed with pose options and fantastic detail. Assembly and painting required.

The Numidians were from North Africa, around modern day Tunisia and Morocco. They were superb light cavalry and supplied large quantities of horsemen to their close neighbors the Carthaginians.

Numidian cavalry excelled in skirmishing, hit and run tactics. They would shower their enemy with javelin fire and run away to avoid contact and then wheel around again to pelt the enemy with yet more missiles. They were often used as scouts and in pitched battles would outflank the enemy and wait in ambush. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$36.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA023 IBERIAN CAVALRY: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures Ancient Spanish Cavalry - this set comprises 12 mounted 28mm figures. Assembly and painting required. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA024 VICTRIX NUMIDIAN INFANTRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Package contains 24 hard plastic miniatures in 28mm scale. Includes options for command. With multiple arm and head options there is plenty of scope for dozens of unique figure poses. Furthermore there are option for round shields for Numidians fighting as skirmishers or use the scutum style shields so they can fight as formed troops in the line. Numidians fought as mercenary troops throughout the Mediterranean and could be found as allies for both for Carthage and Rome. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2016 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VXA025 VICTRIX Early Imperial Roman Legionaries Advancing: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This superb box contains 25 highly detailed Early Imperial Roman Legionaries advancing armed with Gladius and Pilums. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2017 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA026 VICTRIX Early Imperial Roman Legionaries Attacking: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 25 highly-detailed 28mm 1/56th Scale Early Imperial Roman Legionaries attacking armed with Gladius and Pilums. This set contains numerous options with reinforced helmets for the wars with Dacia, shields and crests fro Praetorian Guard. It also contains arms holding flaming torches and severed heads. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2017 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$35.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA027 MACEDONIAN GREEK SUCCESSOR HEAVY CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures 12 mounted figures in each set. Includes Xyston arms to create Macedonian Companion cavalry, javelin and spear arms to create Greek Heavy cavalry, cloaks to combine with javelin and spear arms to create Thessalian Noble cavalry, and shields to create Successor and later Greek cavalry. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2017 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$32.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA028 ROMAN AUXILIARY INFANTRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 24 28mm sized plastic figures per set. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2017 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$38.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA029 VICTRIX AFRICAN WAR ELEPHANTS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Parts included for 2 elephants and 14 crew. Elephants have separate left halves, optional trunks, neck bells, javelin cases and decorative ribbons offering many model choices. Mahut has head and arm options adding much variety. Crew options for Carthaginian, Ptolomeic, Numidian, and Roman. All crews have multiple head, arm and weapon options. Very highly detailed figures with superb detail achieved by digital sculpting. 1 vol, 14 pgs 2017 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$52.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA030 VICTRIX GALLIC WARRIORS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This superb set contains 48 plastic 28mm Gallic Warriors with command, armored and unarmored figures. Options for spears, swords, and javelins. The set includes standards and musician's instruments plus many shield, arm and head choices. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2018 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA031 VICTRIX GALLIC NAKED FANATICS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures 24 x 28mm 1/56th scale Hard Plastic Multipose Miniatures

The Gauls often fought naked wearing nothing but a sword belt and scabbard. They decorated themselves with flowing moustaches and spiked their hair with lime that caused it to turn blond.

The Gauls were markedly biggar and more muscular than their Mediterranean adversaries.

This set has many head and arm options and weapons include swords, spears and javelins plus a good variety of shields. This set contains 24 figures including arm options to create command figures.

