Updated as of ..2/06/2025


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Books at On Military Matters

Updated as of 2/06/2025

ABBREVIATIONS: dj-dust jacket, biblio-bibliography, b/w-black and white, illust-illustrations, b/c-book club addition.
rct - recent arrival or pending publication, spc - OMM Special Price
Recent Arrivals

1-152011001 SPQR: Caesar's Legions - Legionaries with Pilum Figures Contains 12 plastic 28mm models and SPQR revised edition legionaries card. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, inventory reduction sale ......$30.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-152012001 SPQR: Macedonia - Pezhetairori Contains 12 plastic 28mm models and SPQR revised edition card. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, inventory reduction sale ......$27.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-152014001 SPQR: Gallic Warriors Contains 20 plastic 28mm models and SPQR revised edition Gaul warriors card. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, inventory reduction sale ......$36.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-152014009 SPQR: Germanic Warriors Contains 12 German 28mm resin infantry and SPQR revised edition warriors card. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, inventory reduction sale ......$36.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-152019005 SPQR: Mercenaries - Numidian Skirmishers Contains 12 Numidian 28mm resin infantry and SPQR revised edition card. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, inventory reduction sale ......$36.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-2099708 TEAM YANKEE: Swedish Strv 103 S-Tank Company Starter Force Contains: 8x S-Tanks; 3x Pvpjtgb RBS Jeeps; 2x HKP 9 Helicopters; 2x Flight Stands; 8x Rare Earth Magnets; 1x Complete A5 Rulebook; 1x Start Here Booklet; 2x Decal Sheets; and 5x Unit cards. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, BATTLEFRONT USA
NEW-box ......$110.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212010002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Push of Pike Starter Set Box contains what you need to refight 17th century wars across Europe, including period-specific additions that capture the tactics, conditions, and prominent personalities of the period.

The Starter Set contains:

* Tan and grey hard plastic Epic Battles-scale figures: 6 mounted battalia commanders, 6 ensigns, 6 mounted cornets, 14 combined pike & shot regiments (80 soldiers each), 36 commanded shot, 60 cavalry, 12 cuirassiers, 18 mounted dragoons, 30 dismounted dragoons, 6 Saker cannon and 6 Falconet light guns. (Models supplied unassembled and unpainted)
* Green plastic bases for all figures
* A5 256-page Pike & Shotte Epic Battles rulebook
* Quick Play reference card
* Assembly & painting guide leaflet
* Flag sheets for both the English Civil Wars and the Thirty Years' War
* Laser-cut MDF fortified manor house complex
* Six D6 dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$190.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212012001 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Thirty Year's War Infantry Battalia This Epic Battles scale boxed set contains three plastic combined Pike & Shotte regiments (40 pike and 40 musket figures, including command represented in each), plastic bases, and a full-colour flag sheet containing colors for both sides in the Thirty Years' War. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212012002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Thirty Year's War Cavalry This boxed set contains the following Epic Battles scale plastic figures: 30 harquebusiers, 6 cuirassiers, 3 cornets, 9 mounted dragoons, 15 dismounted dragoons, 18 commanded shotte, 3 Saker medium guns, 3 Falconet light guns, 3 mounted battalia commanders, and 3 ensigns on foot, plus plastic bases and a full-colour flag sheet with Thirty Years' War colours. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212013002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: English Civil Wars Cavalry This Epic Battles scale boxed set contains the following plastic figures: 30 harquebusiers, 6 cuirassiers, 3 cornets, 9 mounted dragoons, 15 dismounted dragoons, 18 commanded shotte, 3 Saker medium guns, 3 Falconet light guns, 3 mounted battalia commanders and 3 ensigns on foot, plastic bases, and a full-colour flag sheet with English Civil Wars colours. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212013003 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Scots Covenanters Battilia This boxed set contains three plastic Scots Covenanter combined Pike & Shotte regiments (40 pike and 40 musket, including command), 6 Scots lancers, 6 mounted Scots dragoons, 15 dismounted Scots dragoons, 3 Scots Covenanter frame gun teams, 3 Scots Covenanter battalia commanders on horseback, plastic bases, and a full-colour flag sheet for Scots Covenanters. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$44.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212013004 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Scots Covenanters Starter Set This boxed set contains: 12 Scots Covenanter regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 12 Scots Covenanter frame guns (plastic); 12 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commanders (plastic); 24 Scots Lancers (plastic); 24 Scots Dragoons (plastic); 60 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic); 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic); 3 ensigns (plastic); 30 harquebusier cavalry (plastic); 18 commanded shotte (plastic); 6 Cuirassiers (plastic); 3 mounted cornets (plastic); 9 Dragoons (plastic); 15 dismounted Dragoons (plastic); 3 Saker medium guns (plastic); 3 Falconet light guns (plastic); Lord Leven (Warlord Resin); Marquis of Argyll (Warlord Resin); Calvinist Minister (Warlord Resin); 9 casualty markers (Warlord Resin) ; Plastic bases; and Full-colour flag sheet. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late November 2023 ......$165.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212013005 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Starter Army This boxed set contains: 3 regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 1 Scots Covenanter regiment of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 1 Scots Covenanter frame gun (plastic); 1 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commander (plastic); 5 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic); 4 regiments of 40 Highland Clansmen (Warlord Resin); 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic); 3 ensigns (plastic); 20 harquebusier cavalry (plastic); 8 commanded shot (plastic); 4 Cuirassiers (plastic); 2 mounted cornet (plastic); 6 Dragoons (plastic); 10 dismounted Dragoons (plastic); 2 Saker medium guns (plastic); 2 Falconet light guns (plastic); The Marquis of Montrose (Warlord Resin); 1 Mounted herald (Warlord Resin); and Alisdair Mac Colla and 2 bodyguards. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$120.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212410002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Casualty Markers Contains 18 Epic Battles scale Warlord Resin Casualty Markers supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212412001 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Thirty Years War Imperialist Commanders Contains five resin epic-scale mounted figures: Count Von Tilly, Wallenstein, Piccolimini, Pappenheim, and Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister, available mid May 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212412002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Thirty Years War Protestant Alliance Commanders Contains five resin epic-scale mounted figures: Gustavus Adolphus, Jophnann Georg I, Christian IV of Denmark, Ake Tott, and Louis de Bourbon. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister, available mid May 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212413001 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: English Civil Wars Royalist Commanders Contains five resin epic-scale mounted figures: King Charles I, Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, Ralph Hopton, and Lord Astley. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister, available mid April 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212413002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: English Civil Wars Parliament Commanders Contains five resin epic-scale mounted figures: Oliver Cromwell, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Sir Arthur Haselrig, Sir William Waller, and the Earl of Essex. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister, available mid May 2023 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212413003 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-212413004 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Casualty Markers This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-218810001 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Thatched Hamlet Scenery Pack Included in this pack are four laser-cut Pike & Shotte Epic Battles scale building models, including three thatched rural houses and one thatched barn, suitable for use during the Thirty Years' War or English Civil Wars. Use them to add more authenticity to your games set during the Pike & Shotte era. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$56.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-218810002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Village Scenery Pack Included in this pack are three laser-cut Pike & Shotte Epic Battles scale building models, including a church, watermill, and windmill, suitable for use during the Thirty Years' War or English Civil Wars. Use them to add more authenticity to your games set during the Pike & Shotte era. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$56.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-219910002 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: All-In Collection This All-In Collection gives you one of each of the initial releases for Pike & Shotte Epic Battles, at a fantastic saving, giving you a fine array of infantry, cavalry and artillery miniatures, all the tools you'll need to replicate the battles of the English Civil wars and/or the Thirty Years' Wars, as well as MDF scenery and casualty markers that will lend your tabletop an extra air of authenticity.

All-In includes three of the pre-order exclusive Gun Emplacements miniatures. Also known as gabions, these military fortifications were made from wickerwork formed into the shape of large round cages with open tops and bottoms - used, chiefly in the era of Pike & Shotte, to protect field artillery gunners.

At the core of this collection is the Starter Set packed with 1,300 miniatures and the rulebook.

Free Pre-Order Exclusive Miniature: Also included are three special edition resin gun emplacements, exclusively available within selected Pike & Shotte Epic Battles pre-order bundles.

Full Contents:

* Push of Pike Starter Set
* English Civil Wars infantry battalia
* English Civil Wars cavalry
* Thirty Years' War infantry battalia
* Thirty Years' War cavalry
* Thatched Hamlet scenery pack
* Village scenery pack
* Casualty markers
* 3 exclusive Gun Emplacements
* All models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2023 ......$499.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219912004 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Commanders Of The Thirty Years Wars Collection This collection offers your battlefields an extra layer of period authenticity. Includes:

* Thirty Years War Imperialist Commanders
* Thirty Years War Protestant Alliance Commanders
* Town Houses Scenery Pack (three buildings)
* Star Fort Scenery Pack 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid May 2023 ......$174.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-219913004 PIKE & SHOTTE EPIC BATTLES: Commanders Of The English Civil Wars Collection This collection offers your battlefields an extra layer of period authenticity. Includes:

* English Civil Wars Royalist Commanders
* English Civil Wars Parliament Commanders
* Town Houses Scenery Pack (three buildings)
* Star Fort Scenery Pack 1 vol, 18 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid May 2023 ......$174.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231005 VICTORY AT SEA Regia Marina fleet box Contents:
Aquila-class Carrier - Aquila
Conte di Cavour-class Battleship - Conte di Cavour 1940
Etna-class cruiser - Etna 1942
Zara-class cruiser - Pola 1940
Luigi Cadorna-class cruiser - Luigi Cadorna 1940
Navigatori-class Destroyer x 3
Torpedo-Bomber Aircraft - Reggiane RE.2001 Falco II x 4 flights
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
Assembly Instructions 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$144.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231017 VICTORY AT SEA Regia Marina Vittorio Venetoi The Littorio class was the first new Italian battleship class in nearly a decade when design work began in 1930. Initially designed to remain within the 35,000-ton Washington Treaty limit, the final displacement was just over 40,000 tons. As well as being good-looking ships, the Littorio-class included a number of new features including high-velocity guns. They were probably the first of the 'fast battleships' that would come to dominate capital ship design in the late 1930s and onward.

Vittorio Veneto saw extensive service in WWII, participating in the Battles of Cape Spartivento in November 1940 and Cape Matapan in March 1941. Though struck by a torpedo at this latter engagement and again hit later courtesy of a British submarine, she would escape unscathed from the British raid on Taranto of November 1940. The years 1941 and early 1942 was spent attempting to attack British convoys en route to Malta, until fuel shortages forced the end of such activity. In the armistice of 1943, she was surrendered to the Allies after Italy withdrew from the war, spending the next three years under British control in Egypt. Thereafter she was allocated to Britain as a war prize and was scrapped.

Box contains one BB Vittorio Veneto.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231018 VICTORY AT SEA - Regia Marina Submarines & MTB's Box contains:
Marcello-class Submarines x 3
MAS MTB sections x 2
MS MTB sections x2
Ship Cards
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$45.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260802 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES Confederate Brigade This box contains enough miniatures to make:
Three Regiments (of 100 men each)
Three Cannons
Three Mounted Commanders
1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260803 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES Union Brigade This box contains enough miniatures to make:
Three Regiments (of 100 men each)
Three Cannons
Three Mounted Commanders
1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260805 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES American Civil War Zouaves Regiments The Zouave Regiments (or Zouave-Inspired Regiments) were used by both the Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. 300 Figures total

The formations from New York and Pennsylvania became arguably the most popular and colourful additions to the Civil War. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$72.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260807 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Dismounted Cavalry - 15mm Figures Contains 66 figures to create a brigade of three regiments - each with three stands of dismounted infantry and one of horseholders, suitable for both Union and Confederate Armies. 1 vol, 66 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$72.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260812 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Skirmishers - 15mm Figures Boxed set contains 10 stands (40 figures) suitable to represent Skirmishers for both Union and Confederate armies. They can equally be used to represent famous regiments such as Berdan's Sharpshooters on the Union side to the Rebel Whitworth Sharpshooters. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$45.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260815 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Confederate Command - 15mm Figures This pack contains three mounted command figures, including Robert E. Lee and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, in metal and a HQ standard bearer.
1 vol, 40 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister ......$10.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260816 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Union Command - 15mm Figures This pack contains three mounted command figures, including George Meade and Ulysses S. Grant, in metal and a HQ standard bearer. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister ......$10.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260817 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 15mm Figures This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete Union brigade comprising one zouaves regiment of 100 figures, a 20-figure regiment of cavalry, a 21-figure regiment of dismounted cavalry, and a 18-figure regiment of skirmishers. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early November 2022 ......$42.50 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2260818 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 15mm Figures This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete Confederate brigade comprising one zouaves regiment of 100 figures, a 20-figure regiment of cavalry, a 21-figure regiment of dismounted cavalry, and a 18-figure regiment of skirmishers. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early November 2022 ......$42.50 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-227750 BOLT ACTION: Jagdtiger The Panzerjager Tiger Ausf. B, known as the Jagdtiger (hunting tiger) was the heaviest tank ever to see action during World War Two. Developed late in the conflict, only around 80 actually reached combat, with the first in September of 1944. Germany, like many nations, made use of existing tank designs. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid August 2021 ......$43.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-228410 BOLT ACTION: 28mm British & Inter-Allied Commandos Box contains 30 plastic infantry 28mm figures, bases, and decals. Assembly required.

The Commandos established an extraordinary reputation for dash and bravery in World War II. Formed in 1940 by order of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill with the express goal of taking the fight back to the apparently unstoppable German armed forces that had thrown the British Expeditionary Force out of France with such apparent ease. An all-volunteer force, they recruited from all parts of the armed services. Indeed there were Army commandos, Naval commandos and the Inter-Allied Commando regiment which included nationalities such as the Belgians, Polish, Dutch and others. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid October 2021 ......$53.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-228420 BOLT ACTION: 28mm Italian Army & Blackshirts Box contains 30 plastic 28mm highly customizable Italian Infantry, with decal sheet and assembly guide.

The Italian uniform changed several times during the course of the war and we chose the pattern that could best represent a wide array of troops, at different times during the war, and in different theatres of operation. At 28mm scale, these are ideal to represent M37 or M40 tunics. We have also included the Camiciotto Sahariana pullover smock for added variety. A wide variety of headgear for the Italian Army and Blackshirts are included - M33 steel helmets, Bustina cap, M1935 pith helmet, Blackshirt soft fez & Blackshirt hard fez.

Weaponry includes the M91/41 rifle, M91/38 Carcano Cavalry Carbine, M38A Beretta SMG, M38 Carcano carbine, M1934, 9mm Beretta pistol and Breda M30 LMG. Not only that but the sprue contains masses of optional extras such as two types of gas mask bags, goggles, bayonets, combat knives, etc. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, available mid October 2021 ......$53.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22871001 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo British Infantry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three British line infantry regiments of 80 men each, a regiment of 95th Rifles with 60 men, a 3-gun Royal Artillery 9-pdr battery and three mounted brigade commanders. 1 vol, 270 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22871002 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo - British Light Cavalry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three British light cavalry regiments (3 bases of Hussars in shako, 3 bases of Hussars in busby and 5 bases of Light Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 9-pdrs. 1 vol, 270 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22871003 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo - British Heavy Cavalry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three British heavy cavalry regiments (two bases of Royal Scots Greys, three bases of Household Cavalry and six bases of Heavy Dragoons) and a 3-gun battery of Royal Horse Artillery 6-pdrs. 1 vol, 270 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22871004 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo British Highlanders & Riflemen The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as ACW bundle) are supplied unpainted.

Box includes:
3 x Highlander Regiments of 80 Men each
3 x Mounted Brigade Commanders
24 x Skirmishing 95th Rifles
3 x Royal Artillery 5.5 Howitzers
1 x Full-colour Napoleonic British flag leaflet.
1 vol, 270 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-228711 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo British Starter Set Starter set includes:

10 Units of Line Infantry
3 Units of 95th Rifles
1 Unit of Heavy Dragoons
1 Unit of Scots Greys
1 Unit of Household Cavalry
1 Unit of Hussars
1 Unit of Light Dragoons
16 Artillery Pieces
9 Brigade Commanders
La Belle Alliance MDF Scenery Piece
Bespoke A5 Softback Black Powder: Epic Battles Rulebook

The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as ACW bundle) are supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$145.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-228712 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo French Starter Set Starter set includes:

10 Units of Line Infantry (80 men per Unit)
3 Units of Skirmishing Voltigeurs (13 Bases of 6 men each)
1 Unit of Cuirassiers
1 Unit of Dragoons
1 Unit of Carabiniers
1 Unit of Hussars
1 Unit of Chasseurs a Cheval
1 Unit of Lancers
16 Artillery Pieces
9 Brigade Commanders
Dacoster House MDF Scenery Piece
Bespoke A5 Softback Black Powder: Epic Battles Rulebook

The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as ACW bundle) are supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$145.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-228713 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo Prussian Starter Set Contains:

A5 Softback Black Powder: Epic Battles Rulebook
Full-colour assembly and painting guide
Full-colour flag sheet
8 mounted Brigade commanders
8 units of Prussian line infantry (80 men per unit)
5 units of Landwehr infantry (80 men per unit)
2 units of ranked up Jagers (80 men per unit)
35 Skirmishing Jagers
5 bases of Landwehr cavalry
3 bases of Prussian Dragoons
3 bases of Prussian Uhlans
3 bases of Prussian Hussars
12-pdr foot artillery battery (8 guns)
1 6-pdr horse artillery battery (3 guns)
Windmill MDF scenery piece
6 d6 dice 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$152.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22872001 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo French Infantry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three French line or light infantry regiments of 80 men each, 24 voltigeurs skirmishing, a 3-gun Foot Artillery 6-pdr battery and a mounted brigade commander. 1 vol, 267 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22872002 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo French Light Cavalry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three French light cavalry regiments (21 Lancers, 18 Hussars and 21 Chasseurs a Cheval) and a 3-gun horse artillery 6-pdr battery. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22872003 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo French Heavy Cavalry Brigade The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as Epic ACW) are supplied unpainted. Box includes enough models to field a complete brigade of three French heavy cavalry regiments (four bases of Cuirassiers, three bases of Carabiniers and three bases of Dragoons) and a 3-gun horse artillery 6-pdr battery. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-22872004 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo French Middle & Old Guard The 13.5mm miniatures (same scale as ACW bundle) are supplied unpainted.

Box includes:
3 x Guard Battalions of 80 Men each - with optional heads to represent poorly-uniformed Middle Guard
3 x Mounted Brigade Commanders
Marines of the Guard (30 Men)
Engineers of the Guard (30 Men)
3 x Foot Artillery 12-pdrs
1 x Full-colour Napoleonic French flag leaflet.
1 vol, 306 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid April 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-231490B BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days Campaign Bundle This Epic battle bundle contains Napoleonic commanders, casualty markers, and the campaign supplement. The bundle contains 15 mounted commanders (five English/Allied, five French, and five Prussian in resin), 54 casualty markers (18 British/Allied, 18 French, and 18 Prussian in resin), and the campaign supplement booklet contains new rules, what-if scenarios, and a system to link all the games in a grand campaign. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$170.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-302411004 O'ER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY: British Peninsular Veterans 28 mm During the Douro campaign and capture of the city of Oporto in 1809, the 3rd Battalion consisted of several collected several detachments of recovered men belonging to Sir J. Moore's army. Box of 28mm miniatures includes Duchess, the 3rd's bull terrier mascot. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid January 2024 ......$45.00 rct

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1-302412007 VIVE L'EMPEREUR! French Peninsular Veterans 28mm Murdering their way out of a Spanish prison hulk, Chef de battalion Francois Leon de Rochebaron and his loyal band began their journey into infamy. After the brutal experience at the hands of his Spanish captors, the once honourable de Rochebaron swore unwavering vengeance on the enemies of France. Thus the legend of the 'The Butchers' of the 73rd Line Regiment was born. The box of 28mm miniatures includes the regiment's mascot, Fifi the poodle. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid January 2024 ......$45.00 rct

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1-312001801 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo: Prussian Infantry Brigade This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three Prussian line or light infantry regiments of 80 men each, three bases of jagers, a three-gun 12-pdr Foot Artillery battery, and three mounted brigade commanders.


3 x Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian Infantry plastic sprues
3 x Epic Battles: plastic base sprues.
1 x Full-colour Napoleonic Prussian flag leaflet 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312001802 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo: Prussian Cavalry Brigade Contents:
This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three Prussian cavalry regiments (three bases of Hussars, three bases of Uhlans and three bases of Dragoons), and a three-gun 6lber horse artillery battery.


3 x Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian Cavalry plastic sprues
3 x Epic Battles: plastic base sprues.
1 x Full-colour Napoleonic Prussian flag leaflet 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312001803 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Waterloo: Prussian Landwehr Brigade This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete brigade of three Prussian Landwehr regiments of 80 men each, 1 regiment of Landwehr cavalry, consisting of three bases of cavalry, and a unit of skirmishing jagers. Contents:

3 x Epic Battles: Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr plastic sprues
3 x Epic Battles: plastic base sprues.
1 x Full-colour Napoleonic Prussian flag leaflet 1 vol, 240 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312401001 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days British & Allied Commanders Black Powder Epic Napoleonic set contains five resin British and Allied commanders: Wellington, Uxbridge, Picton, Prince William of Orange, and generic cavalry commander. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312401002 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days British Casualty Markers Black Powder Epic Napoleonic set contains 18 resin British and Allied casualty markers. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312401801 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days Prussian Commanders Black Powder Epic Napoleonic Hundred Days set contains five resin Prussian commanders: Blucher, von Zeiten, Pirch I, Gneisenau, and von Bulow. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312401802 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days Prussian Casualty Markers Black Powder Epic Napoleonic set contains 18 resin Prussian casualty markers. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312402001 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days French Commanders Black Powder Epic Napoleonic Hundred Days set contains five resin French commanders: Napoleon, Ney, Kellerman, d'Erlon, and generic cuirassier commander. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$19.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-312402002 BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLE: Napoleonic Hundred Days French Casualty Markers Black Powder Epic Napoleonic set contains 18 resin French casualty markers. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available early August 2022 ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-401510006 BOLT ACTION: Starter Set Designed specifically to introduce the fundamentals of the Bolt Action WWII skirmish rules.

* Full-color 68 page book - The Bolt Action Field Manual
* 12 28mm Plastic German Grenadiers
* 12 28mm Plastic US Rangers
* Plastic Ruined Farmhouse Scenery
* Game Token Punchboard
* Double-sided Gaming Mat (30 x 22.4 inch approx.)
* Six Bolt Action Order Dice (3 Gray / 3 Olive Drab)
* Eight six-sided dice
* Dice Bag
* Cardboard insert that doubles as an in-game bunker 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late December 2024 ......$68.00 rct

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1-402012102 BOLT ACTION: German Fallschirmjager Winter Platoon Contains 30 multi-part plastic infantry for the German Fallschirmjager Winter Platoon. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late September 2024 ......$59.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-DMHP001 DEAD MAN'S HAND Plastic Gunfighters Box of wily cowboys, stoic lawmen, ruthless outlaws, and crazy desperados fight for fame and respect in the Old West. Contains 10 multi-part, plastic 28mm miniatures which can be made in more ways than it's possible for an 11-fingered varmint to a Count. All the weapons you will need to arm your dangerous bunch are on the sprue, including pistols, a repeater rifle, two shotguns, and a rifle as well as a host of other extras to make your gang truly individual. Miniatures are made of plastic and supplied unassembled and unpainted. Plastic bases included. 1 vol, 10 pgs 2021 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-box ......$24.00 rct

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1-DMHP002 DEAD MAN'S HAND: Plastic 28mm Gunfighters II - The Ladies The Ladies contains 10 multipart plastic 28mm miniatures oif the Old West which can be made in more ways than it's possible for an 11-fingered varmint to count! All the weapons you will need to arm your dangerous bunch are on the sprue, including pistols, three repeater rifles, two shotguns and a rifle as well as a host of other extras to make your gang truly individual. Plastic bases included. Miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 10 pgs 2022 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-box ......$25.00 rct

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1-DMHP003 DEAD MAN'S HAND: General Purpose Wagon The wagon may be modeled with canvas, with hoops, or without. Includes driver, passenger, and horses.

The wagon is also be available as a single frame (OMM Item Number DMHP003W: $15) with just the wagon -- no cover, no hoops, no figures, and no horses - so that you can have unhitched wagons.

1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-box ......$30.00 rct

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1-FGVP06 FROSTGRAVE WIZARDS: 28mm Miniatures This boxed set offers enough parts to build eight 28mm male wizards and apprentices for Frostgrave. It includes a range of heads, arms, equipment, and familiars, and is also compatible with the Soldiers, Cultists, and Barbarians boxed sets. Models are unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-FGVP11 FROSTGRAVE CULTISTS II: 28mm Miniatures The Frostgrave Cultists II box set contains enough parts to make 20 different 28mm figures. There are multiple heads, arms, weapons and accouterments per frame. No two warbands will ever be the same. Models are unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$32.00 rct

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1-GBP23 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Late Roman Light Cavalry Inside you will find parts to assemble 12 finely-detailed unarmored cavalry, fighting with either javelin or bow, suitable for use in Swordpoint. The box also includes swords, axes, and a trumpet for conversion purposes. The Late Roman Light Cavalry may be used to represent the unarmored cavalry forces of any of the later Romans or early Byzantines. Parts from this box are compatible with most parts from all our other box sets so you can do many, many conversions. 28mm sized plastic figures. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2018 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-box, available early August 2019 ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP26 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Goth Elite Cavalry as Cataphracts Inside you will find parts to assemble 12 finely-detailed armoured cavalry, fighting with either spear, sword or axe, suitable for use in Swordpoint. The box also includes dracos for conversion purposes. These figures make an excellent centre-piece for your Goth army or allies for Late Romans. Parts from this box are compatible with most parts from all our other box sets so you can do many, many conversions. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP28 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Late Roman Cataphracts There are nineteen cataphract regiments listed in the Notitia Dignitatum, four in the West (including one in London) and fifteen in the East of the Empire, and although one is an elite Schola unit (Byzantium) and a couple are Palatini, most are treated as part of the regular assembly of troops.

Despite the lack of elite status, a tendency to be one-charge-wonders and a short period of potency in any one battle, the most important thing to remember about the Late Roman Cataphract is that they are cool and they look it too.

Inside you will find parts to assemble 12 finely-detailed armoured cavalry with kontos. Parts from this box are compatible with most parts from all our other box sets so you can do many, many conversions.
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP31 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Dark Age Irish Contains 5 sprues of plastic Dark Age Irish warrior parts. Each sprue has 5 different bodies, 7 different heads, 5 large round shields, 5 bucklers, 3 different Irish cloaks, 4 spear arms, plus all the arms you need including one holding a short-sword, one with a hand-axe, a set of arms to use with the included Dane-axe plus a couple of extra axes and a short-sword in scabbard. These make up 25 figures in a wide variety of poses.

As always, most of these parts are compatible with our other plastic sets allowing you to mix and match almost endlessly. Supplied unpainted and unassembled. Some modeling skill required. Use plastic cement to glue the parts together, not super glue. Please note, box does not include bases. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2021 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-box, available early December 2021 ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP35 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Dark Age Welsh The figures represent the unarmored majority of warriors in Welsh armies and raiding forces from early times to Middle Ages. Contains the components to assemble 25 Dark Age Welsh warriors, enough to form a large warband in the Swordpoint game system. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-box, available late March 2022 ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP36 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Dark Age Picts The figures represent the unarmored majority of warriors in Pictish armies and raiding forces from early times to Middle Ages. Contains the components to assemble 25 Dark Age Pictish warriors, enough to form a large warband in the Swordpoint game system. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-box, available late March 2022 ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GBP37 GRIPPING BEAST: 28mm Parthian Cataphracts Contains parts to assemble 12 Parthian Cataphracts, making up to 6 bases of cavalry in the Swordpoint game system. These figures represent the famous heavily armoured Cataphracts of the Parthian Empire. They can also be used to represent similar troops fielded by the Armenian and Sassanid armies.

Supplied unpainted and unassembled. 28mm Hard Plastic. Some modeling skill required. Use plastic cement to glue the parts together, not super glue. Please note, box does not include bases. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST MINIATURES
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020001 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Starter Set WWII skirmish wargame played with a force of 5-20 models, fighting out night-time raids in World War II. Field an elite force of SAS Commandos to infiltrate the enemy lines under cover of darkness. Launch attacks on radar stations, munition factories, airfields, bridges and rail lines. Sneak past sentries, take them out with silent attacks, or open fire with a devastating ambush. Plant charges to destroy your objective, assassinate a target or grab vital intel, then fight your way to safety before reinforcements arrive!

Or play as the defenders, carefully setting patrol routes so your sentries can spot raiders in the shadows. Utilise guard dogs, officers or military police and make use of informants and intercepted transmissions to thwart the attackers' plans.

This product contains:

36 Multi-part 28mm plastic figures: (12 British SAS, 18 German sentries, officers and Feldgendarmes, and 6 guard dogs)
64 page Rulebook
80 Gaming Cards
8 Custom Dice
104 Counters
36 Plastic Bases

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will also need a tape measure, terrain, and a container for the tokens in order to play. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2022 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box ......$75.00 rct

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1-GFN020018 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Partisan Resistance Cell Partisan fighters resist the German occupiers by gathering information, forming plans, and launching night-time raids on the enemy. New models and 40 unique cards introducing the new Plan mechanic. All cards are new, adding unique options and tactics to the game.

This expansion adds Plan cards to the game, allowing the Partisan player to choose special tricks and stratagems before the battle starts - cut the phone lines, receive coded messages or even place sausages to distract the guard dogs! Plan cards are a bit like the Event cards, except that you choose three (normally) before the battle starts - the more Partisans in your force, the more Plans you will have to choose from.

This set contains:

6 metal character miniatures:
Yvette: Partisan Hero
Luc: Partisan Stalwart
Marie: Partisan Sniper
Remi: Partisan Radio Man
Astrid: Partisan Agent
Edith: Partisan Operative
8 multi-part plastic miniatures
18 Recruitment cards
17 Plan cards
4 Event cards
1 Partisan Rules card
14 Plastic Bases

Included are Recruitment cards for Jedburgh teams - three-man groups tasked with helping the local resistance cells to prepare for D-Day. Jedburgh miniatures sold separately.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available late February 2023 ......$75.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020019 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Jedburgh Team Recruitment cards are included in the Partisan Resistance Cell box, not in this set.

Jedburgh teams each consisted of three men: generally a British or American commander, a liaison officer who was native to the area (France, Belgium, Netherlands, etc.), and a non-commissioned radio operator. Their role was to meet up with the local partisan movement, assist them with planning and leadership, arrange supply drops of weapons and equipment, and coordinate attacks.

Their rules provide benefits for Partisans in the same force, and for this reason their Recruitment cards are included in the Partisan Resistance Cell box, not in this set. For example, the Jedburgh Liaison gives the Partisans 3 more Plan cards to choose from, while the Jedburgh Non-Comm allows you to give one Partisan the Spare Ammo card.

If you want to use them without Partisans then it's best to use the rules for SAS or RM Commandos. New models designed to work in a Partisan force. The figures are armed with a Mk II(S) 'Silenced' Sten gun and M1A1 carbines (paratrooper model with folding stock).

This set contains:

3 metal character miniatures:
Jedburgh Officer
Jedburgh Liaison
Jedburgh Non-Com

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available late February 2023 ......$16.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020021 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Desert Raid Expansion Set 28mm This expansion adds two opposing forces ready for night raids in the desert, plus the new Weather Events - battle the elements as well as the enemy! Intrepid members of the LRDG and SAS travel hundreds of miles through the deserts of North Africa, braving sandstorms and extreme temperatures to raid German airfields.

28mm Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. All cards are new, adding unique options and tactics to the game.

This set contains:

14 metal miniatures including:
* The Ghost - SAS character
* 3 LRDG / SAS Troopers
* Erwin Rommel / DAK Officer
* Luftwaffe Pilot
* 5 DAK Sentries
* DAK Sergeant
* DAK Handler
* Guard Dog

12 Recruitment cards:
* 2 Requisition cards
* 2 Veteran cards
* 1 Order card
* 6 Event cards (inc. Weather Events)
* 1 Rules card


The miniatures in this set can represent either LRDG or Desert-based SAS, or a mix of both. For SAS use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent characters and sentries of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK). The cards for Seasoned Troopers represent more experienced soldiers, stationed nearby. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$75.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020022 02 HUNDRED HOURS: LRDG / SAS Reinforcements 28mm The LRDG (Long Range Desert Group) acted as guides and transport for the SAS and other Allied forces across the punishing deserts of the North African theatre, facilitating strikes hundreds of miles behind enemy lines. They often added their own firepower to SAS raids as well as completing their own separate missions.

This set contains: 4 metal LRDG / SAS figures and Bases.

The 28mm miniatures in this set can represent either LRDG or Desert-based SAS, or a mix of both.

Recruitment cards not included. For SAS use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set. For LRDG use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020023 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Reinforcements 1 28mm Reinforcements to fill out your German Afrikakorps forces. The 28mm miniatures in this set represent represent forces of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK).

This set contains:

* 2 metal DAK troopers
* 1 metal DAK handler
* 1 metal Guard Dog


Recruitment cards not included. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent DAK characters and sentries. For DAK Seasoned Troopers use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020024 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Reinforcements 2 28mm Reinforcements to fill out your German Afrikakorps forces. The 28mm miniatures in this set represent represent forces of the Deutsches Afrikakorps - the German forces in North Africa (abbreviated to DAK).

This set contains: 4 metal DAK troopers and Bases.

Recruitment cards not included. Use the Recruitment cards from the main 02 Hundred Hours set to represent DAK characters and sentries. For DAK Seasoned Troopers use the cards from the Desert Raid set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020025 02 HUNDRED HOURS: DAK Casualties 28mm This set contains: 4 metal DAK casualties and Bases.

Recruitment cards not included. 28mm models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, GREY FOR NOW GAMES
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$14.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GFN020027 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Escape from Stalag Luft III 28mm Expansion set adds special rules for POW escapees and motorbikes, plus a historical overview, five new missions, and a brand new play mode for the POWs' preparations right under the noses of the guards.

Contains: 6 metal Uniformed Escapee miniatures; 1 metal Feldgendarme NCO on Motorbike; 14 page Mission booklet; 11 Recruitment cards; 1 Requisition card; 4 Veteran cards; 1 Order card; 1 Event card; and Bases

Rules are included for Escapees in Civvies - these miniatures sold separately. All cards are new, adding unique options and tactics to the game! Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late January 2024 ......$67.00 rct

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1-GFN020028 02 HUNDRED HOURS: Escapees in Civvies 28mm This set contains: 4 Escapees in Civvies plus Bases. The men who escaped from Stalag Luft III took great lengths to re-tailor material from old uniforms, creating what looked like civilian dress. These models are ideal for use with the missions in the Escape from Stalag Luft III set, as well as things like the Hunted and Evade missions from the rulebook. However they may be fielded in any force if you so wish. Starting the game with no weapons, Escapees in Civvies increase the alarm level less than normal if discovered. But they can also loot weapons from the bodies of other fighters! They also work well as slightly anxious looking civilians. Recruitment cards are included in the Escape from Stalag Luft III box, not in this set. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included. Contents may vary from photos. You will need the 02 Hundred Hours Starter Set in order to play. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late January 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-GIM043 KING LEONIDAS A true warrior king, Leonidas I led the Greek city-state of Sparta. His family were said to be descended from demigod Heracles, which supposedly explained their strength, vitality and battle prowess. Leonidas led 300 of the best Spartan warriors, 900 Helots, 400 Thebans and 700 Thespians in a heroic last stand against the forces of Xerxes, the Persian king. Current estimates suggest that the Greeks held off between 70,000 and 300,000 Persian warriors, providing time for the remainder of the allied Greek forces to mobilise. The last stand of Leonidas and his loyal 300 has attained mythological status, being held up as an example for all.

28mm sized metal figure, supplied unpainted. Limited to 500 models, each comes in a numbered gift box.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-box ......$6.50 rct

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1-GIM051 Beowulf Beowulf and his saga is perhaps one of the best known tales from the Scandanavian lands. In many ways, Beowulf is the template used by pretty much every hero created in fiction ever since. Brave, strong, noble and a consummate warrior, he inspires others, with his followers being true friends rather than just an entourage. Yet he's also slightly flawed - he likes the idea of fame and glory when young, although after he becomes king, he is described as a good servant to his people. Our version of Beowulf is largely based upon the imagination of the sculptor, with some reference to the many pieces of artwork created over the years.

This is a limited edition 28mm figure. Only 500 will ever be made. Each miniature comes with a numbered gift card.

Figures may require some assembly, and are supplied unpainted.
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-box ......$6.50 rct

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1-LADGA1 20 METAL BASES: 40x40mm for L'Art de la Guerre 15mm Each movement stand holds two 40x20mm bases for 15mm bowmen, etc. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2023 US, WARGAME ACCESSORIES
NEW-blister, available mid March 2023 ......$9.00 rct

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1-LADGA2 20 METAL BASES: 40x30mm for L'Art de la Guerre HI/MI Infantry 15mm Each Movement Stand holds two 40mmx15mm bases. Suitable for Pikemen, Spearmen, or Swordsmen or one unit of mounted in LADG. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2023 US, WARGAME ACCESSORIES
NEW-blister, available mid March 2023 ......$9.00 rct

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1-MT0103 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm British Regular Infantry (AWI) Eight 28mm sized metal miniature figures per pack, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$18.00 rct

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1-MT0104 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm Indian Sachem One 28mm sized metal miniature figure per pack, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$4.00 rct

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1-MT0105 MUSKETS & TOMAHAWKS: 28mm Indian Warriors V Six 28mm sized metal miniature figures per pack, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 4 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2023 ......$14.00 rct

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1-MTB08 FRENCH ARMY (Retreat From Moscow): 28mm Figures A 300-point army designed to be used in Muskets & Tomahawks II.

The French Army contains: 1x Officer (with Experienced Duelist option); 1x Fusilier units (8 figures) (with Grizzled option); 1x Grenadier unit (8 figures); 1x Voltigeur Unit (6 figures) (with Grizzled option); (Note: Grizzled option doesn't refer to the figures, it's a 'Shakos & Bayonet' gaming term, meaning these units have seen some action before). All the figures come from the North Star Muskets & Tomahawks range. Figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. To expand your force, add units from the individual packs of North Star Muskets & Tomahawks figures. 1 vol, 23 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-MTB09 RUSSIAN ARMY (Retreat From Moscow): 28mm Figures A 300 point army designed to be used in Muskets & Tomahawks II.

The Russian Army contains: 1x Officer (with Experienced Duelist option); 1x Fusilier units (8 figures) (with Grizzled option); 1x Grenadier unit (8 figures); 1x Voltigeur Unit (6 figures) (with Grizzled option); (Note: Grizzled option doesn't refer to the figures, it's a 'Shakos & Bayonet' gaming term, meaning these units have seen some action before). All the figures come from the North Star Muskets & Tomahawks range. Figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. To expand your force, add units from the individual packs of North Star Muskets & Tomahawks figures. 1 vol, 29 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$63.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-N150B AIRFIELD ASSAULT SET Temporary airfields might look like easy targets... Will you dare infiltrate the base and destroy the vital supplies you find?

This set contains one each of:

* N040 Nissan / Quonset hut
* N099 Static Oil Tank
* N102 Water Bowser
* N148 Covered Storage Sheds
* N180 Renault AHN (28mm) 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 UK,SARISSA
NEW-box, available mid September 2023 ......$89.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-OAKP101 OATHMARK - Dwarf Infantry 28mm Plastic Figures Plastic 28mm sized Dwarves, designed to be used in the forthcoming game from Osprey Games, Oathmark.

This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Dwarf Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 Dwarf Warriors with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Dwarves with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra.

The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together. The flag and shield designs are not supplied in the box.
1 vol, 30 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-OAKP102 OATHMARK - Dwarf Heavy Infantry 28mm Plastic Figures This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Dwarf Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all 2-handed Weapons or all hand weapon and shield. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 Dwarf Warriors with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Dwarves with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each. Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra. The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to glue them together. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-OAKP201 OATHMARK - Goblin Infantry 28mm Plastic Figures This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Goblin Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 Goblin soldiers with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Goblins with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra.

The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together. The flag and shield designs are not supplied in the box
1 vol, 30 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-OAKP202 OATHMARK - Goblin Wolf Riders 28mm Plastic Figures This box set contains enough parts for you to build 15 Goblin Wolf Riders. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 15 Goblin Wolf Riders with an officer and standard bearer, or three units of 5 Goblins with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 15 plastic bases, 25mm by 50mm, manufactured by Renedra. The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together.
1 vol, 15 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-OAKP301 OATHMARK - Elf Infantry 28mm Plastic Figures This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Elf Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 Elf soldiers with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Elves with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra.

The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together
1 vol, 30 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-OAKP401 OATHMARK - Human Infantry 28mm Plastic Figures This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Human Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield, all archers or any combination of the three. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 30 soldiers with an officer and standard bearer, or six units of 5 Men with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!!

Box also contains 30 plastic bases, 25mm square, manufactured by Renedra.

The figures are supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together
1 vol, 30 pgs 2020 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$38.00 rct

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1-PMAN100 NAPOLEONIC AUSTRIAN HUSSARS 1805-15 Set contains 14 cavalrymen, painting guide and bases. All the 28mm figures in this set can be assembled in full or campaign dress, and either at full charge, sword shouldered, or attacking. The Austrian Hussars were the most colourful troops in the Austrian army, all coming from the Hungarian part of the Austrian empire. They were used for all duties; scouting, skirmishing, and in battle. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK. PERRY MINIATURES
NEW-box, available mid April 2021 ......$36.00 rct

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1-VG12018 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm M4A1 Sherman Models This set includes 6 superbly detailed 12mm/1:144 M4A1 Shermans (early and late versions) and a decal sheet. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag, available mid August 2023 ......$36.00 rct

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1-VG12030 VICTRIX WWII: 12mm M4A1 British Airborne This superb set of 12mm miniatures is packed full of detail for such a small scale. There are some really dynamic poses and great mix of arms and equipment. Camouflaged helmets and the iconic Berets are depicted. We even have a figure of Major Digby Tatham-Warter famed for carrying an umbrella in battle. You get 184 miniature sin the pack giving you enough to field a whole company plus heavy weapons and command.

12 x Bren gunners
4 x 2 inch mortar teams
4 x 3 inch mortar teams
4 x Piats and loaders
4 x Radio teams
8 x Officers
16 x Ammo carriers
64 x Riflemen
4 x Snipers
20 x Sten gunners
4 x Flamethrowers
8 x Spotters
4 x Vickers teams 1 vol, 184 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-pb ......$44.00 rct

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1-VX0020 VICTRIX 28mm French Napoleonic Imperial Guard Lancers This fabulous set represents Napoleons lancers of the Guard, The Polish (Blue) and Dutch (Red) regiments. They fought in Spain, Europe and Russia and finally at Waterloo with great distinction.

You can also use these for numerous other nations lancers with a little conversion work you can make Prussians, Polish Line Lancers, Lancers De Berg and Russian lancers to name but a few!

We think this is one of our greatest sets to date, the detail is superb and the figures are packed with animation and character.

Whats in the bag?
12 x Figures -
3 x Main Frame
1 x Command Frame
1 vol, 12 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag ......$38.00 rct

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1-VX0021 VICTRIX NAPOLEONIC BAVARIAN INFANTRY Set includes 58 highly detailed figures. These figures represent the Bavarian infantry from 1809, when they adopted more of a French style kit instead of the slung backpack and gaiters. Contains 36 marching figures, 16 firing figures, 4 command, and 2 mounted colonels (58 total). Unpainted. Assembly required. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag ......$44.00 rct

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1-VX0024 VICTRIX NAPOLEONIC: Chasseur a Cheval of the Old Guard: 28mm Figures The set includes 12 figures of charging 28mm French Chasseurs a cheval of the French Imperial Guard, one of Napoleon's elite light cavalry Regiments. Includes one Command Frame and one Command Frame.

The unit initially started as the Consular guard in 1800 and retained more or less the same uniform from 1800 to 1815, the main difference being the sabretache design and flag. The set depicts the Chasseurs a Cheval in the striking full dress uniform. The detail of the lace work and Pelisse is superb and will take the paint and washes easily. Even though Guidons were not carried often in the field, included is a flag pole arm and some extra flag poles for those who wish to use them on other French Dragoons and Polish lancers sets. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-bag ......$46.00 rct

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1-VX0026 VICTRIX NAPOLEONIC: British Heavy Dragoons Peninsular War 28mm Figures Set contains 12 British 28mm Peninsular Dragoons, three main frames, and one command frame. Includes two options for the sword scabbard by itself or sword scabbard and sabretache. The sabretache was issued in 1812 to the heavy cavalry but again probably took a while to get to the troops, but is there for completeness. The officer has a choice of bicorn or cylindrical shako with cords.

This uniform was in use up to 1812 but probably carried on into 1813 due to sporadic supply issues with all armies during the Napoleonic wars (regulations and actual practice are very different even in today's armies). The differences in this uniform are the shoulder wings and horizontal bars of lace across the chest. They do not have the striped girdle under the sword belt and the cuffs are different. Includes two sets of arms to represent the British regiments and the Kings German Legion (they have a pointed cuff with chevrons of lace above it). 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$46.00 rct

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1-VXA037 VICTRIX GALLIC CHARIOTS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Includes 3 chariots, 8 x Armored Gallic infantry as fighting crew, 6 x Drivers, 3 x Boudiceas, and 3 x druids in each package. Separate heads allowing multiple variants. Choice of chariot sides, arms for javelins, swords, and standard bearers. Severed heads, javelin cases, and ribbons to enhance chariots. Mix of Gallic shields. Can be used as Ancient Britons against the Romans. 1 vol, 23 pgs 2019 UK VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA038 VICTRIX EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN GENERALS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Create Generals, Legates and Senior Centurions. Includes: 12 mounted command in each set with separate heads allowing multiple variants and choice of arms. Sophisticated and highly detailed armor and horse furniture. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA039 VICTRIX GERMANIC WARRIOR: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whats in the box? 60 x Figures, 6 x Germanic Warrior Main Frame, 2 x Germanic Warrior Command Frame, 14 x Bodies (armoured and unarmoured), 15 x Heads (styles included are typically Germanic top knots and Swabian knots), 14 x Shields (fully supported by a range of shield transfers from LBMS), 10 x Javelins, 7 x Spears, 2 x Germanic Horns, 4 x Standard Poles each with different totems, 9 x Unsheathed Swords, 2 x Axes, and 2 x Clubs. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA040 VICTRIX DACIANS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures The box contains 60 figures in 28mm scale 1 vol, 60 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA041 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 30 highly-detailed 28mm plastic Persian Unarmoured Archer miniatures suitable for the Early to Late Achaemenid Empires. Includes: 24 Archers and 6 Command figures (including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians) with multiple head, arm, and weapon options. Also includes Sparas and spare arrows. Shield and quiver transfers designed by LittleBigMenStudios 1 vol, 60 pgs 2020 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA042 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED SPEARMEN: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set includes 30 highly detailed 28mm Unarmoured Spearman plastic miniatures that can be used as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire armies. Fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, or Scythians -- and themselves in numerous civil wars.

Box Contents:
30 figures (24 Unarmoured Spearman and 6 Command figures -- including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians); Multiple head, arm and weapon options; Sparas
1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA043 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whether you're using them as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire, the Armoured Archers are an essential unit in any Persian army. Position them behind a wall of Spara or use them as skirmishers to harass the enemy. Can be used in armies to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and also themselves in civil wars.

Contains: 30 figure set -- 24 Archers and 6 Command figures (including Officers, Standard Bearers and Musicians) with multiple head, arm, and weapon options plus Sparas, spare arrows, and shield and quiver transfers. 28mm sized hard plastic figures, supplied unpainted.
1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA044 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED SPEARMEN: 28mm Plastic Miniatures 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$41.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA045 VICTRIX PERSIAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Persian Unarmoured Cavalry are an essential part of any Persian army. The 12 figure set contains multiple head, arm, and weapon options are compatible with LBMS transfers. They can be used as tribal levies and colonist cavalry and used to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and themselves in numerous civil war. 28mm sized figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$44.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA046 VICTRIX PERSIAN ARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Plastic Miniatures Whether you're using them as part of the Early or Late Achaemenid Empire, the Armoured Cavalry is an essential unit in any Persian army. The 12-figure set contains three Rider Sprues and three Horse Sprues, each with multiple head, arm and weapon options. They can be converted to be mounted archers and used in armies to fight the Greeks, Macedonians, Ancient Indians, Scythians, and themselves in numerous civil wars. 28mm sized figures, supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$44.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA047 VICTRIX EARLY IMPERIAL AUXILIARY ARCHERS: 28mm Plastic Miniatures This set includes 24 highly detailed plastic miniatures: 12 Western Roman Archers and 12 Eastern Roman Archers. Designed with different body positions and multiple head/quiver options to give you a bit more freedom when creating your miniatures. You can also use command figures from the Auxiliary Infantry set to explore even more body options and create additional archers for your army.

The Eastern Archers can also be used in western field armies and likewise Western Archers can be used in eastern based armies and garrisons. There is evidence of the Easter/Syrian archers on Hadrian's wall and fighting in the Dacian wars alongside western style archers. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid October 2021 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA048 VICTRIX HORSE ARCHERS: Scythians and Parthians - 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 12 hard plastic 28mm cavalry models supplied unpainted and unassembled. The set comprises many different head and quiver styles so you can represent the various Scythian, Saka, Dahae tribes and also the Parthians. The torso is split in two with three varied leg halves and then you have a choice of six upper torsos with various arm and head options to make this a very dynamic and versatile set. Includes extras such as daggers, swords, and axes to hang from the belts so every figure can be an individual. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available early January 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA001 VICTRIX VIKINGS: 28mm Figures This 60-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Vikings offers 14 body options including chain mail, padded jackets, animal furs, and unarmored warriors with 28 head options with helmets, fur hats, animal furs, and bare heads. There is much facial hair on show with many platted beards.

Weapon options include swords, spears, axes, and double handed axes plus a musicians arm with a Viking long horn. Other equipment are a T-bar banner holder, cloaks, animal furs, daggers, pouches, a variety of shields and sword scabbards. Includes a range of shield transfers and banner sheets from LBMS. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2016 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$60.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA002 Late Saxons/Anglo Danes - Fyrd: 28mm Figures Contains 60 superbly detailed miniatures.

The armored figures representing more well off and equipped select Fyrd or Theigns. The Unarmored represent the standard not so well off Fyrd but still equipped with a stout shield and assortment of helmets and spears, swords and Saxes. Hand axes have not been included in this set not because the Saxons did not use hand axes but because the Viking set has a plethora of spare hand axes. You can use a lot of these with the new Saxon set.