1 vol, 24 pgs 2018 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA032 VICTRIX GREEK LIGHT CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set has many head and arm options and weapons include swords, spears, and javelins plus a good variety of shields. This set contains 12 figures including arm options to create command figures. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2018 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$36.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA033 VICTRIX GALLIC CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Box contains 12 mounted figures (assembly required) representing armored noble cavalry. Separate heads allowing multiple variants and choice of arms for javelins, spears, swords, musician and standard bearer. Includes optional cloaks and mix of round shields. Can be used as Gallic cavalry against the Romans, Roman Allied cavalry to fight against the Germans, and mercenaries in a Carthaginian army. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2018 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$36.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA034 VICTRIX REPUBLICAN ROMAN CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Includes 16 mounted figures in each set. All armored with chainmail and muscled cuirass. Separate heads including Etruscan helmets allowing multiple variants. Choice of arms for javelins, spears, swords, musician and standard bearer. Optional cloaks. Round shields. Digitally designed for highly detailed figures. Some figures can be converted into Carthaginian cavalry. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2018 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$39.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA035 VICTRIX EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Box includes 16 mounted figures in each set. All armored with chain mail and scaled armor. Oval and hexagonal shields, hexagonal shields for Praetorian or Gallic/Germanic options. Head options with mustaches to represent Gallic or German warriors in Roman service. Choice of arms for javelins, spears, swords, musician, and standard bearers. Javelin cases, separate water bottles and bed rolls to give troopers a campaign look. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2018 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$39.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA036 VICTRIX GALLIC ARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 30 figures of armored Gallic infantry in mail and armor. Separate command frame. Separate heads allowing multiple variants. Bare heads and helmeted heads with optional crests. Choice of arms for javelins, spears, swords, musician and standard bearer. Mix of Gallic shields. Digitally designed meaning highly detailed figures. Can be used as Gallic warriors against the Romans, mercenaries in a Carthaginian army, and Ancient Britons against the Romans. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2018 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10%

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1-VXA037 VICTRIX GALLIC CHARIOTS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Includes 3 chariots, 8 x Armored Gallic infantry as fighting crew, 6 x Drivers, 3 x Boudiceas, and 3 x druids in each package. Separate heads allowing multiple variants. Choice of chariot sides, arms for javelins, swords, and standard bearers. Severed heads, javelin cases, and ribbons to enhance chariots. Mix of Gallic shields. Can be used as Ancient Britons against the Romans. 1 vol, 23 pgs 2019 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA038 VICTRIX EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN GENERALS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Create Generals, Legates and Senior Centurions. Includes: 12 mounted command in each set with separate heads allowing multiple variants and choice of arms. Sophisticated and highly detailed armor and horse furniture. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA039 VICTRIX GERMANIC WARRIOR: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whats in the box? 60 x Figures, 6 x Germanic Warrior Main Frame, 2 x Germanic Warrior Command Frame, 14 x Bodies (armoured and unarmoured), 15 x Heads (styles included are typically Germanic top knots and Swabian knots), 14 x Shields (fully supported by a range of shield transfers from LBMS), 10 x Javelins, 7 x Spears, 2 x Germanic Horns, 4 x Standard Poles each with different totems, 9 x Unsheathed Swords, 2 x Axes, and 2 x Clubs. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA040 VICTRIX DACIANS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures The box contains 60 figures in 28mm scale 1 vol, 60 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA041 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 30 highly-detailed 28mm plastic Persian Unarmoured Archer miniatures suitable for the Early to Late Achaemenid Empires. Includes: 24 Archers and 6 Command figures (including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians) with multiple head, arm, and weapon options. Also includes Sparas and spare arrows. Shield and quiver transfers designed by LittleBigMenStudios 1 vol, 60 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA042 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED SPEARMEN: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set includes 30 highly detailed 28mm Unarmoured Spearman plastic miniatures that can be used as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire armies. Fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, or Scythians -- and themselves in numerous civil wars.

Box Contents:
30 figures (24 Unarmoured Spearman and 6 Command figures -- including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians); Multiple head, arm and weapon options; Sparas
1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA043 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whether you're using them as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire, the Armoured Archers are an essential unit in any Persian army. Position them behind a wall of Spara or use them as skirmishers to harass the enemy. Can be used in armies to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and also themselves in civil wars.