The command frame has a monk and some armored warriors that can be used as commanders, standard bearers and also when equipped with double handed Dane axes as Anglo Danish Huscarls. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$55.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA002B LATE SAXONS/ANGLO DANES SKIRMISH PACK: 28mm Figures This 30-figure set of 28mm hard-plastic Normans includes additional parts allowing hundreds of figure options. Contains: 30 x figures; 3 x Warrior Main Frame; 1 x Command Frame; 14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored); and 38 x Head options. Figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available early August 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA003 HUSCARLES - Late Saxons/Anglo Danes Huscarls: 28mm Figures Contains 36 superbly detailed miniatures.

The Huscarls set represent the Saxon warrior elite. Equipped with chain mail, an assortment of helmets, they carry a double handed Dane Axe or can use a spear. You can also use some of the two handed axes on some of the body positions on the Saxon warriors frame thus increasing the amount of variety for your Huscarl figures.

There is an assortment of shield shapes including round and kite shaped on the frames. There are enough to equip everybody with a round shield if you so wish, but the Later Saxons/Anglo Danes did use the Kite shield as well. This set is fully supported by LBMS shield transfers. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2019 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA004 NORMAN INFANTRY: 28mm Figures This exceptional 60 figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options. The 28mm sized plastic figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains:

60 x figures
6 x Warrior Main Frame
2 x Command Frame
14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored)
38 x Head options 1 vol, 36 pgs 2021 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-dj ......$64.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA004B NORMAN INFANTRY SKIRMISH PACK: 28mm Figures This 30-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans includes additional parts allowing hundreds of figure options. Figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains: 30 x figures; 3 x Warrior Main Frame; 1 x Command Frame; 14 x Body options (including armored and unarmored); and 38 x Head options. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late July 2022 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA005 NORMAN CAVALRY: 28mm Figures This 12-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Normans has superbly detailed figures and a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options. The 28mm sized plastic figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.

The box contains:
12 Mounted Figures
23 Head/Helmet Options
4 Shield options (Round, Kite, Long Heater, Agada)
6 Weapon options (Lance, Spear, Sword or Javelins, Axe, Mace)
2 Armour options (Chainmail, Scale)
1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA006 DARK AGE ARCHERS AND SLINGERS: 28mm Figures The Dark Age Archers set includes 36 highly detailed 28mm plastic figures (24 Archers and 12 Slingers) with a variety of body/armor and weapon options. This gives you the freedom to decide your own figure poses and army composition. Suitable historical periods are: 4th century until medieval times -- Saxons, Normans, Vikings, Bretons, Franks, or Germanics (if use you use the heads from the Germanic Warriors set).

War-horns, spears, and figure poses can be used for command figures/standard bearers. Additional daggers and axes can be used to convert men into light infantry. Many head options with various helmets, caps, and period specific haircuts (bald heads too of course!). Slinger bodies have been designed so that they can be turned into extra archers, or given shield/weapon arms to create more Viking/Saxon warriors. Note the archers holding spare arrows in one hand whilst firing their bow, this was a method used by the most experienced archers for rapid firing capability. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2022 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid April 2022 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA009 LATE ROMAN ARMORED INFANTRY: 28mm Figures This 36-figure set of 28mm hard plastic Late Romans includes a myriad of additional parts allowing hundreds of options when building the figures. This set can also be used as Arthurians, Early Byzantines, and Goths/Germanic warriors. Contains:

* 36 x figures
* 5 x Warrior Main Frame (Armoured bodies)
* 1 x Command Frame (mostly armoured bodies)
* 5 x Head Frames
* 38 x Head options 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid April 2023 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA011 NORMAN CROSSBOWMAN: 28mm Figures The set contains 36 hard plastic 28mm figures with a large variety of head and arm positions to create some very individual and dynamic figures and units. You may also be able to mix some parts with the earlier Norman Infantry set for extra variety. There are some heads and helmets with Arabised headgear so you can field some of these miniatures as Andalusians and Crusaders. These figures will be useable from Normandy to Spain, Italy, Central Europe, Middle East, and even fantasy. Supplied unpainted and unassembled.

Contains: 18 armoured and 18 Unarmoured figures with poses for firing and spanning the crossbows. Includes 27 different head options, seven separate helmet options, and seven head and different helmet options with Arab style headbands. Also includes six crossbow bolt quiver options plus extra bags, axes, swords, and knives. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available early August 2023 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA012 NORMAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Figures The Norman Unarmoured Cavalry set includes 12 highly detailed 28mm plastic figures with a whole host of head, weapon, and shield options. These represent the mounted sergeants and retainers. Create Normans, Bretons, Spanish, Islamic/Andalusian light cavalry, or early Crusader knight retainers/squires.

Includes: 6 Sprues (3 horse sprues and 3 rider sprues); 12 Mounted Figures; 24 Head/Helmet Options; 4 Shield options (Round, Kite, Long Heater, Adaga); and 6 different weapons (Spears, swords, axes, maces, daggers and javelins). 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-box, available mid October 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA013 LATE ROMAN UNARMOURED CAVALRY: 28mm Figures Some of these cavalrymen retained the distinctive national look such as the Equites Mauri Feroces (Ferocious Moors) or the Equites Mauri Alites (Swift Moors). We have given these heads a North African look and given them a hairstyle very similar to the Numidians.

Contains: 6 Sprues (3 rider sprues and 3 horse sprues) with 12 riders and 12 horses; 3 Shield types, small round, large oval and medium sized oval. Enough to equip each figure in the set the same; 39 Heads; Sword, Javelin and Spear arm options; and Vexilum and Draco standard bearer options, plus musician arm options. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late October 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA014 LATE ROMAN HORSE ARCHERS: 28mm Figures Contains 12 superbly detailed and animated riders and horses shooting to the front, side, and rear representing the agility of these skilled mounted skirmishers. They come equipped with a powerful composite bow, bow case, arrow quiver, sword, and small round shield strapped to their upper left arm.

The torso is separate to the lower body so you can swap torsos onto alternative lower legs and rotate the torso to create more poses. A selection of powerful composite bow arms either being drawn back to shoot, loosed or being loaded. There is a selection of Bow cases and arrow quivers, plus small round shields to strap to the upper left arm and sword scabbards. There is a standard bearer option of an arm holding a Draco standard. The horse frames contain water canteens and bed rolls as optional extras. You do not use the javelin cases on these figures (These can be used as spare parts on other miniatures).

They can also be used as Early Byzantines representing the men that fought for Belisarius against the Sassanids and the reconquest of Italy from the Goths. And they can be used as Palmyran horse archers. Palmyra was a client state of Rome based in Syria. They acted as a buffer state against the Sassanid Empire and scored a notable victory over the Sassanids under their king Odenathus. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2023 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid December 2023 ......$42.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA015 LATE ROMAN CATAPHRACTS: 28mm Figures Contains Late Roman Horse Cataphract 28mm figures: 16 Riders and horses with -- eight different horse head options and separate tails to add a little more movement to the models; 13 head options for the riders; 16 axes to hang from the right of the saddle; 16 swords in scabbards; and Draco standard bearer arm option. The rider bodies are depicted in various armour styles including mail, lamellar and scales. The arms and legs are covered in flexible, tubular metal rings. Each rider has two arm pose options: either upright Kontos or Kontos at the level.

Cataphracts are heavily armoured cavalrymen covered from head to foot in armour of mail, scales and plates, sitting on a fully armoured horse. Scale armour was often of metal scales such as iron or bronze but could also be made of horn, bone or hardened leather which could be in various colours such as red and green. The horses often had an elaborate head piece to protect its face and a mesh to defend the eyes. These could be of various metals or leather. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXM002 ISLAMIC INFANTRY: 28mm Figures 48 Islamic Infantry/Archer figures representing Islamic forces of the Middle East and Spain from the 7th Century into the Crusader era of the 12th and 13th centuries. Includes options for spearmen, swordsmen, and archers, plus command figure parts such as standard bearer arms, trumpets, and drums. The set includes 132 heads in total. Models require assembly and painting. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXM003 ISLAMIC CAVALRY: 28mm Figures Contains 12 figures that represent the Seljuk and Syrian heavy cavalry of the 12th to 13th Centuries. Includes a mix of armor styles of mail and lamellar, and varying helmets -- from all enclosing mail hoods with elaborate spiked helms to open faced helmets with turbans. Also included are a few bow-firing arms as well as swords, spears, lances, axes, and maces. Includes some Seljuk heads with their distinctive hair in three braids, as well as the Seljuk fur caps. Models require assembly and painting. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2025 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available early February 2025 ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAAC001 FOOT KNIGHTS: 1150-1320 28mm Figures This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 24 foot knights with a wide variety of weapons, including an axe, falchion, spear, mace, and, of course, the ubiquitous and iconic arming sword. Various heads and shields allow for even more customization, and parts can be combined with the other sets in the range. The 28mm figures require assembly and painting. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAAC002 FOOT SERJEANTS (1100-1320): 28mm Figures This box set allows you to build up to 24 plastic serjeant 28mm figures with a wide variety of weapons, including falchion, spear, halberd, and crossbow. A variety of heads and shields allow for even more customization, and parts can be combined with the other sets in the range. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2025 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAAC003 PEASANT LEVY (1100-1350): 28mm Figures This box of hard plastic 28mm minis allows you to build up to 30 levy with a wide variety of weapons, including spear, bow, club, sling, axe, sword, and a variety of farm implements. A variety of heads allow for even more customization, and parts can be combined with the other sets in the range. There are two unique frames in this set. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. Contents may vary. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid December 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAACF003 GIANT SPIDERS 28MM FIGURES This box set of hard plastic 28mm miniatures allows you to field up to 12 Giant Spiders and 12 smaller spiders. Sci-fi part options for every giant spider allow customization. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-box, available mid March 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WAACF006 LANDSKNECHT OGRES 28mm This box set lets you build either 9 Landsknecht Ogres or 9 of The Vain for Death Fields. Weapons include halberds, spears, cannon, knives, clubs, great swords, pistols, auto-guns, shotguns, and grenades. A huge variety of heads, floppy hats, feathers, and more will allow for customization. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 9 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAACF011 SKELETON ARMY: 28mm Figures This box set allows you to build several 28mm hard plastic figures: up to 18 cavalry, up to 4 chariots with crew, and up to 85 foot and mounted warriors. You can build up to 10 additional skeletons with additional loose parts on the frames. Weapons options include 30 spears, 28 bows, 55 swords, 54 javelins, and 10 pike. Command options for up to 19 units. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2025 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid February 2025 ......$90.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAADF002 DEATH FIELDS: Les Grognards 28mm Figures This box set includes enough parts to build 24 heroic scale 28mm figures with a variety of options including standard rifles, heavy lasers, flamethrowers, pistols, swords, heavy plasma guns, communication packs, and grenades. There are also four unique head types with and without gas-masks, 192 total heads in this box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2025 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid February 2025 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAFE002 28mm BRONZE AGE CHARIOTS: First Empires This set features three chariots and six multi-part horses that can be built in two ways (enclosed or open sided). This model is typical of the type used in the eastern Mediterranean and Northern Europe during the Bronze Age. Light but structurally robust, the chariot was both a fast attack and heavy weapon system allowing warriors to quickly get to the battlefield, strike, and move on. These 28mm figures require assembly and painting. Bases and crew are not included. 1 vol, 9 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid June 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAGA001 25mm HORSES Designed with minimal tack, these 18 horse models in 28mm are suitable for a wide range of uses to represent horses throughout history and fantasy. Each sprue includes six horse halves, four heads, three tails, and three saddle blankets. Each half is designed to be used with any other opposite-side half giving you nine unique poses (not counting the plethora of tail positions). 1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAGA002 25mm DUAL USE BASES: 60 Hard Plastic Bases These are a new kind of 25mm round base that has been designed to work with figures that have either an integral puddle base or flat feet. One side has a 23mm x 1mm indented recess so that figures with puddle bases will have their feet flush with the edge and eliminate that 'standing on a hill' look. The other side is flat for figures which will have their feet glued directly to the base. These bases have a low 2mm profile to blend well with the tabletop and there is also a 3mm x 1mm hole to add a magnet for secure storage or for use with a movement tray. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAGA004 25mm TEXTURED BASES (3mm Bevel): 48 Hard Plastic Bases This box includes 48 textured hard plastic 25mm bases with a 3mm height. Whether you want to field your models on desert, gravel, mud, snow, or an alien world these bases have you covered. Skip the putty and go straight to painting. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$15.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAGA005 28mm LIGHT HORSES Box set includes 18 horses. These are the same horses used in the Afghan Cavalry and Mounted Sergeants sets. Suitable for a wide range of uses to represent horses throughout history, fantasy, etc. Each sprue includes six horse halves, four heads, three tails, and four reins. The parts are labeled on the frame to show which sides and which head/rein combinations match. These 28mm models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 18 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid June 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAGW005 THE GREAT WAR: German MG-08 Crews (1914-1918) 28mm figures This set allows you to build up to three 28mm German MG-08 teams. There are 6 MG-08s in the box with half that can be built at a higher elevation. There are 9 crew figures. Several arm options allow for a variety of poses. Also included are enough heads to outfit every figure with stahlhelm, feldmutze, pickelhaube, tshapka, and schirmmutz. Every type comes with gasmask versions. All parts are compatible with WAAGW001 German Infantry as well. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2025 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late February 2025 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAIC003 AFGHAN CAVALRY: 28mm Figures This set includes 12 cavalry in 28mm typical of the North-West Frontier during conflicts with the British from the 1830s-1920s. Depending on weapon choices they would not be inappropriate from 1700 up to the present time. These fearsome warriors used their cavalry to great advantage in stalking and launching attacks on the British and other invaders from their mountainous homeland. Often, Afghan cavalry units (regular and irregular alike) were able to strike hard and fast to devastating effect before disappearing into the surrounding terrain as if they were never there. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAMM003 IRON-CORE: Valkir Heavy Troopers 28mm Figures Box of hard plastic 28mm figures includes enough parts to build 12 heavily armed Valkir Heavy Troopers with options to build the legs in multiple ways by adding or removing the hanging cloth tabards, pouches, side tassets, and other accessories. Three helmet types are included: the trooper, commander, and the more heavily armored Sturmhelm. Weapon options are many and include: heavy assault rifles, heavy anti-materiel rifles, grenade launcher, flame thrower, pistol, and power sword. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 12 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late November 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAMR001 GANGS OF ROME: Citizens of Rome Corrected Price: $36.00 (not $55.00 from a previous eflyer).

Contains 30 hard-plastic miniatures in 28mm to create a variety of options for Gangs of Rome games. Assemble Gang Fighters, each with a unique set of weapons, and civilian members of Rome's mob with walking sticks and amphora. Armed with an array of swords, daggers, spears, pilum, bows, slings, clubs, and shields, these miniatures are also ideally suited for recreating the tumultuous events of The Spartacus Revolt. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late May 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAANW002 NAPOLEON'S WARS : British Riflemen 28MM FIGURESNORTH This box set of hard plastic 28mm miniatures allows you to build up to 32 Riflemen equipped with their famous Baker rifles and even an option to do a volley gun! You will be able to model the figures advancing, firing, loading, and with a variety of heads including bare and bandana-wearing for more variety. Models require assembly and painting. 1 vol, 32 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-box, available mid March 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WAAPA001 PULP ADVENTURES: Zombies 28mm 30 Zombie figures per box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included.

Designed in nondescript rags so that they can represent nearly any type of clothing. Contains a large selection of head types to be used to represent zombie versions of Ancient Rome; Dark Ages; Viking Period; Renaissance; 18th Century and Pirates; Napoleonic French and British; Cowboys; WW1 and WW2 British, Germans, and French; Modern Police, Fire, Construction, and Civilians; and of course a variety of other zombie heads. Also contains extra arms that can be used with other historical bodies. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid January 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAPW001 DEAD ANIMAL BITS: 28mm Accessories Over 300 plastic bits in this box to add to your models, bases, dioramas, and more! Everything from bones to antlers to jaws to body parts to feathers... and more and more! Contains three frames of parts. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 300 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available mid January 2025 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAQU004 THIS QUAR'S WAR: Quar Fidwogs - 28mm Figures This box set includes enough parts to build 12 plastic 28mm Fidwog figures with options for the Sketych Basic rifle, Bensa F6 automatic rifle, a variety of heads, extra bits, and the M-8c heavy machine gun on the tractor. There are also two Fynrydhad 'Centipede' Squad Tractors to add firepower to your squads! 12 Wargames Atlantic Dual-Use 25mm Bases are included. Models require assembly and painting. 1 vol, 14 pgs 2025 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late January 2025 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAQUOO3 THIS QUAR'S WAR: Clash of Rhyfles 28mm Starter Set Starter set for the game This Quar's War. Contains 24 hard plastic 28mm Quar (12 Crusaders and 12 Coftyrans), 24 hard plastic dual-use bases, 10 activation cards, 6 D6 dice, and a 48 page rulebook. There is also a selection of cut-out terrain on the box sides. Models require assembly and painting. Product contents may vary.

Drawing inspiration from World War I with usage of trench warfare and large infantry formations, the game is set on the fictional planet of Alwyd. The Quar, despite looking very sci-fi in nature, are human-like with distinct cultures, warring nations, and detailed lore. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late November 2024 ......$80.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAARN001 RENAISSANCE CONQUISTADORS: 28mm Miniatures Box set allows you to build up to 24 plastic 28mm soldiers equipped with sword, spear, halberd, crossbow, and musket with additional options for pike and two-handed swords. A mix of hat and helmet types will expand their use to the battlefields of Europe in the 16th century. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 US WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-BOX, available early April 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WAARN002 RENAISSANCE AZTEC WARRIORS: 28mm Miniatures Box set allows you to build up to 30 plastic 28mm warriors equipped with bow, atlatl, machuahuitl, spears, slings, and more along with a variety of body and head types to build many of the warrior types. There are also components to build a full command. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 US WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-BOX, available early April 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WAARN003 RENAISSANCE: Conquistador Cavalry 28mm Figures This box set allows you to build up to 12 hard plastic horses and riders equipped with sword, spear, and shield. A mix of hat and helmet types will expand their use to the battlefields of Europe in the 16th century. 8 War Dogs complete the box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late October 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAARN006 RENAISSANCE: Heavy Cavalry 28mm Figures This box set allows you to build up to 12 hard plastic riders equipped with sword, matchlock pistol, wheel-lock pistol, and lance. Optional armor pieces are included for the horses (or the horses can be used plain with the included saddles). A mix of hat and helmet types will expand their use to the battlefields of Europe in the 15th and 16th and into the 17th centuries. Eight War Dogs complete the box. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. 1 vol, 20 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late October 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WAAWA002 WWII PANZER LEHR DIVISION: 28mm Miniatures Box set allows you to build up to 30 plastic 28mm WWII infantry that can be used with Bolt Action and other rule sets. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 US WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-BOX, available early April 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WAAWA003 WWII ITALIAN INFANTRY: 28mm Miniatures Box set allows you to build up to 32 plastic 28mm WWII infantry that can be used with Bolt Action and other rule sets. Includes an incredible number of head options for different units and theaters and also two HMGs. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2022 US WARGAMES ATLANTIC
NEW-BOX, available early April 2022 ......$35.00 rct

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1-WG7FIW99 FRENCH INDIAN WAR BRITISH COLONIAL ARMY: 28mm Contains 36 British Regular Infantry, 6 American Colonial Rangers A, and 6 American Colonial Rangers B 28mm figures. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-dj, available late December 2019 ......$117.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-WGZ05 RORKE'S DRIFT: 28mm Boxed Set Rorke's Drift boxed set includes all listed below:
* 20 plastic multi-pose 28mm British Line Infantry
* 40 plastic multi-pose 28mm Married Zulus
* Metal mounted Zulu InDuna
* Metal Zulu Witch Doctor
* Metal British and Zulu casualties
* Metal mounted Zulu InDuna
* Metal Zulu in British jacket firing Martini-Henry rifle
* British characters: Lieutenant Chard (Royal Engineers), Lieutenant Bromhead, Colour Sergeant Bourne and Private Hook
* Laser-cut wooden Hospital and Storehouse buildings with 'teddy bear fur' thatch
* Resin Wagon Barricade
* Resin stone wall Kraal (4 x 6-inch sections)
* Resin biscuit box barricades (2 x 6-inch sections)
* Resin biscuit box/mealie-bag barricades (3 x 6-inch sections)
* Resin mealie-bag barricades (3 x 6-inch sections) 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-boxed set, available late June 2019 ......$310.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-226370 Bose, Mel TERRAIN ESSENTIALS: An Essential Guide To Building Tabletop Terrain Covers the core considerations of terrain building for any purpose - wargaming, diorama building, and model railroading. Offers advice on tools, materials, and techniques in a series of detailed builds and then presents ways that the techniques can be applied to other builds. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2021 US, DAVE TAYLOR MINIATURES
NEW-hardback, available early February 2021 ......$50.00 rct

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1-227840 Buckland, Robin MODELLING ARMOURED CARS OF WORLD WAR II This book offers extensive information on the many different types or armored cars, some well known and others less so, with photographs of vintage vehicles and a 3D model to help create realistic-looking miniatures and plastic models. With over 220 color photographs, this book includes hints and tips on modeling tools and accessories used to add realism to your British, Commonwealth, German, Italian, Hungarian, Japanese, American, Soviet, and French armored cars. There are guidelines for building plastic, resin and metal models in 1/76, 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 scales. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2021 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-pb, available late August 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2239203 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco Clash of Spears -28 mm Gallic Boxed Set By the 4th century BC, the Celtic tribes that had originated in central Europe had greatly expanded having reached Spain, France and even crossed the Alps into Italy. As avid fighters Gauls formed part of most conflicts in the Mediterranean, either directly or a s eager mercenaries.

A Gallic warband relies first and foremost on the courage and ferociousness of its warriors, especially its Noble cast that is willing to lead the warband into the fray. Few can withstand the Gallic charge but a Gallic chieftain must be careful as his men can also tire quickly and become vulnerable if their impetus is spent. A strong Noble cavalry though, can be the perfect relief force to ensure that the warband gets a respite when needed. So Chieftain, lead your men forward...for Plunder and Glory!

Contains 39 foot figures and 6 mounted figures. All miniatures are 28mm sized, made of plastic and supplied unpainted. Figures supplied by Victrix. 1 vol, 45 pgs 2020 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-box ......$64.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-2239297 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco CLASH OF KATANAS: Quick Reference Cards This set of quick reference cards includes every trait listed in the Clash of Katanas rule book. It is a helpful playing aid that allows you to bring to the table all the traits present in your army for easy reference during game play. These, standard poker sized (2.5x3.5-inch) top-quality cards, come in their own Clash of Katanas themed box. 1 vol, 156 pgs 2023 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$17.00 rct

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1-2239298 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco CLASH OF KATANAS: Tokens Although you don't need special tokens to play Clash of Katanas, this set of punch out cardboard tokens will come very handy for players looking to add some flare to their games. Tokens include, action tokens, character wounds, unloaded tokens, ready tokens, extra equipment tokens, and hidden deployment tokens. It also includes a set of tokens to track readiness and ammunition for the Korean Hwacha. 1 vol, 156 pgs 2023 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$11.00 rct

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1-DVAI01 FireForge FIREFORGE DEUS VULT: 28mm Armies Of Islam - Berber Infantry This box contains 24 multi-part plastic Berber Infantry soldiers that you can assemble with several weapons like swords, shields and/or bows. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2022 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box ......$36.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-DVAI02 FireForge FIREFORGE DEUS VULT: 28mm Armies Of Islam - Black Guard This box contains 24 multi-part plastic Black Guard soldiers with their characteristic spears and shields. This kit contains also several accessories to assemble standard bearers and musicians. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2022 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box ......$34.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-UMEG008 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: 15mm Late Imperial Roman Cavalry-- Ultracast Plastic Figures 16 x armoured cavalry (assorted poses; mix of armoured and unarmoured horses) 1 vol, 16 pgs 2021 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-bag, available late January 2022 ......$20.00 rct

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1-UMEG012 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: 15mm Hunnic Noble Cavalry- Ultracast Plastic Figures 16 x Horse archers (2-part models to allow variable poses) 1 vol, 16 pgs 2021 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-bag, available late January 2022 ......$20.00 rct

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1-UMEG013 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: 15mm Hunnic Horse Archer Cavalry- Ultracast Plastic Figures 16 x Horse archers (2-part models to allow variable poses) 1 vol, 16 pgs 2021 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-bag, available late January 2022 ......$20.00 rct

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1-UMEG016 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: 15mmSassanid Persian Unarmoured Horse Archer Cavalry- Ultracast Plastic Figures 16 x Unarmoured Horse Archers (assorted mix of poses) 1 vol, 16 pgs 2021 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-bag, available late January 2022 ......$20.00 rct

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1-UMEG029 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: 15mm Numidian Light Cavalry -- Ultracast Plastic Figures These 15mm plastic miniatures are based on the metal range by Corvus Belli.

Contents: 16 x Numidian cavalry (assorted poses 1 vol, 16 pgs 2021 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-bag ......$20.00 rct

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1-235882 Harris, Forrest GUNFIGHT ROYALE: Expansion Figure Packs: Mankillers Three new characters for Gunfight Royale: The Phantom, The Legend, and The Assassin. Includes three plastic figures plus their character/starting weapon cards. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2023 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-box, available mid February 2023 ......$21.00 rct

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1-235883 Harris, Forrest GUNFIGHT ROYALE: Expansion Figure Packs: Big Shots Three new characters for Gunfight Royale: The Bushranger, The Giant, and The Gun Hand.
Includes three plastic figures plus their character/starting weapon cards. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2023 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-box, available mid February 2023 ......$21.00 rct

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1-235884 Harris, Forrest GUNFIGHT ROYALE: Expansion Figure Packs: Mountaineers Three new characters for Gunfight Royale: The Claim Jumper, The Old Prospector, and The Mountain Man. Includes three plastic figures plus their character/starting weapon cards. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2023 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-box ......$21.00 rct

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1-KDM11117 Harris, Forrest THE YOUNG POSSE: 28mm Old West Figures Lincoln County Wars faction pack with Billy the Kid and his gang. Gunfighter's Ball line. Supplied unpainted. MDF slotta bases included. Lead-Free Pewter. Contemporary (large) 28mm scale. Matches today's more generously-proportioned '28mm' figures (ex. Dead Man's Hand). 1 vol, 6 pgs 2020 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-blister, available late March 2020 ......$18.00 rct

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1-KDM11301 Harris, Forrest PLAINS WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Pack will include six warriors on foot. Warriors from the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho. Dismounted and in fighting poses. Gunfighter's Ball line. Supplied unpainted. MDF slotta bases included. Lead-Free Pewter. Contemporary (large) 28mm scale. Matches today's more generously-proportioned '28mm' figures (ex. Dead Man's Hand). 1 vol, 6 pgs 2020 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-blister, available late March 2020 ......$27.00 rct

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1-KDM12301 Harris, Forrest PLAINS WARRIORS MOUNTED: 28mm Figures Pack will include six warriors and their horses. Gunfighter's Ball line. 1 vol, 6 pgs 2020 US, KNUCKLEDUSTER MINIATURES
NEW-blister, available late March 2020 ......$39.00 rct

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1-223480 Howarth, Duncan Scale Military Figure Conversions Converting models figures is a fascinating pastime, which can become rather costly if you choose models in metal, or resin. For those of us on a budget, yet still wanting to achieve a more than acceptable result, polythene figures [more usually the province of wargamers] set an interesting challenge. Today, we are blessed indeed that a great diversity of model soldiers, sailors and airmen in all scales, from all of the major combatant nations throughout history, are available from some very notable manufacturers across the world. The book includes detailed step-by-step guides to: Modifying figures - Changing arm and leg positions - Altering uniforms - Adding extra detail - Changing faces - Choosing the right tools for the job - Detailing your figures - Historical accuracy 1 vol, 192 pgs 2020 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-pb, available late May 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2363011 Kelley, Chris SCOUTS OUT! GERMAN SNIPER BLISTER: 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Contains 3 unpainted figures. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2023 US, SCOUTS OUT!
NEW-blister, available late April 2023 ......$14.00 rct

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1-2363012 Kelley, Chris SCOUTS OUT! GERMAN SABOTEUR BLISTER: 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Contains 2 unpainted figures. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2023 US, SCOUTS OUT!
NEW-blister, available late April 2023 ......$13.00 rct

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1-2363022 Kelley, Chris SCOUTS OUT! BRITISH SAPPER BLISTER: 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Contains 2 unpainted figures. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2023 US, SCOUTS OUT!
NEW-blister, available late April 2023 ......$13.00 rct

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1-2363040 Kelley, Chris SCOUTS OUT! AUSTRIAN PATROL BLISTER 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Austro-Hungarian Patrol Pack contains 5 unpainted figures: 1 Junior NCO, 3 Austro-Hungarian Soldiers (Generic), and 1 Madsen LMG. 1 vol, 5 pgs 2023 US, SCOUTS OUT!
NEW-blister, available late April 2023 ......$15.00 rct

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1-2236901 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet BMP-1 Company 10mm Ultracast plastic

Contains: 10 x BMP-1
1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$37.00 rct

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1-2236904 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm British Mechanised Infantry Platoon 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

4 x FV432 APCs
34 infantry: 7 x 4 model fire team with GPMG; 1 x 2 model Sus Fire GPMG team; 1 x 2 model sniper team; and 1 x 2 model Carl Gustav team.

1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$27.00 rct

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1-2236905 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet BTR-60 Company 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

Contains: 10 x BTR-60

1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$37.00 rct

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1-2236906 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm British Chieftain Troop 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

Contains: 4 x Chieftain tanks with Stillbrew turret option

1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$18.00 rct

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1-2236913 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet T-62 Company 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

Contains: 10 x T-62 tanks
1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$37.00 rct

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1-2236914 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet T-64 Company 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

Contains: 10 x T-64 tanks 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$37.00 rct

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1-2236915 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet T-80 Company 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

Contains: 10 x T-80 tanks 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$37.00 rct

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1-2236917 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm British Starter Army 10mm Ultracast plastic miniatures

4 x Chieftain tanks with both normal and Stillbrew turret options
4 x FV432 APCs
2 x Scorpion/Scimitar light tanks (both turret options included)
35+ Infantry including Milans, Blowpipes, Carl Gustavs, sGPMG and sniper
1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$48.00 rct

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1-2236918 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - 10mm Soviet Starter Army
1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-box ......$98.00 rct

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1-2236919 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG: 10mm Northag British SAS Patrol Contains:1 x SAS Land Rover and 4 x infantry. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-blister ......$8.00 rct

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1-2236920 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG: 10mm Northag British Spartan Patrol Contains: 2 x Spartan tracked armoured personnel carriers and infantry fire teams. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-blister ......$10.00 rct

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1-2236921 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG: 10mm Northag British Fox Patrol Contains: 2 x Fox armoured reconnaissance vehicles. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-blister ......$8.00 rct

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1-2284501 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The British Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: Officer, Highlander, Light Infantryman, Artilleryman, Doctor, Rifleman, Supernatural Investigator, and Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284502 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The Spanish Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: Officer, Sapper, Infantryman, Artilleryman, Guerrilla, Champion of the Faith, Swordsman, and Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284503 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The French Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: Officer, Highlander, Light Infantryman, Artilleryman, Doctor, Rifleman, Supernatural Investigator, Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284504 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The Russian Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: Your Officer, a Werebear, a Champion of the Faith, a Light Cavalyman,an Infantryman, a Rifleman, a Supernatural Investigator, and a Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284505 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The Austrian Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: A Strategist, a Dhamphir, a Grenadier, an Artillerist, an Occultist, an Infantryman, a Supernatural Investigator, and a Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted.

1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284506 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: The Prussian Unit 28mm Figures The figures represent: A Light cavalryman, a Swordsman, an Infantryman, an Occultist, a Doctor, a Rifleman, a Strategist, and a Veteran Hunter. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284507 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Vampires 28mm Figures Two 28mm Vampires from the Ancien Regime. Metal figures, designed by Mark Copplestone, are supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$10.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284508 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Living Scarecrows 28mm Figures Two 28mm Scarecrows. Metal figures, designed by Mark Copplestone, are supplied unpainted.

Whenever a sky battle occurs, it is not uncommon for local scarecrows to come to life, pull themselves down from their stakes, and go hunting for the living. Probably an accidental creation, these creatures do a lot to spread fear through the countryside.
1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$10.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284509 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Revenants 28mm Figures Five 28mm Revenants. Metal figures, designed by Mark Copplestone, are supplied unpainted.

Although it is almost never mentioned, it is common knowledge amongst that military that after any major battle at least a few of the dead will rise again. These revenants remember nothing, are incapable of communication, and attack any living creature on sight. It is often the job of a specialist unit to patrol the edge of a fresh battlefield at night and make sure any revenants that come walking are permanently put down. Unfortunately, since they no longer rely on any of their internal organs, it is hard to kill them with firearms, and most units resort to hacking them down with swords.
1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284510 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Bandits 28mm Figures Five 28mm Bandits. Metal figures are supplied unpainted.

Some of the creatures of darkness employ humans as guards, helpers, or just extra muscle. These are often deserters, criminals, and thieves. Whatever their background, they tend to be unscrupulous, uncaring, and generally beyond redemption.
1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284516 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Canada Bestiary Deal This little extra deal gives you a selection of the creatures you'll encounter in your Silver Bayonet: Canada adventures. Includes: Moose, Grizzly Bear, Tsemaus (We're giving you a Shark head rising from the water to represent the Tsemaus), Ghost (North American spirit from the Dracula's America range), and a Polar Bear. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$49.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284595 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET WAVE FIVE DEAL: 28mm Figures One each of all the new releases:
* The Silver Bayonet: The Carpathians Castle Fier book
* Second Austrian Unit
* Second Russian Unit
* Dog-Head (Capcaun)
* Bloodless Hounds
* Vrykolakas
* Forest Witch
* Marcea Lupul
* Pixies
* Cultists
* Dark Wolf
* Ghouls
* Plus one exclusive model of an Alpine Demon. 1 vol, 27 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box set, available early June ......$199.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284596 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET WAVE SIX DEAL: 28mm Figures Get one each of all the new releases: Lower Canada Unit; Upper Canada Unit; Unitied States Unit; Trading Company Unit; Wendigo; Baxbaxwalanuksiwe 1 vol, 27 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2023 ......$168.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284597 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET WAVE SEVEN DEAL - with rules: 28mm Figures Contains one each of all the new releases: Rules, Egyptian Unit, Hospitaller & Native Scout, Serpopard, Werejackals, Giant Scorpion, Uraeus, Skeletons, Sarcophagus, British Officer and Paranormal Investigator, French Occultist and Paranormal Investigator.

Plus one extra free model. A French Grenadier dressed for Egypt, only available with pre-orders.
All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and are supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available early June 2024 ......$174.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284598 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET WAVE EIGHT DEAL: 28mm Figures Contains one each of all the new releases: Calabresi Unit, Kingdom of Naples (Bourbon) Unit, Brigante (5), Grave Golem (1), Il Negromante (1), Necromancer Acolytes (2), Nightmare Witch (1), Spectral Soldiers (5), Skeletal Soldiers (Napoleonic) (2), and Skeletal Soldier (Norman) (2). All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and are supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 25 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2024 ......$184.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-222400 Morbey, Peter CREATING A NAPOLEONIC WARGAMES ARMY: 1809-1815 Describes the creation of a wargames' army and provides essential guidance for someone starting out in wargaming through to the more experienced gamer. With more than 290 color photographs, it describes how the armies of the main nations -- France, Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria - were organized. Illustrates the uniforms and battle formations using computer-aided plans and demonstrates practical modeling techniques from basic to more advanced. Detailed painting guides with accompanying step-by-step photographs are included as well as a chapter on the flags carried by these five armies during the wars. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2019 UK, CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-pb ......$35.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284511 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: Goblins 28mm Figures Five 28mm Goblins. Metal figures, designed by Mike Owens, are supplied unpainted.

The term goblin is loosely applied to a large group of wingless, 'trickster' fairies, and each nation has their own varieties and terms. While these creatures are small, and physically weak, they are also tough, hard-to-kill, and capable of huge amounts of mischief. One of the worst features of goblins is that their existence seems completely at-odds with technology, and their mere presence causes technology to fail. This, unfortunately, includes firearms.
1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284512 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: Army Deserter Bandits 28mm Figures Five 28mm sized metal figures, supplied unpainted. Some of the creatures of darkness employ humans as guards, helpers, or just extra muscle. These are often deserters, criminals, and thieves. Whatever their background, they tend to be unscrupulous, uncaring, and generally beyond redemption. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2022 ......$20.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284513 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: The Second British Unit 28mm Figures To play the Silver Bayonet, you choose an Officer figure from your preferred nation, and you recruit a special unit of skilled Soldiers to take on investigations and to battle against supernatural forces. We have put together a second typical British Unit for you to use in The Silver Bayonet. You can combine these with Soldiers from the first British Unit to make your own unique Unit.

The eight figures represent: Navy Officer, Grenadier, Marine, Heavy Cavalryman, Native Scout, Sailor, Occultist, and Light Cavalrywoman. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2022 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284514 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: The Second French Unit 28mm Figures To play the Silver Bayonet, you choose an Officer figure from your preferred nation, and you recruit a special unit of skilled Soldiers to take on investigations and to battle against supernatural forces. We have put together a typical French Unit for you to use in The Silver Bayonet. You can combine these Soldiers with the first French Unit to create your own unique Unit.

The eight figures represent: Officer, Doctor, Light Cavalryman, Native Scout, Artillerist, Guard, Infantrywoman, and Sailor. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2022 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284517 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: Third French Unit (Egypt) 28mm Figures A typical French Unit for use in The Silver Bayonet. You can combine these Soldiers with previously released French Units to create unique units. Figures: Officer, Investigator, Light Cavalryman, Native Scout, Heavy Cavalryman, Occultist, Infantryman, and Sailor. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2024 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2284518 Owen, Mike THE SILVER BAYONET: The Third British Unit (Egypt) 28mm Figures A typical British Unit for use in The Silver Bayonet. You can combine these Soldiers with previously released French Units to create unique units. Figures: : Officer, Junior Officer, Light Infantryman, Supernatural Investigator, Native Scout, Grenadier, Highlander, and Light Cavalrywoman. All figures are 28mm sized, made of metal, and supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-box, available late November 2024 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-PMAO70 Perry, Alan and Michael PERRY AGINCOURT MOUNTED KNIGHTS 1415-29: 28mm Miniatures This boxed set of 28mm plastic miniatures contains 12 mounted European Knights. Six of these cavalry can be made as light horse (mounted archers or sergeants). 1 vol, 36 pgs 2019 UK, PERRY MINIATURES
NEW-box ......$36.00 rct

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1-PMFN250 Perry, Alan and Michael PERRY FRENCH NAPOLEONIC INFANTRY BATTALION 1807-14: 28mm Hard Plastic Figures The box contains 44 figures: 36 man battalion marching or attacking plus 8 Elite company men skirmishing. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2019 UK, PERRY MINIATURES
NEW-box, available mid January 2020 ......$36.00 rct

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1-PMFN260 Perry, Alan and Michael PERRY FRENCH NAPOLEONIC ELITE COMPANIES 1807-14: 28mm Hard Plastic Figures This box contains 40 figures in skirmishing poses and includes individual round bases -- ideal for skirmish gaming. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2019 UK, PERRY MINIATURES
NEW-box, available mid January 2020 ......$36.00 rct

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1-WAASG001 Rahman-Daultrey, Will THE LAST WAR: Forbidden Psalm The Last War is a standalone game using the Forbidden Psalm rules -- you do not require any other book to play this game loosely based on WWI. In this small-scale skirmish game, each player commands a crew of five miniatures against other players, monsters, and more. Play as enemies, or cooperatively, or in solo mode. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are included.

* 128 page rulebook
* Full-color game token sheets
* Dice
* WW1 British Frame (five 28mm Models)
* WW1 German Frame (six 28mm Models)
* WW1 Russian Frame (seven 28mm Models)
* WW1 French Frame (seven 28mm Models)
* Two Weird War One Conversions Frames with ROUSes, Huge Maggots, and lots of conversion heads and arms (including tentacles)
* 36 25mm Dual Use hard plastic bases 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, WARGAMES ATLANTIC LLC
NEW-box, available late September 2024 ......$85.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-SWAS01BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Ashigaru Warriors 28mm This box enables you to build 24 Ashigaru Warriors armed with Yari or Naginata. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly.

* 4 x Ashigaru Warriors Bodies Frames
* 4 x Ashigaru Warriors Weapons Frames
* 24 x 25mm round bases 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-SWAS02BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Ashigaru Shooters 28mm This box enables you to build 24 Ashigaru Shooters armed with Yumi or Teppo. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly.

* 4 x Ashigaru Shooters Bodies Frames
* 4 x Ashigaru Shooters Weapons Frames
* 24 x 25mm round bases 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-SWCO01BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Samurai Command 28mm This box enables you to build up to 2 ashigaru musicians, up to 2 ashigaru standard bearers, up to 2 ashigaru ammunition handlers, up to 1 ashigaru officer, up to 1 ashigaru attendant, up to 3 mounted samurai commanders or officers, up to 2 samurai commanders or officers kneeling down, up to 1 samurai commander sitting, and up to 2 samurai commanders or officers standing. Figures are supplied unpainted and require assembly. Bases not included. Contents: 1x Samurai commanders frame; 1x Ashigaru officers frame; and 1x Samurai horse frame. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2025 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid January 2025 ......$41.00 rct

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1-SWSA01BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Samurai Warriors 28mm This box enables you to build 24 Samurai Warriors armed with Yari, Naginata, or Katana. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly.

* 4 x Samurai Warriors Bodies Frames
* 4 x Samurai Warriors Weapons Frames
* 24 x 25mm round bases 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-SWSA02BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Samurai Shooters 28mm This box enables you to build 24 Samurai Shooters armed with Yumi or Teppo. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly.

* 4 x Samurai Shooters Bodies Frames
* 4 x Samurai Shooters Weapons Frames
* 24 x 25mm round bases 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-SWSA03BS Samurai Wars SAMURAI WARS: Mounted Samurai 28mm This box enables you to build 12 Samurai Shooters armed with Yumi or Teppo. Figures are supplied unpainted and require a little assembly.

* 4 x Mounted Samurai Bodies Frames
* 4 x Horses Weapons Frames
* 12 x 60mm by 32mm oval bases 1 vol, 24 pgs 2024 UK, FIREFORGE GAMES
NEW-box, available mid July 2024 ......$46.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-225130 Singleton, Andy PAINTING WARGAMING FIGURES: Rome's Northern Enemies - British, Celts, Germans and Dacians The emphasis is on achievable results and practical advice to get your army painted and ready for gaming in a reasonable time frame, and achieve a fine collection that will look great on the shelf or table. Most of the figures featured in the numerous illustrations are 28mm but the techniques described are easily adaptable to smaller scales and to plastic or metal. Step-by-step guidance takes the process from initial preparation and assembly of the figure, to finishing and basing. Themed chapters cover armor, clothing, skin tones, warpaint and tattoos, shields and horses. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-225130 Singleton, Andy PAINTING WARGAMING FIGURES: Rome's Northern Enemies - British, Celts, Germans and Dacians The emphasis is on achievable results and practical advice to get your army painted and ready for gaming in a reasonable time frame, and achieve a fine collection that will look great on the shelf or table. Most of the figures featured in the numerous illustrations are 28mm but the techniques described are easily adaptable to smaller scales and to plastic or metal. Step-by-step guidance takes the process from initial preparation and assembly of the figure, to finishing and basing. Themed chapters cover armor, clothing, skin tones, warpaint and tattoos, shields and horses. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-227830 Stanley, Paul MODELLING AND PAINTING SCIENCE FICTION MINIATURES From the multipart hard-plastic 28mm miniature to the metal and resin models common in all other scales, the book demonstrates a variety of modeling and painting techniques at different scales. It provides step-by-step guidance on building, converting and painting models; covers working in plastic, resin and white metal; explains dry brushing techniques, the three-color method, multilayering and shading with washes; and considers basing techniques and maintaining the compatibility of miniatures between different sci-fi gaming systems. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2021 UK, THE CROWOOD PRESS
NEW-pb, available late August 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217000 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEA RULES: Age of Sail 1770-1830 Includes everything to play rules-wise and also delves into the likes of painting, rigging your vessels, campaign play, linking to games of Black Powder, and national special rules options.

Rulebook comes with an exclusive 28mm miniature - the Sea Wolf! Brandishing a pistol, with a dirk strapped to his arm, this ferocious fighter offers a starting point for a Black Powder landing party. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217001 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: Master & Commander Starter Set A softback copy of the Black Seas core rules and nine detailed plastic miniatures -- three frigates and six brigs. You'll also get sails, rigging, and flag sheets for all your ships and all the ship cards, wake markers, and tokens that you'll need to play. We've also included an A0 battle mat, dice, and rulers. It also comes with an exclusive 28mm miniature - the Sea Wolf! Brandishing a pistol, with a dirk strapped to his arm, this ferocious fighter offers a starting point for a Black Powder landing party. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, special pricing ......$90.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217003 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: 3rd Rates Squadron Set contains three Third Rate ship miniatures. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217004 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: Royal Navy Fleet The Royal Navy Fleet set includes three frigate, six brig, three Third Rates, and one First Rate miniatures. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 13 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$120.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217005 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: French Navy Fleet The French Navy Fleet set includes three frigate, six brig, three Third Rates, and one First Rate miniatures. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 13 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$120.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217006 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: HMS Victory Box contains one HMS Victory (First Rate) ship miniature. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217007 Tolentino, Gabrio Black Seas - L'Orient Box contains one L'Orient (First Rate) miniature. Miniatures are 1/700 scale. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217008 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: USS Constitution 1:700 Scale This box set contains: Components for 1 resin USS Constitution ship hull; Metal components for masts; Printed sails; USS Constitution ship card; Wake markers; Bobbin for rigging; Acetate Ratlines; and a sheet of flags and pennants. 1:700 Scale model. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217009 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: Santisima Trinidad - 1:700 Scale Ship Box containing resin and metal kit plus game components. In 1802 this Spanish first rate had 140 guns making her the heaviest armed ship in the world and was as one of the very few 4-decked ships ever built. This armament was not without its problems,the weight of the weaponry rendered her slow and difficult to maneuver. In games of Black Seas, a blast from this ship can be devastating, but lighter ships can gain advantages as they can change direction much quicker. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid December 2019 ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217010 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: HMS Royal Sovereign - 1:700 Scale Ship Box containing resin and metal kit plus game components. HMS Royal Sovereign was a 1st Rate Ship-of-the-Line of the Royal Navy, bearing 100 guns and was launched in 1786. Under the command of Admiral Collingwood she was one of the main first rate ships at the Battle of Trafalger and was the first ship to engage in action. This ship is a great addition to a Black Seas British fleet. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid December 2019 ......$38.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217013 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: Gunboat Squadron (1770 - 1830) 1:700 Scale Ship Box contains: three resin bases each containing three ships. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid December 2019 ......$25.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2217014 Tolentino, Gabrio BLACK SEAS: Scenery Pack 1:700 Scale Boxed set containing resin and metal pieces: A Martello tower, Gun batteries, Lighthouse, and two sinking ships. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid December 2019 ......$48.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2137395 Tunez, Michael BLOOD & PLUNDER: 28mm Tartana The Tartana is a popular Mediterranean merchant vessel adapted for use in the Caribbean by the Spanish and the French. Sporting a two-masted fore and aft lateen rig and able to carry decent armament for its size, the Tartana makes for an excellent coastal privateer.

This unpainted ship does not include flags or sails. Some assembly required.

* Tartana 1 13.5-inch x 4-inch Plastic Resin Hull (28mm scale)
* 7 Wooden dowel for Masts & Spars
* 4 Yards of Elastic for Rigging
* 17 Laser-cut wooden Rigging Parts
* 4 Light Cannons and Carriages
* 4 White Metal Gunport Covers
* 6 Swivel Guns
* 1 Game Card 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-box ......$49.00 rct

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1-9999802 various 25mm PAINTED SYW AUSTRIAN ARMY 48 foot, 8 cavalry and 3 unpainted Cavalry Good paint job 1 vol, 56 pgs
Good paint job ......$75.00 rct

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1-9999803 various 1:144 or N scale Nine various planes. $3.00 EACH or two for $5. 1 vol, 56 pgs
NEW-model, price reduction ......$3.00 rct

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1-9999804 various 1:72 scale (3) planes
US Navy Corsair
Marines Corps done as Pappy Boington
$15.00 each 1 vol, 56 pgs
AS NEW-model, price reduction ......$28.00 rct

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1-9999805 various 1:72 scale STUKA Very nice model 1 vol, 56 pgs
AS NEW-model, price reduction ......$15.00 rct

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1-9999806 various 20mm Tank & Tank Transport 1:72 scale Very nice UNIMAX die-cast model, Tank with mine clearnce dvice 1 vol, 56 pgs
AS NEW-model, price reduction ......$28.00 rct

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1-9999809 various 15mm Flames Of War Game Aids 'The Devil's Brigade' Token Set (TK019)
Pack contains:

1 x Ranged In Token
4 x Gone to Ground Tokens
4 x Dug In Tokens
4 x Pinned Down Tokens
4 x Bogged Down Tokens

Generic American Games Set (TD012)
Pack contains:
16 Dice
2x Objective Markers; 2x Ranged In token; 4x Foxholes tokens; 8x Bailed Out/Pinned Down tokens; 4x Gone to Ground tokens; 1x Anti-Aircraft tokens; and 1x Leader token

Range Finder (AT0021) 1 vol, 56 pgs
AS NEW-dice and tokens, price reduction ......$18.00 rct

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1-9999813 various 25mm SPEARMEN (36 Figures) and 25mm ARCHERS (36 Figures) All 72 true 25mm figures for $75. Good paint job. Will also sell as two 36-figure lots for $40 per lot. 1 vol, 72 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$75.00 rct

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1-9999814 various 25mm SPEARMEN: 12 Figures 12 true 25mm figures. Good paint job. 1 vol, 12 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$12.00 rct

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1-9999815 various 25mm SPEARMEN: 36 Figures 36 true 25mm figures. Good paint job. 1 vol, 36 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$40.00 rct

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1-9999816 various 25mm ARCHERS: 15 Figures 15 true 25mm figures. Good paint job. Two lots are available for $15 per lot. 1 vol, 15 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$15.00 rct

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1-9999817 various 25mm JAVELINMEN: 18 Figures 18 true 25mm figures. Good paint job. 1 vol, 18 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$18.00 rct

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1-9999818 various 25mm JAVELINMEN: 20 Figures 20 true 25mm figures. Good paint job. 1 vol, 20 pgs
In Stock: Good paint job ......$20.00 rct

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1-VXA049 Victrix EARLY IMPERIAL ROMAN BOLT THROWER: 28mm Every Roman Centuria within a Legion was equipped with a Light Bolt shooter. These were manned by regular Legionaries and used in the field or defensively from forts or during sieges. They were capable of hurling a large dart or bolt at much longer ranges than the typical bow and added some devastating long range, heavy hitting firepower to any Roman Legion.

Set includes:
*4 Bolt shooters and the option of extended slider and drawn back slider ready to shoot.
*4 Barrels and lots of loose bolts to fill the barrels.
*8 Defensive stakes
*16 Crew figures in various poses. Ratcheting back the hand cranks, loading the bolts, standing guard; arms with picks, axes, and buckets so you can use them as Romans building and entrenching.
*44 Heads including head with feathers and some bare heads. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available mid February 2024 ......$52.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXA050 Victrix GREEK HOPLITES: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures The figures can be posed in advancing/charging poses with thrusting spears overhead or thrusting their swords, but also with upright spear options if you need the figures to rank up easier. They mix perfectly well with earlier Victrix Hoplite sets, but there are more variety of armor and helmet styles, including Linothorax armor with scales and more Corinthian style helmets alongside, Illyrian, Chalcidian, and Phrygian variants.

Set includes:
* 48 Hoplite figures
* 48 Hoplite shields
* 112 Hoplite heads with varying styles of crest, including stilted and transverse.
* A mixture of Xyphos and Kopis sword arms and sword scabbards
* Spears in thrusting, leveled, or upright positions.
* Plus some severed heads 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag ......$58.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA016 Victrix EARLY SAXON UNARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Represents the Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles, and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries.

Set includes:
* 36 x unarmoured warrior bodies
* 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)
* 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)
* 60 x helmeted heads
* 30 x bare heads and heads with caps
* An assortment of sword, axe, javelin, and spear arms
* 12 x fur cloaks

These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available late March 2024 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA017 Victrix EARLY SAXON ARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Represents the Upper class Early Saxons, Jutes, Angles and Danes (all grouped together under the title Saxon) that invaded Britain during the 4th to 6th centuries. They fought the Romano-British for dominance of Britain for hundreds of years, forcing the original inhabitants of Britain West and North and were also hired by the Romans as mercenaries.

Set includes:
* 36 x armored warrior bodies
* 36 x small round bucklers (9mm in diameter)
* 36 x larger round shields, half flat and half slightly domed (14mm in diameter)
* 84 x helmeted heads
* An assortment of sword, axe, javelin, and spear arms
* 12 x fur cloaks

These figures can easily be used as other Dark Age Germanic warriors and even be mixed with later Saxons and Vikings. Figures from the Late Romans sets would not look out of place alongside these in a warband. All adding massive amounts of variety to our ever expanding Dark age range. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late May 2024 ......$54.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXDA018 Victrix RUS INFANTRY ARMOURED and UNARMOURED WARRIORS: 28mm Figures Contains 28mm plastic figures, supplied unpainted and unassembled.

* 24 x armored figures
* 24 x unarmored figures
* 37 x unique head designs - 148 heads in total
* Spears, swords, hand axes, and two-handed axes
* Command figure parts, including horn blowers and standard bearers
* Headgear and helmet designs drawing from Slavic, Asiatic, and traditional Scandinavian influences.
* Shields range from variously sized round shields to distinctive Slavic rectangular shields

Beyond depicting the Rus, these miniatures can double as the Varangian Guard of the Byzantine Empire or as Slavic warriors. Combine them with Victrix's existing Viking set for even greater diversity, or transform them into archers using the Victrix Dark Age Archers set. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-bag, available late October 2024 ......$65.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXE001 Victrix GREEK HOPLITES HEADS: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures Contains 56 hard plastic heads to adorn your Victrix Spartan, Theban, Athenian, Mercenary and Macedonian miniatures sets. Crests are separate on many heads so you can swap crest styles from head to head to create more variants. Helmet styles include, Corinthian, Attic, Illyrian, Chalcidian, Thracian, Pylos and Phrygian with a mix of crests including high stilted and transverse plus a very ornate double head crest. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW, available mid August 2024 ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-VXE002 Victrix MEDIEVAL & FANTASY HEADS, CLOAKS & SHIELDS: Victrix 28mm Plastic Miniatures Medieval/Fantasy conversion sprue containing heads, cloaks and shields to customize your miniatures. What you get: 62 Heads, 18 Shields, and 12 Cloaks. By combining this set and the Victrix Medieval Knights set you can create, Teutonic Knights, later 13th century Knights, and Fantasy Knights. Helmets include wings, horns, antlers, and plain. Some cloaks trimmed with animal fur collars and some new shields. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, VICTRIX LTD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$28.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-112010002 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Scipio Africanus' Roman Legions Figures for the Roman Army in the Punic Wars conflict. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Punic Wars A5 rulebook
* Assembly and painting guide leaflet
* 8 mounted Republican Roman commanders
* 8 bases of Republican Roman Princepes (30 soldiers each)
* 8 bases of Republican Roman Hastati (30 soldiers each)
* 8 bases of Republican Roman Triarii (30 soldiers each)
* 8 bases of Republican Roman Velites skirmishers
* 3 bases of Republican Roman heavy cavalry
* 3 bases of Republican Roman light cavalry
* 6 bases of Celtiberian warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 6 bases of Italian allied infantry (20 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Numidian skirmishers with bows
* 4 bases of Balearic Slingers
* 4 bases of Ligurian light infantry skirmishers
* 4 bases of Spanish Caetrati skirmishers
* 4 bases of Gallic Celt cavalry
* 4 bases of Spanish cavalry
* Scipio Africanus variant (Exclusive to the Hannibal battle set or the Scipio Africanus' Roman Legions boxed sets)
* Plastic bases
* Full color shield decals
* 6 six-sided dice 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$152.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-112010003 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Hannibal Barca's Carthaginian Army Figures for the Carthaginian Army in the Punic Wars conflict. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Punic Wars A5 rulebook
* Assembly and painting guide leaflet
* 8 mounted Carthaginian commanders
* 4 mounted Gallic Celt commanders
* 4 mounted Gallic Celt standard bearers
* 4 Carthaginian war elephants
* 12 bases of Libyan heavy infantry (20 soldiers each)
* 12 bases of Iberian Scutarii warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 12 bases of Celt warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 6 bases of Celtiberian warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 6 bases of Italian allied infantry (20 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Numidian skirmishers with bows
* 4 bases of Balearic Slingers
* 4 bases of Ligurian light infantry skirmishers
* 4 bases of Spanish Caetrati skirmishers
* 8 bases of Numidian skirmishers with javelins
* 4 bases of Gallic Celt skirmishers with slings
* 8 bases of Liby-Phoenician cavalry
* 8 bases of Numidian cavalry
* 4 bases of Gallic Celt cavalry
* 4 bases of Spanish cavalry
* Hannibal Barca variant (Exclusive to the Hannibal battle set or the Hannibal Barca's Carthaginian Army boxed sets)
* Plastic bases
* Full color shield decals
* 6 six-sided dice 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$152.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-112010004 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Republican Roman Division Roman Republican Legion. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 4 mounted commanders
* 4 bases of Roman Principes (30 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Roman Hastati (30 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Roman Triarii (30 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Roman Velites skirmishers
* 8 Roman heavy cavalry
* 8 Roman light cavalry
* Plastic bases
* Full color shield decals 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-112010005 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Carthaginian Division Carthaginian division. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 2 mounted Carthaginian commanders
* 2 mounted Gallic Celt commanders
* 2 mounted Gallic Celt standard bearers
* 3 bases of Libyan heavy infantry (20 soldiers each)
* 6 bases of Gallic Celt warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 2 bases of Gallic Celt skirmishers with slings
* 3 bases of Iberian Scutarii warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 2 bases of Numidian skirmishers with javelins
* 2 bases of Liby-Pheonician cavalry
* 2 bases of Numidian cavalry
* Plastic bases
* Full color shield decals 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-112010006 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Carthaginian War Elephants Carthaginian elephant subcommand. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 4 war elephants with howdahs
* 4 mahout elephant riders
* 10 Carthaginian crew
* Plastic bases 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$33.50 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-112010007 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Allied Troops division Allied command. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 6 bases of Celtiberian warriors (20 soldiers each)
* 6 bases of Italian allied infantry (20 soldiers each)
* 4 bases of Numidian skirmishers with bows
* 4 bases of Balearic Slingers
* 4 bases of Ligurian light infantry skirmishers
* 4 bases of Spanish Caetrati skirmishers
* 4 bases of Gallic Celt cavalry
* 4 bases of Spanish cavalry
* Plastic bases
* Full color shield decals 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$50.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-112411401 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Republican Roman Commanders Republican Roman commanders. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Contains the following box sets:
* Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus
* Claudius Nero
* Gaius Terentius Varro
* Sempronius Longus
* Publius Cornelius Scipio
* Mounted Signifer
* Signifer on foot
* Praeco and attendants
* Servant with refreshments 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$32.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-112411402 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Republican Roman Casualty Markers Contains 18 Republican Roman casualty markers. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-112412201 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Carthaginian Commanders Carthaginian commanders. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Contains the following box sets:
* Hannibal Barca
* Hannibal's shield bearer
* Hasdrubal Barca
* Mago Barca
* Hanno, son of Bomilcar
* Hasdrubal Gisco
* Carthaginian officer reading scroll
* Mounted Standard Bearer
* Standard Bearer on foot
* Servant with fan 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-112412202 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Carthaginian Casualty Markers Contains 18 Carthaginian casualty markers. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$32.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-113212207 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Carthaginian Battle Scarred Angry Elephant Heads This pack lets you convert your Hail Caesar Epic Battles elephants into battle-scarred veterans, and exceptionally angry ones if the fellow grasping a struggling Roman legionary in his trunk is anything to go by. Contains three alternative Carthaginian War Elephant Heads for use with plastic Carthaginian War Elephants. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 3 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late August 2024 ......$16.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-113212208 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Baggage Train Baggage train designed for use with Hail Caesar Epic Battles. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Two oxen-pulled carts
* One horse-drawn cart
* One set of laden horses
* One set of laden camels 1 vol, 5 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late August 2024 ......$39.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-115110001 Warlord HAIL CAESAR EPIC BATTLES (PUNIC WARS): Ruined Temple Pack contains one Ruined Temple, cast in resin. Comes unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late August 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2425902 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! Soviet Army Tank Force Contains five 1/56th scale plastic Soviet tanks for use with Achtung Panzer! rules, as well as game cards, tokens, and tank crew. This bundle comes with a FREE bonus tank crew blister. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Three T-34/76 medium tanks
* One Iosef Stalin 2 heavy tank
* One KV-1 heavy tank/KV-2 assault tank
* Assembly guides and full-color waterslide decals
* Vehicle damage markers
* Ten Achtung Panzer! asset cards
* Two Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Datacards
* Four Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Skill cards
* Achtung Panzer! phase and time tracker
* Achtung Panzer! Datacards for sixteen vehicles
* Achtung Panzer! tokens and markers
* Tank stowage and accessories
* Mounted and dismounted tank crew (Warlord Resin) 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$180.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-2425903 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! USA Army Tank Force Contains five 1/56th scale plastic American tanks for use with Achtung Panzer! rules, as well as game cards, tokens, and tank crew. This bundle comes with a FREE bonus tank crew blister. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* Three M4A3E8 Sherman 'Easy Eight' medium tanks
* One M18 Hellcat tank destroyer
* One M5 Stuart light tank
* Assembly guides and full-color waterslide decals
* Vehicle damage markers
* Ten Achtung Panzer! asset cards
* Two Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Datacards
* Four Achtung Panzer! Tank Ace Skill cards
* Achtung Panzer! phase and time tracker
* Achtung Panzer! Datacards for sixteen vehicles
* Achtung Panzer! tokens and markers
* Tank stowage and accessories
* Mounted and dismounted tank crew (Warlord Resin) 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$180.00 with a discount of 25% rct

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1-2425912 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! USA Tank Crew Contains four partial American mounted figures, one figure firing pintle-mounted HMG (included), and three dismounted figures (Warlord Resin) with plastic bases for use with Achtung Panzer! rules. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$20.50 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2425915 Warlord ACHTUNG PANZER! Soviet Tank Crew Contains six Soviet partial mounted figures and three dismounted figures (Warlord Resin) with plastic bases for use with Achtung Panzer! Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$20.50 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-401510005 Warlord BOLT ACTION: Battle of the Bulge Starter Set The Battle of the Bulge two-player starter set contains everything needed to start playing Bolt Action: Third Edition - simply assemble the models and let battle commence. Those who preorder will receive an exclusive Francis S. Currey (US Medal of Honor recipient) miniature. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted.

* 24x New Plastic US Army Winter Infantry
* 18x New Plastic Winter Fallschirmjager
* 1x Special-Edition Francis S. Currey miniature
* 1x Greyhound Scout Car that can be modified as M8 or M20
* 1x Ruined Farmhouse Plastic Terrain
* Bolt Action 3rd Edition A5 softback rulebook
* Order Dice, D6s, Templates, Pin Markers, Tokens, and Stat Cards 1 vol, 44 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late September 2024 ......$149.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-402013051 Warlord BOLT ACTION: US Army Winter Platoon Box Set Contains 30 multi-part plastic infantry for the US Army Winter Platoon. Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. 1 vol, 30 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late September 2024 ......$59.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-GOTHAM Lockwood NYCthulhu:Gotham Terror Written in the style of classic HP Lovecraft from the 1920s and 1930s, this Yuletide tale transforms idle curiosity into a quest for forbidden knowledge along a path that led to the brink of madness and beyond. Such investigations and discoveries should not be made by mortal men...

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

How I wished we had never laid eyes upon that simple stone stele from antiquity, no bigger than a wine bottle, but covered with symbols from a language aged before Latin or Greek or Egyptian hieroglyphics or Sumerian cuneiform. I blamed myself for getting involved, of course, and had made peace with that decision for I cannot change it, but I have come to realize that forces beyond the ken of man hurried me along my path of darkness...
1 vol, 32 pgs 2020 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$8.00 rct

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2-GOTHAM Lockwood, Russ NYCthulhu:Gotham Terror Written in the style of classic HP Lovecraft from the 1920s and 1930s, this Yuletide tale transforms idle curiosity into a quest for forbidden knowledge along a path that led to
the brink of madness and beyond. Such investigations and discoveries should not be made by mortal men. 1 vol, 32 pgs 2020 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-PDF ......$8.00 rct

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1-726521 Scarrow, Simon DEATH TO THE EMPEROR: Eagles of the Empire 21 Novel. Fifteen years after Rome's invasion of Britannia, centurion Marco is back. The island is settled now, bustling with commerce. Macro's goal is to help run his mother's Londinium inn, and exploit his land grant. He's prepared for the dismal weather and the barbaric ways of the people. But far worse dangers threaten all his plans.

A gang led by an ex-legionary rules the city, demanding protection money and terrorising those who won't pay up. The Roman official in charge has turned a blind eye. Macro has to act. He needs the back-up of the finest soldier he knows: Prefect Cato. But Cato is in distant Rome. Or is he?

As the streets run red with blood, the army's heroes face an enemy as merciless and cunning as any barbarian tribe. The honour of Rome is in their hands ... 1 vol, 352 pgs 2022 UK, HEADLINE BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$39.00 rct

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1-726522 Scarrow, Simon REBELLION: Eagles of the Empire 22 AD 60. Britannia is in turmoil. The rebel leader Boudica has tasted victory, against a force of tough veterans in Camulodunum. Alerted to the rapidly spreading uprising, Governor Suetonius leads his army towards endangered Londinium with a mounted escort, led by Prefect Cato. Soon it's terrifyingly clear that Britannia is slipping into chaos and panic, with ever more tribal warriors swelling Boudica's ranks. And Cato and Suetonius are grimly aware that little preparation has been made to withstand a full-scale rebellion.

In Londinium there is devastating news. Centurion Macro is amongst those unaccounted for after the massacre at Camulodunum. Has Cato's comrade and friend made his last stand? Facing disaster, Cato prepares his next move. Dare he hope that Macro - battle-scarred and fearless - has escaped the bloodthirsty rebels? For there is only one man Cato trusts by his side as he faces the military campaign of his life. And the future of the Empire in Britannia hangs in the balance. 1 vol, 352 pgs 2023 UK, HEADLINE BOOKS
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$39.00 rct

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1-89487 Sidebottom, Harry WARRIOR OF ROME VII: Falling Sky In the seventh novel in Harry Sidebottom's acclaimed and best-selling Warrior of Rome historical fiction series, it's AD 265, Gaul, and the Roman Empire is on the brink. Emperor Gallienus has amassed a huge army across the Alps to seize back the mountains from the usurper Postumus.

War has come. Ballista and his cavalry are on the frontline, battling in the most brutal of conditions. But if he is to survive the campaign and finally retire to his beloved Sicily, it's not just the battlefield he needs to navigate.

As he and Praetorian Prefect Volusianus lay siege to Postumus' armies, it becomes clear the greatest threat to Ballista's life might just come from within his ranks. After all, Volusianus has shown he will go to any distance for his own ends. Is Ballista just another pawn in his game? 1 vol, 464 pgs 2022 UK, MICHAEL JOSEPH LTD
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$27.00 rct

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1-BRIG353 Bunde, Peter 353: IMPERIAL RUSSIA: Dragoon Regiment Finland 1809-1813 Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2018 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-plate ......$14.00 rct

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1-BRIG354 Bunde, Peter 354: KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA: 3rd East-Prussian Infantry Regiment 1810-1815 Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-plate ......$14.00 rct

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1-BRIG355 Bunde, Peter 355: Austrian Empire: Dragoon Regiment No.4 Levenehr/Erbgrossherzog 1809-1815 Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 GERMANY, PETER BUNDE
NEW-plate ......$14.00 rct

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1-83513 Griffing, Robert NARRATIVE ART OF ROBERT GRIFFING: An Amazing Journey Vol. III This third volume of Robert Griffing's artwork is the result of 10 years of work since the release of his last book (out of print). It takes you into Eastern Native American history in the mid to later part of the 18th century, a time of struggle and recovery for the eastern tribes. Includes 130 color plates.

Through Michael Galban's research, his engaging writing relates well to the artwork. Robert believes it's important that these Eastern Native American images be seen and their story told and not be forgotten. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2019 US, PARAMOUNT PRESS
NEW-dj ......$75.00 rct

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1-245290 Macgowan, Rodger THE ART OF RODGER B MacGOWAN Part autobiography and part chronicle of the historical board wargaming hobby, this takes the reader through Rodger's career as one of the hobby's premier graphic designers. Showcases artwork from his beginnings at SPI, Avalon Hill, and Fire & Movement; through Hobby Japan, GMT Games, and C3i Magazine; and everything else in between. Rodger also gives behind the scenes color for many of the pieces, including the (many) last minute deadlines, projects delayed, or canceled only to be given new life, and the music and movies that inspired his work. This item is being printed in a limited run. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 US, RBM STUDIO LLC
NEW-hardback ......$120.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-218920 Sennewald, Roland PIETER SNAYERS - BATTLE PAINTER: 1592-1667 Pieter Snayers was in many ways the premier battlepainter of the 30-Years War as he excelled in making large, detailed, and often surprisingly accurate birds-eye view paintings of battles and sieges. His paintings are also one of the best sources of information about the dress and equipment of soldiers during the period. His paintings are scattered across a large number of museums and private collections and only a limited number are available online.

Here are over 200 mostly colored illustrations: including double-sided reproductions of about 100 of his paintings, many detailed views, maps, and contemporary engravings, and all in a large format book 1 vol, 422 pgs 2018 GERMANY, BERLIN ZINNFIGUREN
NEW-softcover ......$69.00 rct

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1-2215804 G Aimaretti PAPER SOLDIERS: Byzantine Army AD 395-1453 Uniformology research, NOT cut out and use on a tabletop. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover, available mid November 2019 ......$34.00 rct

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1-221560 Toiati, Luigi THE HISTORY OF TOY SOLDIERS Covers the fascinating evolution of the toy soldier from ancient times to the early 21st century. The author, as a sociologist with an interest in semiotics (the study of signs), offers truly original insights into why different types of toy soldiers were born in a given period and country, or why in a given size and material. Includes anecdotes, nostalgia, wit and his enduring passion for the subject plus 600 color photographs, many depicting the author's own collection. 1 vol, 640 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid October 2019 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-241520 Toiati, Luigi THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION AND ITS TOY FIGURINES This lavishly illustrated book (including 400 colored illustrations) covers both the history of literary science fiction, following in the footsteps of contemporary official criticism, and toy figurines inspired by science fiction. You will also find several other themes, such as the link between science fiction figures and cinema, radio, TV, comics, and more. Describes the figurines and brands associated with it in all its various forms. 1 vol, 528 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available mid December 2023 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-229550 British Napoleonic paint set This paint set includes:

70.976 - Buff
70.836 - London Grey
70.957 - Flat Red
70.899 - Dark Prussian Blue
70.896 - G.C. Extra Dark Green
70.865 - Oily Steel
70.820 - Offwhite
70.801 - Brass 1 vol, 8 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-229560 French Napoleonic paint set This paint set includes:

70.947 - Dark Vermillion
70.953 - Flat Yellow
70.899 - Dark Prussian Blue
70.820 - Offwhite
70.878 - Old Gold
70.865 - Oily Steel
70.836 - London Grey
70.891 - Intermediate Green 1 vol, 8 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-229650 Black Powder & Epic: American Civil War paint set Custom selected paint set produced by Warlord Games studio team will arm you with the bespoke colours needed for Union and Confederate forces in either 28mm or Epic Battle Scale. Set contains nine high pigment paints, a wash, and a frame of our Epic Battles ACW infantry to either sneakily outnumber your enemy or practise your painting on. 1 vol, 9 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid February 2022 ......$53.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-229700 SPEEDPAINT STARTER SET Warlord Speedpaint offers one-coat painting solution with basic colors. Apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done, All colors are using tried and true high-quality heavy pigments combined with an innovative resin medium solution that flows over your miniatures.

Box contains one brush and 10 18ml bottles of Speedpaints: Zealot Yellow, Fire Giant Orange, Blood Red, Hive Dweller Purple, Highlord Blue, Orc Skin, Pallid Bone, Crusader Skin, Hardened Leather, and Gravelord Grey. 1 vol, 11 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available late February 2022 ......$56.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-907015 DIORAMAG: Volume 15 Expert advice on painting models and creating dioramas. Contents:
* The Calm Before the Storm
* Old Greek Facade
* Light in the Darkness
* Diorama Classics: Operation Cedar Falls
* If you have poop.
* U-201 Schneemann U-Boat
* Counter Attack in Normandy
* Ave Maria
* Showcase Dioramag: Christian Bruer
* A Cat and a Ketten
* Dear but not Forgotten 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 SPAIN, PLA EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available late August 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-907016 DIORAMAG: Volume 16 Expert advice on painting models and creating dioramas. Contents:
* Men and Whales
* Facciata a Venezia
* The Shadow of My Long Lost Son M-5 Stuart
* The Last Battle Berlin 1945
* MiG-21 Graveyard in Papa
* The Empire Strikes Back: Churchill and Cromwell Tanks
* Safari Toyota FJ43
* Showcase Dioramag: Daniel Buchmeier
* Mindscape BTR-80 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 SPAIN, PLA EDITIONS
NEW-pb, available mid August 2024 ......$30.00 rct

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1-220260 Eens, Mario GERMAN AND RUSSIAN TANK MODELS 1939-45: Painting Guide Comprehensive guide to painting techniques suitable for 1/72, 1/48, and 1/35 scale WWII German and Soviet tank models. From the Russian T-34 at the time of the battle of Kursk, and Su-152 in winter camouflage, to the German Panzer I in North Africa, and the gigantic Maus, as it might have appeared just after the war ended, this book offers a wealth of detail into the necessary tools, paints, and techniques to perfect a realistic finish. 1 vol, 132 pgs 2019 US, CASEMATE
NEW-hardcover ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223870 Harwood, Tony WARGAMING TERRAIN & BUILDINGS - North Africa and the Middle East The Middle East and North Africa have been the backdrop for many conflicts through the centuries, making them a popular setting for miniature wargames. Whether you are fielding your Parthians against invading Roman legions, Crusaders against Saladin's Saracens, recreating Lawrence's exploits in Arabia, or trying to halt Rommel at El Alamein, this book will help you set the scene for your games. 350 color illustrations

Expert terrain modeler Tony Harwood takes the reader through a range of projects step by step, from selection of materials to the finished items. Each stage is illustrated with color photographs.

1 vol, 152 pgs 2020 UK, PEN AND SWORD
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246920 Irvine, Mat MODEL DIORAMAS HANDBOOK Explores techniques and materials for crafting diverse dioramas, emphasizing imagination in bringing model landscapes to life, irrespective as to what you are modeling. Looks at the materials required for building dioramas, primarily tools, paints, and glues. Covers the materials that can be used to create earth, vegetation, and water, as well as landscaping. The building of specific dioramas as settings for museums exhibits, architectural, and educational projects is explored, as are forced-perspective dioramas. Contains 300+ color photographs. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 US, BLUEPRINT
NEW-dj, available mid December 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-247280 Roach, Alistair THE LIFE AND SHIP MODELS OF NORMAN OUGH Norman Ough is considered by many as the greatest ship modeler of the 20th century. His exquisite drawings and meticulous models are regarded as masterpieces of draughtsmanship, workmanship, and realism; they are truly works of art. Incorporates many of his original articles from Model Maker Magazine and detailed line drawings to present an extraordinary level of practical information as well as an inspiring panorama of WWI and WWII warship models. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 UK, SEAFORTH PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late December 2024 ......$29.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230261 Singleton, Andy THE ART OF V1: ... MINIATURE MONTHLY This 144-page book is the first in an ongoing series of publications that presents the glorious miniatures artwork of artists from around the globe in full-color, quality photos, supported by descriptions from the artists themselves.

THE ART OF... MINIATURE MONTHLY contains nine chapters, three chapters each from professional miniatures artists Aaron Lovejoy, Elizabeth Beckley, and Matt DiPietro. These cover an introduction to the artist and their journey through miniatures painting, a look at how they approach their art, and the ways they apply their motivations and techniques to some fantastic art.

Topics include: The Impact of Art Education, The Human Form, The Business of Painting, Never Stop Learning, and Ancient Methods and Infinite Possibilities. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2022 UK, DAVE TAYLOR MINIATURES
NEW-hardback, available mid April 2022 ......$47.00 rct

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1-230262 Singleton, Andy THE ART OF V2: ...CHRISTOF KEIL his 112-page book is the second volume in an ongoing series of publications that presents the glorious miniatures artwork of artists from around the globe in full-color, quality photos, supported by descriptions from the artists themselves.

Christof is most known for - kitbashing - or combining parts from a variety of kits to create completely new miniatures. In these pages, he describes the ways his inspirations, motivations, and techniques have evolved over the years. He guides us through his early projects, including a detailed tutorial on building a modern version of a classic Necromunda miniature, before moving on to some larger endeavors such as his Black Phalanx Crusade collection for use in various Warhammer 40,000 settings. In addition, we see some of Christof's larger scale work sculpting and painting busts, as well as his tribute to a piece of grimdark artwork particularly famous in the miniatures wargaming community. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2022 UK, DAVE TAYLOR MINIATURES
NEW-hardback, available mid April 2022 ......$38.00 rct

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1-230263 Singleton, Andy THE ART OF V3: ... ANA POLANSCAK This 112-page book is the third in an ongoing series of publications that presents the glorious miniatures artwork of artists from around the globe in full-color, quality photos, supported by descriptions from the artists themselves.

Her miniature worlds were initially part of other wargaming settings, but over time they have been fleshed out and been made firmly her own. She blends elements of European folklore with her own spin on classic tales, creating a dark and often macabre style that is instantly recognizable and deeply intriguing. Not only is her conversion and paint work incredible in it's own right; the way she presents her miniatures and worlds through her photography is art as well. She guides us through the principles she uses to create her mysterious and magical worlds through the miniatures and scenery she builds. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2022 UK, DAVE TAYLOR MINIATURES
NEW-hardback, available mid April 2022 ......$38.00 rct

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1-237570 Taylor, Dick REAL WEATHERING For the military modeler, but does not tell how use a particular technique - pre-shading, washes, pin-washes, dry-brushing, hairspray - to achieve a particular finish. Rather, it is a reference book showing a range of real military vehicles and their components in real military environments. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2023 UK, MMP BOOKS
NEW-pb, available mid July 2023 ......$55.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-925135 various SOLDATINI # 135 Articles include: The Captain and the Stud 54mm; Busts 200 and 400mm; North America's Animals 54mm; British Grenadier 54mm; Sharp's Armoury gun; Flying Merkel 1911 1/35; Glances 75mm; La Revue du Quintidi, June 1800 1a part 54mm; and more. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 ITALY, AURIGA
NEW-softcover, available early April 2019 ......$12.00 rct

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1-925140 various SOLDATINI #140 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 ITALY, AURIGA
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$12.00 rct

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1-925141 various SOLDATINI #141 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 ITALY, AURIGA
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$12.00 rct

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1-925142 various SOLDATINI #142 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 ITALY, AURIGA
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$12.00 rct

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1-925143 various SOLDATINI #143 1 vol, 84 pgs 2019 ITALY, AURIGA
NEW-softcover, [Italian text] ......$12.00 rct

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1-190689 BLACK POWDER: A Dark and Bloody Ground for F&I Wars Inside this book, you will find a complete history of the conflict with details of every major battle fought between the two sides. Also included are details of the uniforms, organization and commanders of the European armies, their colonial regulars and militias, and the various Native American tribes that supported or opposed them. Scenarios are provided for many of the battles of the war along with suggestions for campaign games. A copy of the Black Powder rule book is required to use this supplement. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2197801 SAGA: Age of Magic - Deck of 36 Spell Cards The Spell Cards are a supplementary tool to quickly reference the wide variety of sorcerous abilities available in SAGA Age of Magic. The rules on these cards can also be found in the book and the cards will also be made available as a free download. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2019 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-deck, available late April 2019 ......$18.00 rct

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1-2297010 BOLT ACTION DICE: Grey (12) dice 1 vol, 12 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pack ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2297012 BOLT ACTION DICE: Green (12) dice 1 vol, 12 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pack ......$29.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2297013 BOLT ACTION DICE: Black (12) dice 1 vol, 12 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pack ......$29.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2297014 BOLT ACTION DICE: Blue (12) dice 1 vol, 12 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pack ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2467798 MIDGARD: Rulers and Tokens Set This token and ruler set is designed specifically for Midgard Heroic Battles, consisting of all you are likely to need for a normal to large size game. Contains Half Spear Throw Ruler, 6cm; One Spear Throw Ruler, 12cm; Two Spear Throw Ruler, 24cm; Eight Charging or Winning Marker; and Six Shot Marker. 1 vol, 17 pgs 2024 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-sheet of tokens, available late December 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-882818 AIR MARSHAL: Command of the Skies Aerial Supplement for the Panzer Korps divisional warfare system that builds upon the existing Air Combat System from the Core rules. Adds the additional layers of command and control for including strategic and tactical system for affecting the land battle engagements, focus on air campaign (and not land battles), multi-region Battle Board component, solo play, 100+ bomber strikes, and three modes of play: Standard, Independent, and Hotseat. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-866110 Archer, Gary PINING FOR THE FJORDS: A Scenario Book for Check Your 6 Check Your 6 scenario and campaign book provides three campaigns and 25 scenarios covering Operation Weserubung Nord, the German invasion of Norway in the spring of 1940. The first 11 scenarios begin with each side's attempts to interdict enemy fleet units just prior to the invasion and continues until Bomber Command leaves Norway at the end of April to prepare for the Battle of France. The next six scenarios cover the month of May and include a Stuka attack against HMS Ark Royal, the deployment of 46 Squadron (Hurricanes) and the second deployment of 263 Squadron (Gladiators). The book ends with eight scenarios depicting the last aerial combats before the Allied withdrawal from Norway, British attempts to get revenge upon KMS Scharnhorst for the sinking of HMS Glorious, and one showing that an Allied air presence over Norway would continue until liberation. Scenarios can be played as one-offs, linked as a mini-campaign, or joined as the whole campaign. Includes aircraft specs for Gladiator, Sunderland, Wellington, Skua, and Ju-88C-2 Zerstorer. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2023 US, J&D PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$25.00 rct

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1-86619 Archer, Gary UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES: A Scenario Book for Check Your 6 This book provides five campaigns and 35 scenarios covering the air campaign over Darwin, Australia and neighboring Japanese-held islands in 1943.

The first seven scenarios deal with reconnaissance missions by both sides and the first two Japanese Naval Air Force raids on Darwin in March 1943 as No. 1 Wing, led by W/C Clive Caldwell, tries to learn how to stop them; the next 9 include early efforts by 31 Squadron RAAF Beaufighters to strike Japanese bases and the JNAF's attempt to neutralize the Beaufighters' forward staging base at Millingimbi. These are followed by more raids on Darwin, including a large one by the Japanese Army Air Force; No. 1 Wing finally 'learning the ropes'; JNAF floatplanes trying to interdict the sea lanes north of Australia while the RAAF takes measures to stop them, and finally, a night raid on Darwin. Zeros dogfighting Spitfires! Beaufighters strafing things! What's not to like?

HISTORICAL RESEARCH: Information is provided concerning the reason for the campaign, problems faced by each side, and mistakes made by each side. Special Rules account for mechanical and armament issues plaguing the Allies and the abysmal state of gunnery training in No. 1 Wing. Scenarios were created using primary sources from both sides along with secondary sources; an annotated bibliography listing them is also provided.

NEW AIRCRAFT STATISTICS: Included are aircraft statistics in Check Your 6 format for the aircraft used in the scenarios, some of which are new, such as license-built Hudsons and Beaufighters, the Ki.48 Lily, and the Ki.49 Helen.

CAMPAIGN SYSTEM: The Darwin Campaign of 1943 was one of attrition; included is an easy to use campaign system to replicate that aspect, emphasizing that it's not just how many enemy aircraft you shoot down, it's also how many of your own aircraft are lost in doing so. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2022 US, J&D PUBLICATIONS
NEW, softcover, available late July ......$25.00 rct

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1-944034 Bender, Trevor C3i # 34: KURSK:: The Tigers Are Burning 19435 Welcome to the first installment in the C3i Combined Arms Series, designed by Trevor Bender. Nr 34's featured game, Kursk: The Tigers Are Burning 1943, puts you in the tank driver's seat as the German Summer offensive roars over the fields of Ukraine and the Russians rush to meet them. The scale is vast and your choices are many, but because of the efficiency of design, those who played Mark Herman's games in our past issues (Gettysburg, Waterloo) should feel comfortable reading the short rulebook and playing in no time. Large 22x34-inch map and 114 counters).

This issue of C3i Magazine, along with the game rulebook and many inserts, boasts over 100 pages of quality content. Featured are in depth articles covering many of this year's best games, upcoming games, and some retrospectives on the history of the hobby. GBoH, Fields of Fire, Undaunted: Normandy, and OCS are just some of the games covered in this issue. Plus, for those who loved Waterloo, Mark Herman breaks down some opening strategies you can try out in your next play through!

Also: Articles on board games Fields of Fire, SPQR, OCS, Undaunted: Normany, France 1944 and more!

Inserts for The Hunters, Empire of the Sun, C3i Nr 33's Battle of Issy, For the People, Stalingrad '42, Imperial Struggle and others

Bonus Standalone Solitaire Game: FIREBASE VIETNAM

COLLECTOR'S EDITION packages the above in a secure, white C3i-branded Collector box for shipping and storage 1 vol, 100 pgs 2020 US, RBM STUDIO LLC
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-225570 Brooks, Richard and Curry, John A Practical Guide to Medieval Warfare This book examines operational and tactical medieval warfare: how armies deployed, advanced, fought, won and lost. Includes dressing the ranks, advance to contact, battle cries, pre-battle speeches, sieges, and street fighting.

This book assumes medieval warriors largely knew what they were doing and if we do not comprehend the decisions they took when waging war, this reflects a lack of understanding on our part.

Includes five sets of rules to create pitched battles, skirmishes, raids, and retreats on the tabletop.
Game 1: Middle Aged Spread - Battle level rules 1066-1485
Game 2: Sword and Spear: Wargaming Low-Level Battle Tactics
Game 3: Once More unto the Breach: Skirmish Rules
Game 4: Gaming Retreats: Cymerau (1257)
Game 5: Gaming Cattle Raids: The Night Belongs to Paddy
1 vol, 147 pgs 2020 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb, available mid October 2020 ......$24.00 rct

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1-196811D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Forces of Order Dice for SAGA Magic These dice are for use with the the Great Kingdoms, the Lords of the Wild, and the Masters of the Underearth in SAGA Age of Magic. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2019 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late April 2019 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196812D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Chaos Dice for SAGA Magic These dice are for use with the the Undead Legions, the Horde, and the Otherworld in SAGA Age of Magic. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2019 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late April 2019 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196813D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Magic Dice for SAGA Magic These dice are for use with SAGA Age of Magic. 1 vol, 6 pgs 2019 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late April 2019 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196814D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Hannibal Punic/Carthaginian Dice Set Each set contains eight of the same, faction specific, die. Unlike some other special dice, these SAGA dice have symbols on EACH side (no 'pips'). 1 vol, 8 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late September 2020 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196815D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Hannibal Republic of Rome Dice Set Each set contains eight of the same, faction specific, die. Unlike some other special dice, these SAGA dice have symbols on EACH side (no 'pips'). 1 vol, 8 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late September 2020 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196816D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Hannibal Barbarian Dice Set Each set contains eight of the same, faction specific, die. Unlike some other special dice, these SAGA dice have symbols on EACH side (no 'pips'). 1 vol, 8 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late September 2020 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196817D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Hannibal Greek Dice Set Each set contains eight of the same, faction specific, die. Unlike some other special dice, these SAGA dice have symbols on EACH side (no 'pips'). 1 vol, 8 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available late September 2020 ......$18.00 rct

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1-196818D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Chivalry Blue Dice Set Contains 8 dice for use with SAGA Age of Chivalry for the following factions: French, Burgundians, Scottish, Bretons, Condotierri (Milanese, Venetian, Roman, Neopolitan, and Florentine), War of the Roses (Yorkists), and the Free Companies. 1 vol, 8 pgs 2024 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available mid December 2024 ......$21.00 rct

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1-196819D Bushel, Alexandre SAGA DICE: Age of Chivalry Red Dice Set Contains 8 dice for use with SAGA Age of Chivalry for the following factions: English, Flemish, Castilians, Swiss, Germans, Hussites, and War of the Roses (Lancastrians). 1 vol, 8 pgs 2024 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-blister, available mid December 2024 ......$21.00 rct

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1-909010 Bustamante, Jose Painting War 10: The Wild West Awesome special issue on how to paint Wild West figures. More than 25 different miniatures painted by Jose Bustamante, and a complete painting guide. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2020 SPAIN
NEW-pb ......$34.00 rct

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1-909009 Calatayud, Carlos PAINTING WAR: Issue #9 - Holy War Awesome special issue on how to paint Crusader armies. More than 25 different miniatures painted by Carlos Calatayud, and a complete painting guide. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2019 SPAIN
NEW-softcover, available early April 2019 ......$34.00 rct

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1-234510 Carter, Stephen ONE KING: A Wargamer's Companion to Argyll's & Monmouth's Rebellion of 1685 Covers the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685 covering every encounter and unit in England and Scotland. Its sits alongside the book Fighting for Liberty as the ideal companion and provides the information needed to bring the Monmouth Rebellion to life on the tabletop. Also includes fast play campaign rules for the wargamer to use the strategies, maps, deployments, and military objectives and refight history. Includes OOBs and unit sheets. Includes 42 color photos, 49 b/w Illustrations, 9 color illustrations, 45 maps, and 25 tables. 1 vol, 222 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-909011 Caston, Calos Javier Painting War 11: The French & Indian War Latest in the superb series. Immerse yourself in this issue where Calos Javier Caston will show you his painting techniques and give you tips on how to paint figures for this fascinatinating historical conflict. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2022 SPAIN
NEW-dj, available late February 2022 ......$34.00 rct

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1-241180 Copestake, Andy and James Main KHALSA! A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849 This book details the two wars fought by the British-Indian Army against the Sikh Empire of Northern India in the middle of the 19th century, resulting in the addition of the Punjab to the territories of British India and the introduction of the famous Sikh regiments to the British-Indian army. Also provides detailed information on the organization and uniforms of both armies, how to create armies of model soldiers, and rules are suitable to bring these battles to the wargames table. Also contains detailed orders of battle and scenarios. Contains 65 color photos, six color illustrations, nine b/w illustrations, 10 b/w maps, and six tables. 1 vol, 182 pgs 2023 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$50.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243450 Curry, John DARK PLACES: Professional Wargaming of Dark Themes Examines wargames that are used to explore the darkest elements of conflict, those usually run behind closed doors and rarely, if ever, reach the public domain. Sometimes these games are part of professional military activity, sometimes part of academic research. The games in this book were carefully chosen to reduce the risk of offense and demonstrate the ways of running such games, but without using current or recent conflicts as examples. They include:

* Bosnian Mercenary: Gaming the Chaos of the Disintegration of Yugoslavia
* WMD 1945
* My Aunt's War: Civilian Experience of War
* Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Gaming Surrender
* Pickett's Charge: Using Drama
* The Button: Nuclear Decision Making
* Exercise Hard Rock: Civil Defence
* The Tank Factory: Military Management of the Economy During Wartime 1 vol, 105 pgs 2023 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$25.00 rct

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1-243460 Curry, John WARGAMES FROM WORLD WAR II: Examples of Axis and Allied Wargaming Rules and Umpire Guidelines Examines the detail of wargames played before and during World War II by including primary material as well as extracts from source documents, wargaming rules, and umpiring guides from the pre-war period until 1945. Includes detailed guidelines on the German use of wargaming during the war based on post-war analysis by the American military, samples of the German map based tactical exercises set at platoon and company level, an example of a British attack on a village, British and American umpire manuals with rules for arbitrating field exercises as well as sand table and map wargames. and a Royal Navy carrier wargame: Find Fix and Strike (1944). 1 vol, 199 pgs 2023 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$28.00 rct

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1-243470 Curry, John and Tim Price ADVANCED MATRIX GAMES FOR PROFESSIONAL WARGAMING Brings together some of the best practices on matrix games, based on Chris Engle's wargaming matrix game methodology, since the first book was published in 2014. Provides practical advice on running games, with ten examples of future, current, and historical conflicts. This book is divided into three sections. The first part includes a detailed guide to running matrix games; the second part includes five new games about conflict, procurement, the High North, and protecting critical national infrastructure; and the final part of the book includes five scenarios about simulating historical conflicts for military education. This book replaces the previous edition Matrix Games for Modern Wargaming.

* A foreword by Peter Perla, author of the classic Art of Wargaming.
* 1: Practical Advice on Matrix Games.
* 2: Current and Future Crises:
Ukraine 2022: The Sins of Our Father.
One China.
The High North: The Future of the Arctic (and the World)
Hope and Glory: Protecting Defence Procurement.
* 3: Historical Crises:
The Falklands War (1982)
Chaoslavia (1993)
Crisis in Crimea: A Counter Revolution (March 2014)
The Red Line: Civil War in Syria (August 2013)
Lasgah Pol: Afghanistan (2008) 1 vol, 179 pgs 2023 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb, available early May 2024 ......$28.00 rct

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2-208710 Davies, Paul BATTLEFIELDS IN MINIATURE: Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames Master terrain modeler Paul Davies takes the reader through the process of creating a visually appealing yet practical terrain system. First the techniques of making the basic landscape are explained, then a series of projects show how this can be adapted to suit different periods or geographic locations (i.e. European farmland or Sudanese desert).

There are then detailed chapters on adding vegetation, buildings, roadways, trench systems etc. The clear, step-by-step instructions are clearly illustrated by numerous photographs of the work in progress and Paul's inspirational finished pieces. 1 vol, 304 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$33.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219950 Dennis, Peter THE PENINSULA WAR: Paper Soldiers for Wellington's War in Spain The second title in The Paperboys on Campaign series, some 46 pages of artwork enabling you to make French, British, Portuguese, Spanish, and several other countries' troops which fought for and against the Iron Duke in his epic campaign against Napoleon's forces. 1 vol, 46 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-234790 Farnworth, Michael VIETNAM WARGAMES: Modeling and Painting Offers painting guides for American, Anzac, French, and North and South Vietnamese forces, including characters from movies Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and Platoon. Tutorials advise on building military vehicles, boats, helicopters, and landscapes of Vietnam, from rural villages to Hue's ancient Citadel. Techniques cover 20mm and 28mm in metal, soft plastic, hard plastic kits, resin models, 3D printing, MDF buildings, and XPS foam scenery. Over 250 color images. 1 vol, 142 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$48.00 rct

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2-45000 Featherstone, Donald SOLO WARGAMING Describes many methods of maneuvering two wargame armies under such conditions of secrecy and surprise that the result of the battle is in the balance until the last cannon is fired.
Offers ingenious and practical methods of doing battle with model soldiers on tabletop battlefields. Includes chapters on: Instant solo-wargaming; Concealment in solo-wargaming; Solo-wargaming campaigns; The importance of war diaries; Chance cards; A solo musket and shot wargame; Personalised wargames; and other ideas. 1 vol, 192 pgs 1973 UK, KAYNE AND WARD
V.GOOD-dj, only 1 copy available, first come, first served ......$24.00 rct

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2-75403 Fisher, Scott and Forney, Nathan SKIRMISH ELITE #03: Russo-Polish War 1919 OMM has acquired the rights to reprint the Skirmish Elite series in a wirebound-format -- now easier to use with a game. Scale is one figure equals one man. Focuses on the opening months of fighting in the Borderlands between Poland and Soviet Russia in 1919. Includes eight scenarios and three campaigns: Brereza Kartuska, Wilno Operation, and Lida. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2025 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$30.00 rct

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2-75408 Fisher, Scott and Tilson, Tim SKIRMISH ELITE #08: Falaise Firestorm Normandy '44 OMM has acquired the rights to reprint the Skirmish Elite series in a wirebound-format -- now easier to use with a game. Scale is one figure equals one man. Focuses on the Polish, US, and British efforts to close the Falaise Gap in Normandy. The book includes ten scenarios that can be played alone or together in three linked campaigns. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2025 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-210995 Flaherty, Chris WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO WWI OTTOMAN ARMY UNIFORMS Volume Five of Partizan Press' Universal Wargames Rules Supplements -- a follow up to Partizan Historical 16 - The Ottoman Imperial Army in the First World War: A Handbook of Uniforms (2014).

This wargamer's guide to WW1 Ottomans covers both army and navy uniform colors, insignia, and flags and identiyes many of the soldier types in the WWI Ottoman army ground forces. In keeping with the wargaming focus of this volume the end chapter contains a selected list of 25-28mm scale WW1 Ottoman wargaming figures and models currently available. 1 vol, 94 pgs 2018 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-210996 Flaherty, Chris THE NAPOLEONIC OTTOMAN ARMY: Uniforms, Tactics and Organization This volume covers the uniforms, tactics and organization of the Ottoman standing army in the late 18th century and Napoleonic wars. The Ottoman's standing army was long established. The sipahiand deli cavalry constituted its main battlefield assault force, alongside paid regular janissary infantry, provincial government musketeer regiments, and the nizam-i-cedid - the new order army -- all supported by a force of regular artillery, engineering and transport corps.

Chapters cover uniforms, insignia, flags, standing army's composition, and the organization of its infantry, cavalry and artillery. Also includes tactics used in the 18th century and Napoleonic period as well as a chapter on the organization, flags, ships, uniforms,tactics and armament of the Ottoman river fleets.

This volume is a continuation of the Partizan Press series for generic wargaming conversion rules, the 2018 Napoleonic Ottoman Army Wargaming Supplement. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$62.00 rct

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1-70445 Giglio, Bob SCENARIOS FOR ECW: Volume 5 -- For Use With Any ECW Rules Long awaited 5th volume. 13 scenarios: Babylon Hill; Piercebridge ; Little Dean ; Caversham Bridge; Grantham (Gonerby Moor): Action near Oddington; Attack on Wem; Lee Bridge ; Cropredy Bridge; Later that Day at Cropredy; Burton Hill, ; Evesham; Hambledon Hill; Rearguard Action at Chorley; Winwick Pass, 19 August 1648. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00 rct

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1-841492 Gill, L.L. and Norm Harms GENERAL QUARTERS: Full-Size Turn Gauge Package contains one full-size turn plastic gauge. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2018 US, OLD DOMINION GAMEWORKS
NEW-pack ......$11.00 rct

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1-841493 Gill, L.L. and Norm Harms GENERAL QUARTERS: Half-Size Turn Gauge Package contains one half-size turn plastic gauge: 1cm=200yds GQIII Turn Gauges. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2018 US, OLD DOMINION GAMEWORKS
NEW-pack ......$5.00 rct

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1-882910 Granillo, Manny Cataclysm: Panzer Korps Scenario Book X Tenth in a series of WWII scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps rules system. Contains 16 ready-to-play scenarios with maps and force groups:

A Savage Storm: Breakout at Mtzensk '41
Battle for the Uryv Bridgehead '42
Battle for Aprilia '44
Clash of Armor '44
Battle for Kecskemet '44
Battle of Dnov '41
Relief of Stalingrad '42
Bremoncourt '44
Siege Of Hong Kong '41
Kharkov '42
Nordic Fist '41
Battle of Le Cateau '40
Operation Grozny '42
Operation Zitadelle '43
Last Panzer Victory '45
Operation Epsom '44
1 vol, 158 pgs 2020 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover, available late September 2020 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-882911 Granillo, Manny GHOST DIVISION: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Book XI Volume XI in a series of Scenario books is designed specifically for the Panzer Korps WWII Rules System. Ghost Division focus is the Drive of the XVth Panzer Korps into France in a race to the channel. With some review of the French and Belgian forces, six complete scenarios and a complete Fall of France Campaign, this scenario book thrusts players into one of the most thrilling and desperate struggles of World War II. Join Rommel in leading his 7th Panzer or face the blitzkrieg as DeGaul.

Includes scenarios for: Flavion, Stonne, Le Cateau, Hannut, Gembloux, Arras, and drive of Hoth's XVth Panzer Corps Campaign. 1 vol, 86 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover, available early December 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-882912 Granillo, Manny SAVAGE FURY: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Book XII Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Volume XII is the twelfth in a series of scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps WWII rules system. Includes 14 ready-to-play scenarios, featuring various action with maps and Force Groups.

WESTERN FRONT: Hell's Highway 1944
EASTERN FRONT: The Bloody Triangle 1941
MEDITERRANEAN FRONT: Action In The Levant 1941
BALKAN FRONT: A Cold Wind Blows 1944
SPANISH CIVIL WAR: Encounter At Villalba 1938
EASTERN FRONT: General Landgraf's Armored Surprise 1941
ITALIAN FRONT: Battle of Monte Lungo 1943
EASTERN FRONT: To The Ends Of The Earth 1942
BLACK SEA FRONT: Taman Peninsula 1942
EASTERN FRONT: Juggernaut 1944
EASTERN FRONT: Operation Zitadelle 1943
EASTERN FRONT: Operation Doppelkopf 1944
EASTERN FRONT: Counter Blow At Soltsy 1941
BALKAN FRONT: Paw Of The Tiger 1944
1 vol, 86 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb, available mid March 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-882913 Granillo, Manny HARD LUCK BOYS: Panzer Korps Battle Scenarios Book XIII Scenario book includes 14 scenarios for Panzer Korps including maps and Force Groups.