Contains: 30 figure set -- 24 Archers and 6 Command figures (including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians) with multiple head, arm, and weapon options plus Sparas, spare arrows, and shield and quiver transfers. 28mm sized hard plastic figures, supplied unpainted.
1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA044 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED SPEARMEN: 28mm Plastic Miniatures 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA045 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Persian Unarmoured Cavalry are an essential part of any Persian army. The 12 figure set contains multiple head, arm, and weapon options are compatible with LBMS transfers. They can be used as tribal levies and colonist cavalry and used to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and themselves in numerous civil war. 28mm sized figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$44.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA046 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whether you're using them as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire, the Armoured Cavalry is an essential unit in any Persian army. The 12-figure set contains three Rider Sprues and three Horse Sprues, each with multiple head, arm and weapon options. They can be converted to be mounted archers and used in armies to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and themselves in numerous civil wars. 28mm sized figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$44.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA047 VICTRIX EARLY IMPERIAL AUXILIARY ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set includes 24 highly detailed plastic miniatures: 12 Western Roman Archers and 12 Eastern Roman Archers. Designed with different body positions and multiple head/quiver options to give you a bit more freedom when creating your miniatures. You can also use command figures from the Auxiliary Infantry set to explore even more body options and create additional archers for your army.

The Eastern Archers can also be used in western field armies and likewise Western Archers can be used in eastern based armies and garrisons. There is evidence of the Easter/Syrian archers on Hadrian's wall and fighting in the Dacian wars alongside western style archers. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid October 2021 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA048 VICTRIX HORSE ARCHERS: Scythians and Parthians - 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 12 hard plastic 28mm cavalry models supplied unpainted and unassembled. The set comprises many different head and quiver styles so you can represent the various Scythian, Saka, Dahae tribes and also the Parthians. The torso is split in two with three varied leg halves and then you have a choice of six upper torsos with various arm and head options to make this a very dynamic and versatile set. Includes extras such as daggers, swords, and axes to hang from the belts so every figure can be an individual. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA049 Victrix EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN BOLT THROWER: 28mm Every Roman Centuria within a Legion was equipped with a Light Bolt shooter. These were manned by regular Legionaries and used in the field or defensively from forts or during sieges. They were capable of hurling a large dart or bolt at much longer ranges than the typical bow and added some devastating long range, heavy hitting firepower to any Roman Legion.

Set includes:
*4 Bolt shooters and the option of extended slider and drawn back slider ready to shoot.
*4 Barrels and lots of loose bolts to fill the barrels.
*8 Defensive stakes
*16 Crew figures in various poses. Ratcheting back the hand cranks, loading the bolts, standing guard; arms with picks, axes, and buckets so you can use them as Romans building and entrenching.
*44 Heads including head with feathers and some bare heads. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid February 2024 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA050 Victrix GREEK HOPLITES: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures The figures can be posed in advancing/charging poses with thrusting spears overhead or thrusting their swords, but also with upright spear options if you need the figures to rank up easier. They mix perfectly well with earlier Victrix Hoplite sets, but there are more variety of armor and helmet styles, including Linothorax armor with scales and more Corinthian style helmets alongside, Illyrian, Chalcidian, and Phrygian variants.

Set includes:
* 48 Hoplite figures
* 48 Hoplite shields
* 112 Hoplite heads with varying styles of crest, including stilted and transverse.
* A mixture of Xyphos and Kopis sword arms and sword scabbards
* Spears in thrusting, leveled, or upright positions.
* Plus some severed heads 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid February 2024 ......$58.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA001 VICTRIX VIKINGS: 28mm Figures This 60-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Vikings offers 14 body options including chain mail, padded jackets, animal furs, and unarmored warriors with 28 head options with helmets, fur hats, animal furs, and bare heads. There is much facial hair on show with many platted beards.

Weapon options include swords, spears, axes, and double handed axes plus a musicians arm with a Viking long horn. Other equipment are a T-bar banner holder, cloaks, animal furs, daggers, pouches, a variety of shields and sword scabbards. Includes a range of shield transfers and banner sheets from LBMS. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2016 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$60.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA002 Late Saxons/Anglo Danes - Fyrd: 28mm Figures Contains 60 superbly detailed miniatures.

The armored figures representing more well off and equipped select Fyrd or Theigns. The Unarmored represent the standard not so well off Fyrd but still equipped with a stout shield and assortment of helmets and spears, swords and Saxes. Hand axes have not been included in this set not because the Saxons did not use hand axes but because the Viking set has a plethora of spare hand axes. You can use a lot of these with the new Saxon set.