Scenarios included:
RUSSIA: Between A Rock and A Hard Place '42
RUSSIA: Blood On The Steppes '42
FRANCE: Undefeated '40
FRANCE: Stand Your Ground '40
GERMANY: Old Enemies '45
RUSSIA: Race for the Bridge '41
RUSSIA: Drive On Taranovka '42
CRIMEA: Sebastopol '42
CHINA: Iron Scythes '29
MONGOLIA: Khalkin Gol Campaign '38
NORTH AFRICA: Mishap Near Knightsbridge '41
HOLLAND: Highway to The Reich '44
RUSSIA: Hard Luck Boys '41
GERMANY: Struggle for Schmidt '44 1 vol, 110 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-1911820 Grant, Charles WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2020 Includes: Famous Cavalry regiments; the Northern Frontier of Rome; Chaeronea; The Perils of Lady Constance in the Sudan; SYW skirmish wargaming Y Viva Espana; Invasion 1744. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$28.00 rct

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1-1911821 Grant, Charles WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2021 Includes: Siege of Aligarth; How to write an Osprey Book: C17th Polish Hussars: El-Teb; Dark Age Challenge; Berg Lancers: Lamdsknechts; Palestine 1917: How to make Rocks; Sudan; Interplanetary Campaign 1 vol, 104 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-dj ......$30.00 rct

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1-1911822 Grant, Charles WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2022 Simple Combat, Search for Eldorado, Gettysburg in the gazebo. Freemans farm, Avatar peninsular, famous cavalry regiments, Albuera; Hodges scouts, a tabletop Mysore army, the seven years war, a trial by combat, neither biting nor chariot, the armies of Darrell Hindley, and Partizan best of show. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-1911823 Grant, Charles WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2023 Articles include: Abu Klea, SYW Actions; Samurai; The Wars of Mary, Queen of Scots; Star Wars(!), French-Indian Wars, The Siege of Chitral, Linked small-scale games, and much much more, all in color. 1 vol, 102 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$28.00 rct

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1-1911824 Grant, Charles WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2024 Articles include: Samurai clan action: Bath tub Borodino: Hamburg 1945: St. Michel: The rise of the Hussars: Beyond The War Of The Worlds: Roman Encampment: Jacobite Wars: Plastic Fantastic: Fantasy In The Snow, and much much more, all in color. 1 vol, 102 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$30.00 rct

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1-1911825 Grant, Charles THE WARGAMERS' ANNUAL 2025 Articles include D-Day Skirmish; Inverurie 1745; French Foreign Legion; The Last of Men and Elves; The Annexation of Chiraz; Pickett's Charge; Russian SYW; Bismarck's wars; OH and Peter Pan; and more. All are in color. 1 vol, 102 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available late October 2024 ......$33.00 rct

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1-2103410 Grant, Charles REFIGHTING HISTORY: Volume 10 - THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: The Saxon Army at Pirna 1756 -- A Series of What-If Scenarios Use this campaign booklet as a basis for any series of SYW games. Indeed, the scenarios can be used for any period to the end of the Horse and Musket period. Includes details of the Saxon army plus the usual sumptuous photos of the games and some unusual vignettes. 1 vol, 190 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$68.00 rct

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1-2103412 Grant, Charles REFIGHTING HISTORY: Volume 12 The Seven Years War Russian Battles The latest campaign book in the Refighting History series, this time with focus on the Russian Battles of the Seven Years War. As is standard with this series, it provides background on the battles and armies, detailed information on uniforms, and how to assemble a wargaming army for specific battles. This volume focuses on scenarios for the Battles of Gross-Jagersdorf, Zorndorf, Paltzig, and Kunersdorf. Large hardback, many photos, and is a great resource for wargamers of this period as the scenarios are compatible with many rulesets. 1 vol, 220 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover, available mid October 2024 ......$68.00 rct

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1-210347 Grant, Charles REFIGHTING HISTORY: Volume 7 - The Seven Years War: Warburg, Vellinghausen and Wilhelmsthal From 1757 through to 1762 an Allied Coalition army fought against the French in support of Prussia. In August 1758, the first British contingent of troops arrived. The Allied army was a polyglot mix from nations including Britain, Brunswick, Hanover, Hesse, Prussia and Schaumburg-Lippe-Buckeburg.

This volume offers scenarios for three major actions from the years 1760, 1761 and 1762: Warburg, Vellinghausen, and Wilhelmsthal -- Sets the scene, describes the historical battle, discusses how best to wargame each, and then an account of how the game played out. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$63.00 rct

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1-210348 Grant, Charles REFIGHTING HISTORY: Volume 8 - THE SEVEN YEARS WAR: SMALL ACTIONS IN THE WESTERN THEATRE 9 small actions described plus additional chapters on the armies of the author and Highland troops in the Western theatre 1 vol, 192 pgs 2020 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$63.00 rct

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1-210349 Grant, Charles REFIGHTING HISTORY: Volume 9 - The Seven Years War: More Small Actions in the Western Theater Latest in the series covers small 7YW actions, including reconnaissance, raids, probing actions, resupply and a host of other minor operations that frequently lead to small skirmishes. The great variety of light and irregular troops provides a whole range of different unit scenarios. Also includes a significant amount of background on the units involved coupled with art work to illustrate the uniforms. The scenarios are compatible with many rule sets. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$63.00 rct

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1-238450 Grant, Charles A WARGAMING RETROSPECTIVE: From Pre-WW2 Onwards A personal reflection on the growth of wargaming, starting with Charles Grant's descriptions of pre-WWII gaming and then the Grant family's involvement in the hobby and the people they have known. A very personal, and at times light hearted, look at the names and games of modern wargaming. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback, available mid September 2023 ......$42.00 rct

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1-37320 Grant, Charles ANCIENT WAR GAME Full facsimile reprint of the original edition of these rules plus seven accompanying wargames articles. The author provides 12 battles from the Age of Chariots to Legion V's Phalanx era. Includes black and white maps and illustrations. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2013 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback ......$40.00 rct

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1-212748 Gray, Bill AGE OF VALOR:Revolution 1848 This is an independent Age of Valor (AOV) expansion mini-module for Age of Eagles II (also known as Napoleonic Fire & Fury) for The Schleswig-Holstein Question, The Hungarian Revolution and the The 1st Italian Risorgimento

As such AOE II is needed to properly play this game. In most cases all rules changes have been embedded in the Data Charts as well as the charts and tables on the Quick Reference Sheet. All players need to do is use these new specifications or DRMs with the original rules, then play as normal. Changes unique to the period and the subject of this expansion set, are found within the rules. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2020 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$15.00 rct

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1-212749 Gray, Bill AGE OF VALOR: Seven Weeks War and the 3rd Italian Risorgimento This is an independent Age of Valor (AOV) expansion chapter or mini-module for Age of Eagles II, also known as Napoleonic Fire & Fury. As such AOE II is needed to properly play this game. In most cases all rules changes have been imbedded in the Data Charts as well as the charts and tables on the Quick Reference Sheet. All players need to do is use these new specifications or DRMs with the original rules, then play as normal. Changes unique to the 1866 Seven Weeks War or 3d Risorgimento, and the subject of this expansion set, are found in the following pages. 1 vol, 34 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$15.00 rct

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1-227760 Hardy, Douglas WARGAME TERRAIN AND BUILDINGS: WWI Trench Systems From the initial choice between stand-alone pieces on a mat or a fixed, bespoke layout, through to final detailing, experienced modeler Hardy gives practical advice on building your own trench system.

He considers the differences between British, German and French trenches, which differed in design and construction, as well as developments in defenses through the phases of the war. A trench system is not just the trench itself of course, but also the dugouts, barbed wire entanglements, sandbags, gun emplacements and pillboxes. Shell holes and shattered forests are also covered. Each element is explained in step-by-step detail, illustrated with numerous color photos and there are also reference photos of real trenches. Includes 250 color illustrations. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219901 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING WORLD WAR ONE 28MM WARGAMING FIGURES: V1 THE MIDDLE EASTERN THEATRES - British, Dominion and Indian Armies In this first of a series of painting guides for wargamers published by Partizan Press, Mark Hargreaves takes us through a series of step by step photographic tutorials that cover the painting of flesh tones, khaki drill uniform, khaki serge uniform, horses, camels, guns and vehicles for the British, Dominion and Indian Army troops that served in the Middle Eastern theaters of World War I. The painting guide will also suit the same troops up until the late 1920s and so will be of interest to those who game the Back of Beyond and Interwar periods.

The guide also contains advice on simple conversions involving swapping heads and the basic use of greenstuff to add details to your miniatures. All the painted miniatures and models featured in this guide have been painted by Mark. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-219902 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING WORLD WAR ONE 28MM WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 2 - The Middle Eastern Theater: Ottoman Empire, German and Austrian Allies Large format, all-color paperback. Second volume in the Partizan Press Painting World War One 28mm painting guide series covers the Middle Eastern Theaters. Includes Ottoman Empire and Her German & Austrian Allies. Infantry, camels, horses, conversion hints, etc. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-219903 Hargreaves, Mark MAHDIST WARS 1881-1885 : THE PARTIZAN PRESS PAINTING GUIDE VOLUME 3 Large format, all-color paperback. Third volume in the Partizan Press Painting 28mm figure series 1 vol, 116 pgs 2020 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-219904 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING WORLD WAR ONE 28MM WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 4 - THE WESTERN FRONT 1914-1918 Large format, all-color paperback. Fourth volume in the Partizan Press Painting World War One 28mm painting guide series covers the Western Front 1 vol, 118 pgs 2020 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-219905 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING 28MM WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 5 - English Civil Wars & Thirty Years War Large format, all-color paperback. Fifth volume in the Partizan Press Painting Guides. Uses 28mm examples but techniques also useful for 20mm and 15mm. The most detailed shade by shade guides available. All troop types covered PLUS appendices on ECW & Continental Flags and coat colours By Dave Ryan. Includes the most comprehensive survey of ECW Coat colours available. 1 vol, 108 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$41.00 rct

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1-219906 Hargreaves, Mark PAINTING 28mm WARGAMING FIGURES: Volume 6 -- The Age of Reason 1660-1780 Large format, all-color paperback details how to paint 28mm miniatures by color schemes rather than organized by war. Includes helpful tips on the varnishing and basing of figures, the making of washes, and the production of home made flags from digital images. 1 vol, 130 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available late December 2024 ......$42.00 rct

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1-220990 Harwood, Tony THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: Wargaming Terrain and Buildings In this volume, master modeler Tony Hardwood shares his years of experience and presents a wide range of projects for the Napoleonic era. With the aid of step-by-step photographs, he guides the reader through building and finishing each of these models, which are organized in three sections of increasing complexity and encompass a range of scales and different materials. Nine projects are included but the techniques and skills demonstrated along the way, along with valuable advice on tools, construction materials and paints, can be adapted and applied to a much wider range of structures to grace your battlefields. 350 illustrations. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2019 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover, available late July 2019 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-192211 Hasenauer, Richard REGIMENTAL FIRE AND FURY: Civil War Battle Scenarios Vol. 1 1861-1862 The full-color, 80-page softcover wire-bound book offers 16 early war battle scenarios to go with your Regimental Fire and Fury rulebook. The scenarios have been thoroughly researched, playtested, and designed to offer a wide range of gaming experiences. Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and the special rules and content you need to set up and play each game. The book also has a section of optional rules and a new oblique template.

List of scenarios: Battle of Big Bethel, June 10, 1861; Henry House Hill, First Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; Battle of Belmont, November 7, 1861; Battle of Pea Ridge, Intro, March 7-8, 1862 (Leetown and Elkhorn Tavern); First Battle of Kernstown, March 23, 1862; Battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1862; Brawner's Farm, Second Battle of Bull Run, August 28, 1862; The Cornfield, Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862; Battle of Iuka, September 19, 1862; Battle of Perryville, Intro, October 8, 1862 (Polk's Right Wing Attack, Hardee's Left Wing Attack, Battle of Perryville Full-Scenario); Battle of Prairie Grove, Intro, December 7, 1862 (Herron Assaults The Ridge, Blunt To The Rescue, Battle of Prairie Grove Full-Scenario). 1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover edition ......$38.00 rct

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2-192212 Hasenauer, Richard REGIMENTAL FIRE AND FURY: Civil War Battle Scenarios Vol. 2 1862-1863 The full-color, 80-page softcover wire-bound book offers 13 early and mid-war battle scenarios to go with your Regimental Fire and Fury rulebook. The scenarios have been thoroughly researched, playtested, and designed to offer a wide range of gaming experiences. Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and the special rules and content you need to set up and play each game. The book also has a section of optional rules.

* Fort Donelson Breakout, February 15, 1862
* Battle of Valverde, February 21, 1862
* Battle of McDowell, May 8, 1862
* Battle of Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862
* Fox's Gap: Morning, Battle of South Mountain, September 14, 1862
* Fox's Gap: Afternoon
* Battle of Salem Church, May 3, 1863
* McPherson's Ridge: Morning, Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
* McPherson's Ridge: Afternoon
* Sickles' Salient, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
* Caldwell Clears the Wheatfield, Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
* Viniard Field, Battle of Chickamauga, September 19, 1863
* Tunnel Hill, Battle of Chattanooga, November 25, 1863 1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover edition ......$38.00 rct

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1-245350 Heading, David SOLO WARGAMING: A Practitioner's Guide Offers comprehensive coverage of the subject of solo wargaming. Integrates ideas from across the hobby to discuss various aspects of gaming alone across all manner of conflicts and in any historical period or imagined setting. Starts with the fundamental question of why people play solo wargames and lays out the various advantages and disadvantages. Considers such questions as whether to 'play both sides' or to command one army against an 'automatic' opponent, giving various ideas on how to control or program the responses of the opposing force with dice, cards, or by other means. Advises how to construct scenarios for one-off engagements for skirmishes and major battles. Offers tips on recreating historical events, creating generic scenarios, and how to combine tactical actions into wider campaigns that involve grand strategy, logistics, and other factors. Packed full of common-sense advice and inspiration, it offers plenty of value to the beginner and the seasoned veteran alike. Contains 10 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available early August 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-2267412 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Desert War June 1940 to April 1941 -- The Fox Killed in the Open The first volume of the 'Desert Trilogy' within the Anschluss 'Forgotten Battles' series covers the campaign in the Western Desert, along with 19 scenarios for all rules systems as well as the Anschluss 'The War on The Ground' system, from Company- to Battalion-level actions. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$38.00 rct

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1-2267413 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Battle for France, 1940 Covers the Battle for France in the 'Forgotten Battles' series by Anschluss Publishing. Contains 19 scenarios, from the Ardennes, Sedan, Stonne, Meuse, Fall Rott, and Voncq to Inguoville. Also contains French and German orders of battle. 1 vol, 115 pgs 2025 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available mid February 2025 ......$40.00 rct

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1-226748 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES IN RUSSIA 1941: Operation Barbarossa V1 - The Frontier Battles Contains 20 scenarios in Russia during first nine days of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941-- from the High Arctic to the Black Sea. Scenarios can be used for all rules systems. Includes the Anschluss The War on The Ground system, from Company- to Battalion-level actions. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available late January 2023 ......$49.00 rct

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1-226749 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES IN RUSSIA 1941: Operation Barbarossa Volume 2 - The Exploitation Battles This book covers the exploitation battles in July 1941, with the Russian defenses collapsing, but the fight was still hard and terrible. There are 5 sections to the book -- The Encapsulation of Smolensk; Closing in on Leningrad; Beyond the Arctic Circle... Onwards to Murmansk; The White K: Army Group South moves on Kiev; and Operation Munich -- with 19 scenarios supporting the text, photos, and maps. The scenarios are designed for sets of rules that work from platoon to reinforced battalion sized actions. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available mid November 2023 ......$38.00 rct

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1-216671 Hilton, Barry WITH TALON AND CLAW: Supplement for the GNW and Eastern Wars for Beneath the Lily Banners 16 pages of colour plates, over 150 photographs, period primer, points system, sample game, army builder sections for Danes, Imperialists, Ottomans, Prussians, Russians, Saxons and Swedes. 1 vol, 184 pgs 2020 UK, LEAGUE OF AUGSBERG
NEW-hardback ......$48.00 rct

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1-216672 Hilton, Barry A TASTE OF VICTORY It contains 18 scenarios for Beneath the Lily Banners

The period covered by these scenarios is 1676 to 1693. The theatres are: Skane Wars, Great Turkish War, Morean War, Tangier, Sedgemoor Rebellion, Jacobite Wars in Ireland and Scotland, Nine Years War in Flanders, Rhineland, The Caribbean and North America. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2020 UK, LEAGUE OF AUGSBERG
NEW-hardback, back in stock ......$48.00 rct

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1-226070 Hilton, Barry EVERY BULLET HAS ITS BILLET A Guide to Wargaming the Late 17th Century This period saw the birth of regular armies and navies for most major European powers. Massive battles were fought on land and at sea from the frozen winters of Scandinavia to the searing summer heat of North Africa. Alliances were agreed, broken and remade and thrones changed hands in the name of religion and the pursuit of power.

This guide provides the kind of information wargamers require to take the step into one of military history's most colourful eras. It offers overviews of the main conflicts and outlines major, minor, and unusual battles.

Covers how to create and paint your troops, information on uniforms and flags, which regiments fought where, the evolution of tactics and battlefield doctrines, and information on the legendary commanders who created them is all included.

The book is designed to act as a reference source and is not aligned with any particular rule set. Includes 108 color photos, 9 b/w illustrations, and 4 color maps. 1 vol, 124 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245490 Hilton, Barry FOR IRELAND AND KING JAMES! Focuses on the Irish army which fought against Willem van Oranje between 1689 and 1691, and it is a guide to the infantry regiments which fought in the final campaign during the summer of 1691, culminating in the Battle of Aughrim and the second siege of Limerick. Offers insight into the provenance, officers, and history of each formation. Lavishly illustrated and provides inspiration for wargamers to recreate the campaigns fought in Ireland on the tabletop. For nearly three years. Contains 32 color plates and two maps. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 UK, LEAGUE OF AUSBERG
NEW-hardback, available mid August 2024 ......$58.00 rct

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1-909012 Jurado, Alberto PAINTING WAR 12: Rome and Her Enemies Latest in the superb series. Immerse yourself in this issue and learn painting techniques for figures of this period. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2022 SPAIN
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$34.00 rct

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1-223170 Kendall, Jamie The Art and Making of Fantasy Miniatures The Art and Making of Fantasy Miniatures is a showcase of some of the best talent in the industry. Compiled with the cooperation of eleven of the most innovative companies from Europe, the UK and USA, it shows what goes in to the creative process of taking an initial concept from two-dimensional sketches and translating it into a three-dimensional figurine ready for collectors and tabletop gamers. Game designers, artists and sculptors explain their part in bringing these miniature works of art to life. The book is lavishly illustrated with over 1,000 images, including concept art, work-in-progress sculpts and beautifully painted miniatures.

The book features miniatures from games and companies such as Aradia Miniatures, Alkemy (Alchemist Miniatures), Avatars of War, Godslayer (Megalith Games), Guild Ball (Steamforged Games), Relicblade (Metal King Studio), WARMACHINE and HORDES (Privateer Press), RUMBLESLAM (TTCombat), Drakerys (Don't Panic Games), Kings of War (Mantic Games) and Freeblades (DGS Games).
1 vol, 24 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-dj, available late April 2020 ......$53.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-219460 Lacy, Ben LA RESISTANCE: Scenario Book Contains WWII 15 scenarios featuring the Maquis against the German occupation of France: Murder on the Metro, Groupas Francs, Detachment Valmy, Crossing the Demarcation Line, Rescuing Renouvin, Stop That Train, Wattelez Rubber Factory, Ratier, Killing Julius Ritter, Liberation of Corsica, Convoy 20, The Real Wonder Woman, Operation Jericho, Battle of Glieres, and 2nd Armored. 1 vol, 78 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2019 ......$30.00 rct

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1-221120 Lacy, Ben STALINGRAD: The Life of a Sniper - A Role Playing Campaign The so-called sniper is an exemplary type of soldier who is regarded with a mixture of admiration and abhorrence. Although he saves the lives of many comrades with terrifying precision, he is often overlooked and forgotten amid the historiography of war. Like few other soldiers, he must live with the knowledge that he has extinguished so many lives, not anonymously, but looking straight into the eyes of his target.

This first-person adventure follows a Russian sniper and sidekick through the battle of Stalingrad. The 15 scenarios within help a GameMaster set up the situation on the table and guide the GM as to Non-Player Characters' actions while the player directs the sniper. Danger and experience grow with each scenario. Note that the GM decides how each scenario plays out, being as tough or easy as desired. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-225970 Lacy, Ben VICTORIA CROSS - WWII Skirmish Scenarios Victoria Cross presents a series of skirmish scenarios that allows you to
recreate the heroic exploits of Second World War VC recipients. In this United Kingdom
tribute, you will be able to read the extraordinary accounts of how these soldiers
overcame insurmountable odds in the prosecution of their duty. The character sheets will
endow you with the attributes of these great men. Just fill in your name and see if you
can replicate their conspicuous gallantry and devotion to country in the presence of the
enemy. 1 vol, 70 pgs 2020 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$24.00 rct

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1-226230 Lacy, Ben NORDWIND: 12 Historical Sceanrios for Squad and Company Level Skirmishes Although these 12 scenarios were tested with Final Combat and Micro Melee, they can be enjoyed with any number of WWII squad to company-level rules. Whenever something seems to contradict your rules, use common sense.

Known as the last offensive in the west, Nordwind began on 31 December 1944 in Rhineland-Palatinate, Alsace and Lorraine in southwestern Germany and northeastern France. It ended on 25 January 1945 after the U.S. 222nd Infantry Regiment stopped the German advance near Haguenau. This was the same day reinforcements began to arrive from the Ardennes.
1 vol, 68 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, available late January 2021 ......$25.00 rct

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1-230270 Lacy, Ben ADVANCE TO TUNISIA PART 1: Scenarios Contains 22 WWII scenarios that chronicle the first attempt of Allied ground forces to capture Tunisia from 17 November to 25 December 1942. Although these scenarios have been play-tested with Final Combat and Micro Melee, they will work with most rules. Realistic tactics should result in historically accurate outcomes. However, certain liberties regarding force ratios have been taken for the sake of playability. 1 vol, 106 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$38.00 rct

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1-230870 Lacy, Ben THE 13 DAY WAR: The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 Scenario book contains 10 skirmish scenarios: Garibpur, Longewala, Basantar, Gazipur, Bogra Tower, Chulunkha Complex, Sylhet, Albert Ekka, Airdrop at Poongli, and Siromoni. Each contains OOB, map, historical background, victory conditions, and historical aftermath. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover available mid June 2022 ......$30.00 rct

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1-231400 Lacy, Bennett 2 PARA: Falkland's War Scenarios 13 skirmish scenarios that chronicle British 2 Para's struggle to capture Goose Green during the Falkland War in the spring of 1982. 1 vol, 76 pgs 2022 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$32.00 rct

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1-237720 Lacy, Bennett SEOUL OF A NATION: Korean War Examines various aspects of the ground combat during the first four months of Korean War. From the initial attempt to stem the North Korean invasion to the UN counter-offensive and recapture of Seoul, players will enjoy 40 meticulously researched scenarios. 1 vol, 130 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover, available late July 2023 ......$45.00 rct

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1-243550 Lacy, Bennett ARRACOURT '44: 12 Scenarios Arracourt '44 chronicles one of the greatest tank battles of the Second World War. It follows Patton's 3rd Army as it rolls through Lorraine, France in early September of 1944 and confronts the make-shift Panzer Brigades that include the formidable Panther tank. Contains 12 scenarios featuring tanks based on the battle of Lorraine. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover, available early May 2024 ......$32.00 rct

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1-243560 Lacy, Bennett FINAL COMBAT: Battle of Arnhem This book contains 75 skirmish scenarios that chronicle the battle of Arnhem during Operation Market-Garden. Although it is written for Final Combat, it can translate to most skirmish rules. 1 vol, 234 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover, available early May 2024 ......$60.00 rct

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1-243570 Lacy, Bennett TIGER 314 This book contains 15 historical scenarios that examine the fighting in and around Berlin from April 18 to May 1, 1945. It features SS-Unterscharfuhrer Georg Diers and his comrades as they struggle to prevent the inevitable collapse of Nazi Germany. Although the scenarios are not all conjoined in campaign fashion, they will allow players to gain insight into a titanic struggle that consumed thousands of souls in the last gasp of the Third Reich. These scenarios may be enjoyed in a role-playing format or as a standard wargame with miniatures. Realistic small unit tactics should result in accurate military outcomes. However, certain liberties regarding force ratios are taken for the sake of playability. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$32.00 rct

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1-245120 Lacy, Bennett AACHEN: Gateway to the Ruhr Book contains 25 historical scenarios for rules systems Final Combat and Micro Melee, but can be used with any WWII squad to company level ruleset. These stand-alone scenarios in and around Aachen are not conjoined in campaign fashion. Note that certain liberties regarding force ratios are taken for the sake of playability. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$45.00 rct

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1-235360 Lambshead, John SCI-FI SKIRMISH SCENARIOS: Small-Unit Missions For Use With Your Favourite Wargaming Rules A selection of 36 missions of varying complexity, each with clear objectives and victory conditions, a map showing set-up zones, and some with special rules. Although they are set in his imagined dystopian city of Civitas Cavernum (aka The Sprawl), with its factions of Scavs, Proctors, Cultists, and Corporates, the scenarios are designed to be adaptable to almost any setting and set of rules (including those published in the author's One-hour Skirmish Wargames). In addition, there are no less than three mini-campaigns that link the scenarios together in various combinations.

Also offers advice on designing your own scenarios and campaigns and with a set of tables allowing you to quickly create them through random dice rolls, ensuring almost infinite variety to your games. Finally, there is a useful reference section listing websites of rules publishers and manufacturers of suitable miniatures and model terrain. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-228890 Mandzy, Adrian BAD ROADS AND POOR RATIONS: Scenarios for Wargaming the War of 1812 Offers 59 wargame land and sea scenarios covering North America in the War of 1812. Covers battles large and small. 1 vol, 224 pgs 2022 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover, new price ......$39.00 rct

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1-228900 Mandzy, Adrian BATTLE VALOR FANTASY: Rule Book Packed with all the rules needed to play this 15mm Fantasy mass scale combat tabletop game set in the World of Legian. Contains complete descriptions of all 33 Races and a complete bestiary.

Basic Rules
Advanced Rules (Terrain & Its Effects, Generals & Characters, Subordinate Commanders, Advanced Weapon Charts, Combat Rules, Detachment Rules, Reserves and Flank Marchers, Baggage Trains & Camps, Weather & Its Effects, Flying & Aerial Combat, Scenarios & Missions, Campaigns)
Building Your Army
The Races of Legian
Army Construction QR Chart
Gameplay Quick Reference Chart 1 vol, 200 pgs 2021 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-dj, available early December 2021 ......$30.00 rct

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1-238940 Mandzy, Adrian BANDERA'S BOYS: Twelve Historic Scenarios Based on Actions of the Ukranian Insurgent Army (UPA) During and After WWII Full color, 140 pages of scenarios, organization and history of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. This book is illustrated using wargaming figures from many companies, historical photos, and private collections. Uniforms, equipment, and decorations are shown.

Little known outside of Central Europe, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) mounted one of the largest and longest lasting armed resistance against the totalitarian forces that occupied their homeland. This handbook focuses on the struggle against Nazi and Soviet occupations in the UPA's campaign for Ukrainian independence. Contains 13 maps and 114 images, including historical images and modern reenactor photographs, allowing the reader to expand their knowledge of this area of history as well as to provide the information needed to refight battles in miniature. The scenarios themselves can be adapted to your favorite rulesets and suggestions are included to fight small-scale actions using Warlord Games Bolt Action ruleset. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$40.00 rct

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1-90902S Mateos, Alberto PAINTING WAR Season 2 Special: Bases This issue focuses on the creation of bases for wargames, showing the techniques used on 23 different bases that cover sci-fi, fantasy, and historical themes. The bases are classified into three difficulty levels so that the reader can know the complexity of each base before starting to work on them. To finish the issue, some quick base creation techniques are shown, allowing you to get decent bases in record time. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2022 SPAIN,
NEW-dj, available early August 2022 ......$18.00 rct

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1-231380 McWalter, Adrian BLACK POWDER EPIC BATTLES: Hundred Days Campaign Supplement Supplement for Black Powder Epic Battles presents 18 new scenarios covering the entire breadth of the campaign. Alongside the new units, rules, 'what if?' scenarios, and commanders is a system to link all your games in a grand campaign that follows the events of the Hundred Days, one battle at a time. Orders of battle are presented for all the French, Prussian, and British and Allied forces involved in the fighting. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2022 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$32.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WGAME32 McWilliams, Bob WARGAMER #32: Napoleon at Lutzen GAME: Napoleon at Lutzen. Counters Unpunched.

Magazine Features:
* Lutzen - Historical background and Designer Notes
* Paying the Toll on Hell's Highway - A winning strategy for Hell's Highway (VG)
* Just One More Jump... - Game Review of Arnhem Bridge (Attactix)
* Rommel in the Desert (GameP/Columbia) - Game Review and Designer's Response
* A Hitchhiker's Guide to Computer Wargaming - Carrier Force (SSI), After Pearl (Superware), and TSKFRC 58 (Jagdstaffel)
* Games Rating Chart
* Brigade Level Games of the Civil War - Comparative analysis of: Fury in the West, Gettysburg '77, Forward to Richmond, and Pickett's Charge
* and more 1 vol, 64 pgs 1984 US, THE WARGAMER MAGAZINE
AS NEW-softcover unpunched, (1) copy each available ......$10.00 rct

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1-909013 Navarro, Juan PAINTING WAR 13: Napoleonic Prussian & Russian Latest in the superb series. Immerse yourself in this issue and learn painting techniques for figures of this period. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 SPAIN
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$31.00 rct

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1-909014 Navarro, Juan PAINTING WAR 14: WWII British & Commonwealth Armies Latest in the superb series. Learn painting techniques for figures of this period. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 SPAIN
NEW-pb, available late April 2024 ......$34.00 rct

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1-209745 Noe, Kenny MEIN PANZER DATA BOOK: The Arab / Israeli Wars Databook - Vol. 1 1948-1956 This databook primarily covers eight years and two separate wars in the Palestine region of the Middle East. Additionally, histories of Middle East countries' modern military roots are told from their Colonial beginnings to full independence. Contains over 1,000 equipment, infantry, and troop quality stats derived from long term research. 1 vol, 178 pgs 2023 US, OLD DOMINION GAMEWORKS
NEW-pb, available early August 2023 ......$37.00 rct

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1-235669 Oman, Brent BATTLE COMMAND: Musket to Rifle 1700-1900: Card Deck Battle Command Musket to Rifle 1700-1900 sequence decks include 18 cards in total: nine cards per side. The cards are high quality, durable, and professionally printed. One deck includes all of the cards that are needed for play. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 US, PIQUET
NEW-pb, available mid January 2023 ......$8.00 rct

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1-226861 Parker, Chris D-DAY TO BERLIN: Scenario Book One Scenario Book One has two scenarios: 1. 6th Panzer Army and 2. Relief of Bastogne, each of about 10 pages with maps, OOBs, and special scenario rules 1 vol, 26 pgs 2022 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover ......$18.00 rct

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1-2268621 Parker, Chris BAGRATION BERLIN: Scenario Book One Operation Bagration was the codename for the 1944 Soviet Belorussian Strategic Offensive Operation a military campaign fought between 23 June and 19 August 1944 in Soviet Byelorussia in the Eastern Front of World War II. The Soviet Union destroyed 28 of 34 divisions of Army Group Centre and completely shattered the German front line.

Bagration to Berlin provides the TO&E for the German and Russian Divisions that took part in this theatre from Spring of 1944 to the fall of Germany in Spring of 1945. Also included are designer notes and the scenario The Battle of Targul Frumos, May 1944 where the Panzer Grenadier Division Grossdeutschland commanded by Lieutenant General Von Manteuffel, the Panzer Baron, made a gallant stand in Rumania. New rules include ranged fire by heavy anti tank guns and tank riders. Includes designer notes and much more. 1 vol, 26 pgs 2022 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$18.00 rct

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1-225580 Perla, Peter and Curry, John Confrontation in the Falklands! (1982) Wargaming Methods, Scenarios and Games First of a new series that explores a particular area of warfare through the use of wargames. Each game has been crafted to examine different aspects of the conflict. Playing these games, along with reading the supporting designer's notes, aims to help the reader actively develop their understanding through experiential learning.

The goal is to help them develop a deeper understanding than from just reading primary and secondary sources about the war. Reading memoirs and commentary is essential, but so is making command decisions, such as looking at the conceptual map of the Falkland Islands and pondering how close to move the British aircraft carriers to the land action. It is in this space that wargaming rules supreme in the taxonomy of interactive learning techniques.

This book contains four games:
Game 1: Matrix Game - Wider conflict to be resolved without a land battle on East Falklands
Game 2: The Falklands War: Task Force Commander - game about naval risk management looks at the decisions made by the Royal Navy to support the amphibious landings and subsequent advance to Stanley
Game 3: Battalion Commander - explores the land battle - often decisions in the planning stage set out the path to subsequent success or failure and includes a sample scenario the Battle for Goose Green
Game 4: The Falklands II (1984) - professional wargame designed by Paddy Griffith about a potential second Argentine invasion several years after the Falklands War, and includes a detailed model of Cold War air combat. The game demonstrated that a second Argentine invasion would initially be successful.
1 vol, 84 pgs 2020 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-pb, back in stock ......$24.00 rct

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1-223510 Rutherford, Bill US Army WWII Unit Organizations This book contains extensively researched and detailed organization charts for 253 units ranging from squad to company level, with additional battalion-level and higher level charts and diagrams to put everything into context.

Extensive notes explain how everything fits together and provides the reader an immense amount of information with which to better understand US Army organizations, and to organize one's miniature armies for battle on the tabletop 1 vol, 82 pgs 2020 US, TEST OF BATTLE GAMES
NEW-pb ......$35.00 rct

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1-88836 Sartori, Lorenzo IMPETUS:Warbook 1 Army lists for Impetus 2 97 Army Lists cover: Age of Bronze, Age of Chariots, Age of Hoplites, Alexander the Great and Successors, Rome and Italy, and Roman Expansion. 1 vol, 66 pgs 2020 ITALY, DADI & PIOMBO
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 rct

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1-221760 Scar A STORM IN THE VALLEY 1862: Scenario Book for Volley and Bayonet This book provides ten scenarios for use with Volley & Bayonet - Road to Glory. Also included are Alternate Scale Gaming with Volley & Bayonet, and additional information on gaming the American Civil War with Volley & Bayonet - Road to Glory. The scenarios focus on the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1862 and the Peninsula Campaign.

Scenarios: Kernstown, McDowell, Winchester, Cross Keys, Port Republic, Shenandoah Mini-Campaign, Seven Pines, Gaines Mill, Glendale & Malvern Hill, and Gates of Richmond Mini-Campaign

Three PDF maps will be emailed to you at no additional charge: Gates of Richmond-Northern, Glendale & Malvern Hill Area, and the Shenandoah Campaign. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2019 US, TEST OF BATTLE GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-226140 Shann, Steve SEELOWE HEIGHTS 16-19 April 1945: A Wargamer's Guide A Series of (12) scenarios that cover the actions. Great for RAPID FIRE , easily converted to other systems, O/b's, maps. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2020 UK, NATIONS IN ARMS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-222390 Singleton, Andy PAINTING WARGAMING FIGURES: Early Imperial Romans Professional figure painter shares his experience and tips of the trade with those collecting Early Imperial Romans. The emphasis is on achievable results and practical advice that is applicable to prepping, painting, and basing units or whole armies for wargaming purposes in a reasonable time frame, not on spectacular individual display pieces.

Themed chapters cover armor, weapons and equipment, clothing, skin tones, shields and horses. Most of the figures featured in the numerous illustrations are either 28 or 25mm but the techniques described are easily adaptable to smaller sizes and both plastic and metal figures are covered. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223150 Singleton, Andy PAINTING WARGAMING FIGURES: WWII in the Desert Andy Singleton has been modeling and painting most of his life and has been a professional commission figure painter for some years now. Here he shares his experience and tips of the trade with those collecting figures for the North African campaigns in WWII. 200 color illustrations

The four main sections of the book cover British, Italian, German and US troops, as well as tips on assembly and painting camouflage uniforms. Each section is divided into three levels of complexity, 'conscript,' 'regular,' and 'elite,' allowing the reader to build up an array of techniques as they gain confidence and experience. The emphasis is on achievable results and practical advice that is applicable to painting units or whole armies for wargaming purposes in a reasonable time frame, not on spectacular individual display pieces.
1 vol, 168 pgs 2020 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb ......$23.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226890 Singleton, Andy AXIS FORCES ON THE EASTERN FRONT Next volume in the series offers professional painter Andy Singleton's tips and techniques for painting Axis forces on WWII's Eastern Front: Germans, Romanians, Hungarians and Italians and Finns. Each of the chapters contains instructions explaining the steps and colors required to paint the various uniforms used. The emphasis is on quickly achievable results and practical advice that is applicable to painting units or whole armies for wargaming purposes in a reasonable time frame. The techniques described are designed to easily be adaptable to figures of all sizes.

This step-by-step guidance is primarily designed for those new to historical gaming, and includes initial preparation, assembly of figures, finishing, and basing. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2021 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$27.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230260 Singleton, Andy ALLIED FORCES IN NORTHWEST EUROPE 1944-45: Painting Wargames Figures Includes an introduction to the majority of tools and materials commonly found in modeling, then moves with clear, concise guides for painting British, American, and Canadian forces, along with notes on the uniforms of the Free forces from occupied nations. Illustrated with hundreds of photos, each stage of the guides has a combination of text description, photograph and list of both paint and brush size used to make the steps as easy to follow as possible.

The guides cover all the common variations of uniform used during the period, including British and Canadian Battledress, Airborne forces uniforms, and the American M43 uniform, as well as when these uniforms were worn and introduced. Camouflage uniforms are also covered, and are broken down into how to apply the various patterns simply and with easy-to-repeat methods. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2022 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-softcover ......$29.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-238650 Singleton, Andy Allied Forces in Blitzkrieg Europe, 1939-1940: British, French, Belgian, Dutch and Polish Forces Professional figure painter Andy Singleton provides a concise guide for painting Polish, Belgian, Dutch, British, and French forces for early WWII. Beginning with an introduction to the range of tools and materials commonly found in modeling, the main part of this book comprises of concise guides for painting Polish, Belgian, Dutch, British and French forces. The step-by-step guidance covers all the common variations of uniform used during the period by the various nations, as well as tips on specialist forces such as Polish cavalry, French Colonial troops and Dutch Marines.

Illustrated with hundreds of photos, each stage of the guides has a combination of text description, photograph and list of both paint and brush size used to make the steps as easy to follow as possible, as well as stunning images of the figures in period settings. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available mid September 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-246050 Singleton, Andy PAINTING WARGAMING MODELS: Armoured Vehicles in Europe, 1943-1945 Discusses the tools and materials required to ready an army, and explains some basic techniques, such as dry-brushing and stippling. Moves on to detailed step-by-step instructions for the main paint schemes of each of the major combatants, illustrated by a color photo, paint number, and the type and size of brush used; there are variants for use with or without an airbrush. Adding national emblems and other markings, either freehand or by using transfers, is also covered. In addition to the basic paint scheme, there is guidance for adding weathering effects and wear and tear, such as dust, chipped paint, or even winter whitewash. Shows how to enhance models with finishing touches such as the addition of stowage and camouflage measures such as netting or foliage. Throughout it is packed with useful tips and tricks of the trade. Contains 250 color illustrations and 50 mono illustrations. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late September 2024 ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243070 Stallard, John & Drew, Robin TALKING MINIATURES: History of Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures Two-volume set in slip case recaps the early years of Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures. Written and compiled by former White Dwarf Editor and Design Studio Manager Robin Dews, and ex-Citadel/GW Sales Director, now Head of Warlord Games, John Stallard, the book consists of a series of lavishly illustrated conversations with some of the eclectic cast of designers, sculptors, artists, rebels and similar non-conformists who in the early 1980s gravitated towards Bryan Ansell and the early Citadel Miniatures team. 2 vol, 320 pgs 2024 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb, Two-volume set, available mid April 2024 ......$80.00 rct

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1-218592 Sutherland, Diane WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO MAKING TABLETOP TERRAIN: Volume 2: Tales of a Wargames Widow Mainly revises articles from Battlegames and Miniatures Wargames magazines. The 16 articles including Frontier Forts; Tents; Arab Stockade; Sailing ships; Tembes; Paddle Steamers, Balloons and Zeppelins; Savannah Trees; Multi-Period Embassy Building; Paddy Field; Wadis; Bridges, and more. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-218593 Sutherland, Diane WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO MAKING TABLETOP TERRAIN: Volume 3: Tales of a Wargames Widow This volume takes you from the Canadian wilderness to the Plains of the west, from Ancient Greece to the Italian coast via canoes and wagons. Includes 17 expanded articles on terrain and tabletop features for wargamers that don't require you t have a degree in design or art. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-218594 Sutherland, Diane WARGAMER'S GUIDE TO MAKING TABLETOP TERRAIN: Volume 4: Tales of a Wargames Widow Volume 4 features sixteen exciting terrain projects fromBattlegames and Miniature Wargames, all in their original, extendedformat with extra pictures.

This book not only covers the basics, like terrain mats,fences and trees, but neat ways to refurbish your table and get themost out of your buildings.


TRP - Refurbishing your tired terrain
Bottle Brush - Old school trees for the modern man (or woman)
Oi! That's My Apple Corer - Gabions from packaging and placemats
Burnt Offerings - Creating the perfect Russian arsonist'scrime scene
Dusty Tracks - All terrain roads from roofing felt
Carpet Bombshell - Creating the ultimate DIY terrain mat
Foam? Cor! - Recreating Normandy from packaging foam
Clean Sweep - Haystacks and ricks with insulation boards andbrooms
Redoubt Regrets - A tale of six Russian fortlets
Distinctly Danish - Stone and wattle fences from Scandinavia
Something Different - Ringing the changes with your buildingstock
Fynbos - Fun with flexible foliage
A Stoned - Solid buildings for all periods
Hill Billy - Getting the rise out of polystyrene blocks
Fields of Value - Creating characterful cabbages!
Mock Tudor - Half-timbered houses with individuality
1 vol, 88 pgs 2020 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available mid July 2020 ......$26.00 rct

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1-219050 Taylor, David ARMIES & LEGIONS & HORDES 10,000 miniatures and more! That's how many wargaming models Dave Taylor has painted over the last 27 years. That's dozens of armies, for some of the most popular wargames systems (and some of the most obscure, too!) Some of these have been commissions and others have been personal projects. During that time, he has had a LOT of conversations about the what, why, and how of the inspiration, preparation, and motivation for such large projects.

The book also contains contributions from some of his favorite army painters including: Brandon Palmer from GMM Studios, Ash Barker from Guerrilla Miniature Games, Teri Litorco from That Teri Girl, Mel Bose from The Terrain Tutor, Joel Moon from the Mordian 7th blog, John Cadice from Ninja Division, Brian Carlson from the Brian Carlson Miniatures blog, and John Lyons from Beasts of War. 1 vol, 172 pgs 2016 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-hardback ......$45.00 rct

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1-229570 Taylor, Shawn MOURIR POUR L'INDOCHINE: Wargaming French Indochina 1946-54 Skirmish rules offers two levels of play: Individual (1 figure equals 1 soldier) and Skirmish Plus (1 figure equals a FireTeam of 3 soldiers). Focuses on Command and Control and leadership with the player as Platoon or Company Commander in attack, defense, patrolling, and other forms of military engagements.

Includes six scenarios as well as a mini-campaign based on the challenges the French had along RC4 (Route Colonial 4) during 1949 when 80% of the vehicles were commonly destroyed in their convoys. It culminated in a terrible defeat for the French and a massive victory, including enough weapons and ammo to outfit an entire division, for the Viet Minh.

Also includes a full break down of Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E) for the French and Viet Minh at both the Individual Skirmish (ISk) and Skirmish Plus (SK+) levels. 1 vol, 123 pgs 2022 CANADA, SHAWN TAYLOR
NEW-coil bound softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-66996 Taylor, Shawn OUR SONS AS WELL: Gallipoli Campaign book Designed for Great War Spearhead II, these 21 scenarios cover the Balkan War battles fought on the same ground as the famous Gallipoli Campaign, Suvla, ANZAC Cover, Kum Kale, Krithia and the attempts to take Sari Bair and Scimitar Hill. Full Orders of Battle for all actions including extensive Naval Gunfire Support. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2020 CANADA, SHAWN TAYLOR
NEW-softcover ......$29.00 rct

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3-86820 Thomas, Neil ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL WARGAMING A must for novice and expert wargamer; coversBiblical, Classic, Dark Ages & Medieval and eachsection has its own rules & army rules. Scenariosand battle maps. 1 vol, 288 pgs 2007 UK, ALAN SUTTON PUBS
NEW-pb ......$45.00 rct

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1-908377 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 377 with one free sprue of either: French Chasseurs, Hussars, or Line Lancers Plastic Frames Theme: Modern Warfare
* Irish Army's Forgotten Battle
* Focus: Eyes and Ears
* Wargaming the First Chechnya War
* Dien Bien Phu
* Modern Warfare Miniatures
* Indo-Pakistan War 1971
* Designer's Showcase -The Zone
* Modern Warfare Rules 92

Other Features:
* Observation Post
* Why I Love Of Gods And Mortals
* Rules Showcase: Warlords of Erehwon
* Three Days in Gettysburg (Part 2)
* Agincourt Mounted Knights -- In Miniature
* How To Make Cruel Seas Wreck Markers
* Battle of Aong, 1857
* Return to Jock's Landing
* Insider Interview: Armies & Legions & Hordes 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-softcover ......$9.00 rct

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1-908380 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 380 - Includes US WWII Infantry Sprue THEME: WARLORDS AND REBELS
* Lakshmi Bai: Warrior Queen
* No Bridge, No Country!
* Piecing Together the Greek Civil War
* Wargames Designer - The Next Generation

Other Articles:
* US Infantry at D-Day
* Designer's Notes: Dark and Bloody Ground
* Show Reports: Salute 2019 and Adepticon 2019
* Snakemen and Other Scaly Things
* Saga Age of Magic: Could it be Magic?
* Wargamer's Squint
* Wargames spaces: Eric the Shed
* Marching on with Battlegroup
* How to ... Build a Greek Temple 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-softcover, available early May 2019 ......$9.00 rct

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1-908385 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 385 with Judge Dread Decal Sheet THEME: Thrill-Powered Gaming
* Getting Ready for Dredd
* Barry at Lyndonia
* Rules Showcase: Judge Dredd: I am the Law!
* The Treasure of Captain Flint
* Painting Captain Flint

* Observation Post
* 2000AD Tabletop History
* The Army of Charles the Bold
* Red Bull and Laughing Gas
* Nam: The Way It Probably Wasn't
* A Wargamer's 17th Century Odyssey
* Gaslands Day 2019
* Creating a Piece of Future History
* The Economics of Second Editions
* A Dummies' Guide to the French and Indian Wars 1 vol, 116 pgs 2019 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-softcover, available mid October 2019 ......$9.00 rct

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1-908389 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 389 Articles include: Charging Into Battle, First Look at Muskets & Tomahawks, HG Wells' Little Wars Paper soldier edition, Air Strike (Blood Red Skies Compendium), reviews, and more. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2020 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb, available mid February 2020 ......$9.00 rct

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1-908390 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue #390 Contains 'How to...' modelling guide

With a theme of 'Assassins and Spies' this issue is full of reviews, articles, and everything you need from the best monthly table top gaming magazine.
1 vol, 116 pgs 2020 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-908398 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue #398 comes with a free plastic frame of Warlord Games Warlord Games Greek Hoplites. Theme: Holy War
THEME: GOD WILLS IT! Less obvious conflicts in which humans have killed each other in the name of religion
THE CRUSADES AS WARS OF RELIGION: ARCHETYPE OR ANOMALY? What if the Crusades aren't actually the archetypal religious wars?
HOW TO MAKE A COLONIAL MEETING HOUSE: Build a 15mm model based on Friends Meeting House at Old Sturbridge (Mass.)
LE CROIX DE GUERRE: Role of churches on the wargaming table
ILLUMINATING HISTORY: Using illuminated medieval manuscripts as inspiration for your gaming and modeling needs
IN HOC SIGNO VINCES: Battle of Aughrim and role of the clergy in the front line

Other Articles:
QUICK FIRE! Readers respond.
OBSERVATION POST: New and forthcoming products
WI AWARDS 2020: Winners of the 2020 Wargames Illustrated Awards
BUILDING ST. NAZAIRE: Building a model of the port of St. Nazaire
SPQR SLAVE REVOLT: Scenario for SPQR Revised Edition
THE SUNLESS RIVER: Riverine scenario for Frostgrave
DESIGNER'S NOTES: THE INTELLIGENT WARGAMES TABLE: Valkyrx Gaming and the future of gaming
FRAME FOCUS: GREEK HOPLITES: All about the hoplites
1 vol, 116 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-softcover ......$9.00 rct

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1-908401 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue #401 - Plus Free Frame of Warlord Games Plastic Romans Articles include:
QUICK FIRE!: Letters
OBSERVATION POST: New hobby releases
TALKING STARGRAVE: Designer Joseph McCullough's new sci-fi game.
CONVERTING WITH ULTRACAST: Modifying 15mm PSC Ultracast Ancients.
STEAMPUNK RELOAD: The return of In Her Majesty's Name with designer Craig Cartmell.
FRAME FOCUS: CAESAR'S LEGIONS: Caesarian Roman scenarios.
THE ART OF 4th EDITION: All about the 4th edition of Herve Caille's L'Art de la Guerre rules.
ONE FOOT IN THE WAVE(S): Naval game on a single one-foot square board.
PAINTING COMPETITION ENTRANTS' GALLERY! A gallery of flashy photos. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-908403 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 403 Comes with plastic sprue of French Napoleonic 28mm soldiers. Includes Keith Flint talking about Shadow of the Eagles.