The command frame has a monk and some armored warriors that can be used as commanders, standard bearers and also when equipped with double handed Dane axes as Anglo Danish Huscarls. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$55.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA002B LATE SAXONS/ANGLO DANES SKIRMISH PACK: 28mm Figures This 30-figure set of 28mm hard-plastic Normans includes additional parts allowing hundreds of figure options. Contains: 30 x figures; 3 x Warrior Main Frame; 1 x Command Frame; 14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored); and 38 x Head options. Figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available early August 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA003 HUSCARLES - Late Saxons/Anglo Danes Huscarls: 28mm Figures Contains 36 superbly detailed miniatures.

The Huscarls set represent the Saxon warrior elite. Equipped with chain mail, an assortment of helmets, they carry a double handed Dane Axe or can use a spear. You can also use some of the two handed axes on some of the body positions on the Saxon warriors frame thus increasing the amount of variety for your Huscarl figures.

There is an assortment of shield shapes including round and kite shaped on the frames. There are enough to equip everybody with a round shield if you so wish, but the Later Saxons/Anglo Danes did use the Kite shield as well. This set is fully supported by LBMS shield transfers. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA004 NORMAN INFANTRY: 28mm Figures This exceptional 60 figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options. The 28mm sized plastic figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains:

60 x figures
6 x Warrior Main Frame
2 x Command Frame
14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored)
38 x Head options 1 vol, 36 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-dj ......$58.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA004B NORMAN INFANTRY SKIRMISH PACK: 28mm Figures This 30-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans includes additional parts allowing hundreds of figure options. Figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains: 30 x figures; 3 x Warrior Main Frame; 1 x Command Frame; 14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored); and 38 x Head options. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late July 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA005 NORMAN CAVALRY: 28mm Figures This 12-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options. The 28mm sized plastic figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains:
12 Mounted Figures
23 Head/Helmet Options
4 Shield options (Round, Kite, Long Heater, Agada)
6 Weapon options (Lance, Spear, Sword or Javelins, Axe, Mace)
2 Armour options (Chainmail, Scale)
1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA006 DARK AGE ARCHERS AND SLINGERS: 28mm Figures The Dark Age Archers set includes 36 highly detailed 28mm plastic figures (24 Archers and 12 Slingers) with a variety of body/armor and weapon options. This gives you the freedom to decide your own figure poses and army composition. Suitable historical periods are: 4th century until medieval times -- Saxons, Normans, Vikings, Bretons, Franks, or Germanics (if use you use the heads from the Germanic Warriors set).

War-horns, spears, and figure poses can be used for command figures/standard bearers. Additional daggers and axes can be used to convert men into light infantry. Many head options with various helmets, caps, and period specific haircuts (bald heads too of course!). Slinger bodies have been designed so that they can be turned into extra archers, or given shield/weapon arms to create more Viking/Saxon warriors. Note the archers holding spare arrows in one hand whilst firing their bow, this was a method used by the most experienced archers for rapid firing capability. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid April 2022 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA007 LATE ROMAN ARCHERS: 28mm Figures This 36-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Late Romans has additional parts allowing hundreds of options when building the figures and supported by a range of shield transfers and banner sheets from LBMS. This set can also be used as Arthurians, Early Byzantines and Goths/Germanic. Includes 6 Warrior Main Frames and 2 Command Frames. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available mid November 2022 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA008 LATE ROMAN UNARMORED INFANTRY: 28mm Figures Contains 36 28mm hard plastic Late Romans figures, 6 Warrior Main Frames, 2 Command Frames, 14 Body options (including armoured and unarmoured), and 38 Head options. Allows hundreds of options when building the figures. This set can also be used as Arthurians, Early Byzantines, and Goths/Germanic. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available late October 2022 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-VXDA009 LATE ROMAN ARMORED INFANTRY: 28mm Figures This 36-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Late Romans includes a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options when building the figures. This set can also be used as Arthurians, Early Byzantines, and Goths/Germanic warriors. Contains:

* 36 x figures
* 5 x Warrior Main Frame (Armoured bodies)
* 1 x Command Frame (mostly armoured bodies)
* 5 x Head Frames
* 38 x Head options 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid April 2023 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA010 LATE ROMAN ARMORED CAVALRY: 28mm Figures This set of miniatures represents Roman heavy cavalry in mail and scale armour of the 4th to 6th Centuries. Includes 12 riders - with options for officer, musician, and standard bearer -- and 12 horses - with javelin cases, water bottles, and bedrolls.

Offers many and varied head and arm options with spears, javelins and swords plus standard bearer and musician arms. We have some cloaks to make your command figures stand out from the troopers. Two sizes of shields a large oval S1 and a smaller oval S2 as historical reference seems to depict two sizes in use by Late Roman heavy cavalry. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late May 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-VXDA011 NORMAN CROSSBOWMAN: 28mm Figures The set contains 36 hard plastic 28mm figures with a large variety of head and arm positions to create some very individual and dynamic figures and units. You may also be able to mix some parts with the earlier Norman Infantry set for extra variety. There are some heads and helmets with Arabised headgear so you can field some of these miniatures as Andalusians and Crusaders. These figures will be useable from Normandy to Spain, Italy, Central Europe, Middle East, and even fantasy. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

Contains: 18 armoured and 18 Unarmoured figures with poses for firing and spanning the crossbows. Includes 27 different head options, seven separate helmet options, and seven head and different helmet options with Arab style headbands. Also includes six crossbow bolt quiver options plus extra bags, axes, swords, and knives. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available early August 2023 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA012 NORMAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Figures The Norman Unarmoured Cavalry set includes 12 highly detailed 28mm plastic figures with a whole host of head, weapon, and shield options. These represent the mounted sergeants and retainers. Create Normans, Bretons, Spanish, Islamic/Andalusian light cavalry, or early Crusader knight retainers/squires.

Includes: 6 Sprues (3 horse sprues and 3 rider sprues); 12 Mounted Figures; 24 Head/Helmet Options; 4 Shield options (Round, Kite, Long Heater, Adaga); and 6 different weapons (Spears, swords, axes, maces, daggers and javelins). 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available mid October 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA013 LATE ROMAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Figures Some of these cavalrymen retained the distinctive national look such as the Equites Mauri Feroces (Ferocious Moors) or the Equites Mauri Alites (Swift Moors). We have given these heads a North African look and given them a hairstyle very similar to the Numidians.

Contains: 6 Sprues (3 rider sprues and 3 horse sprues) with 12 riders and 12 horses; 3 Shield types, small round, large oval and medium sized oval. Enough to equip each figure in the set the same; 39 Heads; Sword, Javelin and Spear arm options; and Vexilum and Draco standard bearer options, plus musician arm options. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late October 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA014 LATE ROMAN HORSE ARCHERS: 28mm Figures Contains 12 superbly detailed and animated riders and horses shooting to the front, side, and rear representing the agility of these skilled mounted skirmishers. They come equipped with a powerful composite bow, bow case, arrow quiver, sword, and small round shield strapped to their upper left arm.

The torso is separate to the lower body so you can swap torsos onto alternative lower legs and rotate the torso to create more poses. A selection of powerful composite bow arms either being drawn back to shoot, loosed or being loaded. There is a selection of Bow cases and arrow quivers, plus small round shields to strap to the upper left arm and sword scabbards. There is a standard bearer option of an arm holding a Draco standard. The horse frames contain water canteens and bed rolls as optional extras. You do not use the javelin cases on these figures (These can be used as spare parts on other miniatures).

They can also be used as Early Byzantines representing the men that fought for Belisarius against the Sassanids and the reconquest of Italy from the Goths. And they can be used as Palmyran horse archers. Palmyra was a client state of Rome based in Syria. They acted as a buffer state against the Sassanid Empire and scored a notable victory over the Sassanids under their king Odenathus. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid December 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA015 LATE ROMAN CATAPHRACTS: 28mm Figures Contains Late Roman Horse Cataphract 28mm figures: 16 Riders and horses with -- eight different horse head options and separate tails to add a little more movement to the models; 13 head options for the riders; 16 axes to hang from the right of the saddle; 16 swords in scabbards; and Draco standard bearer arm option. The rider bodies are depicted in various armour styles including mail, lamellar and scales. The arms and legs are covered in flexible, tubular metal rings. Each rider has two arm pose options: either upright Kontos or Kontos at the level.