Contents Include:

QUICK FIRE! Readers respond.
OBSERVATION POST: New hobby releases.
FULL PAPER JACKET: Book reviews.
FRAME FOCUS: Free Warlord Games 28mm French Napoleonic Line Infantry frame.
FRENCH ELAN: Through the ages.
MAKING AN OPEN CRYPT: How to make a spooky tabletop centerpiece, ideal for a Gothic Horror setting
ENFANTS PERDU: Napoleonic Light infantry skirmishers.
WHY WE LOVE: LEGENDS OF THE OLD WEST: Mark Latham discusses this much-loved skirmish game.
THE BATTLE OF THE GOLDEN SPURS: Medieval Flemish militia's most famous victory -- Battle of Courtrai.
SONS OF THE DESERT: Short campaign for the French Foreign Legion set in the deserts of North Africa.
PAINTING MATILDA: Painting a 28mm resin Matilda 'Boss' Battle Tank from Victoria Miniatures with both airbrush and brush techniques.
DESIGNERS NOTES: SHADOW OF THE EAGLES: Designer Keith Flint talks about his new set of rules for wargaming the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
I'M SORRY DAVE, I'M AFRAID I CAN'T DO THAT: Taking AI beyond solo gaming and into two-player tabletop battles.
TALES FROM PENDAWAR: Imagination games set in the Indian sub-continent.
PART BUILT TIMBER-FRAMED BUILDINGS: Add part constructed timber-framed buildings to the tabletop. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-908404 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 404 Contents include:

Duncan MacFarlane (1948-2021) : Founder of WI
Quick Fire
Observation Post
Full Paper Jacket
Changing the Tide of Battle: Turning Points
Daleks in StarGrave
The Tiger of Kai: A Test of Honour Scenario
Building Fort Nassau
Line of Battle
Twenty-Nine, Let's Go!
The Tet Offensive
Samori Ture's Resistance in the Western Sudan
Designer's Notes: D-Day - US Sector
18mm ACW Paperboys
Back to the Front: Perry Miniatures' Franco-Prussians
Designer's Notes: Soldiers of Napoleon Preview 1 vol, 116 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-908409 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 409 Theme: Global Wargaming
POTENTIAL: A tour of the gaming potential offered by military history away from the usual suspects and locations.
A WORLD OF PAINTING: THE ANALOGUE HOBBIES PAINTING CHALLENGE: online gathering that encourages hobbyists from around the world to get through their painting backlog.
FIVE CENTURIES OF WARFARE IN NEW ZEALAND: Varied conflicts fought in Aotearoa across the years.
RUDE HEALTH? A broad look at the international perspective of our hobby via the show/convention circuit, plus an introspective look at where we find ourselves in a 'new-normal' world.
GOING TRIBAL: Introduction to tribal combat and the concepts of new game Tribal.

SALUTE 2021: Coverage of this year's Salute, before taking you on a tour of some of our favorite games and hearing from some of the traders.
THE SALUTE PAINTING COMPETITION: A look at some of the winners and get an entrant's eye view.

1 vol, 116 pgs 2021 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-softcover ......$9.00 rct

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1-908411 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 411 Theme: BEASTS OF WAR!
WARGAMER'S TOUR: Animal friends in military service.
INTO THE WOODS WE GO: Ideas for animals and hunting on the tabletop using Tribal Supplement: Primeval
CAMELS, BEASTS OF BURDEN OR SHIPS OF THE DESERT: Camel use in warfare through the centuries
CHASSEURS DEL REY - CUBAN WAR DOGS: 18th Century Cuban Chasseurs and their hounds
PAINTING PACHYDERMS: Techniques for painting elephants of assorted types and sizes

Other Features:
ARMY PAINTER SPEEDPAINTS: Testing the new Speedpaints
DRINK THY BLOOD. THY THIRST WILL PASS THE COMBAT OF THE THIRTY: Medieval fight between knights and squires for the tabletop
NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS - THE SHED BATTLES: Chronological series of War of the Roses battles in a campaign using the Never Mind the Billhooks rules
DREYSE OF THUNDER: Examines the seemingly anomalous impact of the Dreyse Needle-gun

QUICK FIRE! New projects
RELEASE RADAR: Interesting hobby releases you may have missed and a bonus look at animal miniatures
1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-908413 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 413 Theme: Combined Arms Operations
* Soldiers and Sailors of Bronze: Sea Peoples Against Egypt - Part 1
* A Wild Gamble - Operation Lea: French efforts in the First Indochina War.
* Combined Arms: New WWII campaign game
* Beowulf and Moonsund: WWII operations to seize a group of Estonian islands
* Battle of Blackpool Sands: 1404 medieval battle and scenario.
* 2022 Hammerhead Painting Competition: Photos from the WI-run competition.
* Transforming Ready-Made Dungeons Into Tabletop Ruins: Altering plastic dungeon set from Dungeons and Lasers.
* Painting Carnevale Lesser Ugdru: Lovecraftian sub-aquatic beasties.
* Travel-Sized 28s: Introducing Wiglaf miniatures.
* Why I Love... Altar of Freedom: 2013 ACW ruleset.
* Creating a Snowy Diorama: Retreat From Moscow.
* Quick Fire: Short, sharp shots from your fellow hobbyists.
* Observation Post: New and upcoming releases 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.50 rct

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1-908414 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 414 THEME: Prussia at War
* Frame Focus - Quick Fix Prussians
* Frame Focus - Prussian Perfection
* The Prussians are Coming
* Russian and Prussian Napoleonic Cavalry
* End of the Prussian Empire

* Designer's Notes: Beyond the Empire
* Neptune and Mars Go to War
* How to. Build A Post Mill
* The Misadventures of Domnal Brecc
* Falklands War Anniversary - Painting the Combatants
* Hold Fast!

* Quick Fire
* Observation Post
* Release Radar
* Full Paper Jacket 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.50 rct

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1-908415 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 415 Theme: Napoleonics
Tour of the Period
Rescuing the Russians: Updating classic Hinchliffe Napoleonic Russians
Prussian Attack on Plancenoit: Making a diorama using Epic Prussians and MDF terrain.
Soldiers of Napoleon: Rule set Soldiers of Napoleon

Quick Fire: From the readers
Observation Post: New about 28mm plastic figures and 6mm Baccus figures
Release Radar: New wargaming items plus digital Napoleonic figures.
Full Paper Jacket: Book reviews with emphasis on Napoleonics.

Designer's Notes: Lion Rampant Second Edition
Show Report: Best of Partizan
Wargaming Flodden: Wargaming Possibilities of this Significant Battle
Gaming by Moonlight: Moonlit Paint Effects for Offensive Miniatures Waffen SS Assault Pioneers
British Paras Engineers, and some Old Terrain
Building a Cantina With Adobe Walls: The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.50 rct

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1-908416 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 416 Dawn of Ironclads, Naval gaming in the 17th Century, Observation Post: Reviews of Crooked Dice's latest 7TV expansion Vlad's Army, ACW naval rules Dawn of War, and Osprey Games' Frostgrave Fireheart. Plus more features, reviews, and columns. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2022 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$9.50 rct

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1-908427 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 427 with Free Sprue of Cruel Seas Motor Boats THEME: Frame Focus
* Customising Cruel Seas
* Breaking Free From the Step-by-Steps
* Laswari, 1803
* Defending Lothlorien
* Building a Kitbashing Bits Box

* Show Report: Partizan -- May 2023
* Surprise! A Matter of Some Insurgency
* Toy-Bashing a Horror for The Doomed
* Figure Spotlight: Russian Napoleonic Uhlans
* Salute 50: Painting Competition
* Why I Love: Twiglet Redux
* Project Showcase: The Seven Years War Itch

* Observation Post
* Release Radar
* Quick Fire 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908428 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 428 Contents:

* Observation Post: New hobby releases, including Test of Honour: Takeda's Court and Stargrave: Scavengers.
* Release Radar: Readers' projects
* Quick Fire: New releases

Articles include:
* Loose Files and American Scramble: Wargaming Battles of the American War of Independence
* Returning to Old Favorites: Memorable moments in wargaming history
* Biggin' It Up By Shrinkin' It Down: Planned refight of the Battle of Aughrim and the size of the battlefield.
* Fashoda Showdown: What If scenario for Death in the Dark Continent
* Citadel to Perry Miniatures Via Foundry: Alan and Michael Perry discuss their early historical figures and assess the progress they've made since their early days at Citadel and Wargames
* Making Acacia Trees: Creating versions of Africa's thorny Acacia trees with their iconic umbrella canopies
* Go Again, Sir! More cavalry on the tabletop
* Thane Tostig: Retro wargames
* Maori Pa in the Early New Zealand Wars: Muskets and Tomahawks scenarios along with special rules for fighting in Maori Pa. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908429 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 429 Articles Include:

Observation Post: New releases
Release Radar: Esoteric new releases
Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations
Desert Raids in the Dark: Interview with 02 Hundred Hours' game designer Graham Davey and his next expansion - Desert Raid.
Alesia: Caesar's Greatest Victory: Photo-heavy look at Swordpoint game featuring Alesia siegeworks
How Did I Miss . Test of Honour: Interview with ToH's designer Graham Davey
A Very Fierce and Hot Dispute: Part One -- English Civil War battle
1066 and All That: Wargaming the battles of 11th Century England
Talking Miniatures: New book Talking Miniatures. or how the Lincoln Model Railway and Wargaming Society changed the world
Tough Gut: Bolt Action Campaign book
Scratch-Building Terrain for the Doomed: Hand-craft terrain suitable for many games or genres
Patron Class triremes: Thalassa's ancient naval battles with rules for a new ship class that brings the divine powers to the tabletop
Communal Construction: Collaborative project to build a Salute gaming board recreating
the attack on the US Embassy in Saigon during the Vietnam War.
Historicon 2023: Report 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908432 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 432 Includes Free British or French Infantry Sprue OBSERVATION POST
This month's reviews encompass minis for a trio of wars - Cold, inter, and WWII - as well as a sizable selection of new plastics for Feudal Japan.
Dom Sore finds an eclectic selection of new hobby kit to start 2024 in the right way.
Find out what your fellow hobbyists have been up to in our monthly reader-submitted section.
theme: The Parthian Shot
James examines how the skilled Parthian riders used Hit and Run tactics to defeat the might of Rome at the Battle of Carrhae.
theme: Sortie!
Its Medieval mayhem, with Hit and Run rules for making a sortie out of strongholds in Never Mind the Billhooks.
Karim van Overmeire played a World War Two mini-campaign based on the Italian defence of Gallabat. In this first part, he details the history of the battle, outlines the terrain, and presents some gaming options.
Jim Graham examines the misnomer of No Man's Land as the British launch a Hit and Run attack during WWI.
Ricard Fortun brings pirate fleets to his Ancient naval game Thalassa.
James discusses Hit and Run attacks in South Carolina's swamplands during the American War of Independence.
Lisa Smedman presents a World War Two 'what if?' with Britain and Germany clashing in Bolt Action battles over neutral Iceland.
Famous actor Peter Cushing was a keen wargamer and avid terrain maker. The fascinating notes he made about his hobby are now owned by Alan Perry and we take a look here.
Jan Karrman recreated a battle from the Finnish War for Salute 2023, with a little help from
his friends.
James, the office's resident speed painter, tests out The Army Painter's new Fanatic range.
Mike Peters shares details of his Billhooks-inspired medieval small skirmish game, where each player controls a Captain and their compact company of warriors.
1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908433 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 433 Theme: Guerrillas in the Midst
* Peninsular War mega-game
* Zaragoza Besieged: Modified Valour & Fortitude for first siege
* Painting Peninsular Veterans: Two opposing units of Peninsular veterans in a grizzled, battle-weary, disarrayed style

* Painting Wars of the Roses Armour
* Old Rough and Ready Meets Old Fuss and Feathers: Mexican-American War of 1846-48
* Return to Arabian Nightmares: Colorful heroes, villains, and adventures from the pages of Arabian mythology
* Is it up to Scratch? New options for scratch building
* The Other Partizan: Coverage of 2023 show
* Starting with Stargrave: For new gamers
* Where did you get that hat? Bringing an Iron Age warrior back from the grave, in miniature.
* A Figure Collection Transformed: New Osprey game -- A War Transformed
* Things from the Basement: Interview of Joerg Bender about his terrain company, hobby passions, and model-making tips

* Observation Post: Roundup of releases
* Release Radar: More new releases
* Quick Fires: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations 1 vol, 116 pgs 2023 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908434 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 434 Theme: History, Scenario, Stats, Done.
* Introduction: Explore history via scenarios
* The Templars' Last Charge: Siege of Acre
* A Freezing Fighting Retreat: WWII Italians' retreat in Russia
* The Battle of Mottola: Liberation of Italy skirmish encounter for Bolt Action.

* The Never-Ending Collection: Culloden game at the Warlord Games Open Day.
* Adriatic Adventures: 1806 Napoleonic scenario with Russian activities in the Adriatic.
* ABC Warriors The Miniatures Game: Warlord Games' new 2000 AD-related ABC Warriors starter set.
* Attack on Fort Gallabat: WWII action in the African Campaign as a one-day campaign.
* Wargaming Manzikert: Account of a clash in the East, between the Byzantines of Romanus IV and a Seljik army led by Alp Arslan.
* Operation Ikarus Part Two: WWII 'what if?' Bolt Action campaign in Iceland.
* Ruckus in the WI Gaming Room: Ruckus tabletop clashes that have been played in WI's gaming room.
* ACW Signal Tower: Making and Gaming: Vantage point for Union Signal Party and use with Black Powder rules.

* Observation Post: Reviews new basing materials, fantasy elves, an ECW painting guide, and rules for gaming the late Sengoku period in Japan.
* Release Radar: New and upcoming wargaming items from various manufacturers.
* Quick Fire: Reader-submitted entries. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908435 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 435 Theme:
* Building the Battle of Hattin: Display diorama showcasing one of the pivotal battles in the history of the Holy Land, featuring 3,500 miniatures
* The Crowning of Henry Tudor: Mix of Athena Miniatures civilians with Perry Miniatures plastics to create a narrative scene from the Wars of the Roses
* Enhanced MDF: Create terrain with Brutal Cities' excellent MDF kits and ABC Warriors graphic novels for reference
* Regimenting Slaine's Half-Dead: Warlord Games Slaine figures into a ranked-up unit for old school fantasy gaming
* Board Building on a Budget: Build new terrain for his Trench Offensive WWI gaming

* Observation Post: Reviews of Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies, Oathmark plastic Militia, and Setting the East Ablaze.
* Release Radar: New product releases.
*Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.

* Rules Showcase: Civis romanus sum - Footsore's latest release, Gangs of Rome
* The Barons' War Grand Melee: A new tournament
* A Festering Ulcer: Battle of Toulouse with Napoleon's Army of Spain after their exit from the Spain
* Batch Painting Fireforge Ashigaru: Painting Fireforge's new range of Japanese plastic figures
* Pristine Painted French Napoleonics: Eddie Bermingham's magnificent French Napoleonic army, which includes various competition winning units, and his new Epic scale force.
* Pirates, Saints,and Crusaders: Adventures of Godric of Finchale, the unlikely individual who was pivotal in the continuation of the crusader states
* Wargames Illustrated 2023 Awards: Results 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908438 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 438 Theme: Weapons in Wargaming

* Weapons in Wargaming: Discusses how weapons are handled when figure-sculpting and game-designing.
* Scrapheap Challenge: Terrain building without spending money on any new kits.
* Two Thousand Years and Counting: Examines the longevity of the pike and related polearms.
* Hitting the Beaches: D-Day Replay commemorates the 1944 landings in 28mm.
* Smiting the Good Smite: Focuses on a Chariot.
* Salute 51 show report.
* The Mosin-Nagant Rifle: Discusses the rifle which was used in the Finnish Civil War, 1918, and still sees service today.
* Painting Dramatic OSL: Applying bold object source lighting to Richard 'Dick' Winters (Band of Brothers hero) Giants in Miniature figure.
* The Annihilator: Examines the history of the Thompson SMG and puts it to use in a pulp game.
* Ruckus Campaigns: Presents full rules for connecting Ruckus games into an ongoing campaign, along with two new campaign scenarios.
* Shieldmaidens: Documents the building and painting process of Salute 2024 Painting Competition winning unit.

* Observation Post: Review of swag from Salute with new plastics, pre-painted terrain, and much more.
* Release Radar: New and forthcoming releases in the wargaming world.
* Quick Fire: Fellow gamers' projects, including Samurai, the Crimea, lighting and Ragged Staff Minis. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908440 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 440 Theme: Vietnam War
* Tunnel Rats: VC tunnels
* Saigon ?68: Tet Offensive board and interviews its creator, Martin Stanbridge.
* The Wargame That Goes Wrong: The Battle of Ap Bac and how to play wargames full of mishaps.
* The Vehicles of Vietnam (Part One): Ground and air assault transports and support vehicles
* Another Tour of Duty: A Vietnam War figure collection in action

* Building an Epic Diorama: Insight on building a huge Caesar ancients diorama
* V for Victory: Testing Studio Tomahawk's new WWII rules
* Building Middle Earth: Bag End: Building a hobbit hole
* Massacre at Dwarven Tower Pass: Playing Fantas?a -- the fantasy supplement for Never Mind the Billhooks
* Papyrus and Pulp: Testing Osprey's Pulp! gaming system with an Egyptian exploration adventure
* The Gradara Project: Wargame inspired by the novel Warrior of Rome - Fire in the East.

* Observation Post: Reviews of WWI Warships, sci-fi Deathships, female fantasy cultists, and 15mm MDF.
* Release Radar: New wargaming products
* Quick Fire: WI readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908441 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 441 Theme: Popular Articles Revisited
* Fighting Light Against Napoleon: Revisits light infantry, focusing on the Allied coalition.
* Ranger Commandos: Considers how Ranger Commandos could be repurposed for modern wargaming.
* Still Flying the Flag: Revisits a flag-making technique first shared back in 2006.
* Public Enemies - Part One: Presents a project based on the lawmen and gangsters of 1933.

* Frame Focus: painted French Napoleonic greatcoats suitable for different theatres.
* Leros 1943: Report on German WWII Amphibious Assault game from the Joy of Six show.
* My Kingdom For A Horse: Presents rules for mounted characters in Ruckus.
* Scaling New Heights: Wargames Atlantic's new venture into producing plastic 10mm figures.
* The Evolution of Bolt Action: Author of Bolt Action prepares himself for the launch of third edition.
* The Vehicles of Vietnam - Part Two: Traverses the Ho Chi Minh Trail and a 'rolling road' scenario.

* Observation Post: Reviews latest hard plastic releases from Battlefront and Wargames Atlantic.
* Release Radar: New wargaming products.
* Quick Fire: WI Readers' hobby projects, notes, news, and observations. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908442 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 442 Theme: Valour & Fortitude at Britcon
*'Live' at Britcon 2024 with a trio of great games
* The Indian Rebellion: Introductory guide and Army Sheets, for the Indian Rebellion/Mutiny

*Bolt Action Third Edition: Major changes that might impact the game.
*Public Enemies - Part 2: Pictorial story of the gangsters of the 1930s and the men who were known as Public Enemy Number One.
*Bringing a Fantasy City to Life: Explains the world design and rules for Guards of Traitor's Toll.
*Basic Blending: Hard-Edge Horses: punchy but smooth-looking technique to paint horses, and shares some tips on completing caparisons and applying decals.
*Billhooks Polonia: New theatre for Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe featuring the forces of the Polish Crown against the Teutonic Order.
*Historicon Painting Competition: The fantastic winners.
*Travels through Tollingchester: New, full-color modular Tollingchester terrain range and building some of the set.

* Observation Post: Reviews multi-period wargaming rules from BelloLudi, Sengoku battles from Caliver, Wars of the Roses metals from Athena Miniatures, and an apocalyptic Starter Set from Modiphius.
* Release Radar: New and upcoming hobby releases.
* Quick Fire: WI readers' projects, notes, news, and observations. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb, available late September 2024 ......$10.00 rct

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1-908444 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 444 Includes Free Bolt Action Sprue Theme: Winter War
* Free Bolt Action Winter Fallschirmjager Sprue included with this issue.

* Frame Focus: Winter Fallschirmjager diorama
* Inside the White Castle: Interview with Oshiro Model Terrain
* Ice Fortress: Preview of a Napoleonic game to be played at Tactica 2025
* Playing Homer's Iliad with Midgard Heroic Battles: Using the rules to play a game during Trojan War
* In the Bleak Midwinter: Campaign based on midwinter crossing of the Rhine in 406AD
* The Other Partizan, Part One: Showcase of gaming from The Other Partizan
* Getting Cold Feet in Norway: Battle of Trangen, 1808
* There and Crack Again: Report on Crack Con Five, emphasis on Ruckus
* Winter Bases: Bases of wintery figures

* Observation Post: Reviews of Napoleonic and WWII gaming with a horror twist, and mounted Old West Gunfighters
* Release Radar: New and upcoming wargaming releases
* Quick Fire: WI readers post their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations. 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908445 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 445 Theme: Enhancing Figures and Bases
* Turnip28 Toffs and Toadies: How to paint neat and precise mess on some converted Turnip28 figures
* A Nostaligic Love Letter in Miniature: Painting Airfix Napoleonic Highlanders
* Desert Bases: Sandy options
* MDF Scenic Enhancement: Simple terrain pieces gain realism
* Building Middle-earth: The House of Beorn
* Build For Yourself A City: Bronze Age terrain
* Making Renaissance Galleys: Producing Renaissance galleys and lanternas

* The Mad Trapper of Rat River: Northwest Canada manhunt through the dangerous wilderness conditions
* Was There A Man Dismayed? warring factions for the Crimean War
* The Other Partizan Part 2: Wargame show covers WWI, the AWI, Middle-earth, Napoleonics, and other games
* Midgard: Heroic Battles Deep Dive: Look at the new rules
* Bang! The origins of gunpowder, its early uses, and how to make your early period games pop
* Matchlocks in Notts: Never Mind the Matchlocks battle report
* Six Months of Life: July 16, 1835 Battle of Mendigorria -- largest battle of the Carlist Wars

* Observation Post: Latest SAGA book and a selection of Wargames Atlantic plastics
* Release Radar: New and upcoming wargaming items
* Quick Fire: WI readers discuss their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations 1 vol, 116 pgs 2024 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-908446 various WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue # 446 Articles include:

* Observation Post: Reviews of first Bolt Action: Third Edition army book and Victrix Medieval cavalry
* Release Radar: New wargaming products
* Quick Fire: WI readers' notes about their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations
* Painting the Battle of the Five Armies: Painting and modeling techniques for Middle-earth figures.
* The Peasants are Revolting: Rules, tactical suggestions, and a new scenario involving peasants for rules set Ruckus
* A Century-Spanning Build: Modeling a Sarissa MDF kit to fit a wide range of historical periods
* Boys, the Bullets are Coming in Like Hail: Wild West battle in Johnson County, 1892
* The Road Goes Ever On: More model-making and musings about Middle-earth
* Tombstone: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
* The English Civil War in Valour & Fortitude: 17th Century English army lists
* Sympathy for the Devil: Inspiration for a new Renaissance warband
* The Big Battlemat Throwdown: Adding a selection of battlemats to their Worcester club collection
* Matchlocks 1672: French vs Dutch scenario in the Low Countries, using the Never Mind the Matchlocks rules and the North Star 1672 figures
* Epic Alterations: Converting every stand of an Epic figure collection into three ranks
* Prepping Printed Terrain Pieces: 3D-printed Medieval/fantasy building ready for painting 1 vol, 116 pgs 2025 UK, WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED
NEW-pb, available late January 2025 ......$10.00 rct

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2-914161 various VAE VICTIS #161: Magazine only, no game Magazine only.

1 vol, 84 pgs 2021 FRANCE, CERIGO EDITIONS
NEW-softcover, [French Text] ......$12.00 rct

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1-916435 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue # 435 with Cruel Seas Sprue Cruel Seas cover feature includes a free Vosper MTB or S-Boat with a new 'just after D-Day' scenario for them and then a 28mm D-Day scenario for Ultracombat Normandy called Spreading the Ham and Jam. Then we move the WWII theme to the Western Desert for a battle between the British and Italians.

Also on the cover is Prepare For War! -- the new Conquest rules which are bringing grimdark to the world of fantasy. In The Great Expedition (part one) we look at the background to Drake's 16th century raids in the New World. Next month, in part two, we conclude with rules and scenarios.

In Send Three and Fourpence, we cover Solo and cooperative wargaming and in Command Decision we have a crusades conundrum. Compare & Contrast: we try out Games Workshop's new Citadel Contrast Paints. There's a report on the Partizan show; the Wargames Widow's makes trees, and James Winspear builds a Fantasy House! 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover, available mid June 2019 ......$9.00 rct

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1-916452 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #452 with Para Bellum (gothic mounted knight type) Contents:
Rio Grande: Part 2 of 3 Texas Revolution
Para Bellum Scenario and Painting Guide
Rune Stones: Making Engraved Celtic Style Standing Stones
Command Decision: African Colonial
Oathmark Historical: Using the Rules for Ancients, Wars of the Roses, and more -- Part 1
ACW: Battle of Big Bethel -- Part 1
Scratchbuild: Elder Scrolls -- Part 1
Send 3 and 4: Bring up the Piat -- WWII for Black Ops Rules
Last Word
Club News 1 vol, 96 pgs 2020 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$9.00 rct

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1-916454 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #454 Articles include:

Mini-campaign of Vietnam Riverine Combat with Operation Jackstay: March 1966
Armies Of Beleriand: Using Oathmark rules for Tolkien
Look Behind The Curtain: Combat in the world of Ozz
Rio Grande: Texas in 1839 -- Conclusion: Rules
Big Bethel: Three more scenarios from the American Civil War
Send 3 and 4 Pence: Tweeting the Twits
Practical Wargames Scenery: A Prussian Barn Conversion
Club Spotlight: Spalding Wargames Club
Last Word by Michael Stockin of The Wargames Website
All the usual news and reviews
1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$9.00 rct

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1-916455 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #455 Articles Include:
They've Taken Hostages! Modern skirmish scenario using Delta One Zero rule set (which is free to download!)
Command Decision: Kuban Bridgehead: WWII Eastern front scenario based on the film Cross of Iron
A Cold Wind To Valhalla: Four scenarios for the Viking Steel! rules
Wargaming Under Covid: Tips on keeping gamers enthusiastic and immersed
Hooke's Castle: Siege scenario using The Portable Pike & Shot rules system
Uncle Duke: Short series on wargames legend Duke Siefried
Virtual Gaming we give some examples of using tabletop figures, combined with virtual grids.
Send 3 and 4 Pence: Scenario for Sharp Practice
Armies Of Morgoth: Using Oathmark rules for Tolkien's Middle Earth
Practical Wargames Scenery: Build a Theme Park Cottage
Review sections: Defence in Depth, Forward Observer, and Recce
Last Word Features Bob Cordery 1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$10.00 rct

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1-916456 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #456 Cover Story: A Billion Suns Mini-Campaign

Other Articles
Command Decision: Kuban Bridgehead: Part 2 of Mini-campaign Based on film Cross of Iron
Zero Dark: On the Horizon: Introduction to a SF skirmish system
The Battle Of Pirate Island: A Scenario for Shootout at Tres Jacales: 30th June 1893
A Saxon Violence: Build a Burg Better with Simple Materials
Send 3 and 4 pence: Sharp Practice Scenario
Uncle Duke: A Wargames Legend from the USA Part 2
Practical Wargames Scenery: Build an ACW Church
1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-dj ......$10.00 rct

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1-916458 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #458 Cover: Rumble in the Jungle!
'30s Pulp scenarios -- Here be Dragons and Up the River to Lakamazoo.

Other Articles:
Command Decision: American Civil War -- Blackburn's Ford: Bull Run
In The Day is Lost: Fighting rearguard actions in the Napoleonic era
Bolt Action On The Moon: Adapts rule set for 1/6 gravity
In Send 3 and 4 Pence: 'Best scale' for wargaming?'
In Practical Wargames Scenery: 28mm Windmill
Bathed In Resin: Pros and con 3D printing
Defence in Depth: New products
Forward Observer: News, including forthcoming show dates
Recce: Nine book review
The Last Word is by Arthur Harman. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$10.00 rct

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1-916459 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue #459 Issue 459 of Miniature Wargames is out and we have another great selection of rules, scratch builds, thought provoking articles and scenarios for you to chose from.
On the cover and inside is the Battle of Plataea: yes it's a Boeotian Rhapsody with a Greece versus Persia battle circa 479 B.C.

With Command Decision: we look at the Great Northern War: Europe is aflame and the scenario to play centres around Germany in the summer of 1717.

In Send 3 and 4 pence we have A People's War: the first of a two-parter. it starts with a solo, programmed paragraph section for Rebels & Patriots. Next month will be the table top conclusion!

Everybody's favourite merry man is thoroughly explored in The Hood Was Good! we have three Robin Hood Scenarios for the new Feudal Patrol ruleset.

Get organised with There's no 'W' in Team... This explores Teambuilding in wargaming. And - In Roll The Bones - we look at the interpretation, extrapolation or no dice. Just what are the chances...

If you want to build and fly WWI biplanes, how about Wings of Belgium? This piece has a building guide plus Simple wargaming rules for WWI.

In Practical Wargames Scenery Tony Harwood builds an Epic scale barn but - if you want to go bigger and more 'Alien' - how about a scratch build of Sci-Fi gaming corridors? In They're Coming Outta the Goddamn Walls! we show you how to do this for cheap!

Finally, we have the review sections with of Defence in Depth with new products, Quartermaster for Hobby products for the wargamer, Forward Observer for news - especially of forthcoming show dates - and Recce for nine of the very best of insightful book reviews and the Club Spot
Features the Devon Wargames Group
1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$10.00 rct

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1-916461 various MINIATURE WARGAMES: Issue # 461 Articles include:

Cover: Command & Colours scenario for Napoleonic Peninsular War

Rockets Red Glare: American versus British scenario
The War of 1812: Command & Colours scenario for War of 1812, including a Congreve Rocket adaptation for even more 'red glare.'

Silkweaver Caverns: Dark Delve scenario for Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms with a huge arachnid.

Scratch build a cave system: Part 2.

Body Count: Part 2 of Vietnam War's Tet Offensive.

Doomsday Machine: A.I. system using a fully downloadable card deck to run the space ship game Silent Death for solo or cooperative play.

Let 'er Rip: Wild West scenario with downloadable rule set includes Killer Miller - The Man in the Iron Coat (armor isn't just for Ned Kelly).

Practical Wargames Scenery: Superdetailing a German Barn.

Defence in Depth: New product reviews
Forward Observer: New product news

The Last Word: Author and rules writer Chris Peers. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916478 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 478 Articles include:

* The Sun and Bear: Intro to Russo-Japanese war with simple rules and some gaming ideas.
* Command Decision - Part 1: A Coat Of The Very, Very Best: Campaigning in the Horse & Musket Period with movement, supply, scouting, and after-battle mechanics.
*Send Three And Fourpence: Playtest of new Xenos Rampant rules with 40K-style scenario.
*Hit the Beach: Black Powder Napoleonic beach landing in 28mm with a solo adaption.
*Warhead Part 1: Super-spy scuba shenanigans with subs! All done in 20mm with lots of conversion work and modeling. Rules next month.
*Scratchbuild: Egyptian Pylon (in 15mm or 28mm (well, they're quite big...) or an Epic Scale ACW cottage.
*Photo look at WAR show in Reading.
*Recce: Book and other reviews.
*Defence In Depth: Figure and rules reviews.
*Quartermaster: Review of Two Thin Coats paint.
*Last Word: When wargaming is no longer fun. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916480 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 480 Cover: Salute 50 Special

* The Diary of Smudger Smith: SAS in the desert jeep game for DAK Attack.
* Mightier in War: Command Decision Two-fer: Thebes v Sparta 371BC with a downloadable campaign plus Campaigning for the Horse & Musket Period.
* Scowles Of The Leprechauns: New fantasy game
* The Empire Strikes Back: Kaiserschlacht 1918 is a WWI game.

* Send Three And Fourpence: Part two of historical roleplaying article - Hold the Crossroads in WWII France.
* Return To The Wells: Simple ideas for improving Wells' Little Wars.
* If You Go Down To The Temples: Colonial scenario - The French take on the Tongs for loot.
* In Club Spotlight: Meet the Aberdeen Wargames Club
* Scratchbuild: Tools.
* Recce: Books and rules reviewed.
* Defence In Depth: Reviews of figures and more.
* Last Word: Reader's perspective for wargaming. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$10.00 rct

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1-916488 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 488 Contains:
*Prospero's Island: A second (and concluding) adventure set in Venice by Chris Swan for his new Tales of Derring Do pulp fiction rule set.
*Who Burned The Bread?: An 18th century imagi-nations scenario by Charles S Grant.
*Command Decision - Beyond Gate Pass: a fantasy campaign that can easily be adapted to historical settings by Jon Sutherland.
*Glorious Defeats In The Southern Seas: Naval action with the Battles of Coronel and the Falklands, 1914.
*Rapid Fire: fast painting AWI British using Army Painter Speedpaints by Kevin Dallimore.
*Practical Wargames Scenery: Tony Harwood builds a big beautiful wall.
*Flying Colours: A trip to the Colours Wargames show.
*Last Word: Thoughts on running an event by Dave Mustill.
*Defence in Depth: Reviews of figures and rules.
*Quartermaster: Gaming supplies.
*Forward Observer: News.
*Recce: Fourteen book reviews.
1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916489 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 489 Cover: Space Dwarves: The Einherjar are straight from Valhalla (via Wargames Atlantic) called Fast Dwarves. Also speed painting using Army Painter products including both Speed Paint and Varnish Dip together. Note: Frame with plastic figures is NOT included with the magazine.

* Send Three And Fourpence: Chaos Wizards Rise in part one of a scenario starting a solo campaign for Stargrave.
* Primordial Floods: Scenario using Tribal rules.
* The Other Partizan: Report of late 2023 show.
* Botany Bay 1789: Three antipodean scenarios using Mad Dogs & Englishmen.
* Reds, Whites & Blood Red Snow: Part 1 of gaming the Russian Civil War.
* Better Balaclava: 1970s board game with tips on improving yours. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916490 various MINIATURE WARGAMES #490 Cover features New York State with a Command Decision scenario at Saratoga during the American Revolution and a whole Fall 1977 campaign in upstate New York. Send Three And Fourpence offers part two of a mini Stargrave solo campaign with two more scenarios. To Boldly Go gives guidance to assembling a crew for the Final Frontier with Chris Abbey of Sally 4th. Under the Dome is a show report of the SELWG 2023 show. Reds, Whites & Blood Red Snow covers part two of the Russian Civil War with a scenario. Scratch Build section offers a scratchbuilt onager and a west African church Last word: Aramiha Harwood of Mana Publications. Finally, review sections of Defence in Depth for figures and rules, Forward Observer for news, and Recce for book reviews. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916492 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 492 Cover: In the Trenches with WWI Chain of Command
* Send Three And Fourpence: Reasons to use paper products for tabletop wargaming.
* Square Bashing In Lower Rutenia: 18th Century Imagi-Nations, scenario for rules of your choice
* Ancient Attraction: Command Decision asks the question: You and Whose (1500 point) Army?
* Phakathi: Two-part piece on the Wars with the Xhosa (Africa's 100 Years War)
* Siege of al-Madinah: Ideas for a solo sci-fi Slammers encirclement scenario
* Scratch Build: Double header sci-fi plumbing piece and scratch siege tower
* Defence in Depth: Figure and rule set reviews
* Quartermaster: Gaming supplies
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book reviews 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916495 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 495 Articles include:

* Pacific Fights: Campaign for the Pacific in WWII. Featuring 28mm Iron Brigade game at Partizan.
* Send Three & Fourpence: Thoughts on running participation and demonstration games.
* The Buckle in the Lead Belt: The first Partizan show of the year.
* In Command Decision: Peninsular War - Part One of an 1809 campaign.
* In Cretaceous Combat: Historical gaming applied to a simple game of Dinosaur fighting.
* Scratch Build: Finishes armoury based on a card Old Hammer building.
* Grond: The Hammer of the Underworld: Siege engine in 75mm scale with trolls.
* Last Word: Talks about representation.
* Defence in Depth: Figures and Rules: Reviews.
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book Reviews 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916496 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 496 Articles include:

* Revolution!: Features a short game of Mounted Combat for Six Players
* Send Three & Fourpence: Rangers of Shadowdeep game
* In Command Decision: Peninsular War -- Part Two in Talavera
* In The Gallants of Fowley: Club Spot on the Cornwall Wargames Association
* Open all Gunports!: Visits Broadside with a game and a camera
* In Scratch Build: Widening a bridge
* In Hexes Rule: One man's journey into hexagonal WWII wargaming
* Small Footprint: Miniature wargames that are really miniature
* Last Word: Talks about hunt for one set of rules to rule them all
* Defence in Depth: Figures and Rules reviews
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book Reviews 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-916498 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 498 Articles include:
* Where England's Sorrows Began: ECW scenario with the Battle of Powick Bridge, written for The Pikeman's Lament but adaptable to your chosen rule set
* Send Three & Fourpence: Take Me To The River, and aquatic terrain for hex-based games
* Command Decision: Cam Ye O'er Frae France? Killiecrankie and Sheriffmuir 1689-1715
* Operation Thunderbolt: game set in Entebbe, Uganda 1976; pro-Palestinian fighters against a plane full of hijackers
* Return Of The Dragon: Boxer Rebellion in 54mm scenario for The Siege of Tientsin
* The Absolute Gaul: Painting Warlord's 12mm 'Epic' forces
* This Apparently Easy & Puerile Business: Adapt simple rules for toy soldiers
* Scratch Build: Finishes Disney-themed Jabberwocky Tower
* Defence in Depth: Figures and Rules Reviews
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book Reviews 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late September 2024 ......$10.00 rct

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1-916499 various MINIATURE WARGAMES # 499 Articles include:
*The Power of Stones: Victoriana Adventure skirmish scenario by author of Tales of Derring Do
* The Dark Ages: Discusses the advantages of gaming Command Decision
* Print or No Print?: Describes the choice gamers face when deciding to home print figures
* Three and Fourpence: Delves into YouTube for wargamers
* Does Size Matter?: Discusses whether scale is important in wargaming
* Cyro Volcano: Solo sci-fi scenario for Songs of Blades and Heroes
* Quartermaster: Army Painter's new Fanatic acrylics
* Full Colour: Colours show in Newbury
* Scratchbuild Double: Covered well, based on Shardlake TV show, and spaceships made from unlikely materials
* Defence in Depth: Figures and Rules Reviews
* Forward Observer: News
* Recce: Book Reviews 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available mid October 2024 ......$10.00 rct

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1-916502 various MINIATURE WARGAMES #502 Articles include:

* Beyond the Thunderbox, In the Dirty Driving: Simple apocalyptic mini campaign system with background rules
* Death Riders: Converting Hot Wheels into death-dealing vehicles of mayhem
* Send Three And Fourpence: Robin of Sherwood scenario for Rangers of Shadowdeep
* Jeanne La Flamme: The Siege of Hennebont during The Breton War of Succession 1341-1365
* Command Decision: Siege of Lilybaeum in 278 BC
* Caen '44: Explores a WWII linked mini campaign
* Pack A DAK ATTACK: Suggestions for Mini DAK ATTACK gaming in the Western Desert rules using 6mm models
* From Little Acorns: Oak Leaf Camouflage on Panzer Grenadiers
* Scratch Build: Build a Raised Market Hall based on an old Gary Chalk illustration
* Review Sections 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, WARNER PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-935121 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 121: Warfare in the Age of Arthur Theme: Warfare in the Age of Arthur
Wargaming the Reality of Arthur's Britain - The Leader of Battles
Arthur and the Battle of Mount Badon - The Final Victory
Arthur's Men Go in Search of Some Legendary Loot - The Last Treasure
The Actual Mort D'Arthur? A Ravenfeast Scenario - The Strife of Camlann
Building Your Arthurian army - The Once and Future King
Arthur at the Battle of Badon - Carrying the Cross on his Shield

The German Retreat to Minsk: 30 June, 1944 - Crossing the Berezina
Seleucus Nicator vs Chandragupta Maurya, 304-302 BC - Decision on the Indus
Adding a Bit of Reality to Your Wargames - A Touch of Realism
Painting Mounted Medieval Armies in 10mm - Tripping the Knight Fantastic
A Guide to Industrial-Strength Hedgerows - Building Better Bocage

Miniature reviews
This Gaming Life - Mid-term Report
The Irregular - Youth Work Wargaming
Second Edition Dark Age and Medieval Rules - Let's Play Lion Rampant 2
Game reviews - Five Leagues from the Borderlands, Bad Roads and Poor Rations, Cold War Commander (2nd edition), Panzer Korps, Hold Fast!, and Wars of Orcs and Dwarves
Book Reviews
Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2022 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-935122 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 122: Fighting -- Fish Out of Water From gladiators helping out in Roman armies to sailors and airmen being pulled into close combat during WWII battles, this issue explores the role of atypical units on the battlefield.

Theme: Fighting Fish Out of Water
* Necessity, the Overworked Mother of Invention - Improvisation in Warfare
* The Second Servile War and the Battle of Skirthaea - Slave Soldiers
* The Siege of Lucknow During the Indian Rebellion - Defend the Residency
* Bravely Defending the Sittang River Bridgehead - Brews in Burma
* Assembling Your Own Ad-hoc Units - Needs Must
* Recreating a Famous Colonial Scene - Under Siege

* Norwegian Viking fights Norse Gael in the Irish Sea - The Raid on Man
* A river crossing scenario from the Napoleonic War - Passage of the Duoro
* King Charles XII of Sweden's greatest folly - Refighting Poltava
* Refighting the battle at the former HQ - Arnhem at Arnhem
* A basic guide to painting Aztec warriors - Mexica 1519
* Turning perfectly good MDF buildings into ruins - Through the wars


Miniature reviews
* Up Front - Public Wargaming
* The Irregular - All Miniatures Should Be Equal
* The Popular Medieval Ruleset Gets a Sci-fi Update - Let's Play Xenos Rampant
* Game Reviews - Song of Arthur and Merlin, Fighting the Dragon, Pulp!, and Black Powder Epic Battles: The Hundred Days Campaign
* Book Reviews
* Parting shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2022 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-935124 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 124: Explore wars and campaigns fought in Belgium Theme: Warfare in Belgium
Bringing the Battles of Belgium to the Tabletop - The Cockpit of Europe
Ambiorix's Revolt Against Rome in 54 BC - Belgae, Bravest of the Gauls
Flemish Townsfolk Say Goedendag to the French - The Battle of Kortrijk, 1302
The Irish Brigade at Fontenoy, 11 May 1745 - Cuimhnigh ar luimneach
Chasseurs Ardennais Defend the Lys Deviation Canal - The Defence of Vinkt
The Belgian Army Through the Years - Plucky Little Belgium
A Great War Scene for Belgium - The Yser Incident

Guildford Wargames' Imaginative Club Project - The Battle of Dorking
A British WWI Action Based on the Film 1917 - Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War
An Introduction and Scenario for WS&S - What a Cowboy
Creating WWII Defences from Your Spare Parts - Dig-in to Your Bitz Box
How to Handle an Epic Napoleonic Project - One Piece at a Time

Miniature Reviews
Up Front - Use It or lose It
The Irregular - Taking an Interest
The New Barons' War Supplement from Footsore - Let's Play Outremer
Game reviews - Soldiers of Napoleon: Wars of the First Empire, Blood & Steel, Border Wars - Under a Reiver Moon, and Undaunted: Stalingrad
Book Reviews
Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935125 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 125: Hundred Years War In 1428, the English were at the high point of their conquests in France. How, in a mere twenty years, did they see their fortunes completely reversed, with the French Valois victorious?

Theme: Twilight of the Hundred Years' War
* The Rise and Ultimate Fall of English Fortunes - After Agincourt
* A French Deception at Verneuil, 17 August 1424 - A Second Agincourt
* Joan of Arc and the Aftermath of Orleans - The Battle of Patay
* Modern Warfare at the 1450 Battle of Formigny - In Between Eras
* Building a Hundred Years' War Army - God for Harry, England, and Saint George
* The Retinue of Xaintrailles Under Fire - Weathering the Arrow Storm

* A Bite-Size Platoon-Level Action for World War II - Fight for the Farm
* Julius Caesar of Rome vs Alexander of Macedon - The Greatest Ancient General
* Tabletop Early Medieval British Battles Revisited - The 603 Battle of Degsastan
* Special Characters for Your What a Cowboy! Gang - Sidekicks and Makeweights
* How to Get Your Miniatures Dirty Quickly and Easily - The Slap-Chop or Grisaille Method
* Building Stand-Alone Gardens and Allotments - Operation Make-a-Garden

* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - Once a Year, Every Year
* The Irregular - Going Underground
* Epic Comes to Cavaliers and Roundheads - Let's Play Pike & Shotte
* Game Reviews - Blood and Horse Droppings, Scouts Out, Battlegroup Centag, and Tribal Second Edition
Book Reviews
Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935126 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 126: The Far East during World War II Theme: The Far East during World War II
* Gaming the Pacific and Far East WWII - The Empire of the Sun
* A Half-Pint campaign for Chain of Command - Water Tower Hill
* The U.S. Marine Corps Evacuation at Point Cruz - Did They Get Off?
* The Allied Recapture of Rangoon, May 1945 - Operation Dracula
* Building Forces for the Pacific War - Ten Thousand Years!
* Painting a Diorama for a Far East Theme - The Forgotten War

* Henry VIII of England Versus Louis XII of France - The Battle of the Spurs
* Of Mistletoe and Oak: part II of the Campaign - Celtic Fury
* A Very Horsey Campaign for the English Civil War - For King and Kingdom
* Our Notes on Running a France 1940 Campaign - Dispatches From the Front
* A Simple Guide to Horses Using Contrast Paints - Horses for Courses
* Scratch-Building a Traditional German Tavern - Zur Hoell

* Miniature Reviews
* Up front - Defeat Into Victory
* The Irregular - The 3d Printing Revolution
* Firelock Games' Blood & Plunder Goes Medieval - Let's Play Blood & Crowns
* A Rootin', Tootin', Shootin' Time in the Wild West - Let's Play What a Cowboy!
* Game Reviews - Tales of Men, Myths & Monsters, Bolt Action Campaign - Italy: Tough Gut, Mad for War, and The Doomed
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-935127 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 127: Raids Throughout History Theme: Raids Throughout History
* A brief look at raids through the ages - Smash and grab
* A Phocian night raid on the Thessalian camp - Ghosts of the dawn
* A scenario based on the Battle of Ister River - Dancing on ice
* Black Douglas on the warpath: September 1314 - The raid on Canwick
* Middlesex and Somerset Raid, October 1779 - A grand day for a ride out
* Lighting up the lines of communication - Torch the tower
* World War II harbour raids on the tabletop - Going commando
* Capturing an enemy VIP for interrogation - The tongue
* WWII commando forces for raids - Attain by surprise
* Making a break for it with the beef - The cattle rustlers

* How to create realistic snow on your bases - General winter
* Making varied scatter terrain for the tabletop - Quick, lads, Scatter!
* Cheap, practical buildings made from foamcore - Back to basics
* Piratical skirmishing in the eighteenth century - Let's play Blood and Plunder: Raise the Black
* Bringing Weird War action to the Great War - Let's play a War Transformed

* Miniature reviews
* This gaming life - What happened to all the toy soldiers?
* The Irregular - On a knife edge
* Game reviews - Bolt Action: Case Blue, Eagle's Prey: Villa Rides!, With Hot Lead and Cold Steel, and Flint and Feather: Contact!
* Book reviews 1 vol, 88 pgs 2023 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2023 ......$12.00 rct

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1-935128 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 128: The Rise of Napoleon Theme: The Rise of Napoleon
* The meteoric rise of Napoleon Bonaparte - Revolutionary hero, tyrant, emperor
* Napoleon during the 13 Vendemiaire an IV - A revolution saved
* The Battle of Caldiero, 12 November 1796 - Napoleon's first defeat
* Napoleon and the Battle of Arcola, November 1796 - Crossing the Alpone
* Collecting armies of the Revolution - The rise of Napoleon
* Depicting the crossing of the Alpone - Napoleon at Arcola

* Pyrrhus at Heraclea - To Tarentum's aid'.
* The English Samurai and the Dutch guns - Shogun: truth and fiction
* Wargaming in Elizabethan Ireland - Kern, Gallowglass, and Demi-lancers
* The 3rd Armoured Division in rural Germany, 1945 - Spearhead!
* Scratch building your own watermill in 28mm - Where there's a wheel, there's a way
* Painting pike and shotte in Warlord's epic scale - To the beat of the drum

* Miniature reviews
* Up Front - Becoming a game designer
* The Irregular - To 3D or not to 3D
* The brand new Ancients game from Peter Pig - Let's play Conquerors and Kings
* Game reviews - Scout's Out Expansion, Muskets & Springfields, Trench Offensive, and Mars Code Aurora
* Book reviews
* Parting shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935129 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY # 129: Warfare in the Bronze Age Theme: Warfare in the Bronze Age
* Ideas for Wargaming History's Earliest Conflicts - Battles in Bronze
* Gaming the Western European Bronze Age - The Riddle of Bronze
* The Achaean Invasion of Anatolia and Cyprus - The Fall of Arzawa and Alashiya
* Fighting for the Corpse of Patroclus in the Iliad - Over my Dead Body
* Jonathan Unleashes His Fury Against the Philistines - The Battle of Michmash
* Wargaming in the Age of Bronze - History's First Fighters
* Painting a Bronze Age Cover for WS&S - The Vulture Stele

* A Saxon Ambuscade Against a New Norman Lord - 1069 Ambush
* Phillips and Arnold's Raid Along the Appomattox - The First Battle of Petersburg, 1781
* The Battle of Bourlon Wood, November 1917 - Through the Mud, Blood, and Trees
* The Disastrous Battle for Asse: 18 May, 1940 - Enemies on all Sides
* How to Paint Spanish Conquistadors, Circa 1519 - Clash of Empires
* Making Camouflage Netting and Foliage for AFVs - Under Cover

* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - Everything Old is New Again
* The Irregular - Night Fighting: Descent Into Darkness
* More Skirmish Warfare in the Eternal City - Let's Play Gangs of Rome 2
* Game Reviews - When Nightmares Come, ABC Warriors, Setting the East Ablaze, and Sludge War
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935130 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #130: Battling over Bavaria Theme: Battling over Bavaria
* A Very Brief History of Bavaria - Kornblumenblau
* Otto I at the Battle of Lechfeld, 955 AD - The Shadow of Death
* Bavaria During the Thirty Years' War - The Battle of Rain, 1632
* Blenheim: Was it a Battle Won or a Battle Lost? - The Salamander & the Sword
* The Battles of Neumarkt and Worgl, 1809 - Bavaria vs Austria
* The Battle for Bad Kissingen: 10 July, 1866 - Deutscher Bruderkrieg
* A Bavarian Bridge Battle in 1945 - Die Brucke
* Bavarian Forces on the Tabletop - The Armies of Bayern
* The Second Battle of Landshut, 1809 - Freistoot Bayern

* The Roman Siege of Morginum in 123 BC - Maxentius vs the Gauls
* A Human Wave Trench Assault Scenario - WWI on the Eastern Front
* Tips for Applying Decals on Miniature Vehicles - That's Gonna Leave a Mark
* Painting Epic-scale 17th-Century Cavalry - By Cannon and Blade
* Making Muddy, Wet Grass Bases for your minis - A Hard Slog

* Miniature Reviews
* Up Front - Naked Communication
* The Irregular - Painting: A YouTuber's Perspective
* Second World War Tank Action in 28mm - Let's Play Achtung Panzer!
* The Second Edition of a Popular Cowboy Ruleset - Let's Play Dead Man's Hand Redux
* Game Reviews - Arrowstorm, Aim Low Bows!, Victory or Death, and BelloLudi Big Battle Game 1660-1721
* Book reviews
* Parting shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935131 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #131: Breaking Out Of Normandy Theme: Breaking out of Normandy
* Gaming the Allies' Normandy Breakout - Our Wargaming Safe Space
* The Joys of Playing the British Platoon - Somewhere in Normandy
* Operation Bluecoat, 2-3 August 1944 - Battling through La Bigne
* The Fighting at Belle-Fontaine, August 1944 - The Panzers Stumble
* Building an Allied Invasion Force - Through Bocage to the Country Beyond
* A Normandy Breakout-Themed Cover - Breaking Through

* The Beginning of the Welsh Marches - Y Mers
* Refighting a Roman Civil War in the Aegean - The Philippi Campaign
* Another Brick in the Wall, and Then Another - How to build a factory
* Painting New Zealanders for Word War II - Freyberg's 40,000 Thieves

* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - A Word For It
* The Irregular - Crowdfunding: Beyond Good and Evil
* Let's Play Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Hannibal - Same Rules, New Scale?
* Wargaming a Continuing World War in 1948 - Let's Play Clash of Steel
* Game Reviews - Shot, Steel & Stone; V for Victory; Force of Virtue; and Deathship One
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935132 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #132: Sherman's March to the Sea Theme: Sherman's March to the Sea
* Cutting the Confederacy in half (again): Sherman's March to the Sea
* Raiding invaders and raiding the invaders: What goes around, comes around
* Both sides stopped in their proverbial tracks: Wagons, trains, and bridges
* The Battle of Honey Hill, 30th November 1865: The sweetest victory
* Armies for Sherman's March to the Sea: Cutting up the Confederacy
* Razing Confederate rails in Georgia: Sherman's necktie

* Catching the finest dish in all the land: We are all going on a boar hunt
* Breakthrough during the Second Barons' War: Kenilworth, July 1265
* Russians, Tlingit, and the 1804 Battle of Sitka: The struggle for Alaska
* A difficult WWII attacker/defender scenario: Lunge-parry-riposte
* A skirmish scenario for the American Revolution: Fighting retreat
* Painting a Type 97 Shimhoto Chi-Ha Kai tank: Rumble in the jungle
* First-rate Napoleonic French with speed paints: Drawing a contrast
* Let's play the new Bolt Action, Third Edition: New and improved?
* Trying the new Pacific theatre supplement: Let's play Chain of Command: The Far East 1941-1945

* Miniature reviews
* Up Front: The cult of negativity
* The Irregular: The ice man thaws
* Game Reviews: The Age of War, Nam '68, Tour of Duty, On Bloody Ground - Caesars Campaigns, and General d' Armee 2
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb ......$12.00 rct

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1-935133 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #133: Chaaaaaaaaaarge! Theme: Chaaaaaaaaaarge!
* The Charge: The Most Straightforward of Tactics - Death or Glory
* Seleucid Shock and Awe at the Battle of Panium - Revenge for Raphia
* The Knightly Charge, Ordinate and in Chaos - Bouvines and Beyond
* The Battle of Nogent-sur-Seine, 11-12 February 184 - A Heroic Defence
* The Charge of the Light Brigade, 25 October 1854 - Theirs But to Do and Die
* Von Bredow's death ride at Mars-La-Tour - It Will Cost what it Costs
* The Charge of the 5th Guards Tank Army - Counterattack at Prokhorovka
* A Look at Miniatures on the Charge - Cry Havoc
* Painting a Charge Themed Cover - Swords, Rifles, and Dust

* Making the Most of Warlord's Ruined Hamlet - The Perfect Ruin
* Contrast Paints on Epic Hail Caesar Romans - Speedy SPQR
* Faster Better More - A Man With a Plan

* Miniature Reviews
* This Gaming Life - One of the Questions
* The Irregular - Historical wargaming with... Women?
* Heroic Gaming for Historical or Fantasy - Let's Play Midgard
* Let's Play Studio Tomahawk's V for Victory - High Five for victory?
* Game reviews - One-Hour Ancient & Medieval Skirmish Wargames, Freakz!, Once and Future King, and The Good
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2024 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$12.00 rct

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1-935134 Various WARGAMES SOLDIERS & STRATEGY #134: Sir, the Peasants are Revolting! Theme: The Peasants are Revolting
* A Look at Peasant Armies in the Middle Ages - Peasants rise up!
* I Am Spartacus - Campaign Game for the Third Servile War
* How Bishop Otto II was scalped in a swamp - The 1227 Battle of Ane
* The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 - When Adam delved and Eve span
* Refighting the Battle of Leipheim: April 4, 1525 - The Devil's Work
* Planning a Miniature Peasant Revolt - Cast off the Yoke of Bondage
* The German Peasants are Revolting - Die Zwolf Artikel

* A Nostalgic Fantasy Scenario For All Ages - Eagle Omelettes
* Assaulting Fort Mulgrave, December 16-17, 1793 - Napoleon at Little Gibraltar
* A Great War Mini Campaign at Messines Ridge - Bite and Hold
* Let Us Go Inland and Get Killed: June 6, 1944 - Opening up Omaha
* Painting a Gladiator with Non-Metallic Metals - Morituri te Salutant
* Faster, better, more - Prepare for battle!