Cataphracts are heavily armoured cavalrymen covered from head to foot in armour of mail, scales and plates, sitting on a fully armoured horse. Scale armour was often of metal scales such as iron or bronze but could also be made of horn, bone or hardened leather which could be in various colours such as red and green. The horses often had an elaborate head piece to protect its face and a mesh to defend the eyes. These could be of various metals or leather. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA016 Victrix EARLY SAXON UNARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Represents the Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles, and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries.

Set includes:
* 36 x unarmoured warrior bodies
* 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)
* 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)
* 60 x helmeted heads
* 30 x bare heads and heads with caps
* An assortment of sword, axe, javelin, and spear arms
* 12 x fur cloaks

These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA017 Victrix EARLY SAXON ARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Represents the Upper class Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries.

Set includes:
* 36 x armored warrior bodies
* 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)
* 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)
* 84 x helmeted heads
* An assortment of sword, axe, javelin, and spear arms
* 12 x fur cloaks

These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late May 2024 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXM001 Victrix MEDIEVAL KNIGHTS: 28mm Figures Contains 28mm plastic figures, supplied unpainted and unassembled.

18 x Knights and fully barded horses
54 x Helmet heads
24 x shields
30 x lance arms with enough to make every figure with an upright or couched lance
12 x axe arms
6 x mace arms
18 x sword arms
33 x shield arms
18 x swords in scabbards
18 x horses
(Transfers purchased separately)

This set can be used as Knights and Men at arms that fought from the late 12th to mid 13th Century during the Crusades, the Barons War, and the many conflicts that raged throughout Feudal Europe during this time of turmoil. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW, available early July 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 10% inc

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1-VX0001 WATERLOO BRITISH INFANTRY CENTER COMPANIES (52) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2008 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0002 PENINSULAR BRITISH INFANTRY CENTER COMPANIES (52) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2008 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0003 WATERLOO BRITISH INFANTRY FLANK COMPANIES (52) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2008 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0004 PENINSULAR BRITISH INFANTRY FLANK COMPANIES (52) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2008 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0005 FRENCH NAPOLEONIC INFANTRY 1807-1812 (60) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2009 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0008 FRENCH NAPOLEONOC INFANTRY 1804-1807 (60) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2009 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0009 NAPOLEON'S OLD GUARD GRENADIERS 1804-1815 (60) 28mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2010 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0010 BRITISH FOOT ARTILLERY 6pdr, 9pdr and Howitzer options. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2010 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX0011 Napoleon's Old Guard Chasseurs: 28mm Figures The Chasseurs are our second set of Napoleon's Old Guard and completes the infantry for Napoleon's old 'Grumblers'! You can now truly represent the Guard massed columns advancing to try and break the British at Waterloo.

The set contains 60 28mm figures, also included are 7 regimental flags, representing flags of the 1804, 1812 and 1815 issue. Positions included in the box are: 4 officers, 4 standard bearers, 4 drummers, 16 firing line (firing, priming and loading), 16 march attack (with arms fully attached), and 16 either march attack or advancing at porte/charge. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2010 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$38.00

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1-VX0012 AUSTRIAN NAPOLEONIC INFANTRY 1798-1809 These are the classic looking 28mm Austrians that most people think of when envisaging Austrians of the Napoleonic wars -- wearing the helmet with yellow and black crest.

The helmet was officially replaced in 1806 by the shako. However as in most armies of the Napoleonic wars, equipment was replaced slowly. Many Austrian infantry, possibly more than half continued to wear the helmet in 1809 and some time after.

Each box contains 56 plastic figures: 48 infantry, 2 officers, 2 drummers, 2 standard bearers, and 2 mounted colonels. The infantry can all be in marching poses but we do have some arms to enable you to make some figures, firing, loading and advancing with leveled musket or at porte.

We have included two types of backpack in the sets. The first type has a bayonet attached. The second type has a bayonet and sword. This is due to the fact Grenadiers and some Landwehr carried swords and bayonets, whilst the ordinary infantry simply carried a bayonet. The backpack has the water-bottle, bayonet, and cartridge box attached. This enables a greater level of detail on these items and prevents undercut issues. They are very easy to glue on with no tiny parts.

Finally, in each set there are two flags: a regimental flag and a colonel's flag. There will be the 1792, 1804, and 1806 patterns. The earlier 1792 pattern was used by some units up to 1815.
1 vol, 56 pgs 2011 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available Mid August 2011 ......$38.00

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1-VX0013 AUSTRIAN GRENADIERS 1798-1815 Grenadiers were part of the Line regiments, however they were mostly brigaded together in combined Grenadier battalions. They proudly wore their distinctive fur mitres and moustaches.

Each box contains 56 plastic figures: 48 infantry, 2 officers, 2 drummers, 2 standard bearers, and 2 lovely mounted colonels. The infantry can all be in marching poses but we do have some arms to enable you to make some figures, firing, loading and advancing with leveled musket or at porte.

We have included two types of backpack in the sets. The first type has a bayonet attached. The second type has a bayonet and sword. This is due to the fact Grenadiers and some Landwehr carried swords and bayonets, whilst the ordinary infantry simply carried a bayonet. The backpack has the water-bottle, bayonet, and cartridge box attached. This enables a greater level of detail on these items and prevents undercut issues. They are very easy to glue on with no tiny parts.

Finally, in each set there are two flags: a regimental flag and a colonel's flag. There will be the 1792, 1804, and 1806 patterns. The earlier 1792 pattern was used by some units up to 1815. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2011 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available Mid August 2011 ......$38.00

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1-VX0014 AUSTRIAN INFANTRY 1806-1815 This set depicts the Austrian infantry from the 1806 reforms wearing shakos. These can happily fight alongside helmeted Austrians up to 1809 and a bit after.

Each box contains 56 plastic figures: 48 infantry, 2 officers, 2 drummers, 2 standard bearers, and 2 lovely mounted colonels. The infantry can all be in marching poses but we do have some arms to enable you to make some figures, firing, loading and advancing with leveled musket or at porte.

We have included two types of backpack in the sets. The first type has a bayonet attached. The second type has a bayonet and sword. This is due to the fact Grenadiers and some Landwehr carried swords and bayonets, whilst the ordinary infantry simply carried a bayonet. The backpack has the water-bottle, bayonet and cartridge box attached. This enables a greater level of detail on these items and prevents undercut issues. They are very easy to glue on with no tiny parts.

Finally, in each set there are two flags: a regimental flag and a colonel's flag. There will be the 1792, 1804, and 1806 patterns. The earlier 1792 pattern was used by some units up to 1815. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2011 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available Mid August 2011 ......$38.00

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1-VX0015 Austrian Landwehr 1808-1815 The Austrian Landwehr came into being in 1808 and were present in large numbers during the Wagram campaign. They wear the distinctive Corsican style hat that looks a bit like a top hat crossed with an Australian bush hat! The Landwehr wore many varied color schemes and will add a nice uniform change to your armies if you want to break up the white ranks a bit. The hat decorations were many and varied from regiment to regiment. We could not create all the unique hat decoration styles, but included is a uniform guide to enable to you alter the hat decorations simply by cutting bits off or cutting off pompoms and gluing elsewhere on the hats.

Each box contains 56 plastic figures: 48 infantry, 2 officers, 2 drummers, 2 standard bearers, and 2 lovely mounted colonels. The infantry can all be in marching poses but we do have some arms to enable you to make some figures, firing, loading and advancing with leveled musket or at porte.

We have included two types of backpack in the sets. The first type has a bayonet attached. The second type has a bayonet and sword. This is due to the fact Grenadiers and some Landwehr carried swords and bayonets, whilst the ordinary infantry simply carried a bayonet. The backpack has the water-bottle, bayonet and cartridge box attached. This enables a greater level of detail on these items and prevents undercut issues. They are very easy to glue on with no tiny parts.

Finally, in each set there are two flags: a regimental flag and a colonel's flag. There will be the 1792, 1804, and 1806 patterns. The earlier 1792 pattern was used by some units up to 1815. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2011 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available Mid August 2011 ......$38.00

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1-VX0017 VICTRIX 28MM: French Napoleonic Foot Artillery 1804 to 1812 28mm miniatures of French foot artillery from 1804 to 1812.