* Miniature Reviews
* Up Front - And a New One Has Just Begun
* The Irregular - Go Write a scenario!
* Let's Play Tribal Conquest - When Two Prehistoric Tribes go to War
* Game reviews - Bronze Shield, Silver Coin, Armies of Germany (supplement for 3rd edition Bolt Action), Corps Command IV, and The Wars of the Roses (supplement for Hail Caesar)
* Book Reviews
* Parting Shots 1 vol, 88 pgs 2025 NETHERLANDS, KARWANSARAY
NEW-pb, available early February 2025 ......$12.00 rct

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1-241870 Wagman, Greg GOTTERDAMMERUNG 1813: Guide to Wargaming Napoleon's Greatest Campaign This PDF is not a complete game system-it is a collection of tools and resources our club used to play our own 1813 campaign. For operational level maneuver across Germany, we used the hex and counter board game Campaign of Nations, written by John Theissen in 2018. This simple, fast-playing game formed the backbone of our campaign structure. Because we love miniatures, we chose to translate some of our largest battles from the board game to miniature tabletop engagements. In this rule set, we'll explain how we married Campaign of Nations with one of our favorite Napoleonic wargames, Volley & Bayonet. 1 vol, 34 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softback....In Stock... ......$22.00 rct

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1-1950310 HAIL CAESAR: Army Lists Vol. 10: Caesar's Gallic Wars Supplement to Hail Caesar covers Gallic Wars includes a detailed history of the campaign, 44 scenarios, and army lists for Caesar's Roman Legions, Helvetii, Belgae, Gaul, Germani and Briton tribes. This supplement follows the year-by-year narrative of Caesar's campaign, presenting Hail Caesar scenarios for each of the major encounters and battles. A copy of the Hail Caesar rulebook is needed to use this supplement. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2023 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-pb ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-195039 Hail Caesar Army Lists: Biblical to Early Medieval This volume consolidates Hail Caesar army lists from the dawn of civilization up until the early thirteenth century into a single volume. These army lists bring special rules and army compositions that are not necessarily found within the main Hail Caesar rulebook, thus allowing players to use a list that pertains to their personal collection of miniatures. Within, you'll find no fewer than 123 army lists ranging from around the 30th Century BC up to the early 13th Century AD. Army lists included

Old and Middle Kingdom Egypt
Akkad and Sumer
Early Arab Raiders
Early Achaemenid Persian
Early Carthaginian
Hoplite Greek
Later Hoplite Greek army
Pauravan and Mauryan Indians
Early German
Maccabean Jewish
Feudal French
Feudal Germans
Feudal Polish
Early Hungarian
Ayyubid Egyptians
Later Welsh
Teutonic Crusaders

1 vol, 160 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-202792 CHAIN OF COMMAND: The Far East 1941-45 The Far East 1941-45 is an expansion book for the Chain of Command game. This book covers the campaigns in Malaya, Hong Kong, Burma, and the Dutch East Indies with a historical overview of each, as well as new rules to cover the events and terrain in the Far Eastern Theater. Includes fifty individual army lists with support lists for each one, as well as a comprehensive range of national characteristics and rules for jungle training that allow the gamer to reflect the tactics of the period. Also contains fifty support option lists, allowing the gamer to choose an incredible range of varied troops types. Each nation has a full Arsenal list for weapons and AFVs as well as comprehensive notes to cover their support options. Also contains four new scenarios: The Roadblock, The Road North, Demolition Derby, and Fight for the Chaung. 1 vol, 124 pgs 2024 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-pb, available late May 2024 ......$44.00 rct

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1-204761 SCUTARII: TOURNAMENT EDITION SCUTARII: TOURNAMENT EDITION is a complete Miniatures System for the Age of Antiquity. Covering the period from 3000 B.C. to 1450 A.D., SCUTARII brings to gamers a fast paced system with all the detail designed to resolve large scale battles within 3 to 4 hours.

Covers all the major and minor weapons and tactics 2nd Edition includes new scenarios Can use any basing and Scale from popular rule sets Get a conclusion within 3 to 4 hours Designed for Scenario and Tournament Play Complete Point system & various optional rules Full Army Lists included Nine Complete Scenarios included: HYDASPES, RAPHIA, PHARSALUS, NEMEA, MARATHON, ASCULUM, CALLINICUM, & More! Conversion tools for using popular Army lists 1 vol, 91 pgs 2020 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-204762 IGNI FERROQUE: GREAT BATTLE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD Each battle features the forces, commanders, battlefields, and any special conditions where known.

Although designed for SCUTARII rules, the scenario book is adaptable for other rules systems.

Battles featured:

KADESH 1300 B.C.
ZAMA 202 B.C.
ISSUS 333 B.C.
NEMEA 397 B.C.
PARAITAKANE 317/316 B.C. 1 vol, 91 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-213000 SWORDPOINT: Ancient and Medieval Miniatures Rules 2nd edition SWORDPOINT is a revised and updated set of 'Big Battle' game rules for fighting actions in the ancient and medieval periods. Games of SWORDPOINT involve between 100 and 250 figures per side arranged into multiple units. The game is designed to last about 2 hours and encourages the use of historical tactics and emphazises the need to maintain cohesion in the army's battle line, without being prescriptive. An extensive series of publications is planned and the game will enjoy the support of web downloads, living FAQ and a range of supported events. Comprehensive diagrams and scenarios. Compatible with all existing Swordpoint supplements, army lists etc. 1 vol, 55 pgs 2016 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-pb ......$28.00 rct

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1-213006 SWORDPOINT: To the Ends of the Earth Wars of Alexander and his Successors Campaign supplement for the SWORDPOINT Ancient & Medieval Wargames Rule set. Includes 5 new army lists, 12 extended or tailored army lists, and 10 scenarios.

Army Lists
* Philip and the Rise of Macedon: Early Macedonian Army to 359 BC and Reformed Macedonian Army 359 BC to 328 BC
* Control of Greece: Greek Alliance Army
* Securing the Borders: Thracian Army
* Alexander and the Great Persian Adventure: Persian Army
* To the Ends of the Earth: Alexandrian Macedonian Army 328 BC to 323 BC and Indian Army
* Death of Alexander and the Successor Wars: Antigonos' Army; Eumenes' Army; and Coalition Army
* Struggles for Greece: Later Macedonian Army and Greek Army 280 BC to 146 BC
* The Gallic Invasion of Greece and Asia Minor: Aetolian League Army
* Asia and Egypt: Ptolemy II and the Kingdom of Kush: Ptolemaic Army and Kushite Army
* Asia and Egypt: The Seleucid Empire Splinters and Recovers: Graeco-Bactrian Army and Seleucid Army of Antiochos III in 209 BC 1 vol, 54 pgs 2019 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-213007 SWORDPOINT: Genghis Khan Swordpoint Genghis Khan is a campaign supplement for the Swordpoint Ancient & Medieval Rules set. It provides you with all the information you need to refight the campaigns of the legendary Mongol rules, Genghis Khan!

The book contains three new and six tailored or revised Army Lists plus nine new scenarios.

Mongol 1206AD to 1227AD

Xi XIa 1038AD to 1227AD

Jin Dynasty 1115AD to 1234AD

Kara-Khitai 1132AD to 1218AD

Khwarezmian Emoire 1218AD to 1223AD

Kipchak 1200AD to 1280AD

Georgia 1089AD to 1221AD

Rus 1132 to 1243AD

Volgar Bulgar 965AD to 1241AD

Unless specified in the appropriate Players Pack, these armies are tournament legal!
1 vol, 54 pgs 2020 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-pb, available late May 2020 ......$20.00 rct

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1-213008 SWORDPOINT: The Hundred Years War Swordpoint The Hundred Years War is a supplement for the Swordpoint Ancient and Medieval Wargames Rule set. It provides all the information you need to refight the campaigns of The Hundred Years War, the Anglo-Scottish Wars and the period's conflicts in the Iberian Peninsula. It includes 18 new and extended Army Lists, four scenarios, and a campaign system. 1 vol, 54 pgs 2021 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-softcover, available early December 2021 ......$32.00 rct

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2-216090 SAGA: 2nd Edition - Rules Only, Revised Edition Features the fixes, updates, and clarifications previously presented in FAQs since 2018. This opportunity has been taken to rewrite some passages to make them easier for new players to understand. However, the rules themselves do not fundamentally change.

This is the 2nd edition of the popular skirmish game and contains only the rules -- army lists are contained in separate supplements. System can cover any heroic age, whether they are historical, mythological, or imaginary from the minds of writers.

Players control a warband, made of 30 or so figures, chosen from among the available SAGA factions. Each warband uses special SAGA dice that grant them particular abilities in battle and a specific Battle Board. 1 vol, 24 pgs 2022 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-pb ......$20.00 rct

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1-216093 SAGA: Age of Hannibal for 2nd Edition Saga Contain six new Battle Boards, new special rules and equipment, mercenaries, ruses and also something called SAGA Epic. Epic allows you to play out large-scale battles using the SAGA rules which is very fitting considering the period 1 vol, 96 pgs 2020 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-hardcover ......$52.00 rct

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1-216096 SAGA: AGE OF CHIVALRY: For Second Edition Saga Saga supplement about the Hundred Years' War, a succession of conflicts between the kingdoms of France and England and their allies that ran from 1337 to 1453. Also lets you recreate other armies of the Late Middle Ages, like the Burgundian Ordonnance and their ferocious Swiss adversaries. Allows players to follow in the steps of Joan of Arc, the Black Prince, and Bertrand du Guesclin and fight Crecy and Agincourt. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-pb, available mid December 2024 ......$52.00 rct

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1-219780 SAGA: Age of Magic Dragons, sorcerers, and paladins descend upon SAGA's gaming tables in the Age of Magic. Assemble a warband from one of six factions, recruit new units like Monsters, Creatures and War Machines, and confront your opponents with the aid of powerful sorceries.

You will need a copy of the SAGA Rulebook to use this supplement. This 108-page book is accompanied by six Battle Boards, which cannot be sold separately. You can use existing collections of fantasy figures, and to create their own gaming universe.

The Age of Magic includes:
* 6 archetypal factions from the worlds of fantasy so you can use your collections of fantasy figures to play SAGA.
* Legendary units and warbands for each faction to let you personalize your units.
* New rules and equipment to represent these worlds' most iconic units.
* Complete rules for Magic.
* A Grimoire of more than thirty spells divided into six Domains of Magic.
* An impressive photo gallery of armies and battle scenes to inspire players in building their own warbands. 1 vol, 108 pgs 2019 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-hardback ......$50.00 rct

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1-219940 SEVEN DAYS TO THE RIVER RHINE: Rules Book and Card Deck Simulates armored combat during the 1980's in Europe when the Cold War between the NATO alliance and Soviet led Warsaw Pact could easily have turned Hot. Rules are deliberately uncomplicated with emphasis on large, multi-player games. Action/reaction style activation system to pursue capture of objectives. Includes free 18-card Tactical Advantage deck. 1 vol, 44 pgs 2019 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$28.00 rct

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2-220950 SPQR: Ancients Miniatures Rules - Revised Edition 'Death or Glory' SPQR allows you to build a complete Warband capable of scouting out enemy armies, clashing across borders, and conducting raids on farms and villages. Units in SPQR are divided into two broad categories; heroes and minions. Units of five or more minions form the bulk of your Warband, faceless henchmen who have been sworn into your service. Heroes are powerful individuals that will grow in stature from battle to battle, gaining new talents and becoming true legends on the ancient battlefield.

The revised rulebook contains everything you need to create your own Hero to lead your Warband and includes 18 unique talent trees to select a style for your chosen warriors. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover, Inventory Close Out Sale ......$10.00 rct

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1-222210 MILITES MUNDI: Ancient and Medieval Rules Milites Mundi, based upon the Swordpoint system but for smaller scale figures, is a 'big battle' rule set for fighting ancient and medieval actions. Includes 12 scenarios, index, and comprehensive diagrams.

Games of Milites Mundi involve hundreds of figures per side arranged into multiple units. The game is designed to last for two hours and encourages the use of historical tactics and formations (without being prescriptive) and emphasizes the need to maintain cohesion in the army's battle line and sweeping flank attacks. 1 vol, 58 pgs 2019 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 rct

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1-2231000 Victory at Sea - Battle for the Pacific Victory at Sea is a 1:1800 scale game of naval combat during the Second World War Victory at Sea includes capital ships, aircraft carriers, submarines, aircraft and more, allowing you to play out skirmishes involving single destroyers hunting down merchant men, to the clashing of massive fleets against implacable enemies

The starter set includes 1/1800 scale US and Japanese cruisers and destroyers as they fight for supremacy in the Pacific Ocean

A4 Battle of the Pacific Rules manual
Die-cut game tokens sheet
15 Warlord Resin model ships:
USS Indianapolis 1944
USS Northampton 1942
USS Chicago 1942
Mogami 1939
Kumano 1944
Furutaka 1939
Fubuki-class Destroyer x3
Fletcher-class Destroyer x 6
Ship Cards and damage sliders x 15
Ten-sided dice x 4
Six-sided dice x 12
A0 Sea Mat x2

Ships are in Warlord Resin
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$90.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231001 Victory at Sea - Royal Navy fleet box Contents:
Eagle-class Carrier - HMS Eagle 1940
King George V-class Battleship - HMS Duke of York 1943
Leander-class cruiser - HMS Neptune 1941
Edinburgh-class cruiser - HMS Belfast 1942
Dido-class cruiser - HMS Dido 1940
Tribal-class Destroyer x3
Torpedo-Bomber Aircraft - Fairey Swordfish x4 flights
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
Assembly Instructions

Ships are in Resin and Warlord Resin
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$144.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231002 Victory at Sea - Kriegsmarine fleet box Contents:
Scharnhorst-class Battleship - Scharnhorst 1939
Admiral Hipper -class cruiser - Blucher 1940
Admiral Hipper -class cruiser - Prinz Eugen 1940
Admiral Hipper-class cruiser - Admiral Hipper 1939
K?nigsberg -class cruiser - Koln 1941
K?nigsberg -class cruiser - Konigsberg 1940
Type 1936A-class Destroyer x3
Dive Bomber Aircraft - Junker Ju-87 Stuka flight x4 flights
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
Assembly Instructions

Ships are in Resin and Warlord Resin
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$144.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231003 Victory at Sea - US Navy fleet box Contents:
New Mexico-class Battleship - USS New Mexico 1941-42
Essex class Carrier - USS Essex 1944
Northampton-class Cruiser - USS Houston 1940
Northampton -class Cruiser - USS Chester 1941
Portland-class Cruiser - USS Portland 1942
Clemson-class Destroyer x3
Fighter Bomber Aircraft - F4-U Corsair x4 flights
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
Assembly Instructions

Ships are in Resin and Warlord Resin
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$144.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231004 Victory at Sea - IJN fleet box Contents:
Kongo -class Battleship Kongo 1941
Shokaku-class Carrier - Zuikaku
Mogami-class Cruiser - Suzuya 1944
Mogami-class Cruiser - Mikuma 1942
Agano-class Cruiser - Yahagi 1943
Kagero-class Destroyer 1941 x3
Fighter Aircraft - Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero x 4 flights
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
Assembly Instructions

Ships are in Resin and Warlord Resin
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$144.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231009 VICTORY AT SEA: Battle for the Pacific Rules Only - new edition VICTORY AT SEA: Battle for the Pacific -- Rules Only: New Edition

New Edition of the Victory at Sea rules contains the complete rules for fighting naval battles, including the use of aircraft, submersibles, and coastal defences. Also: Detailed background notes on the progression of naval warfare through WWII, 28 historic scenarios covering every theatre over the span of the whole war, and extensive fleet lists for all the major belligerents, providing game statistics for hundreds of unique ships, submarines, aircraft, and MTBs.

The Battle for the Pacific was only the beginning. Victory at Sea is the game of naval combat during the Second World War. Throughout 1939-45, the nations of the world duelled across the oceans across the globe, only to discover the fundamental nature of naval warfare changing in the face of rapidly developing technologies. Now you can play out these confrontations on the tabletop with entire fleets drawn from the Royal Navy, US Navy, Imperial Japanese Navy, German Kriegsmarine or any of the other nations featured in Victory at Sea.

From skirmishes involving single destroyers hunting down merchantmen to the clashing of massive battleships, from invasions of islands across the Pacific to mastering waves of dive bombers, Victory at Sea enables you to fight exciting battles that take place on the oceans of World War II.
1 vol, 248 pgs 2021 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-hardback ......$64.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231011 Victory at Sea - USS Idaho USS Idaho, the third of three ships of the New Mexico-class of Battleship, was the fourth vessel to bear the name. She was launched in June 1917 and commissioned in March 1919. She was armed with a battery of twelve 14' guns in four turrets and was protected with heavy armour plate (13.5' thick in the main belt). 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231012 Victory at Sea - Bismark Two Bismarck-class battleships were built for the Kriegsmarine. Bismarck was the first, named for the Chancellor (Otto von Bismarck). The battleship was laid down in July 1936 and launched February 1939. She and her sister ship, Tirpitz, were two of the largest battleships built by any European power, and certainly the largest built by Germany. Whilst the physical power they held was tremendous, they also wreaked psychological havoc amongst the allies. Churchill was determined that the two battleships not be let loose upon the Atlantic. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231013 Victory at Sea - Yamato Yamato 'Great Harmony' and her sister ship, Musashi, were constructed shortly before the outbreak of World War II. They were the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed; armed with nine 18.1 inch Type 94 main guns - the largest guns ever mounted on a warship. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231014 Victory at Sea - HMS Warspite HMS Warspite was a Queen Elizabeth-class battleship of the Royal Navy. Built during the early 1910s, she served in the First World War, including at the Battle of Jutland. Modernized in the 1930s, she went on to serve in the Second World War. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231015 VICTORY AT SEA: Merchant fleet Box contains:
3 x Liberty Merchant Ship
3 x Victory Merchant Ship
1 x SS Ohio Tanker Ship
Ship Cards and Damage Sliders
1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box ......$90.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2231016 Victory at Sea -USS Missouri Only the mighty Yamato displaced more than the massive, yet very fast, Iowa-class battleships. The last battleship to be commissioned by the USA, USS Missouri known as the 'Mighty Mo' acted as venue for the Japanese surrender in WWII. Iowa-class ships saw service far beyond the Second World War and were upgraded with modern electronics, weapons systems and cruise missiles - USS Missouri was finally decommissioned in 1992 after a distinguished career 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-box, available mid October 2020 ......$27.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-223340 EAGLES PREY: Villa Rides! Mexican Revolution company level rules 1910-1923 VILLA RIDES! Recreate the Wild and Crazy Mexican Revolution. A complete Miniatures system that is fast paced with all the detail designed into larger rules. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2020 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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1-223700 TRIUMPH - Version 1.1 Triumph! uses a variant of the standard ancients basing system. Most frequently this is 15mm figures on 40mm wide bases and 25mm figures on 60mm wide bases. However, the rules are base-width independent and work with bases of any width.

Triumph! uses a lightweight point system, so there is some variation in army size. For the standard game, most armies are in the range of 12 to 16 stands.

The standard game board is rectangular, 24 base-widths wide and 16 base-widths deep. This works out to a little larger than 3' x 2' for 15mm figures on 40mm bases.

From set-up to finish, a game of Triumph! usually takes about one hour to play. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2020 US, WASHINGTON GRAND COMPANY
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-227580 MYTHIC AMERICAS WARLORDS OF EREHWON: Rulebook New version still keeps at its heart a singular objective in mind - to allow for fast-paced and exciting miniature battles upon a standard-sized table between rival forces known as Warbands. A Warband represents your own band of warriors - courageous humans, blood-thirsty monsters, legendary heroes, and mythological entities from the depths of the darkest myths. Contains all the rules you need to get playing, a wealth of scenarios, and four full army lists for the Tribal Nations, The Aztecs, The Mayans, and The Incas. It also includes background with tactical tips and painting tips for each of the four warbands.

Provides a scenario-driven approach to your games that offers plenty of opportunities to reward tactical play, but at the same time keeps things manageable in terms of the size of forces and space required. The game still uses 10-sided and Order dice, making for a game with mechanical depth and considerable adaptability. The Order dice test system offers Warband leaders tactical freedom, but the game still offers lots of opportunity for fate and chance to have a say in the outcome of your battles. 1 vol, 157 pgs 2020 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-235290 BROADSWORD: Age of Chivalry Grand Battle Rule Covers the Norman Conquest to the collapse of Moorish Spain; from the vast desert battles of the Crusades to the Fall of Constantinople and more from 1066 to 1492. Can be used with any scale and no rebasing needed, offers historical organization and unit capabilities, uses HRG's Terrain Generation system, designed for a 30,000-man game to be completed in 3-4 hours, includes rules for Native Tribes & Far Eastern foes, and offers a point system. 1 vol, 50 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-235920 MARS: Code Aurora Sci-Fi Skirmish Rules These generic Sci-Fi and futuristic skirmish game that can be played with any type of miniatures thanks to rules designed to make the most of your collection. Uses a simple yet tactical resolution system with forces of 8-15 figures a side and a scenario generator that guarantees re-playability.

An appendix presents different alternative settings, from a smuggler type campaign in the charted space, the corporate wars of a cyberpunk bleak future to the hunt for aliens and marines in a deep jungle. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2023 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-pb, available late February 2023 ......$33.00 rct

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1-236790B WHAT A COWBOY BUNDLE: Rules and Cards Bundle Rules for gunfight in the Wild West, ideally between four and ten figures a side. The rules cover move, shoot, and fight but also a character generation system to imbue your gunfighters and NPCs with skills and traits that make them individuals. Over the course of a number of games, they can develop those skills still further, maybe moving from a Greenhorn to a legend of the Wild West. Includes Game Deck with sufficient cards for 10 characters for each side and the Desperado Deck with all the Desperado cards needed to play. The boxed cards are standard poker-size cards with rounded corners. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-pb ......$55.00 rct

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1-239710 T.A.C. HEROES: World War II Squad Level Miniatures Rules Revised World War II skirmish rules initially designed in 1987 for 15mm, 28mm or 54mm figures. Features: Command 1 or more Squads from any nation; Build your forces and create hundreds of scenarios; Several Scenarios included to get you right into the action!; Can be used with 15mm, 20mm, 28mm, or 54mm miniatures; Encounters last between 1 to 3 hours; Movie Hero Mode; Conduct amphibious, land and airborne operations; and Interwoven Initiative system. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-243430 DEAD MAN'S HAND REDUX: Rulebook, Card Deck, and Markers Second edition of Dead Man's Hand, which was first published in 2013. This second edition is not a wholesale change from the original, nor is it a remake of a classic -- it has fresh look and a few changes but it's the same game. Contains the rulebook, card deck, and markers. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2019 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$42.00 rct

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1-243430B DEAD MAN'S HAND REDUX: Starter Set Two-player starter set for the second edition of Dead Man's Hand, which was first published in 2013. This second edition is not a wholesale change from the original, nor is it a remake of a classic -- it has fresh look and a few changes but it's the same game. Contains the rulebook, card deck, markers, figures, and more.

* Rulebook, card deck, markers, and dice.
* 10 plastic male gunfighters with bases.
* 5 plastic female gunfighters plus bases.
* 3 plastic buildings.
* 1 sprue plastic boardwalks.
* 1 sprue plastic street scatter. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2019 UK, GREAT ESCAPE GAMES
NEW-box ......$129.00 rct

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1-243431 DEAD MAN'S HAND REDUX: The Good -- Rules and Card Deck A copy of Dead Man's Hand Redux rulebook is needed to use this product. This 40-page source book includes a 52 card deck (13 x 4 faction cards) and contains all the information you need to bring 13 new factions to the streets of Dead Man's Hand: Buffalo Soldiers, The Stranger, Daughters of the West, The Seven, Mountain Men, Plains Indians, State Police, Texas Rangers, The Boys, The Bucks, The Other Seven, The Tong, and Pioneers.

New Legends of the West include: The Good, John Bridges, Wild Bill, Calamity Jane, Rev. Johnson, Roy Magnum, Tex Miller, The Professor, Doc Amos, Cheveyo 'Death Hunter' and El Rayo de Dead Man's Hand.

Also includes 12 new scenes in four new acts, and a free Legend of the West miniature, 'The Good,' comes with preorders. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2024 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-pb with deck ......$33.00 rct

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1-243590 V FOR VICTORY V For Victory is a World War II miniatures wargame for two to four players. Generally played on a 120cm by 120cm table, and designed to be played with twenty-thirty 28mm figures, but it can easily be adapted to other scales. With its original morale and command mechanics, V For Victory is a game that's easy to learn but which replicates the difficulty of maintaining a platoon's cohesion. This book contains the rules you need to command your troops, send them into combat, and maintain their stiff upper lip in the face of adversity; as well as how to use light and armored vehicles, support weapons, and all the period's essential units. Contains ten scenarios for two players, and one team scenario for four players. Includes orders of battle for 1944-45 covering the major powers (Germany, Great Britain and the Commonwealth, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America) as well as resistance fighters and partisans. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-hardcover ......$50.00 rct

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1-243598 V FOR VICTORY: Card Deck Card deck for the V for Victory WWII miniatures skirmish wargame. Rule book sold separately.

Rule book info: Game is generally played on a 120cm by 120cm table, and designed for two to four player using 20 to 30 28mm figures, but it can be adapted to other scales. Rule book includes use light and armored vehicles, support weapons, and all the period's essential units. Contains 10 scenarios for two players, and one team scenario for four players. Includes orders of battle for 1944-45 covering the major powers (Germany, Great Britain and the Commonwealth, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America) as well as resistance fighters and partisans. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-pb, available late May 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-243599 V FOR VICTORY: Tokens Two color card punch boards for the V for Victory WWII skirmish miniatures wargame. Rule book sold separately. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-pb, available late May 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-245660 NAM '68: Tour of Duty Skirmish combat rules for Vietnam War where you take command of a US platoon fighting the Viet Cong insurgency. Uses 10-40 troops per side, from 'grunt' privates with their M16s to squad and platoon support weapons, and up to fire support requests from mortars, artillery, and strafing helicopter gunships. Includes Tour of Duty campaign system to play through 12 months 'in-country' in command of your own platoon.

Rules include: Movement, Suppressing Fire, Targeted Fire, Explosive Weapons, individual and unit Morale, Medics and enemy 'Hazard' actions, such as Return Fire, Ammunition Checks and Booby-Trap detonations. Vehicle rules for the common armoured fighting vehicles of the war, with support from M113 APCs, M48 Patton tanks and 'Huey' helicopters.

Detailed US platoon creation and support fire options, using a points-free system. Scenario creation for ten missions, from routine security patrols to search and destroy missions, ambushes, hunting fugitives, clearing a hot LZ, to assaulting an enemy strongpoint. Also, surprise VC night raider attacks on US bases.

All scenarios include options and rules for: variable game sizes (small, medium or large), from small firefights to a full platoon in action, variable 'threat levels' setting how many VC might be encountered, the presence of civilians on the battlefield, 'search points' and optional scenario sub-plots for an added twist, like finding a downed pilot, or the arrival of unexpected VC reinforcements.

Variable and unknown VC forces to encounter, divided into three threats: Local Guerrilla forces, the Regional 'Militia' Force and the National 'Army' Force, as well as all manner of ruses, booby-traps and defences. 1 vol, 125 pgs 2024 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-hardback, available mid November ......$59.00 rct

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2-245660 NAM '68: Tour of Duty Skirmish combat rules for Vietnam War where you take command of a US platoon fighting the Viet Cong insurgency. Uses 10-40 troops per side, from 'grunt' privates with their M16s to squad and platoon support weapons and up to fire support requests from mortars, artillery, and helicopter gunships. Includes campaign system to play through 12 months 'in-country' in command of your own platoon.

Detailed US platoon creation and support fire options using a points-free system. Scenario creation for ten missions, including routine security patrols, search and destroy missions, ambushes, hunting fugitives, clearing a hot LZ, assaulting an enemy strongpoint, and surprise VC night raider attacks on US bases.

Rules include: Movement, Suppressing Fire, Targeted Fire, Explosive Weapons, individual and unit Morale, Medics and enemy 'Hazard' actions, such as Return Fire, Ammunition Checks and Booby-Trap detonations. Vehicle rules for the common armoured fighting vehicles of the war, with support from M113 APCs, M48 Patton tanks, and 'Huey' helicopters.

All scenarios include options and rules for: variable game sizes (small, medium or large), from small firefights to a full platoon in action, variable 'threat levels' setting how many VC might be encountered, the presence of civilians on the battlefield, 'search points' and optional scenario sub-plots for an added twist, like finding a downed pilot, or the arrival of unexpected VC reinforcements.

Variable and unknown VC forces to encounter, divided into three threats: Local Guerrilla forces, the Regional 'Militia' Force and the National 'Army' Force, as well as all manner of ruses, booby-traps and defences. 1 vol, 125 pgs 2024 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softback, available early 2025 ......$38.00 rct

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1-882816 SWORDS OF THE EMPEROR: Japanese General's Handbook 1939-1945 Covers the Japanese Military machine from the Chinese War thru the end of World War II for use with PANZER KORPS. Includes the Chinese and their forces.
Comes with several scenarios
1 vol, 176 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-882817 HIGH SEAS FLEET: Grand Scale Naval Rules for the Great War 1914-1918 A Grand scale Naval rules system for Naval actions in the Great War. Covers all ships for all nations of the period and allows for a fast play mechanism to enjoy the Admiral's command chair. Integrates with TRENCHLINE World War I Module for Panzer Korps 1 vol, 150 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-89360 REPENT OR DIE:Wars Of Religion 1492-1660 2nd Edition A complete miniatures ruleset for the Age of the Renaissance 1492-1660. Covers the Spanish exploration, the 30 years war, the English Civil war, the Wars of Religion and all other wars of the period. Features all major powers and includes six complete scenarios.

1 vol, 76 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-893601 REPENT OR DIE IGNI FERROQUE: Great Battles of the Renaissance World Battles featured: Jarnac; Otumba; Rocroi; Lens; Pavia; Breitenfeld; Seminara; Barletta; Tornavento; Turnhout; White Mountain; Wimpfen; Lutzen; Sievershausen; Nordlingen; Oldendorf; Jankau; Lutter Am Barenberg; Wittstock; Xochimilco; Wittstock; and a Repent or Die QRS. 1 vol, 114 pgs 2021 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-89381 EAGLE'S PREY: ADVANCE & RETREAT: Regimental Rules for the American Civil War 1861-1865 Supplement for the Age of Lincoln and the American Civil War rules to game 20,000 troops per side in three to four hours. Includes HRG's Terrain Generation system; historical organization and unit capabilities; Scenario generator; Player aid tools; Leader ratings for Brigade and Division commanders; Command Brigade Level or regimental action; Scenarios with more available online; Naval rules for transports (can be used with casemate and Cannon ACW Naval Rules); Can be used with 19th Century Eagle's Prey campaign system for the 19th century EAGLE'S PREY. 1 vol, 69 pgs 2008 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-hardback ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-89391 LINE OF BATTLE: Fire As She Bears - Scenario Book 1 First of a series of scenario books for the Age of Nelson. Each scenario includes background, forces involved, scenario map, and key elements. Although these scenarios can be used for any system with any scale and no rebasing needed, this was designed for use with Line of Battle Naval Fleet system. Includes complete campaign integration rules for Corps Command IV. Scenarios include: Camperdown, Trafalgar, Cape St. Vincent, Cape Finisterre, and The Nile. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-WGD1033 White 10 sided dice This pack contains ten white ten-sided dice (D10) with black numbers. 1 vol, 10 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister ......$10.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-WGD1034 Black 10 sided dice This pack contains ten black ten-sided dice (D10) with white numbers. 1 vol, 10 pgs 2019 UK, WARLORD GAMES
NEW-blister ......$10.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-236600 Abbey, Alan BLOOD, BILGE AND IRON BALLS: A Tabletop Game of Naval Battles in the Age of Sail Each player can easily command a single ship or several, the rules work for a single frigate chasing down a privateer, or a large-scale fleet action with multiple players on each side. The basic rules have been written with the emphasis on providing a fast-playing and fun game, but optional rules are included which will add a greater level of historical realism and detail. A card-driven turn sequence prevents the game becoming too predictable.

Also included are a selection of scenarios for re-fighting specific historical battles and simple campaign rules. Although intended for use with model ships, the rule book includes sheets of ship counters which can be used to get started. Just add dice, tape measure, and pencil and you're ready to play. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2023 UK, PEN & SWORD
NEW-pb, available late April 2023 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-967031 Arnaudo, Marco PULP!: Skirmish Adventure Wargaming Rules set covers heroic adventure and dastardly villains during the early 20th Century. Scenario-driven skirmish wargame set during the interwar years of the early 20th Century. Players build teams of bold explorers, daring archaeologists, hardboiled detectives, and costumed avengers - or criminal masterminds and evil geniuses - and dive into a world of fortune, glory, and menace. Suitable for both solo and cooperative play as well as the classic head-to-head mode.

Enter a world of perilous adventure and explore steaming jungles, desert canyons, and arctic wastes! Brave the perils of nature and discover lost ruins, ancient treasures, and the secrets of forgotten civilizations! Race against rival adventurers and face off against diabolical villains! Take to the city streets and fight back against gangsters, spies, and sinister cults. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2022 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb ......$20.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-243330 Asling, George GANGS OF ROME: Rulebook As a Dominus, you will recruit and command a motley crew of ruthless fighters to achieve your goals. With their savagery tempered by your cunning, you can rise through the ranks of Roman society, crushing all who stand in your way. Rules for controlling and equipping your gang and engaging in cinematic skirmishes among the city's teeming populace. The stack mechanic allows you to create unique and varied activations for your gang fighters, ensuring that no two games are the same.

Core Rules: 20-30 pages provide all the rules needed to play a game, including gang sheets for 2 beginner gangs and three starter scenarios.

Advanced Rules: Optional rules adding the Incola, creating your own fighters, different fighter types, night fighting, didgy scaffolding, Rome's Most Wanted, Vigiles, a scenario builder, equipment and abilities.

Campaign Rules: Everything you need to play an ongoing campaign, including random events, injuries, territories and progression. Can be played with a definitive goal or endless play to fight and bribe your way into the Senate. 1 vol, 198 pgs 2024 UK, WAR BANNER
NEW-hardback, available late April 2024 ......$49.00 rct

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1-243331 Asling, George GANGS OF ROME: Plastic Figures Accessories Set If you already have the Gangs of Rome rule book, this set contains enough plastic figures to make at least two opposing gangs of five fighters and three 'mobs' (an intrinsic part of the game) and suitable bases. Also includes dice, tokens, objective counters, range ruler, and a MDF Villa.

Contents: 5 frames of plastic roman citizens totaling 30 figures (enough to make three mobs and two gangs of five fighters each), 3 MDF mob bases, 10 MDF fighter bases, 7 Roman numeral dice, 7 damage dice, 1 range ruler, 4 objective markers, 20 activation tokens, 10 stress markers and the MDF villa. The tokens and ruler are printed on thick high quality card stock. 1 vol, 198 pgs 2024 UK, WAR BANNER
NEW-box, available late April 2024 ......$82.00 rct

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1-230250 Backhouse, Mark STRENGTH & HONOUR: Wargames Rules for the Epic Battles of the Ancient World Ancients rule set playable on a relatively small surface using any scale of figures but with an emphasis on small scale miniatures to give the flavor of the huge battles of the Ancient World. Includes 20 Army lists and 10 Scenarios. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2022 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-softcover ......$42.00 rct

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1-192564 Ballou, Tom TONKIN GULF YACHT CLUB: CHECK YOUR 6 Jet Age Scenario Book Scenario and campaign book for clashes between the United States Navy and North Vietnam's Peoples Air Force between 1965 and 1968 during Operation Rolling Thunder. Includes four campaigns, a mini-campaign, and 28 scenarios. The scenarios can be played individually, linked to form campaigns, or combined as one grand campaign. The campaigns cover the battles that occurred during the annual southern monsoon fighting season. The missions changed during the course of Rolling Thunder, so each campaign is different. Includes Historical research and stats.

* The first campaign 1965: Hard Lessons Relearned -- covers the initial battles between the USN and VPAF and the failures of initial tactics and weapons at the start of Rolling Thunder.
* The second campaign 1966: The Grind -- covers the period where the operational failure of Rolling Thunder's restrictions became clear to the men fighting even as their weapons and tactics improved, the skill of the VPAF improved as well.
* The third campaign 1967: The Gloves Come Off -- covers many of the restrictions of Rolling Thunder's restrictions were lifted, large strikes on VPAF airfields and the push to destroy the VPAF. Included within this campaign period is the mini-campaign 'A Birthday Gift for Uncle Ho' covering the Bon Homme Richard's audacious mission to deliver Walleye glide bombs to a power plant in downtown Hanoi, and the running air battle that ensued.
* The fourth campaign 1968: The End of the Beginning -- covers the period post Tet Offensive. The US ended their operations over the heart of North Vietnam, and thereby created a safe haven for VPAF MiGs North of the 19th Parallel. The VPAF began to sweep south and with bait and killer teams, and the Navy had to change tactics again, counter to these attacks till the end of Operation Rolling Thunder.

* HISTORICAL RESEARCH: The book includes sections containing historical background, the training, tactics and weapons of each side, an annotated bibliography for further reading, a color scheme guide, and a campaign map.
* AIRCRAFT STATISTICS and CAMPAIGN INFORMATION: The book contains aircraft statistics for 14 US and Soviet-built aircraft and their variants in Check Your Six Jet Age format for use in the scenarios. The book also contains detailed notes and pictures of the various aircraft featured in the campaign. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2019 US, J&D PUBLICATIONS
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 rct

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1-192565 Ballou, Tom FIGHTING THE PHOENIX: Check Your 6 Jet Age Scenario Book Scenario and campaign book for Check Your 6 Jet Age Air Combat and Campaign Rules. Provides comprehensive coverage of the air war between Iran and Iraq from 1980 to 1988 under one cover with nine campaigns and 29 scenarios. The scenarios, featuring 22 different fighter, bomber, and helicopter types in 30 variants plus multiple SAM and patrol boat models, can be played individually, linked to form campaigns, or combined as one grand campaign. Scenarios include multiple SAM threats, jamming pods, guided munitions, BVR missile combat, Surface-to-Surface Missiles, anti-ship strikes, and chemical weapons.

The first campaign covers the initial Iraqi offensive and the stalwart defense conducted by Iran's F-14s and their Phoenix missiles. The second covers the naval aspects of the first Iranian counterattacks and features a unique fast-play set of combined air- and naval-wargaming supplemental rules that integrate seamlessly into the CY6JA system.

The third campaign sees Iran regain the initiative and Iraq attempt to address its shortcomings, while the fourth campaign focuses on the close air support, air defense, and combat search and rescue aspects of this mid-war period. The fifth campaign spotlights the controversial Iraqi MiG-25 ace known as 'Saddam's Sky Falcon.'

The sixth, seventh, and eighth campaigns cover the massive changes in aircraft, weapons, and tactics - including mercenary pilots. The sixth campaign introduces the Mirage F.1 and MiG-29, as well as the Su-25 and Wild Weasel versions of the Su-24, plus Cobra and Hind attack helicopters. The seventh campaign focuses on Kharg Island, introduces the Exocet missile, and allows the players to experience mission-planning and mission-management. The eighth campaign covers the late-war period, pitting F-14 against MiG-29.

The ninth campaign is a bonus set of historical scenarios - USN F-14s, French Navy F-8s, Turkish F-100s, and Saudi Arabian F-15s mixing it up with the Iraqi and Islamic Republic of Iran air forces.

HISTORICAL RESEARCH: The book includes several introduction sections containing campaign historical background, an annotated bibliography for further reading, and several campaign maps.

AIRCRAFT STATISTICS and CAMPAIGN INFORMATION: The book contains aircraft statistics for more than 30 US, French and Soviet-built aircraft in Check Your 6 Jet Age format for use in the scenarios. The book also contains detailed notes and rare pictures of the various aircraft, weapons, and equipment featured in the campaign.

JET AGE SPECIAL EVENT CAMPAIGN SYSTEM: This book includes an innovative Check Your 6 Jet Age campaign system that features the use of Victory Points to influence game play. Success in battle allows players to make real-time decisions that shape events in subsequent combat. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2023 US, J&D PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late July 2023 ......$25.00 rct

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1-228452 Barker, Ash THE SILVER BAYONET: Canada Canada is a supplement for The Silver Bayonet that brings players and their officers across the Atlantic and straight into the War of 1812. It offers new scenarios, solo and cooperative as well as competitive; rules for recruiting US units; and creatures and challenges drawn from Canadian history and folklore.

Far from the battlefields of Europe, another war is being fought. In the vast lands of North America, Britain and the United States clash once again and, in the shadow of this conflict, the otherworldly Harvestmen pursue their devious plans, feasting on the rage and terror of mortals. In the face of this menace, however, brave folk, seconded from the military or recruited from the local populace, band together to take the fight to the sinister Harvestmen and their minions. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late November 2023 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-47030 Barker, Phil 7TH EDITION ANCIENT RULES 3000BC-1485AD Most played set of rules for Ancient Warfare 1 vol, 72 pgs 1986 UK, WARGAMES RESEARCH GRP
NEW-softcover ......$5.00 rct

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1-47032 Barker, Phil 7TH EDITION ANCIENT RULES ARMY LIST #2 55BC-1000AD The original army lists for 7th 1 vol, 60 pgs 19?? UK, WRG
V-GOOD-softcover ......$0.00 rct

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3-85381 Barker, Phil DBMM ARMY LIST BOOK 1: The Chariot Period 3000BC to 500BC DBMM Army Lists Book 1 is the first volume in the series of WRG publications providing detailed guidance on the structure and organization of ancient and medieval armies for use with the De Bellis Magistrorum Militum (DBMM) wargame rules.

The result of extensive research, this revised and updated edition of Book 1 spans the period from 3000 BC to 500 BC and covers the earliest known armies from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Each of the 64 army lists details troop types and numbers to allow the wargamer to recreate realistic armies that faithfully reflect the composition of their real-life prototypes.

Accompanying each list are historical notes providing in-depth commentary on the troops involved along with information on naval units, terrain and climate. A must for competition games, DBMM Army Lists Book 1 also provides an invaluable general reference source for the troop types and organisation of armies of the period. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019 UK, Wargames Research Group Ltd
NEW-pb, revised edition ......$30.00 rct

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3-85382 Barker, Phil DBMM ARMY LIST BOOK 2: The Classical Period 500BC to 476AD DBMM Army Lists Book 2 is the second volume in the series of WRG publications providing detailed guidance on the structure and organization of ancient and medieval armies for use with the De Bellis Magistrorum Militum (DBMM) wargame rules. The result of extensive research, this revised and updated edition of Book 2 spans the classical period of warfare from 500 BC to 476 AD and covers armies from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Each of the 84 army lists details troop types and numbers to allow the wargamer to recreate realistic armies that faithfully reflect the composition of their real-life prototypes. Accompanying each list are historical notes providing in-depth commentary on the troops involved along with information on naval units, terrain and climate. A must for competition games, DBMM Army Lists Book 2 also provides an invaluable general reference source for the troop types and organization of armies of the period. 1 vol, 122 pgs 2019 UK, Wargames Research Group Ltd
NEW-pb, revised edition ......$30.00 rct

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3-85383 Barker, Phil DBMM:LIST BOOK #3 476AD to 1071AD DBMM Army Lists Book 4 is the final volume in the series of publications providing detailed guidance on the structure and organization of ancient and medieval armies for use with the De Bellis Magitsrorum Militum (DBMM) wargame rules. The result of extensive research, Book 4 spans the high medieval period from 1071 AD to 1515 AD and covers armies from Europe, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.

Each of the 85 army lists details troop types and numbers to allow the wargamer to recreate realistic armies that faithfully reflect the composition of their real-life prototypes. Accompanying each list are historical notes providing in depth commentary on the troops involved along with information on naval units, terrain and climate. A must for competition games, DBMM Army Lists Book 4 also provides an invaluable general reference source for the troop types and organization of the armies of the period. A4 size. 1 vol, 122 pgs 2019 UK, Wargames Research Group Ltd
NEW-pb, revised edition ......$30.00 rct

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3-85384 Barker, Phil DBMM: ARMY LIST BOOK 4: AD1071 to AD1521: High Medieval Period DBMM Army Lists Book 4 is the final volume in the series of publications providing detailed guidance on the structure and organization of ancient and medieval armies for use with the De Bellis Magitsrorum Militum (DBMM) wargame rules. The result of extensive research, Book 4 spans the high medieval period from 1071 AD to 1515 AD and covers armies from Europe, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.

Each of the 85 army lists details troop types and numbers to allow the wargamer to recreate realistic armies that faithfully reflect the composition of their real-life prototypes. Accompanying each list are historical notes providing in depth commentary on the troops involved along with information on naval units, terrain and climate. A must for competition games, DBMM Army Lists Book 4 also provides an invaluable general reference source for the troop types and organization of the armies of the period. A4 size. 1 vol, 122 pgs 2019 UK, Wargames Research Group Ltd
NEW-pb, revised edition ......$30.00 rct

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4-34560 Barker, Phil and Scott, Richard Bodley DBA: DE BELLIS ANTIQUITATIS 3.0 DBA Wargames rules for Ancient & Medieval Battle from 3000BC to 1500AD, simple, fast play.

The aim of the rules was to provide the simplest possible set of wargaming rules that retained the feel and generalship of ancient and medieval warfare. The rules were about command decisions not the detail of combat. The average player would have memorized the rules by half way through their first battle, but tactical skill, especially with the use of light troops, took longer. Battles typically lasted less than an hour, allowing multiple games to be played in a single day. The DBA rules include the basic battle rules, campaign rules, suggested mini-campaigns, over three hundred army lists, rules for larger armies and six player campaigns. The original rules are supported by an introduction by Phil Barker and chapters on: Reflecting on the development of DBA.

An introduction to tactics using DBA
Applying DBA to historical battles
Recreating the Battle of Zama in 202 BC using DBA
DBSA and DBA 1.0
Also included are all four of the original army lists.
1 vol, 146 pgs 2020 US, WRG LTD
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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2-56290 Barker, Phil et al HORDES OF THE THINGS: Simple Fast Play Fantasy Rules Version 2.1 Hordes Of The Things Version 2.1 is the ultimate fast-play heroic fantasy wargame rule set for miniature figures. Using the successful DB rule system, but based on classical fantasy fiction rather than strict history, the rules have been proven in extensive competition use since 1991 and enjoy an international player base.

HOTT strikes just the right balance between humans and mythical creatures and conventional generalship and magic without letting unwanted complexity slow things down. The result is a fast, fun and challenging game that captures all the variety and adventure of fantasy battles. As well as the complete set of rules, this edition features supplements on mass battles and multi-player campaign games, along with over one hundred example army lists suggesting fantasy armies. 1 vol, 86 pgs 2016 UK, Wargames Research Group Ltd
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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1-227140 Barone, Victor BORDERS OF BLOOD : WARGAMING THE PARAGUAYAN WAR 1864-1870 Wargame rules inspired by the largest armed conflict in the history of South America, the Triple Alliance War (or War of Paraguay, or the Guerra de la Triple Alianza). Developed for the 28mm scale, it can be used with small adjustments with smaller scales, including 6mm. The basic concept of the rules uses the construction of Infantry Battalions and Cavalry Squadrons from Units that can house miniatures of varying scales. Also includes uniform painting guides by Alan Perry. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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1-228130 Beck, Ian PONY WARS: Rules and Card Deck This edition also comes with a full color laminated 110-strong card deck, essential for playing the game. Once the current print run is sold out, there are no plans for further editions, so if you want a piece of wargaming history and a brilliant fun game, then get your copy now!

The rules themselves are as they were written originally, but with modern production values and presentation. There are extra sections on using the rules with figures larger and smaller than the original 15mm versions used in the demonstration games. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 UK, BACCUS 6MM LTD
NEW-hardback with card deck ......$55.00 rct

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1-237780 Becker, Jude COMBAT GENERAL: War of the Spanish Succession The initial offering of the Combat General series is a set of rules for recreating battles from the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714). Based on the perspective of the brigade commander, rules set showcases the interaction between evolving methods of attack and defense as practiced by infantry and cavalry units of the time. The units in your brigade will not always use the ideal tactics if you fail to keep your formations in linear array and allow yourself to be attacked. Complete army lists as well as an original period scenario are contained to aid play.

The age of linear warfare began just prior to this as the pike fell out of use and infantry battalions reduced the number of ranks in their formations thus extending their frontage and the frontage of the entire army into a long line. They did this to increase the amount of firepower from the constantly improving small arms in the form of matchlock muskets but increasingly firelock fusils. Thus, this era of the first decade or so of the 18th century is a good starting point to acquaint hobbyists with the unique concepts of the game system. 1 vol, 148 pgs 2022 US, VENTURE MINIATURES
NEW-hardcover ......$55.00 rct

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1-223100 Blake, Mike BLOOD AND VALOR A notable difference to Blood & Valor is the unique initiative system. Each round, players simultaneously and secretly bid points in order to determine who will act first. Strong forces can increase the number of points a player has to bid with, thus giving the player a better chance to act quickly. Players will take this into consideration when building their armies.

As always, our highest priority is historical accuracy and a large range of settings and options to choose from. The scope of this game is not limited to the western front! These rules allow for battlefields set in the Alps of northern Italy, the open spaces of the eastern front, the Gallipoli peninsula, and much more. The choice is up to you and your imagination.
1 vol, 156 pgs 2017 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-hardback ......$39.00 rct

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1-228470 Blake, Mike & Swan, Chris VIVA LA REVOLUTION, VIVA MEXICO: A Wargamer's Guide to Refighting the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 Large-format full-color paperback. Scenarios for battles and skirmishes; real and hypothetical foreign intervention etc. Latest in the Partizan Press' Mexican series. 1 vol, 130 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$45.00 rct

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1-228830 Blake, Mike & Swan, Chris LA CUCARACHA!: Wargamer Rules for Engagements with Small Forces During the Mexican Revolution 1910-1920 Full color. Skirmish rules for 20mm-54mm figures, plus scenarios, including what-ifs of foreign intervention. 1 vol, 95 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$34.00 rct

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1-228831 Blake, Mike & Swan, Chris LA CUCARACHA!: Mini campaign with three Scenarios Add-On Pack Solo rules for skirmish gaming in the Mexican Revolution. Mini campaign contains three Scenarios, Quick Reference Sheets, and copies of the cards to save you cutting up your copy. 1 vol, 26 pgs 2022 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$18.00 rct

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1-222800 Bollands, Wayne THE ZONE: The Cold War Turns Hot Adapted from the Living on the Front Line: A Winter of '79 Game rules -- Skirmish rules that represent an alternative history of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

In November 1983, the NATO Exercise Able Archer was perceived by the Soviet and Warsaw Pact governments as being the prelude to a full nuclear strike against their nations. Consequently, as NATO blithely carried on 'playing' at war, the Soviets prepared for the real thing. They activated missile batteries, put bombers on standby, and sent ground forces to the East-West German and other borders ready to carry out Operation Seven Days to the Rhine. As the NATO forces called 'end - ex' and began to return to their bases, the specter of full-scale nuclear war receded. The message flashed around the nuclear missile silos, bomber crews stood down and Warsaw Pact nation states began to relax.

However, on the morning of 11 November, a tired, stressed Soviet Armored Division commander makes a fateful decision, prompting a full scale Soviet and Warsaw Pact invasion of West Germany. NATO forces, many of them without live ammunition, are initially overwhelmed. In a desperate attempt to slow the advancing hordes, NATO high command authorizes the use of biological and chemical weapons. Many Soviet military personnel and West German civilians are killed. The Soviets deploy a tactical nuclear weapon in response, with yet more carnage amongst NATO military and German civilians alike. The international outrage leads to the tacit agreement to not use these weapons again. A conventional war ensues, fought over the battered fields, towns and cities of West Germany. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, available mid February 2019 ......$28.00 rct

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1-223260 Bollands, Wayne QUICK AND THE UNDEAD: Survivalist gaming in Apocalyptic times The Quick and the Undead is a game for one or moreplayers, based upon more zombie movies, TV shows, comics and storiesthan is healthy for one person to know about!

Designed for fighting the Undead, but easily adaptablefor Human on Human survivalist games Excellent for single scenario,or Campaign. The random generation of buildings, Loot and other featuresmakes this ideal for SOLO play. Players are either human or Zombie. or both

Get it while you can. !!!!!!

It is the early C21st. Given the upheavals in Britainoutlined in the background above, technologically, socially and musicallyit is about the Mid 1970's. So too are the clothing fashions!

Cities and towns have been ransacked and then abandonedto the Undead. Survival lies in small villages in the British countryside.Remember that this isn't a gun-happy US TV show.

This is a Campaign driven system, players start witha bunch of unarmed starving survivors that work their way up to hardenedprofessional survivors. but don't get too attached toanyone!. Of course one-off games are a must too. Games should be scenariodriven (find food, grab guns from a police station, empty fuel fromcars on a road.. and then get the Hell out of Dunnie on theWold) or a straight points based Shoot 'em Up (well, Bash 'emUp). The possibilities are endless and you've seen enough films,etc. to sort it out.
1 vol, 48 pgs 2020 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available late April 2020 ......$22.00 rct

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1-226390 Bollands, Wayne THE 'NAM : Squad level rules for gaming the War in Vietnam THE 'NAM: The Way It Was (Rules)

Large format, full-color, squad-level rules for wargaming Vietnam. Uses playing cards and 'dice shifting' to simulate any of the troops who did the fightin` and a-dyin` a long way away from home or amongst their own cities and villages. Embraces all the combatants who played a part in the war, including Viet Cong guerrillas, Australians, South Koreans, and others (see 'Falling Dominoes' supplement).

Designed for 28mm-sized figures, but usable with 15/20mm miniatures. Aimed for a player to control a platoon, although possible to scale up or down as required (company to rifle squad).
1 vol, 60 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00 rct

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2-213900 Brown, David GENERAL D'ARMEE 2: Second Edition Napoleonic Rules Uses the ADC command and control system from first edition. The battalion is the smallest manoeuvre element and the Brigade is the lowest tactical command. A typical club night action involving several Brigades per side and a full day or weekend handling a Corps or two. Totals 112 pages and includes two A4 laminated playsheets, the rules can use figures from 6mm to 28mm. Two introductory scenarios are included. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2024 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-pb, available mid March 2024 ......$40.00 rct

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1-226650 Brown, David 'O' GROUP - BATTALION SCALE WORLD WAR II WARGAMES RULES Each player fields a battalion under the command of the Battalion HQ. The battalion consists of a number of infantry companies, normally three and will usually be supported by heavy weapons, guns according to the national structures and, of course, with room for supporting elements to be attached to produce a combined arms force, such as AFVs. 1 vol, 106 pgs 2021 UK, REISSWITZ PRESS, TOO FAT LAARDIES
NEW-softcover, available mid March 2021 ......$42.00 rct

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1-1982001 Buchel, Alex MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS: Redcoats and Tomahawks Supplement Covers the armies that fought in the French Indian War, American War of Independence, and The War of 1812. Supplement to Muskets and Tomahawks rules. 1 vol, 48 pgs 2020 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 rct

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1-1982098 Buchel, Alex MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS: Tokens Set Token set includes 48 tokens for use with Muskets & Tomahawks rules. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-card ......$13.00 rct

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1-1982099 Buchel, Alex MUSKETS AND TOMAHAWKS: Card Deck Card Deck includes 51 cards for use with Muskets & Tomahawks rules. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-deck ......$13.00 rct

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1-226880 Buchel, Alex SHAKOS AND BAYONETS: Napoleonic Supplement for Muskets & Tomahawks II The Napoleonic version of skirmish-level ruleset Muskets & Tomahawks. Units are composed of individual bases, but there are still quite a lot of miniatures on display. If you like the grandeur of the Napoleonic era with the mechanics of Muskets & Tomahawks, here's a set to game out small actions. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2021 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 rct

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1-226889 Buchel, Alex SHAKOS AND BAYONETS: Card Deck Deck of cards to go with Shakos and Bayonets rule set. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2021 UK, STUDIO TOMAHAWK
NEW-deck ......$18.00 rct

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1-225029 Burgess, Eric Vauban's Wars - Card Deck One 54 card casino-quality playing card deck to enhance the Piquet game of Vauban's Wars. There are 54 full color cards with 28 garrison cards (blue stripe) and 25 besieger cards (red stripe) to replace the cards that come with the game. The cards have unique backs for each side and all cards have rules reference numbers at the bottom. There are also some blank cards for each side so that you can make your own custom events or mechanics for the game. The last card is a Proof of Purchase card. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 US, PIQUET
NEW-deck ......$15.00 rct

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4-206480 Caille, Herve L'ART DE LA GUERRE: Wargaming Rules for Ancient & Medieval 4th edition 4th Edition of French rule set translated into English. It covers antiquity to the late Middle Ages using miniatures from 6mm to 28mm high. The basing is compatible with the majority of existing rules. Contains 300 army lists

L'Art de la Guerre's flexible system allows players to play standard sized games in a matter of two hours with relatively few figures as well as expansive games with multitudes of miniatures on large tables that can last an evening of play or longer.

An army will generally consist of from twenty to thirty units (one stand = one unit) divided into three corps (right wing, center and left wing), each led by a commander. Each troop type has a basic factor against other troops. Each unit has a number of cohesion points. Heavier troops in close formation start with more cohesion points than lighter ones. The losses from shooting and close combat gradually reduce a unit's cohesion and when it reaches zero the unit is routed and removed from play.

Combat: Both players roll 1D6 and add their unit's base factor plus any bonuses. The higher score wins the combat and the losing unit suffers cohesion losses that vary according to the difference between the two results. Troops armed with missile weapons can shoot: archers, cavalry, light troops, etc. A successful shot results in the target losing one cohesion point.

Specific rules for charges, impetuous troops, evading, inter penetration, bursting through friends, rallying units, routs, pursuit, and elephant rampage. 1 vol, 272 pgs 2021 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-softcover ......$50.00 rct

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1-220610 Calder, Kevin UP THE NILE : Wargames Rules for Fighting Battles in C19th Egypt and the Sudan Based on the BONNIE BLUE FLAG (ACW) attrition-based rules system. For any scale with no need to re-base your figures. All color. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, available late June 2019 ......$23.00 rct

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1-235170 Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Deluxe Edition Card-driven rules for late medieval European warfare, set at the small battle/big skirmish level - think Nibley Green rather than Towton. You will need around 100 figures a side, lots of D6s, and a 6 x 4 foot table - everything else you need to play the game is included in this book. A typical game can be played through in around 90 minutes. Includes Modeling Masterclass chapter with a comprehensive guide to painting, modeling, and kit-bashing 28mm plastic figures.

Billhooks Deluxe gives you a 'Core' Wars of the Roses ruleset and then expands that to cover six new Theatres and Conflicts from across Western European Christendom c1350-1525. So you will find troop stats and special rules for Irish Gallowglass, Hussite War-Wagons, and Landsknecht Pikemen along with all the other troop types to be found on battlefields of the period, from 100 Years' War France to Renaissance Italy.

Theatres and Conflicts you can find in this book: Albion - The Wars of the Roses; Gallia - The Hundred Years' War; Bohemia - The Hussite Wars; Helvetia - The Swiss-Burgundian War;
Italia - The Italian Wars; Northumbria - The Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers; Lusitania - Late Medieval Portugal; and Hibernia - Warfare in Ireland. 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-pb ......$42.00 rct

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1-2351701 Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Deluxe Edition - ALBION CARD DECK Contains 37 Cards -- All the cards you need to play a game including cards specific to the Albion (War of the Roses) theater, plus generic Leader Cards for Europa.

The cards are: 5 Bonus Cards (generic) and 20 Play Deck Cards (2 x Bonus (Generic); 2 x skirmish and Artillery (Generic); 4 x Lancastrian Leader (Albion); 4 x Yorkist Leader (Albion); 4 x Unicorn Leader (Europa/Generic); and 4 x Lion Leader (Europa/generic)). Plus, the package adds 9 Special Event Cards (Generic) and 3 Special Event Cards (Albion). 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-deck ......$11.00 rct

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1-2351702 Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Deluxe Edition - EUROPA CARD DECK Contains 85 Cards -- All the Leader and Special Event cards required for playing a game of Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe, using the new Europa theaters.

The cards are: 64 Play Deck Cards (Gallia -- English Leader x 4 and French Leader x 4; Bohemia -- Hussite Leader x 4 and Royalist Leader x 4; Helvetia -- Swiss x 4 and Burgundian Leader x 4; Northumbria -- English Leader x 4 and Scottish Leader x 4; Italia -- Imperialist Leader x 4, French Leader x 4, Spanish Leader x 4, and Italian Leader x 4; Hibernia -- Rebel Irish Leader x 4 and Irish Leader x 4; Lusitania -- Rebel Leader x 4 and Royalist Leader x 4.

Also: 21 Special Event Cards (3 from each theater). 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-deck ......$19.00 rct

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1-2351703 Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Deluxe Edition - ALBION MDF TOKENS Contains 50 Tokens -- All the tokens required for playing a game of Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe - Albion (War of the Roses) theater.

Please note: These tokens are exactly the same as the Never Mind the Billhooks Tokens released in 2021. Included: 20 x Double-sided Lancastrian and Yorkist Roses; 20 x Army Morale (Silver); and 10 x Double-sided Disarray (crossed bills) and Daunted (black rose). 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-tokens ......$22.00 rct

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1-2351704 Callan, Andy NEVER MIND THE BILLHOOKS: Deluxe Edition - EUROPA MDF TOKENS Contains 50 Tokens -- All the tokens required for playing a game of Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe, using the new Europa theatres. Included: 20 x Double-sided White Unicorn and Red Lion (Generic Europa); 20 x Double-sided Army Morale (Bronze and Silver); and 10 x Double-sided Disarray (Crossed Bills) and Daunted (Black Heart). 1 vol, 180 pgs 2022 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-tokens ......$22.00 rct

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3-209390 Cavatore, alessio KINGS OF WAR: 3rd Edition Rules to fight epic fantasy battles across the tabletop, an extensive background section covering the races of Pannithor and their history, and army lists for 14 different factions. 1 vol, 398 pgs 2021 UK, MANTIC GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$58.00 rct

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1-209391 Cavatore, Alessio KINGS OF WAR: 3rd Edition Uncharted Empires Uncharted Empires contains 12 new fantasy army lists, and for the first time players have access to Army themes. These allow list variants of one of the games master lists and help add new flavor to an existing army to represent a different faction with similar roots. They are a great way to introduce the many sub-factions and players in the world to your games. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2021 UK, MANTIC GAMES
NEW-softcover, available early December 2021 ......$35.00 rct

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1-228910 Cavatore, Alessio CLASH OF KINGS: 2022 Edition Annual Kings of War update introduces two brand new army lists, a campaign with new scenarios, new background information, new maps, and new artwork. Learn all about the halflings and the new army created by the Wicked Ones, harnessing the power of Halpi's Rift. Also brings a slew of new changes: all existing armies, magic, heroes, artifacts, special rules, formations, spells, and more.

Contents: Halfling background and army list; Rift-forged Orcs background and army list; and new campaign: A Storm in the Shires. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2021 UK, MANTIC GAMES
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 rct

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1-223960B Clark, Richard Infamy, Infamy! - Wargame Rules for large Skiirmishes in the Ancient world 60BC to AD 100 with Card deck Infamy, Infamy! is a game that will, ultimately, be divided into three parts.

This card deck contains both the Game Deck and the Infamy Deck required to play Infamy, Infamy! 55 high quality cards in a tuck box.

This is the first rule book which covers Rome's conflicts with the western barbarian between 60 BC and AD 100. Covered in the rules are lists for Late Republican forces that can be used for Caesar and his campaigns in Gaul and Britannia and against the German tribes raiding across the Rhine.

The Early Imperial Roman lists are perfect for the conquest of Britannia under Claudius and the continuing campaigns through to Agricola's conquest of the North and beyond.

The British lists cover the period from Caesar's invasions through to Mons Graupius, including lists for Boudicca's revolt.

Gallic lists cover the classic period of conquest of the Gallic Wars with the Belgea and Aquitani represented and make every effort to reflect the more advanced culture of the Gauls.

The Germans, on the other hand, are the ultimate Barbarians, with lists for the tribes of the Rhineland and those of the dark forests of Germania Magna and for the Batavian Revolt. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-pb ......$54.00 rct

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1-241911 Clarke, Simon EUROPE'S RUIN: Armies of the Thirty Years War and the British Civil Wars Army Lists for Matched Play Renatio et Gloriam is a set of tabletop miniature rules that allows you to fight large-scale battles from the Renaissance. This supplement covers warfare in the Thirty Years War and the British Civil War with 55 Lists starting in 1618 with the Catholic League, up until the Commonwealth of England in 1650. Includes army lists for England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden. 1 vol, 100 pgs 2024 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-16660 Conliffe, Arty TACTICA II - 2nd Edition PDF version After 30 years of global play, Tactica receives an updated, upgraded version - Tactica II - that keeps the same streamlined system using multi-based units, clarifies the existing rules, and incorporates improvements to all aspects of this game.?

Tactical formations represent ancient armies with movement and command control intertwined within the course of a battle. Unit Fighting Value still forms the core of the d6 combat system and all significant troop types, weapons, and special tactical conditions are included to differentiate armies.

Tactica II comes wirebound in 8.5x11 format and packed with well-playtested rules, plentiful diagrams, and army lists. ?Scales are approximately as follows: one figure equals 40-60 soldiers depending upon troop type, density, tactical operating area, and unit size; one inch is approximately 10-15 yards; and one turn equals about 20 minutes. 1 vol, 90 pgs 2018 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-PDF ......$36.00 rct

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2-37021 Conliffe, Arty FORGOTTEN BATTLES: WWII SPEARHEAD SCENARIOS Eastern Front Scenarios for Spearhead WWII Rules 1 vol, 48 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 rct

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3-49890 Conliffe, Arty CROSSFIRE:Rules & Organizations-Company Level WWII PDF version Arty's fast-paced WWII rules with focus on company-level infantry operations with no fixed turn length or need for rulers. Includes scenarios and quick-play sheets. All you need is 40 figures and maybe a couple of vehicles per side for an interesting game 1 vol, 44 pgs 2021 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-PDF, available now ......$25.00 rct

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1-241300 Crawford, Gordon THROUGH THE SQUARE WINDOW: Fast Play Rules for the Thirty Years War Miniature wargaming rules set covers the Thirty Years War time period is intended for simple and fast play. Includes an extensive guide on the different armies: the Bohemians, the Catholic League under Tilly, Margrave George Frederick of Baden Durlach, Christian of Brunswick, Von Mansfeld, the Danes, the Imperialists to Breitenfeld, the Imperialists - Wallenstein's Second Army and After, the Spanish, the Swedes to Nordlingen, the Swedes after Nordlingen, the Weimaraners, the Bavarians after the League, the Hessians, the French, and the Saxons. 1 vol, 58 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-spiral bound softcover ......$25.00 rct

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1-2222512 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Chapple, Steve PLAY THE SKY BATTLES OF WWI 1914-1918: Paper Soldiers Booklet of WWI paper aircraft to cut out and play the period on the tabletop. Collection of mostly biplanes that can be cut out, glued together, and set on the tabletop to game WWI aerial warfare.

In the skies over the world devastated by the First World War, young eagles fight with a chivalrous spirit. Below them the great war is being fought in cold and terrible trenches by the Central Empires and the Allies of the Entente. While thousands of men lose their lives on land and sea in a cruel and merciless war that covers no man's land with death, brave airmen fight with a sense of honor and respect for their adversary. Everyone is convinced that they are doing their duty, in the name of their ideals and for their country. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-2222513 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Chapple, Steve PLAY THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: British Army - Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop.

The British Army during the Napoleonic Wars experienced a time of rapid change. At the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, the army was a small, awkwardly administered force of barely 40,000 men. By the end of the period, the numbers had vastly increased. At its peak, in 1813, the regular army contained over 250,000 men. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-2222514 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Chapple, Steve PLAY THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: French Army 1 Imperial Guard - Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop.

Napoleon introduced the concept of all arms Corps, each one a traditional army 'in miniature', permitting the field force to be split across several lines of march and rejoin or to operate independently. The Grande Armee operated by seeking a decisive battle with each enemy army and then destroying them in detail before rapidly occupying territory and forcing a peace. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-2222517 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Chapple, Steve PLAY THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: French Army 2 - Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop.

Napoleon introduced the concept of all arms Corps, each one a traditional army 'in miniature', permitting the field force to be split across several lines of march and rejoin or to operate independently. The Grande Armee operated by seeking a decisive battle with each enemy army and then destroying them in detail before rapidly occupying territory and forcing a peace. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-2222518 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Chapple, Steve PLAY THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: The Prussian Army -- Paper Soldiers Booklet of Prussian paper soldiers to cut out and play the Napoleonic period on the tabletop. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2022 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-222251 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi PLAY THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR: 1618-1648 50 pages full of hundreds of 30YW soldiers supplied in the standard scale of 25/28mm that you can, for personal use only, photocopy on thicker cardboard for gaming. Made from the collection of miniatures artist Gianpaolo Bistulfi. Includes instructions to help you assemble the troops. 1 vol, 50 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-2222510 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi PLAY THE ANCIENT GREEK WARS: Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop.

From the Trojan war, to the Persian conflicts up to the Macedonian conquest, through great battles from Marathon to Issus. Cradle of Western civilization, the foundations of modern thought were laid in ancient Greece, but also bloody battles and total wars were fought. It is the epic story of the hoplite, armed with a shield, helmet, breastplate and greaves. And also of the Macedonian phalanx. By reviewing the most significant armies and clashes, on land and sea, of a failed empire. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2020 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-2222511 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi PLAY THE ARAB CONQUEST WARS 633 AD: Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop. Covers the campaigns fought in the Middle East at the time of the Arab Conquest after the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the 7th Century. The early Islamic conquests brought about the end of the Sassanid Empire and a great loss of territory for the Byzantine, resulting in the spread of Islam outwards from Arabia and the creation of the Muslim world. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-222252 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi PLAY THE BURGUNDIAN WARS: 1474-1477 50 pages full of hundreds of medieval soldiers supplied in the standard scale of 25/28mm that you can, for personal use only, photocopy on thicker cardboard for gaming. Made from the collection of miniatures artist Gianpaolo Bistulfi. Includes instructions to help you assemble the troops. 1 vol, 50 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-222254 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi Play the Landsknecht War 1500-1560 These are paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop. The battlefield behavior of these German soldiers was highly variable. Sometimes, as in the Battle of Pavia (1525), they performed exceptionally well, figthing to death on both sides of the conflict, even after their allies fled the field: this happened to the French when they employed the Landsknechts. The Imperial Landsknechts were instrumental in the Emperor's victory. Can you imagine it? 1 vol, 52 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-pb, [English text] ......$39.00 rct

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1-222255 Cristini, Luca Stefano & Gianpaolo Bistulfi Play the Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 These are paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop. The Franco-German War, also called the Franco-Prussian War (July 19, 1870 - Mayo 10, 1871) was a conflict in which a coalition of German states led by Prussia defeated France. The German troops advanced into France and decisively defeated the French at Sedan. This war violently changed the course of European history, marking the end of the French hegemony in continental Europe and resulted in the proclamation of the new German Empire at Versailles: it was the climax of Bismarck's ambitions to unite Germany 1 vol, 52 pgs 2017 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-pb, [English text] ......$39.00 rct

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1-224130 Curry, John editor Tacspiel - The American Army's Wargaming Rulesfor Vietnam Tacspiel, for Counter Guerrilla Operations, was a detailed map based-simulation of counter insurgency warfare used to develop many successful strategies that were used in Vietnam. Played with platoon- and company-sized units on typical operations. These rules are a very important statement on how the American Army, its commanders and officers fought the Vietnam War on a operational level.

The rules placed great emphasis on the order codes and order formats to allow each game to be reconstructed and analysed move by move by the operational analysts after the players had finished gaming. The analysts might spend days replaying a game for the purposesof study. Typically, they would spend 3 days work looking at just one day played out on the map. A modern wargamer can greatly speed up the game by dispensing with all the order codes and simply record which unit should move to where to do what.

Designed to be played with a blue team (the American and the South Vietnamese Army's) and the red team (the Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army NRA) in separate rooms. The two teams would study their maps and issue written orders based on what they knew. The umpires would interpret these orders on the central map and then tell the players whatthey could now see. It is very practical to run the game for wargamers with all the players on one side, presumably the American one, against a pre-planned umpire-controlled guerrilla force.

The players need to have a clear chain of command, with each player having their own responsibilities in the game. Typically, you might have a battalion commander with company commanders and a support commander.

There is rarely a decisive finish to a game. More often, each side inflicts some casualties and one side or the other has maneuvered into an arguably better position by the end of a game. However, if you want to have some ideawhat it was like for junior commander in the Vietnam War, then playing Tacspiel gives you a strong idea about the operational problems they faced.
1 vol, 88 pgs 2020 UK, JOHN CURRY EVENTS
NEW-dj, available mid July 2020 ......$16.00 rct

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1-241190 DeFoggi, John-Matthew URBAN DECAY: Roleplaying Game Inspired by classic arcade video games, movies, and comic-books, players take on the roles of warriors, martial artists, vigilantes, and ordinary citizens taking to the streets to face the gangs that control the City and to save the people and places they love. Streamlined character and crew creation produces distinct, capable heroes with shared goals and bonds, while the versatile Clash system emphasizes the brutal, gritty street-fights in which these heroes will find themselves. The City itself is built collaboratively, with players working together to define the districts and neighborhoods for which their heroes will go to war. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardcover, available mid December 2023 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226492 DeFoggi, John-Matthew JACKALS: Travellers on the War Road Supplement for Jackals, introducing new rites, talents, and virtues for players as well as an exploration of the history and cultures of the Zaharet regions and cultures. It expands the lore for each of the four cultures introduced in the core book -- Luathi, Gerwa, Melkoni, and Trauj -- describing their various tribes, clans, and city-states, their beliefs, strongholds, and day-to-day lives, adding more nuance and depth to the world and giving players more ways to personalize their characters. 1 vol, 144 pgs 2022 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available late November 2022 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-222770 Demana, Mike SONG OF DRUMS AND TOMAHAWKS: French & Indian War Skirmish Rules Skirmish-level rules set for warfare in the 18th century Eastern Woodlands of America. Players will generally control less than a dozen figures in multiplayer games, perhaps more in one-on-one contests.

Rules book also includes: Historical background detailing the Native American tribes and their Europeans foes (and sometimes allies); A map showing the locations of the major Native American tribes; Timeline covering the major and minor wars from European arrival in North America until the 2nd Seminole War; Army lists for the Native Americans, French, and British; Complete list of Traits to individualize your troops and reflect the various fighting styles of tribal warriors, European soldiers, or frontiersmen; Suggestions on how to set up games and scenarios; and description of warfare in this period. 1 vol, 62 pgs 2018 US, FIRST COMMAND WARGAMES
NEW-softcover ......$15.00 rct

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1-222771 Demana, Mike SONG OF DRUMS AND TOMAHAWKS: Beaver Wars (Campaign Rules & Scenario) The Beaver Wars is a set of campaign rules to refight this 17th-18th century conflict between Native American tribes in colonial North America. Includes: 18 scenarios with maps for campaign skirmishes; Extensive, well-researched history on the Beaver Wars time period; 4 Campaigns covering different phases and theaters, each tailored for 2-7 players; Tribal histories of 14 major Native American nations that took part in the wars; Templates for all cards and components needed; and Easy campaign resolution system that tracks player progress and determines victory. 1 vol, 76 pgs 2018 US, FIRST COMMAND WARGAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 rct

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1-225330 Demana, Mike Mean Streets: War in Gang-infested Cities Mean Streets: War in Gang-infested Cities is a simple, fast-play set of wargame rules for fighting gang battles in the city streets of today, the recent past, or 19th century. It recreates the romanticized look at street gangs from movies like the 1979 cult classic, The Warriors, or West Side Story.

Each player controls a street gang composed of 5-12 figures, with each figure representing one man. Gangs can be assigned a huge variety of missions to earn victory points while engaging in rumbles with rival street gangs. Mean Streets includes experience point rules for a continuing series of games, and a complete set of campaign rules to allow players' gangs to wage street battles for control of their city.

1 vol, 56 pgs 2020 US, FIRST COMMAND WARGAMES
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 rct

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1-214724 Dewitt, Brian BATTLES ABOVE VOLUME 4: Russian Front from Winter War and Continuation War to the end of WW2 for 'Check Your 6' The 4th WWII book and 5th overall from Brian DeWitt. Over 70 scenarios running from Dec 7, 1941 (Philippines) to July 1945. Stats for new planes included. Scenarios range from small to large 'bring the gang over.' 1 vol, 72 pgs 2017 US, I-94 ENTERPRISES
NEW-pb ......$35.00 rct

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1-221540 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF DIVINE RIGHT: From Defenestration to Restoration - Wargame Rules for 1618 to 1660 Version of the Twilight of the Sun King: Birth of the Age of Reason rules targeted at refighting large battles from the period 1618 to 1660. The rules feature scenarios for the battles of Fleurus, 1622 and Cheriton, 1644.

All measurements for movement, weapon ranges, and so on are based on the base width. The base width is half of the frontage of whatever you wish to use as a unit. Therefore any size of figure and also any basing scheme can be used with the rules. Units represent between 1000 and 2000 infantry or 500 to 800 cavalry, depending on the type of unit.

Most battles can be fought in around 4 hours. Most battles are suitable for a single player a side if you wish. Using a unit frontage of 80 to 120mm means most battles are played on a table 120 to 180cm wide (4x6 feet).
1 vol, 36 pgs 2018 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-221540S Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF DIVINE RIGHT: With Fire And Sword: Rules Supplement Supplement to the Twilight of Divine Right rules to use in in conjunction with these rules to fully understand it. It includes the rules, amendments, and additions to fight the battle and wars in Eastern Europe in this era.

The players can field Polish-Lithuanian, Russian, Swedish, Cossack, Crimean Khanate (Tatar), Ottoman and other smaller armies in the wars of this era. A series of wars in this era transformed the world and helped shape the modern world. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb ......$10.00 rct

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1-221541 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF DIVINE RIGHT - EUROPE'S TRAGEDY: Thirty Years War Scenarios Extension for Twilight of the Sun King with TYW scenarios. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2019 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-221542 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF DIVINE RIGHT - BY THE SWORD DIVIDED: English Civil Wars Scenarios Extension for Twilight of the Sun King with ECW scenarios. 1 vol, 26 pgs 2018 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-221543 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF DIVINE RIGHT - TO THE PEACE OF THE PYRENEES: Thirty Years War Scenarios This scenario booklet feature battles from the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and up to the Peace of the Pyrenees (1663). It features the following 15 scenarios.

Wimpfen, 6th May 1622
Hochst, 20th June 1622
Crossing the Lech, 15th April 1632
Lutzen, 16th November 1632
1st Nordlingen, 6th September 1634
Wittenweier, 9th August 1638
Honnecourt, 26th May 1642
2nd Breitenfeld, 2nd November 1642
Rocroi, 19th May 1643
2nd Lleida (Lerida), 15th May 1644
Freiburg, 3rd & 5th August 1644
Rochetta Tanaro, 23rd September 1653 (Franco-Spanish War)
Valenciennes, 16th July 1656 (Franco-Spanish War)
Dunes, 14th June 1658 (Franco-Spanish War)
Ameixial, 8th June 1663 (Portuguese Restoration War)
1 vol, 48 pgs 2020 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-221544 Dorrell, Nicholas WITH FIRE AND SWORD: Scenario Book 1: The Rise of Sweden, 1605 - 1629 This book covers the rise of Sweden before their 1630 intervention in the Thirty Years War, including the 1600-1611 war against the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and 1609-1618 war against the Russians plus other battles to 1629. In addition, there are some scenarios from the Commonwealth's wars against the Ottomans in 1620 - 1621.

The booklet features 11 scenarios from 7 historical battles: Kircholm, 1605; Klushino, 1611; Chochim, 1621; Gniew, 1626; Dirschau, 1627; Gorzno, 1629; and Trzciana, 1629. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2023 ......$32.00 rct

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1-221545 Dorrell, Nicholas WITH FIRE AND SWORD: Scenario Book 2: The Deluge 1632 - 1660 This second book covers the battles during the period sometimes called the Deluge, a period that saw the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth attacked by many armies. The booklet concentrates on the war of 1648 -1657 against the Cossack rebellion under Khmelnytsky, the campaigns of 1655 - 1660 is against the Swedes, and the Smolensk War of 1632 - 1634 with the Russians against the Commonwealth. It is common for allies to be present on one or both sides in these battles.

The booklet features eight scenarios from six historical battles and campaigns: Smolensk, 1633;
Pyliavsti, 1648; Berestecko, 1651; Batoh, 1652; Zarnow, 1655; and Warsaw, 1656. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2023 ......$32.00 rct

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1-221546 Dorrell, Nicholas WITH FIRE AND SWORD: Scenario Book 3: Wars for the Ukraine 1654 - 1676 The third scenario book concentrates on the shifting war for the control of the Ukraine in the later part of this era but which continue to this day started to exercise some control over the Ukraine. The Thirteen Years War of 1654 - 1667 featuring various combinations of Polish-Lithuanian, Russian, Cossack and Crimean Khanate (Tatar) forces. In addition some of the scenarios are from the Commonwealth's war against the Ottomans and Crimean Khanate as they renewed there attempts to dominate the Ukraine in 1672 -1676.

The booklet features 11 scenarios from nine historical battles and campaigns: Konotop, 1659;
Polonka, 1660; Chudow Campaign, 1660; 1st Lubar, 14th September 1660; 2nd Lubar, 16th September 1660; Slobodyszcze, 1660; Kanev, 1662; Chocim, 1673; and Zurawno, 1676. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2023 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2023 ......$32.00 rct

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1-245280 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF THE EMPEROR: Wargame Rules for European Battles in the Age of Napoleon 1800-1815 Napoleonic era (circa 1800-1815) rules for large historical battles makes players the army commander. Units are typically around 3,000 foot or 1,500 mounted and so the units are often the equivalent to a 'brigade' or large continental regiments. Includes scenarios for Austerlitz (1805), Abensburg (1809), Talavera (1809) and Dennewitz (1813).

The scale is flexible with all distances, ranges, movements based on half of the frontage of the units you use. For example, if your units have a frontage of perhaps 120mm (about 6 inches) the standard measurement unit in the game will be 60mm. There is no figure removal so you can base you units as you wish, with any number or size of figures on a base, etc. As long as the units are the same frontage it does not matter and indeed neither does it if the armies involved are based differently. While any unit size can be used if the frontage of a unit is in the region of 120mm then many battles can be fought on a table 1.8m by 1.2m (6 feet by 4 feet) or similar. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2024 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb, available mid July 2024 ......$45.00 rct

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1-89611 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF THE SUN KING: Scenario Book 1 - Louis XIV at War This booklet contains scenarios for use with the Twilight of the Sun King rules and it focuses on the two major conflicts of the era in Western and Central Europe. The first of this is the war of 1688 to 1697, which has various names, the Nine Years War, the War of the Grand Alliance, or the League of Augsburg. The War of the Spanish Succession, 1701 to 1714, was the second major conflict where France and its allies faced a coalition headed by Holland, Britain, Austria, and their allies 1 vol, 36 pgs 2016 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-89612 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF THE SUN KING: Scenario Book 2 - Great Northern & Ottoman Wars The second scenario booklet featuring battles from the Great Northern War (1700-21) and the Ottoman wars of the period is also available. It features the following scenarios:

Ottoman Wars Scenarios: Parkany, 1683; Pruth, 1711; Peterwardein, 1716.

Great Northern War (1700-21) Scenarios: Narva, 1700; Crossing the Duna/Riga, 1701; Kliszow, 1702; Holowczyn, 1708; Lesnaja, 1708; Gadebusch, 1712; Storkyro, 1714. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2016 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 rct

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1-89613 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF THE SUN KING: Scenario Book 3 - Louis XIV vs the Grand Alliance Amended rules, OOBs, maps, and other scenario set ups for Battles of Walcut (1689), Staffarda (1690), Aughrim (1691), Steenkirk (1692), Ter River (1694), Chiari (1701), Friedlingen (1702), Hochstadt (1703), Schellenbeg (1704), Cassano (1705), Turin (1606), Oudenaarde (1708), Malplaquet (1709), Saragossa (1710), and Villaviciosa (1710). 1 vol, 76 pgs 2019 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 rct

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1-89614 Dorrell, Nicholas TWILIGHT OF THE SUN KING: Scenario Book 4 - Birth of the Age of Reason, Ga Pa! Focuses on the Great Northern War of 1700-1721. Features 15 scenarios -- 9 historical battles and 6 what-if battles: Hummelshof (1702), Jakobstadt (1704), Gemauerthof (1705), Kalisz (1706), Malatize or Dobroe (1708), Koniecpol (1708), Poltava (1709), Helsingborg (1710), and Palkane (1713); Holstein (1700), Grodno (1706), Clash of the Titans (1707 Intervention in the War of Spanish Succession), Horki (1708), Ingermanland (1708), and Scania (1716). 1 vol, 80 pgs 2019 UK, PIKE & SHOT SOCIETY
NEW-pb, available early August 2024 ......$42.00 rct

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1-223190 Dorrell, Nick TWILIGHT OF THE SOLDIER KINGS The Twilight of the Soldier Kings rules is a set designed to fight large historical battles on a reasonable sized table and with a reasonable number of figures in the era of Fredereick the Great (1730 to 1770). The player is the army commander seeking to marshal the full forces that their historical counterpart had to achieve victory and not some colonel or brigadier controlling a few battalions or squadrons in the fight for some sector of a battlefield. The concentration is on the 'big picture' rather on relatively unimportant details. The rules reward historic tactics and practices while making typical 'gamer' tactics obsolete. So, players will want their forces to be in at least two lines with a reserve and not strung out in a line as is commonly done in other rules.

The rules include scenarios for the battles of Mollwitz (1741), Kolin (1757), Krefeld (1758) and a generic Manoeuvre battle based on the battles of Hochkirch and Zorndorf (both 1758). 1 vol, 52 pgs 2020 UK, WYRE HISTORIC BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-223191 Dorrell, Nick Twilight of the Soldier Kings - European Battles in the Age Of Frederick the Great 1730-1780 This is the first of the scenario books for the Twilight of the Soldier Kings rules. It contains scenarios for the following battles.

The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
?Chotusitz, 1742
?Dettingen, 1743
?Madonna dell'Olmo, 1744
?Kesselsdorf, 1745
?Lauffeld, 1747

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)

?Rossbach, 1757
?Leuthen, 1757
?Zorndorf, 1758
?Minden, 1759
?Korbitz, 1759
?Warburg, 1760
?Torgau, 1760

1 vol, 44 pgs 2020 UK, WYRE HISTORIC BOOKS
NEW-softcover ......$32.00 rct

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1-229530 Eaglestone, Paul BOHICA: Vietnam Skirmish Rules Large format all color. A joint Partizan Press/Empress Miniatures venture, Bend Over, Here It Comes Again (BOHICA) is designed for platoon-size actions for figures of any scale. Includes rules for the nasty surprises you'd expect, and practice scenarios. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$30.00 rct

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1-205983 Elliot, Ged IN THE GRANDEST MANNER COMPANION: Borodino and Dresden Third supplement in the planned series of 'Companions' to both support and supplement the rules, In The Grandest Manner, with themed scenarios. Intended for In the Grandest Manner, but compatible with any Napoleonic rules system. Includes Orbats, Deployment, Maps, supplementary rules for skirmishing.

As with the previous Companion, time is spent on exploring the intricacies of the rules which the Companions support. In this edition, the focus is the section that governs Orders and Command & Control. In-depth analysis pertains to Skirmishers and how they are used in the battles. 1 vol, 45 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$25.00 rct

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2-49860 Elliot, Gerry IN THE GRAND MANNER: Napoleonic Wargame Rule - New Edition Latest updated version of these best-selling rules. All color illustrations. Large format paperback. Made famous by Peter Gilder at his Wargames Centre, a tradition carried on by Gerry, who has honed these rules through hundreds of gamers and thousands of games. 1 vol, 130 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$39.00 rct

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1-223920 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco Clash of Spears Rome rises and duty calls! So pick up your shield, brother, and join the fight! Whether you are changing history by blocking Dyonisus and his gang from taking over Syracuse or you are just raiding the enemy's herds trying to keep your men fed, CLASH of spears will launch you into the gritty world of skirmish battles in the ancient world!

CLASH of spears is a fast paced, warband level, wargame to be played in 4' by 4' tables over 1 to 3 hours.It was designed to be fast and intuitive, while providing realistic feel, tactical depth and high impact decision making. A typical warband includes 30 to 50 miniatures and can be picked from 12 different army lists like Romans, Carthaginians, Greeks, Gauls, Iberians and more
1 vol, 156 pgs 2020 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-hardback ......$39.00 rct

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1-223921 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco CLASH OF SPEARS - Rise of Eagles This book expands the forces available in the core book by adding 13 new Army lists.

The lists include the Late Republican Army (post Marian Reform), the Early Imperial Army and enemies that fought against these armies such as Thracians, Germans, Britons, Dacians, Parthians, Spartacus Slave revolt, and so on. Also cinludes the eastern enemies that Rome fought during the times of the Republic, such as the successors of Alexander the Great and the Pontic kingdom. 1 vol, 156 pgs 2021 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-hardback ......$34.00 rct

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1-223922 Erize, Alvaro & Francisco CLASH OF KATANAS: Expansion for Clash Of Spears A full expansion of Clash of Spears that allows you to play skirmish battles of 25 to 100 models in the wars of 16th century Japan. The power of the Shogunate is in shambles, and Japan has fallen into the chaos of the Sengoku Jidai (warring states). Daimyos lead their clans into battle, fighting to become the next Shogun, while peasants rise in revolt. But those are the problems of lords and generals, yours is to lead your men, and achieve honor and glory for your house. 1 vol, 156 pgs 2022 US, FIGHTING HEDGEHOG
NEW-pb ......$39.00 rct

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1-242570 Firelock Games BLOOD & CROWNS: Medieval Skirmish Rules A 28mm miniatures skirmish game that immerses you in late medieval Western Europe and the chaotic period known as the Hundred Years War. Recreate the countless skirmishes, raids, sallies, acts of piracy, and all manner of small-scale engagements with focus on individual warriors where personal combat was the most visceral. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-hardback, available mid March 2024 ......$39.00 rct

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1-242570B Firelock Games BLOOD & CROWNS: Bundle Set This bundle contains all of the materials that gamers need to play Blood & Crowns -- a 28mm miniatures skirmish game that immerses you in late medieval Western Europe and the chaotic period known as the Hundred Years War. Recreate the countless skirmishes, raids, sallies, acts of piracy, and all manner of small-scale engagements with focus on individual warriors where personal combat was the most visceral.

* Rulebook
* Unit Card Deck
* Activation Card Deck
* Token Set 1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-bundle ......$104.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-2425797 Firelock Games BLOOD & CROWNS: Unit Card Deck This deck contains cards for all units and commanders represented in Blood & Crowns Rules. This deck contains 14 Faction Cards, 12 Leader Cards, 3 Retinue Cards, and 24 Unit Cards. 1 vol, 43 pgs 2024 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-deck, available mid March 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-2425798 Firelock Games BLOOD & CROWNS: Activation Card Deck This deck contains 54 poker size cards that are used to play Blood & Crowns. 1 vol, 54 pgs 2024 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-deck, available mid March 2024 ......$24.00 rct

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1-2425799 Firelock Games BLOOD & CROWNS: Token Set This set contains a variety of marker tokens ready to use for Blood & Crowns. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2024 US, FIRELOCK GAMES
NEW-tokens, available mid March 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-2222515 Flaherty, Chris LUNAR SURFACE WARFARE: Paper Soldiers Booklet of paper soldiers to cut out and play the period on the tabletop.

Also includes a set of Wargaming rules for combat between Soviet Cosmonauts and US Army and Airforce Soldier-Astronauts. It is based on early popular science, and military studies conducted in the 1950s, and 1960s that looked at how the US Army and Air Force would establish a military presence on the Earth's Moon and would defend that against the Soviets. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2021 ITALY, SOLDIER SHOP
NEW-softcover ......$36.00 rct

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1-227040 Flint, Keith SHADOW OF THE EAGLES: WARGAMES RULES FOR THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY & NAPOLEON WARS Divisional-level game where player controls three to five brigades totaling about 20 units with game lasting a couple hours. By designer of Osprey's Honours of War. Basic units are infantry battalions, cavalry regiments and artillery batteries. Basic structure of Shadow of the Eagles is IGO-UGO, although firing and close combat are simultaneous. Games generally begin with some form of preparatory barrage. There is no separate morale phase, nor are there any old school 'morale tests'. Includes three scenarios. Full-color throughout. 1 vol, 120 pgs 2021 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardcover ......$49.00 rct

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1-240460 Fratt, Steve SMALL DEADLY SPACE: An American Civil War Battle Manual 2nd Edition Edition 2.0. ACW rule set focuses on the psychological effect of battle through unit cohesion tracked via hidden 'dashboard.' Morale numbers and Cohesion colors on the dashboard fall with combat defeats and fatigue, and rise with Division Staff Officers' rallies.

Close Actions are resolved by the use of several die rolls over the course of fighting the Close Action. Attackers test morale to see if they go in or if they instead settle for a protracted firefight. Defenders then test morale to determine the intensity of their defensive fire. The players complete the Close Action by rolling to see if one side can secure a 2 to 1 result or better to defeat the foe. Leadership plays an important role, as if the attack looks like it will bog down into a firefight, the attackers may send a Staff Officer into the fray to re-roll the Close Action dice again. This may be repeated as long as there are available Staff and a result of less than 2 to 1 is not achieved. Once that 2 to 1 result is obtained, the Close Action is decided and play is moved onto the next one. At the end of the turn every unit that was in combat tests current morale to see if troop stands are removed from play.

Also includes scenario labels for Day 2 Battle of Gettysburg. 1 vol, 174 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-spiral-bound ......$60.00 rct

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1-770201 Fry, Mark and Anderson, Rob Libertad! a supplement for the popular Blitzkrieg Commander IV Contains 23 new army lists for the various factions present in this conflict, plus 5 historical scenarios complete with maps by Henry Hyde and new rules for Line Commanders, Street Barricades, Molotov Cocktails, and more. A copy of Blitzkrieg Commander IV is required to use this supplement 1 vol, 48 pgs 2020 UK, PENDRAKEN MINIATURES
NEW-softcover ......$12.00 rct

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1-199079 Garnett, Tom FIREBALL FORWARD: Conflict Europe 1981 - Battle for Bad Hersfeld The twelve scenarios capture the first 24 hours of combat between Soviet battalions and American Mechanized or Tank Company Teams near the west German town of Bad Hersfeld on the Fulda river. These small unit battles represent a tiny window in the NATO effort to defeat Soviet forces.

Though designed with FIREBALL FORWARD in mind, these scenarios can be readily adapted to your preferred set of 15m-28mm WWII/Modern rules 1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$30.00 rct

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2-199079 Garnett, Tom FIREBALL FORWARD: Conflict Europe1981 - Battle for Bad Hersfeld PDF The twelve scenarios capture the first 24 hours of combat between Soviet battalions and American Mechanized or Tank Company Teams near the west German town of Bad Hersfeld on the Fulda river. These small unit battles represent a tiny window in the NATO effort to defeat Soviet forces.

Though designed with FIREBALL FORWARD in mind, these scenarios can be readily adapted to your preferred set of 15m-28mm WWII/Modern rules 1 vol, 60 pgs 2015 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-PDF ......$27.00 rct

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1-223950 Garnett, Tom Across the Po Valley: Wargaming the Late French Revolutionary War Wargamer and author Tom Garnett provides a view into a lesser known campaign where the successes of Napoleon Bonaparte in his brilliant1796-1797 campaign were wiped out in 1799 by an equally brilliant campaign led by the Russian hero Marshal Alexander Suvorov. Twelve battle scenarios, ranging from northeast to southwest northern Italy, tracks the sweep of the Russian-Austrian coalition against their French opponents. Each scenario comes with a detailed battle map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and special rules and content you need to set up and play each game.

French Attack at Pozzo, Battle of Magnano
Russian Attack at Lecco, Battle of Adda River Line
Austrian Attack at Vaprio, Battle of Cassano
French Attack , Clash at Bassignana
French Attack at San Giuliano Vecchio,
Battle of 1st Marengo
French Morning Attack, Battle of Tidone Creek
Coalition Counterattack, Battle of Tidone Creek
Coalition Right Column Attack, Battle of Trebbia
French Right-Wing Attack, Battle of Trebbia
Austrian Right-Wing Attack, Battle of Novi
Russian Attack Against Novi, Battle of Novi
Morning Meeting Engagement, Battle of Genola

This book only provides scenario information and some additional rules modifications designed for a variant of the Regimental Fire and Fury rules system. The basic rulebook is needed to play these scenarios. 1 vol, 84 pgs 2020 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$32.00 rct

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1-223440 Garton, Philip In Deo Veritas - Fast Play Rules for Exciting Seventeenth Century Battles In seventeenth century Europe it must have seemed that there was always a conflict somewhere. This century of battles is the inspiration for these wargames rules.