The set contains:
A choice of three 8 pdr or 12 pdr guns for the Gribeauval system plus 15 highly detail crew figures with a choice of bicornes to represent artillery from 1804 to 1806 or covered and uncovered shakos for line artillery from 1806 to 1812. Also Guard artillery bearskin heads and arms with fringed epaulettes to represent Imperial Guard foot artillery. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2015 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% blk

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1-VX0020 VICTRIX 28mm French Napoleonic Imperial Guard Lancers This fabulous set represents Napoleons lancers of the Guard, The Polish (Blue) and Dutch (Red) regiments. They fought in Spain, Europe and Russia and finally at Waterloo with great distinction.

You can also use these for numerous other nations lancers with a little conversion work you can make Prussians, Polish Line Lancers, Lancers De Berg and Russian lancers to name but a few!

We think this is one of our greatest sets to date, the detail is superb and the figures are packed with animation and character.

Whats in the bag?
12 x Figures -
3 x Main Frame
1 x Command Frame
1 vol, 12 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag ......$38.00 rct

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1-VX5401 54mm British Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies (16) 54mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2009 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VX5402 54mm French Napoleonic Grenadiers 1805-1812 (16) 54mm figures including officers, standardbearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs,sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate headsdozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2011 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00 with a discount of 25% blk

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1-VX5403 54mm French Voltigeurs 1805-1812 16 hard plastic 54mm figures including officers, standard bearers, NCO's, and drummers. Separate back packs, sword scabbards, muskets & pistols. Separate heads and dozens of arms allowing endless pose combinations. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2012 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-boxed set ......$38.00

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1-VG12018 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm M4A1 Sherman Models This set includes 6 superbly detailed 12mm/1:144 M4A1 Shermans (early and late versions) and a decal sheet. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$36.00 rct

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1-VG12020 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm German Fallschirmjaeger Figures Hard plastic miniatures. Supplied unpainted. This 12mm /1:144th scale WWII infantry set contains 196 superbly detailed miniatures and features many different poses and weapon types. We have pushed the tooling boundaries at this scale to give you well-proportioned figures with a high level of detail that surpasses many 15mm and 20mm miniatures currently on the market.

Set includes: 112 x Rifleman, 8 x MG42 teams, 16 x Panzerschrek/Panzerfaust teams, 16 x HQ figures plus radios, 16 x Pioneers with anti tank mines, 4 x 50mm mortar teams, and 4 x 82mm mortars. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$42.00 inc

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1-VG12026 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm German Pak 40 + Sd.Kfz.11 Hard plastic miniatures. Supplied unpainted. The kit comes with 4 x Sdkfz 11's and 4 x Pak 40 antitank guns. There are two gun crews. 1 set in standard uniform and 1 crew in smocks. There are crew for the back of the halftrack and plenty of stowage and ammo boxes and spent shells. We have also included sand bags to help secure the gun emplacement.

The Pak 40 entered service in 1942 and became a mainstay of German towed antitank guns until the end of the war. With its powerful 7.5/L46 gun it could take on most allied and Soviet armour. The Sdkfz 11 entered service in 1939 and was used up to the end of the war as a prime mover of towed artillery and Flak guns. It could also carry 8 men and 9,000 were produced. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$42.00 inc

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1-VG12030 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm M4A1 British Airborne This superb set of 12mm miniatures is packed full of detail for such a small scale. There are some really dynamic poses and great mix of arms and equipment. Camouflaged helmets and the iconic Berets are depicted. We even have a figure of Major Digby Tatham-Warter famed for carrying an umbrella in battle. You get 184 miniature sin the pack giving you enough to field a whole company plus heavy weapons and command.

12 x Bren gunners
4 x 2 inch mortar teams
4 x 3 inch mortar teams
4 x Piats and loaders
4 x Radio teams
8 x Officers
16 x Ammo carriers
64 x Riflemen
4 x Snipers
20 x Sten gunners
4 x Flamethrowers
8 x Spotters
4 x Vickers teams 1 vol, 184 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-pb ......$44.00 rct

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