Designed for ease of play, 'In Deo Veritas' offers a player experience based on the commander's problems. The rules are designed to create a feel for the uncertainty of battle. Keeping the men going, even when things don't seem too good, is critical for success.

Units become progressively disabled as disorder sets in and cohesion begins to suffer. At the heart of the game is a simple Disorder Test. If commanders don't take care to maintain cohesion then their forces could be heading for destruction!

In weighing up the scale of your achievements at the end of the game, will you be able to claim a major victory in your dispatches? Just take care to remember that your next battle may not be so successful.

Using the smaller scales of 6, 10 or 15mm the usual 6' x 4' table gives a scale battlefield over a mile wide. This is large enough to cover all but the largest engagements.

The six historical battle scenarios provide different challenges and give players the insight into the nature of seventeenth century warfare. The Terrain Generator and a system of points allow the players to develop their own scenarios.

In battle nothing is certain but generals that practice their skills are more likely to be victorious 1 vol, 118 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb ......$32.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-223441 Garton, Philip IN DEO VERITAS - CAPTAIN GENERAL Wargaming the Age of Marlborough and the Great Northern War Expansion book for the popular rule set In Deo Veritas focuses on the command decisions needed to maintain the motivation of the army. The battle scenarios offer the player a series of different challenges from the wars of the early eighteenth century.

Battles are played at the brigade level with all major elements on 75mm/3-inch wide bases. Using smaller scale figures (6-15mm) lets players give their units a realistic feel. The ground scale of 1' = 40yds means the typical 6 ft x 4 ft table is large enough to accommodate most battles of the period.

You will need a copy of In Deo Veritas: Fast Play Rules for Exciting Seventeenth Century Battles in Smaller Scales to use this book. Includes 20 colour photos, 4 colour maps, numerous tables. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2020 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$26.00 rct

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1-230240 Garton, Philip THREE AGES OF ROME: Fast Play Rules for Ancient Battles With a focus on the commander's problems, these rules cover The Age of Expansion (300BCE - 30BCE), The Age of Empire (30BCE-200CE), and The Age of Decline (200CE-450CE). No rebasing required and can be played with all current basing styles and conventions.

Includes six historical battle scenarios that span the three ages and provide different challenges. They offer players an insight into the nature of command in ancient warfare. The Terrain Generator and Scenario Generator allow the players to develop their own games. For competitive games, a points system players all the information needed to exactly balance their forces. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230241 Garton, Philip AGE OF ALEXANDER : Scenario Book for Three Ages of Rome Rules Supplement to Three Ages of Rome rules provides six historical scenarios and links directly into the first period of the 'Three Ages' rules. The new army lists introduce Age of Alexander armies that complement the armies in the original set of rules, enabling players to recreate more battles from the ancient period. 1 vol, 78 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-230242 Garton, Philip THE RISE OF BYZANTIUM: Fighting the Early Wars of Byzantium with the Three Ages of Rome Expansion to the Three Ages of Rome wargame rules. The six historical scenarios span 'The Rise of Byzantium' and link directly into the last period of the 'Three Ages' rules. The new army lists introduce armies from across the period of the expansion set. They complement the armies in the original set of rules enabling players to recreate more battles from the ancient period. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2022 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid December 2022 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198514 Gilio, Bob SENUSSI'S LITTLE MINIATURE WAR 1915-1917: Setting the East Ablaze Supplement Latest Setting the East Ablaze supplement contains 15 scenarios, maps, orbats, and chapters on wargaming the German- and Ottoman-supported Arab campaign against the British and Italian forces. 1 vol, 190 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$53.00 rct

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1-1938701 Granillo, Manny RECKLESS DARING: Once Upon a Time in the Sudan Scenario and adventure book for the Reckless Daring Grand Battles rules system and the Terra Incognita company rules system. Based around the British Colonial adventure in the Sudan from 1884 thru 1898, players are thrown head first into the action in an effort to survive and try to get your name mentioned in Dispatches.

Can be used with any scale and no rebasing required. Includes regimental-level engagements of Omdurman, Toski, Khartoum, Ginnis, and more and company-level engagements for use with Terra Incognita. Complete backstory for each scenario with maps, orders of battle, and special rules. Commentary and reckless situations embellish the Sudan Adventures and Tall Tales. 1 vol, 85 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-dj ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-210440 Granillo, Manny OPFOR: Modern Divisional Combat Supplement for Panzer Korps 2nd Edition 2nd Edition: REQUIRES PANZER KORPS RULES to play. Opfor is NOT a stand alone module.

Opfor integrates modern battlefield components with the Panzer Korps Divisional System. It covers most combat organizational configurations, weapons systems, and theaters of operation. Covers Airborne, Artillery, Armored formations, and more! Breaks down the command structures into their respective parts. Aids in understanding the rapidly changing organizations and strategies. Includes comprehensive vehicle, weapon system and aircraft lists, plus strategic assets such as SAT, Drones, TAC Nukes, and more! Simulates the command paradigm at the Divisional Level Air support and Special Ops. Offers two complete scenarios.

* Covers the period from 1965 thru 2030
* Updates vehicle listings for all nations
* New scenarios
* Compete electronic warfare systems and rules to integrate them into your actions
* Comprehensive TOW/ATGM vehicle and man-portable systems list
* Intrinsic command updates and adjustments
* Clarifications and Errata from 1.0
* Expands coverage of new Flash Points: Ukraine, Taiwan, Africa, and South Pacific region 1 vol, 165 pgs 2023 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-pb, available late July 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-88299 Granillo, Manny ROMMEL'S WAY: Panzer Korps Scenario Book IX Ninth in a series of WWII scenario books designed specifically for the Panzer Korps rules system. Featuring many of his own letters and opinions, Rommel's Way offers 15 North African scenarios with maps and Force Groups: Operation Scipio '43, Sidi Bou Zid '43, Tug Argan Pass '40, Tel El Eisa '42, Bloody Keren '41, Totensonntag '41, Beda Fomm 41, Agordhat '41, Bir El Gubi '41, Bir Hakeim '42, Nebeiwa '41, Operation Battleaxe '41, Operation Brevity '41, and Kassarine Pass '43. Also a Abyssinian Campaign '35 scenario. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2019 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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1-888412 Granillo. Manny THE EMPEROR WILLS IT! : Corps Command Napoleonic Scenario Book II Complete Scenarios for use with CORPS COMMAND IV or any other Divisional/Brigade level Napoleonic rules. Can be used with any scale and no rebasing needed. Command at the Divisional Level with smallest unit a Battalion.

Battles Included:
Italian Campaign-Montenotte 1796
1814 Campaign-Vauchamps 1814
French Campaign- Valmy 1792
German Campaign-Kleinbeeren 1813
United States-Northpoint 1814
Russian Campaign-Berezina 1812
Spanish Campaign-Arroyos Dos Molinos 1811
German Campaign-Braunsberg 1807 1 vol, 80 pgs 2022 US, HOPLITE RESEARCH
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 with a discount of 10% rct

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2-80171 Gray, Bill THE AGE OF EAGLES:Napoleon vs Europe 1813-14 Scenario Book 8.5, fourteen scenarios including Battle of Gross Beeren 1813; Battle of Kulm 1813; Battle of Orthez 1814. Also the latest optional rules and conversion schemes for Grande Armee, Napoleon's Battles 1 vol, 80 pgs 2020 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-228150 Gygax, Gary CLASSIC WARFARE: Rules for Ancient Warfare from the Pharaohs to Charlemagne Rules for wargames with miniature figures from the days of the earliest Pharaohs of the new Kingdom through the end of the Dark Ages - 1500 B.C. to 700 A.D. and slightly later.

This is a 68 page docu-bind style book. Early Gary Gygax miniature rules with illustrations by Greg Bell and Mimi Roach. Edited by Timothy J. Kask. 1 vol, 68 pgs 1975 US, TSR RULES
V.GOOD spiral bound softcover: Only 1 copy available. First Come, First Served ......$90.00 rct

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2-215640 Hall, Simon MORTEM et GLORIAM: Rules for the Ancient/Medieval Covering 2000BC to 1500AD 2nd edition Boxed Set Box contains MeG hardback rule book for Maxiumus, Magna and Pacto sytems, set of tokens, cards, dice and dice bag

The changes do not alter any basic rules structures. They change interactions between a few weapon types, the color card you need for certain maneuvers, point costs have been changed, things like that. The point cost changes just mean you need to download (for free) the lates version of the army builder. There are a few changes to how the pregame setup/terrain selection works.

Not sure what you mean by cosmetic, but almost all the changes are 'tweaks' as opposed to 'redesign' stuff. BTW, if you own the original stuff you can download all of the changes and bring your rules current from the website.

This 240-page hardback book with a new look and 20 world class pieces of artwork by Giuseppe Rava. It will integrate all clarifications, include a more extensive set of diagrams and will combine Maximus, Magna and Pacto in a single volume

Tokens-are blended with grass background to make games look great. The wound and slow markers have printed casualties and troops on them.

1 vol, 240 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-boxed set, 2nd edition, out of print ......$89.00 rct

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3-215640 Hall, Simon MORTEM et GLORIAM: Rules for the Ancient/Medieval Covering 2000BC to 1500AD 2nd edition 2nd edition rules set contains the MeG hardback rule book for Maxiumus, Magna and Pacto sytems, dice, cards, and a set of wound/slow markers.

The changes do not alter any basic rules structures. They change interactions between a few weapon types, the color card you need for certain maneuvers, point costs have been changed, things like that. The point cost changes just mean you need to download (for free) the lates version of the army builder. There are a few changes to how the pregame setup/terrain selection works.

Almost all the changes are 'tweaks' as opposed to 'redesign' stuff. If you own the original stuff you can download all of the changes and bring your rules current from the website.

This 240-page hardback book with a new look and 20 world class pieces of artwork by Giuseppe Rava. It will integrate all clarifications, include a more extensive set of diagrams and will combine Maximus, Magna and Pacto in a single volume. Tokens-are blended with grass background to make games look great. The wound and slow markers have printed casualties and troops on them. 1 vol, 240 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-hardback set, 2nd edition, out of print, limited quantity ......$89.00 rct

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1-2156401 Hall, Simon MORTEM ET GLORIAM: Battles of the Great Commanders 1: Age of Attila First of the 'Battles of the Great Commanders' companion series to Mortem et Gloriam. Each companion book covers the context, notable leaders, armies, history, campaigns and major battles of a specific period of ancient history, combining the latest research into a guide to the period. The books contain much detail that is useful to any Ancients gamer and, in addition, ready-made refights and campaign ideas for use with our popular Mortem et Gloriam ruleset. We hope they inspire historical refights and campaigns.

This book is a supplement for the Mortem et Gloriam Compendium Edition - it is not a standalone set of rules. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-pb , out of print ......$38.00 rct

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1-241910 Hall, Simon RENATIO ET GLORIAM: Miniature Battles Between 1494 and 1721 Renatio et Gloriam is coming, a set of tabletop miniature rules based on Mortem et Gloriam's CCC Games engine that allows you to fight large-scale battles from the Renaissance. Covering warfare from 1494 up until 1721 the rules allow you to field the armies of Cordoba, Turenne, or Marlborough. Includes 220 color photos and illustrations, 30 tables, and over 400 army lists.

Each on-table general will have a hand of cards, which can be played in multiple ways. Better-quality generals get more cards. Management of these cards is paramount to the decisions, that as an Army commander, you must make. When playing these cards will you - order a charge on the enemy or will try to encourage the soldiers onward after being driven back by deadly fire, or will the general join the ranks to bolster troops' morale? 1 vol, 200 pgs 2024 UK, HELION & COMPANY
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$60.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-245620 Hall, Simon, Simon Clarke, and Alasdair Harley RENATIO ET GLORIAM: Great Kings, Great Alliances - Army Lists for the Great Northern War and War of Spanish Succession This supplement to Renatio et Gloriam miniature rules covers large-scale battles in the Great Northern War and War of Spanish Succession. Contains 49 lists, starting in 1700 with the Swedish armies of Charles XII and Russian armies of Peter the Great, right up to the War of Spanish succession. Also contains army lists for Anglo-Dutch alliance, France, Spain, The Holy Roman Empire, and Portugal. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid August 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-198513 Hamilton, Alan MAD MULLAH & OTHER OPERATIONS IN DARFUR: British Operations in Somaliland The Latest in the SETTING THE EAST ABLAZE series. Detailed background, 10 scenarios, maps, OOBs, and Army lists. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2019 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$38.00 rct

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2-192210 Hasenauer, Richard REGIMENTAL FIRE AND FURY: American Civil War Rules Regimental softcover wire-bound edition provides players a more in-depth look at American Civil War combat. The smaller scale allows you to take command of individual regiments and batteries and re-fight in greater detail many of the war's smaller engagements, as well as critical actions of the conflict's famous battles. Uses the same play sequence but with new versions of the maneuver table and combat system. Contains full-color photos and diagrams, six battle scenarios, and two quick reference sheets. 1 vol, 108 pgs 2024 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover edition ......$44.00 rct

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2-16680 Hasenauer, Richard W. FIRE AND FURY: The American Civil War in Miniature Reprint of original Fire & Fury rules in 8.5x11 format, packed with color photos, simple and easy to play rules, army lists, terrain making. Scenario for Gettysburg. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2020 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-color edition ......$26.00 rct

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1-214052 Hasenhauer, Richard GREAT WESTERN BATTLES: 2nd Edition for Brigade Fire & Fury Contains 16 battle scenarios redesigned for use with your 2nd Edition, Brigade Fire and Fury. Each scenario comes with a detailed battlefield map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and special rules you need to set up and fight each battle.

Battles include:

Battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862
The Hornet's Nest, Battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862
Shiloh Church, Battle of Shiloh, April 6, 1862
1st Day Battle of Corinth, October 3, 1862
2nd Day Battle of Corinth, October 4, 1862
Battle of Perryville, October 8, 1862
Battle of Murfreesboro, December 31, 1862
Battle of Champion Hill, May 16, 1862
1st Day Battle of Chickamauga,
September 19, 1863
2nd Day Battle of Chickamauga,
September 20, 1863
Battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864
Hardee Turns the Flank, Battle of Atlanta,
July 22, 1864
Cheatham Enters the Fray, Battle of Atlanta,
July 22, 1864
Battle of Pleasant Hill,April 9, 1864
Battle of Spring Hill, November 29, 1864
Battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864 1 vol, 96 pgs 2019 US, FIRE AND FURY
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-226740 Heath, Peter WAR ON THE GROUND : WWII RULES BATTALION LEVEL GAMES The War on the Ground is a rule system for tabletop actions, designed to give a realistic and enjoyable game for 12mm/1:144 scale miniatures. The rule set covers all aspects of WWII combat, including infantry, armor, artillery and aerial encounters.

Also included is a separate fast-play reference sheet and five historical scenarios to get you started.
NEW-softcover ......$30.00 rct

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1-226741 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES IN FRANCE & GERMANY : January - April 1945 23 scenarios, Lots of background campaign details, Unit organisations, new troop type lists, guns and Armour. Bibliography of titanic proportions 1 vol, 88 pgs 2021 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$39.00 rct

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1-2267410 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Italian Campaign - March 1944 to May 1945 This concluding volume provides 17 scenarios and detailed background to the events leading up to and beyond each, from platoon to reinforced battlegroup. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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1-2267411 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Battle of the Bulge - December 1944 Covers the actions hitherto almost ignored and forgotten with 19 detailed scenarios, covering the actions from 16th December on into the start of January 1945. Includes a section with British troops against the German offensive. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$38.00 rct

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1-226742 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES FROM OPERATION HUSKY: The Invasion of Sicily, July 1943. Includes 20 full scenarios, all at 1:1 scale, and up to battalion size, as well as an overview account of the campaign. Unit types and armour involved in the campaign are all present, representing the Americans, the British, the Germans (including Fallschirmjagers) and Italians. Tanks go from the diminutive French R35 tank to the mighty Tiger. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2021 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available mid October 2021 ......$39.00 rct

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1-2267431 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES IN RUSSIA 1942: VOLUME 1. THE YEAR OF INDECISION Offers 19 detailed scenarios from company to battalion level which can be used with any set of WWII wargames rules. Includes unit organization charts, vehicle and unit stats, and new rules for The War on the Ground ruleset. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available late February 2022 ......$39.00 rct

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1-226744 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The Italian Campaign - September 1943 to February 1944 A series of WWII scenarios covering a range of engagements, with varying unit types and sizes and a variety of opposing forces, including the first appearance of both Italian partisans and Italian troops fighting on the Allied side. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$39.00 rct

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1-226745 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: The West Wall - September 1944 To February 1945 Latest in the series offers 20 scenarios covering US and British efforts to break through the German West Wall, known by the Allies as The Siegfried Line, from September 1944 to February 1945. Provides different types of engagements, unit sizes, and opposing forces. Includes new troop types and armored vehicles as well as new rules for demolitions, assaults on armored targets, panzerfausts as infantry artillery weapons. The scenarios are designed for use with any WWII rules set, down to company and even platoon level. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-softcover ......$39.00 rct

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1-226746 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: Raids in the European Theatre 1939-1945 Latest in this series of Scenarios specifically for The War on the Ground rules, but adaptable for other WWII rules. Contains 16 scenarios from Platoon to Brigade level and presented in chronological order, but several can be linked for a mini campaign. Includes Special Rules to enhance the playability and accuracy of each scenario. Some of the individual scenarios will be extremely challenging and have included campaigns and units not used before within the scenario series: for example, Finnish Jaegers during the Winter War in 1939. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb, available early October 2022 ......$39.00 rct

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1-226747 Heath, Peter FORGOTTEN BATTLES: On the Flanks of Arnhem, September 1944 Contains 20 scenarios covers the actions of the British, Canadian, American, and Polish forces across 1944 North Western Europe. The scenarios are designed to be used with any rules system, and any scale from 6mm to 15mm and includes back story, OOBs, and maps. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, ANSCHLUSS PUBLISHING LTD
NEW-pb ......$39.00 rct

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1-241980 Hicks, Jonathan PRESSURE: Industrial Science Fiction Roleplaying Rules-light, story-focused game of facing the darkness at the heart of humanity's fragile and claustrophobic existence - both on Earth and among the stars. An entirely standalone title, Pressure also develops and expands upon the mechanics and setting introduced in the Those Dark Places roleplaying game.

As highly skilled agents of Special Operations Squads, players are tasked with cleaning up after the Corporations -- investigating links to organized crime, neutralizing rogue weapons research, negotiating with rebel leaders on orbital stations, and hunting down whatever that black-budget excavation team 'awoke' out in the Procyon Sector. The universe is a dangerous and hostile place; the Hypercities and the Deep Black alike hide powerful foes. But you have the tools, the training, and the resources to face these dangers -- you hope. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback, available late January 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-42070 Hill, John JOHNNY REB III, reprint of the 3rd edtion 8.5x11, new revised 'final edition' classic rules, play aids, quick reference sheet. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover reprint of the 3rd edtion ......$24.00 rct

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2-42070 Hill, John JOHNNY REB III - PDF version 8.5x11, new revised 'final edition' classic rules, play aids, quick reference sheet. 1 vol, 68 pgs 2021 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-PDF ......$21.00 rct

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1-235890 Hilton, Barry MAD FOR WAR: 17th Century Naval Rules Rules for 17th century naval actions with miniature ships. Uses different die types for crew experience levels and a few flavor-some modifiers to recreate sea battles. Actions can be fought on tables as small as 60cm square and the system accommodates massed battles with 50 ships per side on much larger tables. Many scales from 1/4800 to 1/300 can be used.

Fight from the icy, wind-blasted waters of the Arctic to the steamy rivers of equatorial Africa. Defy ferocious Omani corsairs or square up to the mighty Restoration Fleet of Charles II. Contains 196 pages with hundreds of photographs, maps, and illustrations. 1 vol, 196 pgs 2023 UK, THE LEAGUE OF AUGSBURG
NEW-pb ......$54.00 rct

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1-226570 Hobday, Andy THE BARONS WAR - A Medieval Skirmish Game Set against a backdrop of the 1215-17 First Barons' War triggered by the issuing of Magna Carta, this skirmish game pits rival Barons or rival factions who find themselves on either side of the conflict 1 vol, 138 pgs 2021 UK, FOOTSORE MINIATURES
NEW-softcover ......$28.00 rct

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1-226571 Hobday, Andy THE BARONS WAR: Death & Taxes First supplement designed for The Barons' War skirmish game. Play your way through the linked scenario-driven campaign, choosing either the forces of the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire or local outlaws sworn to protect the villagers, who are objecting to paying taxes twice. Further rules are included for developing and running exciting stand-alone seasonal campaigns where individual Commanders strive to be the most chivalrous while battling it out over a campaign map to conquer territory. Includes a linked campaign, the Outlaw retinue list, and rules for running a map-based campaign. 1 vol, 112 pgs 2021 UK, FOOTSORE MINIATURES
NEW-pb ......$26.00 rct

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1-37017 Hopper, Michael PERFIDIOUS ALBION: 1806-1810 Contains 27 scenarios providing detailed orders of battle and maps for battalion/brigade level rules. Features scenarios from Africa, South America, and Europe such as Blaawberg, Buenos Aires, Ventosa, and Lugo. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2021 CANADA, MICHAEL HOPPER
NEW-softcover, available late November 2022 ......$34.00 rct

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1-37018 Hopper, Michael RISE OF ALBION: 1809 - 1811 Contains 27 Napoleonic scenarios providing detailed orders of battle and maps for battalion and brigade level rules. Includes battles Torrijo-Alcabon, Casa de Salinas, Talavera, and more. 1 vol, 56 pgs 2021 CANADA, MICHAEL HOPPER
NEW-softcover ......$34.00 rct

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1-221530B Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat + Implements of Carnage plastic frame Order by Monday August 26, 2019 and we will include a free 'metal motor cycle'

Implements of Carnage plastic frame - A plastic frame of weapons, armor, drivers and much more. Designed to help you customize your die-cast cars into instruments of death to use in games like Gaslands: Refuelled. The Implements of Carnage includes: 4 machine Guns, 3 Heavy machine Guns, 2 Mini Guns, 1 Harpoon, 1 Racing vent, 2 Droppers, 1 Death ray, 1 Tool box, 2 Dozer Blades, 1 Motorbike, 4 Wheels (double- sided alloys), 4 Sheets of armor, 1 Bull Bars, 1 Engine Block, 1 Exhaust, 1 Flamethrower, 2 Drivers, 1 Turret Gunner, 1 Turret Ring, 2 Side Exhausts, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Radar Dish and 2 Rockets. Implements of Carnage are scaled for Hotwheels/ Matchbox style vehicles. Supplied unpainted.

Shoot, ram, skid, and loot your way through the ruins of civilization with Gaslands: Refuelled, the tabletop miniature wargame of post-apocalyptic vehicular mayhem.

With all-new material including expanded and enhanced perks, sponsors, vehicle types, and weapons. Gaslands: Refuelled contains everything a budding wasteland warrior needs to build and customize their fleet of vehicles in this harsh post-apocalyptic future. With a host of options for scenarios, environmental effects, and campaigns, players can create their own anarchic futures. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING & NORTH STAR
NEW-hardcover, available late September 2019 ......$36.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-221530BB Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat + Implements of Carnage plastic frame, Dice, Templates and Tokens Order the Big Bundle by Monday Aug 26, 2019 and we will include a free 'metal motor cycle'

GASLANDS: Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular Combat Rule Book
Implements of Carnage plastic frame - A plastic frame of weapons, armor, drivers and much more. Designed to help you customize your die-cast cars into instruments of death to use in games like Gaslands: Refuelled. The Implements of Carnage includes: 4 machine Guns, 3 Heavy machine Guns, 2 Mini Guns, 1 Harpoon, 1 Racing vent, 2 Droppers, 1 Death ray, 1 Tool box, 2 Dozer Blades, 1 Motorbike, 4 Wheels (double- sided alloys), 4 Sheets of armor, 1 Bull Bars, 1 Engine Block, 1 Exhaust, 1 Flamethrower, 2 Drivers, 1 Turret Gunner, 1 Turret Ring, 2 Side Exhausts, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Radar Dish and 2 Rockets. Implements of Carnage are scaled for Hotwheels/ Matchbox style vehicles. Supplied unpainted.
In the game Gaslands, you need Skid Dice. These have custom faces on them to make playing the game much easier. Five per pack.
12 Templates designed for Gaslands: Refuelled. These templates are essential to playing the game Gaslands: Refuelled. Laser cut translucent acrylic
Markers, All you need for the Gaslands: Refuelled. 25 hazard, 25 ammo, 10 vote, 1 pole position. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2019 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING & NORTH STAR
NEW-hardcover, available late September 2019 ......$85.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-221531 Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Implements of Carnage plastic frame Implements of Carnage plastic frame - A plastic frame of weapons, armor, drivers and much more. Designed to help you customize your die-cast cars into instruments of death to use in games like Gaslands: Refuelled. The Implements of Carnage includes: 4 machine Guns, 3 Heavy machine Guns, 2 Mini Guns, 1 Harpoon, 1 Racing vent, 2 Droppers, 1 Death ray, 1 Tool box, 2 Dozer Blades, 1 Motorbike, 4 Wheels (double- sided alloys), 4 Sheets of armor, 1 Bull Bars, 1 Engine Block, 1 Exhaust, 1 Flamethrower, 2 Drivers, 1 Turret Gunner, 1 Turret Ring, 2 Side Exhausts, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Radar Dish and 2 Rockets. Implements of Carnage are scaled for Hotwheels/ Matchbox style vehicles. Supplied unpainted. 1 vol, 2 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-plastic sprue, available late September 2019 ......$7.00 rct

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1-221532 Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Dice for Gaslands In the game Gaslands, you need Skid Dice. These have custom faces on them to make playing the game much easier. Five per pack. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-blister, available late September 2019 ......$11.00 rct

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1-221533 Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Templates 12 Templates designed for Gaslands: Refuelled. These templates are essential to playing the game Gaslands: Refuelled. Laser cut translucent acrylic. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-plastic templates, available late September 2019 ......$21.00 rct

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1-221534 Hutchinson, Mike GASLANDS: Tokens All you need for the Gaslands: Refuelled. 25 hazard, 25 ammo, 10 vote, 1 pole position. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, NORTH STAR
NEW-plastic tokens, available late September 2019 ......$16.00 rct

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1-243080 Hutton, Gary BREAK THROUGH: Napoleonic Solo Battlegaming Playing card-based system to be used in conjunction with your favorite set of Napoleonic rules. Both sides field seven brigades of differing size and integral artillery. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available early April 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-242140 Hyde, Henry SHOT, STEEL & STONE: 1660-1850 Horse and musket era rules that first appeared in the author's book The Wargaming Compendium (Pen & Sword, 2013) but updated and expanded. Suitable for battles from approximately 1685 (when bayonets became common) through to about 1850, when rifled muskets started to dominate the battlefield.

Rules are scale-agnostic and system is IGO-UGO, with variation to enable the non-active player to react to enemy action, and there is no need to write orders. Key aspect is the command and control system, which places real emphasis on the abilities of local commanders on the spot controlling individual brigades. Combat system involves plenty of dice-rolling combined with the importance of being able to strike first in melee, such as when pikemen or lancers attack units who have shorter weapons. Games of around a dozen units per side can easily be played in an afternoon. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-242150 Hyde, Henry MARTINSTAAT 1744: A Detailed Wargame Campaign Set In A Fictitious World A completely imaginary campaign, set in an imaginary world, fought by two imaginary countries over the territory of a third. Back in the early 1990s, Henry and his chum, leading the imaginary armies of Prunkland and Faltenland, pitched their wits against one another in a classic horse-and-musket era campaign, invading the territory of neutral Martinstaat in an attempt to outflank each other and grab natural resources and taxes to swell their own state coffers. This was part of what became known as The Wars of the Faltenian Succession.

What set this campaign apart was Henry's meticulous record-keeping in the pre-digital era, with page after page of beautiful, neat, handwritten notes and maps showing precisely where the opposing forces were located. It was after posting a few pages of these notes online that a clamour grew amongst fans for him to turn these intricate records into a book-and here it is, including the full campaign rules used for that season.

In addition, Henry did some wonderful watercolour renditions of some of the troops, at the time when he was actually designing the uniforms for both armies and, in creating this extraordinary volume, he has added more than 30 new watercolour illustrations to show the uniforms of Prunkland's 'expeditionary force' plus a few extras. Moreover, he has added maps with overlays to help clarify the week-by-campaign-week moves of the two sides, indicating where major events took place, so that the pages of coordinates make perfect sense, like a stop-frame animation.

Alongside the campaign logs, you will also find the handwritten pages of Henry's own notes, some of them pondering his strategic and tactical options, some of them offering less than flattering opinions about the enemy troops! These notes have been transcribed so that those who may not be able to read what is sometimes slightly scruffier penmanship can, nevertheless, follow the story blow-by-blow. 1 vol, 104 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$35.00 rct

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1-242160 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success Deluxe Full Colour Combined Edition brings together the content of books 1 and 2 in the series with photographs, maps, and diagrams in full colour. Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, this volume pulls together all that tabletop tactical advice under a single cover for easy reference. Includes additional content, with a gallery of inspiring games and an additional scenario featuring pirates and Royal Marines on a tropical island.

Advice outlines how each troop type evolved its own tactics to counter its enemies and make best use of new technologies as they arose. Most of the information is completely generic, with a few examples to help you understand how different arms and tactics are represented in popular rulesets like Black Powder, Hail Caesar, Chain of Command, Warhammer Ancient Battles, and others. 1 vol, 94 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-hardback, available late January 2024 ......$31.00 rct

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1-242161 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 1 - Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Basics Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, this is the first of two volumes that pull together all that tabletop tactical advice under a single cover for easy reference. The content spans the globe, launching you from ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium, soaring across medieval and renaissance Europe, and taking in the conflicts of more recent times that might be in Russia, the Western Desert, Iraq, or Afghanistan. Outlines how each troop type evolved its own tactics to counter its enemies and make best use of new technologies as they arose.

The advice contained here will help you make the best of your infantry, cavalry, artillery, chariots and elephants, through to the radical changes brought about in, for example, artillery from the late 19th century onwards. Most of the information is completely generic, with a few examples to help you understand how different arms and tactics are represented in popular rulesets like Black Powder, Hail Caesar, Chain of Command, Warhammer Ancient Battles and others. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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1-242162 Hyde, Henry TABLETOP BATTLE TACTICS: Techniques for Wargaming Success: Book 2 -- Theory into Practice Based on a series of articles written by the author for Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine, the second of two volumes offers 16 scenarios, each of which can be adapted and staged using your favorite rules and armies. Includes beautifully rendered maps that represent gaming terrain for Ancient Greeks, modern special forces, Wellington's redcoats, Napoleon's finest, or ACW Union versus Confederate. Considers the different approaches that might be needed when using a selection of popular rulesets. 1 vol, 38 pgs 2023 UK, GLADIUS PUBLICATIONS
NEW-pb, available late January 2024 ......$15.00 rct

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2-56840 Johannsen, Hans, and assisted by Arty Conliffe WHITE STAR RISING: Western Front Scenarios 8.5x11-inch size. Contains 17 scenarios for Western Front, 1944-45, from Normandy to the Rhine, for Spearhead rules. Each scenario contains short intro, OBs, and b/w maps (each map square is 30x30-inches on the tabletop).

Bocage aux Follies
* To the Beaches Beyond: Panzer Counterttack
* The Bloody Bocage: Normandy Slugfest
* Cruel Souls: British Blitz
* Hide and Seek in the Hedgerows: Infantry Battle
* Push Comes to Shove: Breakout
* Two in the Side Pocket: Avoiding Encirclement

Off to the Races
* Next Stop the Rhine: Post-Falaise Maneuvers
* Thunder in the Foothills: Rearguard in the Vosges
* Unlocking the Pocket: Canadians in the Scheldt
* Up Against the Wall: Big Red One at Siegfried Line
* Home by Christmas: Arnhem Corridor
* Fighting for the Fatherland: Volksgrenadiers
* Pas de Charge: Counterattack the French

When Only Loyalty Remains
* To Lash Out in Anger: Ardennes Blitzkrieg
* Silent Night: Panzer Struggle
* Nacht und Nebel: Operation Northwind
* Either Night or the Prussians: British in the Reichswald
* A Leap of Faith: Airborne Assault Over Rhine River 1 vol, 42 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$20.00 rct

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2-194780 Jones, Bob DIE FIGHTING: Horse and Musket Period 1700-1900 Tactical wargame ruleset for the period 1700-1900 published in a 54-page staple bound booklet with a gloss color cover and B&W interior pages. Also includes a CD with extras such as play aids, examples and more.

The rules contain many photos and examples of play, as well as suggested adjustments for the major periods covered, which include:

* Marlborough
* Seven Years War
* American War of Independence
* French Revolution
* Early Napoleonic (1801-1807)
* Late Napoleonic (1808-1815)
* American Civil War
* Austro-Prussian War
* Franco-Prussian War

The rules also include three card inserts which provide a rule summary, blank OOB (roster) sheet, and two sheets of phase cards.

The mechanisms in Die Fighting will be adapted for use in the upcoming campaign rules from Repique, Die Marching. 1 vol, 54 pgs 2011 US, REPIQUE RULES
NEW-softcover and CD, available mid April 2021 ......$30.00 with a discount of 40% rct

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1-77020 Jones, Pete BLITZKRIEG COMMANDER: 4th Edition WWII rules suitable for any scale miniatures, from 2mm to 28mm.

* Simple command system that emphasizes the fog of war.
* Effective mechanism for casualty resolution.
* Flexible figure ratio meaning one base represents a platoon.
* Minimal setup time, simply assemble your forces and play.
* Contains 49 army lists covering all nations and theaters.
* Includes 15 scenarios.
* Suitable for solo, two player, or multi-player games.
* No supplements, everything you need to play WWII games in one book.
* Quick Reference Sheet included 1 vol, 120 pgs 2019 UK, PENDRAKEN MINIATURES
NEW-softcover ......$48.00 rct

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1-241470 Kidd, Pauli BUSHIDAN: Miniatures Rules for Small-Unit Warfare in Japan, 1543 to 1615 AD Control the forces of samurai families, ikko-ikki covenants, pirates, bandits, and warrior monks - or even forces engaged against the Japanese of the era such as the Ming Chinese and Joseon Koreans. Focus is on the small-unit tactical systems that were developing to meet the demands of the new age of warfare. Players must plan their tactical 'box of tricks' with care, and choose the ferocity, style, and cunning that their forces will bring to the battlefield. The game includes a campaign system to allow players to pit their Bushidan against one another in longer conflicts. A typical army might have 8 or 9 units, each of 4 to 16 figures each. Includes 43 color photos, four color illustrations, and three tables. 1 vol, 110 pgs 2024 UK, HELION AND COMPANY
NEW-pb, available mid January 2024 ......$40.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-199290 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP CORE RULES: 2nd Edition Not so much a second edition as a reprinting of the main rules now that Kursk and the mini rulebook have sold out. Includes an extra campaign, some datacards, and a compilation of all the special rules and generic scenarios from all our published campaign supplements. A full-color, 170-page hardback book plus five pull out inserts of quick reference sheets, battle rating counters, and vehicle datacards.

Includes three small rules alterations: Aimed Fire with HE shells now has no -1 modifier to hit targets in cover. All Aimed Fire with small arms now has a -1 modifier to hit if the unit moved. A -1 to observe units with the Sniper-Scout special rule. Area Fire is now called Suppressing Fire (but remains unchanged).

The new extra campaign is a Normandy-based location-to-location campaign system and has scenarios and army lists for the Canadian 3rd Infantry and 12th SS Panzer Divisions, including all the vehicle and gun data required to get players started. 1 vol, 88 pgs 2010 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover, 2nd edition, back in stock ......$38.00 rct

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1-1992913 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Overlord D-Day Softback reprint of the 'D Day' section of the original Overlord campaign supplement. 1 vol, 136 pgs 2010 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$25.00 rct

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1-1992914 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Kursk This is the campaign supplement from the original Battlegroup Kursk rulebook, containing army lists, stats, scenarios, and campaign to re-fight the Kursk battles on the Eastern front in 1943. 1 vol, 136 pgs 2010 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$33.00 rct

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2-1992915 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Pacific War Hardback supplement for the Battlegroup gaming system, covering the War in the Pacific Theater in 1944-1945. You will need the Battlegroup rulebook for full enjoyment of this supplement.

Five army lists designed to be played with the equipment and character of the principal combatants in the Pacific Theatre: US Marine Corps divisions in their specialised amphibious assault role, alongside US Infantry Divisions to face Japanese Infantry Divisions and their smaller 'oceanised' divisions used to garrison distant Pacific islands. Also, British and Commonwealth Infantry Divisions for 14th Army in Burma, along with alterations for the Australian divisions on Bougainville and Borneo.

New rules to adapt the core Battlegroup rules to the battlefields of the late Pacific War. Recreating the character of the jungle war, with its tropical conditions, reliance on infantry warfare against a ferocious Japanese foe low on men, equipment and supplies, but with an almost unbreakable will to fight. Includes a new Battle Rating counter set to better recreate the character of the Pacific War, including such events as dangerous Japanese booby-traps and their occasional last desperate Banzai charges. 1 vol, 204 pgs 2024 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 rct

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2-1992917 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Stalingrad Nine army lists are included for the Germans, their Axis allies, and the Red Army. For the Axis: German Panzer and Infantry Division battlegroups, Italian and Rumanian battlegroups, and the Hungarian 1st Armoured Division battlegroup. For the Soviets: Army lists for Rifle Divisions and battlegroups created from their new Tank Corps.

New rules to adapt the core Battlegroup game to the battlefields of the Eastern Front in 1942, including the Battle of Stalingrad. Recreating the character of the war from the rolling steppes of southern Russian to the twisted wreckage of Stalingrad's factories. The book includes new additional detailed rules for street-fighting, a new urban combat scenario Stadtkampf and a mini-campaign system for the ferocious fighting for the Barrikady gun factory. Death on Volga scenario pits specially equipped German assault Stossgruppe infantry battlegroups against the ragged but dug-in and determined defenders of Stalingrad. 1 vol, 204 pgs 2024 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 rct

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1-1992918 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Westwall Supplement covers the fighting in the autumn of 1944, after the Allied victory in Normandy and the subsequent race across France, but before the German counter-offensive in the Ardennes in December. This supplement is to be used in conjunction with the Battlegroup: Overlord 'Beyond the Beaches' army lists (with some noted exceptions and additions included). Includes new '44 Panzer Brigade Army List, new scenarios and a mini-campaign. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2022 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$22.00 rct

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2-199292 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Fall Of The Reich Supplement Supplement to the Battlegroup gaming system covering the invasion of Germany 1945 - primarily but not exclusively designed for 20mm and 15mm scales.

Four new army lists (Russian, British, and American armored spearheads plus 'Defenders of the Reich' ad hoc battlegroups from Germany's last desperate levy), modeling guide, and a mini campaign for the breakthrough to Berlin.

All in a lavish 194-page hardback book - heavily illustrated with inspiring miniature and historical photographs and artwork. 1 vol, 194 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover ......$33.00 rct

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2-199293 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Barbarossa Supplement Supplement to the Battlegroup gaming system covers the invasion of Russia in 1941 - primarily but not exclusively designed for 20mm and 15mm scales. You will need either of the original rules (OMM item 199290 or item 199299). This contains seven new army lists (German panzer and infantry divisions, Russian mechanized corps and rifle divisions, Hungarian rapid corps, and Finnish and Rumanian infantry divisions), vehicle data, and special rules for the beginning of the war on the Eastern Front, including the frozen winter battles, Russian command chaos, and the swift Panzermarsch. Also has modeling guides and a mini campaign for the Russian defense of Ostrog in late June 1941. Heavily illustrated. 1 vol, 176 pgs 2022 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$37.00 rct

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2-199294 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP: Blitzkrieg Supplement The next supplement for the 'Battlegroup' World War II gaming rules covering the invasion of Poland in 1939 and France in 1940. Designed to be played in 20mm and 15mm, this latest book contains army lists, vehicle data and special rules for the first two years of the war, including France's command chaos, the Luftwaffe's aerial superiority and the swift German Panzermarsch.

Nine new army lists for the early war fighting. The Polish and German armies for 1939 and German Panzer and Infantry Divisions to fight French Light Mechanized Divisions, Armored Divisions and Infantry Divisions, the British Expeditionary Force, and Belgian army in 1940.

Nine historical scenarios from Poland to Belgium and France. All in a lavish 184-page, hardback book that's heavily illustrated with inspiring miniature photographs, historical photographs, and artwork. 1 vol, 194 pgs 2021 UK, THE PLASTIC SOLDIER COMPANY
NEW-softcover ......$40.00 rct

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1-223690 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP NORTHAG - fictional setting in 1983 10mm scale Battlegroup Northag is a little different from our established WW2 Battlegroup system. For those that know and love the Battlegroup system (and those of you that have yet to embrace Battlegroup!), Northag carries a lot of its DNA from the parent WW2 system, like the Battle rating system and army list building, but has been specifically designed and streamlined for the smaller scale of 10mm (1/144th) to allow for more vehicles on the table and longer gun ranges. No 'parking lots' in this game!

The first Northag book contains rules, scenarios, detailed equipment data and army lists for Soviet and British forces. Future expansions will bring US, West and East German, other Warsaw Pact and Nato forces to the table. We will also be doing an Arab Israeli supplement 1 vol, 0 pgs 2020 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$35.00 rct

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1-223691 Kinrade, Warwick BATTLEGROUP CENTAG: Fictional 1983 Setting for 10mm Modern Gaming Includes new army lists for US, West Germans, Dutch, Canadian, Danish, Warsaw Pact (East Germans, Poles and Czechs), Soviet Naval Infantry, and Soviet Airborne, plus a new Airborne Assault scenario. 1 vol, 0 pgs 2023 UK, PLASTIC SOLDIER
NEW-softcover ......$33.00 rct

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1-230311 Kinrade, Warwick WARS OF THE FIRST EMPIRE: A Soldiers of Napoleon Supplement Card-driven action sequence drives Napoleonic tabletop battles. Included: 14 army lists over four campaign theaters, for the wars of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Coalitions against France from 1805 to 1809 and the invasion of Russia in 1812. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-pb, in stock ......$42.00 rct

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1-230312 Kinrade, Warwick THE PENINSULA WAR: A Soldiers of Napoleon Supplement Geared for ruleset Soldiers of Napoleon, this book includes Napoleonic-period army lists covering seven years of fighting across Spain and Portugal, for the early years of the war, 1807-1811, and the later years, 1812-1814 as the alliance advance on, and then invade, France.

The Early Peninsular War, includes three army lists for the principal combatants: France's Army of Spain against the alliance of the British and Portuguese armies, plus the loyalist Spanish army. The Late Peninsular War, includes two army lists for the combatants of the later campaign: France's Army of Spain against the alliance of the British, Portuguese and Spanish.

Great Battles - Albuera, 1811, is a mini-campaign of five historical scenarios to refight the Battle of Albuera. Scenarios include: the French's first feint towards Albuera village, the first and second assaults by the French V Corps on the southern flank at the southern knoll, a renewed assault on Albuera, and the finale, General Cole's 4th Division's counter-attack.

New Rules and Unit Profiles, including new Unique Units for the armies, such as Spanish Guerrillas, new Commanders of Note and full unit profiles for all the army lists included. 1 vol, 80 pgs 2022 UK, GRIPPING BEAST
NEW-pb ......$42.00 rct

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2-89040 Konstam, Angus and Dougie Trail DIE KRIEGSKUNST: Wargaming the Seven Years War An informative rules set based on the 'General de Brigade' system that covers tactical-level treatment with command rules. Includes play aids. 1 vol, 106 pgs 2022 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-softcover, 2nd edition, available late May 2022 ......$42.00 rct

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1-236300 Kruzick, C SCOUTS OUT! 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Skirmish rules set in WWI for small raiding parties to raid enemy trenches and rescuing downed pilots. Includes, core rules, army lists, scenarios and a how to paint section. Games take less than three hours.

OMM will be stocking the 28mm resin figures: Austrian, British, French and Germans

* Patrol blisters $15 for five figures
* Specialist (Snipers, sappers, etc.) $14 for three figures
* Officers: $13 for two figures 1 vol, 60 pgs 2023 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$36.00 rct

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2-236300 Kruzick, C SCOUTS OUT EXPANDED! 28mm Skirmish Wargaming in the Great War Expansion for WWI skirmish rule set Scouts Out! features new Raider lists for Americans, Russians, and Italians along with some updated rules and new units to the original British, German, Austrian, and French lists. Includes rules for gas and grenades, new Army lists, new Scenarios, how to paint section, and printable tokens and gaming aids.

Note: OMM stocks the 28mm resin figures: Austrian, British, French, and Germans.
* Patrol blisters: $15 for five figures
* Specialist (Snipers, sappers, etc.): $14 for three figures
* Officers: $13 for two figures 1 vol, 68 pgs 2023 US, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover, expanded edition ......$36.00 rct

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1-229290 Kulinski, Timothy HEROIC: Wargame Skirmish Rules for any Period Generic and simple set of skirmish rules for historical eras as well as fantasy and science fiction. Requires 10-sided dice. 1 vol, 32 pgs 2022 US, ON MILTARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover ......$16.00 rct

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1-83190 Lacy, Bennett P. FINAL COMBAT: WWII Skirmish Rules for Role Playing and Miniatures Fifth edition uses character attributes to drive this set of skirmish wargaming rules for role-playing and miniatures that simulates squad-level engagements of WWII. This streamlined set eliminates the Reason-to-Look mechanic and consolidates tables grouped by positive and negative modifiers, which facilitates faster compilation.

It employs a chit-driven activation system that abstractly represents unit cohesion under combat conditions. Ground scale that is equal to the miniature in the context of one second of worthwhile action. It also incorporates a scalable level of detail that allows players to eliminate the damage model and use generic character attributes.

Although this book contains rules for armored combat, data sheets for individual tanks are not included. Anthology of Armor is a companion volume to this book and provides the necessary data for almost 200 AFVs. 1 vol, 154 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover ......$49.00 rct

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1-83191 Lacy, Bennett P. FINAL COMBAT: Trench Raiders (WWI) Trench Raiders is not a complete set of rules -- you must have Final Combat. This WWI supplement introduces new rules and includes one historical scenario based on a British trench raid in 1916. It simulates the melee of trench warfare during a close-quarters trench raid. 1 vol, 52 pgs 2023 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wirebound softcover, available late July 2023 ......$29.00 rct

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3-198510 Langan, Steve and Thomson, Cameron SETTING THE EAST ABLAZE: Warfare in the Back of Beyond 1917-1926 - 3rd Edition 3rd edition includes changes, simplifications, and new ideas; new Aviation and Naval rules; Expanded armoured train rules; New melee rules for built up areas; New landmine and IED rules; Simplified artillery rules; Two new Army Guidelines (Poles, French, USA, Italians, Germans, Freikorps, Ukrainian, Finnish & Baltic States, Nestor Makhno's Anarchist 'Black Army', Caucasian Armies and Chinese Bandits); New rules for wild animals; Updated bibliography; Three major scenarios (Chinese in Tibet, The Mad Baron and Russian Civil War); and more. 1 vol, 108 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb ......$36.00 rct

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2-58640 Leach, Chris BATTLES FOR EMPIRE: 1870-1914 (2nd Edition) Rules and Scenarios for British Imperial Warfare, basing is flexible, battles use 12-18 units per side, and each unit is four stands. 1 vol, 72 pgs 2019 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-softcover, 2nd Edition ......$30.00 rct

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2-190320 Lockwood, Russ SNAPPY NAPPY: Simple, Subtle & Ultrafast Napoleonic Rules PDF version SNAPPY NAPPY PDF: Simple, Subtle & Ultrafast Napoleonic Rules in PDF version

PDF Version. If you order via our site we will remove the shipping charge before we process your
payment andadd a $2.00 fee

Brilliant simple and subtle rules for 2 to 20 players, covering multi-corps actions. Excellent step by step introduction for those new to Napoleonic wargaming, especially for those who think the period too complicated.

Playable one-on-one on a 2 foot-by-2 foot table in an hour or an afternoon-long game with 20+ players across 16-18 full-size 6x4-foot tables (visit the BlundersontheDanube blog for full game reports, maps, and OBs for the large, multi-player 'Campaign in a Day' games).

Two infantry stands form one unit (brigade). Morale based (no figure removal) for fog of war. Uses any basing system with common stand frontage. Play the Napoleonic battles and campaigns big or small that you've always dreamed of trying.

Rules review on Little Wars TV gave Snappy Nappy an '8' for playability (Tom) and a '9' for playability (Greg). Comprehensive review on LittleWarsTV website.

Includes new errata compilation
1 vol, 64 pgs 2020 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-PDF ......$26.00 rct

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2-190400 Lockwood, Russ HYPERSPACE HACK: Ultrafast Spaceship Fleet Battles Back in print. Simple yet subtle rules for fleet-sized actions of 50+ ships per player, for 2-20 players. One-page Quick Reference Sheet. Crew quality rating system from raw to elite, with rules for ramming, boarding, etc. Optional rules for three-sided games, tournament point system, planet-busting lasers, and more. Great for kids. Go ahead, pile the ships on the tabletop -- largest game was 400 ships. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 HOPEWELL, OMM PUBLISHING
NEW-wirebound softcover edition ......$29.00 rct

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1-245430 Mandzy, Adrian and Kershner, Tod DEEDS OF DARING: Individual Combat During the French and Indian War (1754 - 1763) Rules, Army Lists, and Seven Scenarios. Miniature rules for the black powder era using individual mounted figures. Each player commands 3-4 figures with a 6-player game using only 9-12 figures per side. A 6-player game will be decided within 3-4 hours. Quick, fun, and bloody like a wargame should be. 1 vol, 78 pgs 2024 US, ON MILITARY MATTERS
NEW-wire bound softcover ......$34.00 rct

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1-237790 Mandzy, Adrian and Tod Kershner WAR IN THE AGE OF PERICLES: 500 to 400 BCE A fast play, small unit wargame. Plays in about two hours. Includes 12 army lists - no points needed. Additional Hand of Fate Cards keeps the game fluid and introduces random events. Designed for 28mm but can be played for a variety of scales. Hoplites units are 16 figures strong, skirmish units usually are 8 figures. 1 vol, 32 pgs 2023 US, WINGED HUSSAR PUBLISHING
NEW-softcover with deck ......$30.00 rct

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1-44655 Marsh, Richard and Colin Rumford RAPID FIRE: Brothers in Armour Inspired by James Holland's 'Brothers in Arms', this fully illustrated A5 booklet provides four scenarios for actions involving the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry tank regiment in 1944. From D-Day to the Siegfried Line, follow the SRY as they take on Atlantic Wall defenders, SS panzers in Normandy, Jagdpanthers and Luftwaffe infantry on the Belgium border, and support US troops as they assault the German West Wall. The scenarios have been developed with James Holland's permission and the support of Steve Cox, curator of the SRY Museum. Designed to be played using our Reloaded and Reloaded Extra rules (or RF2 if players prefer) they include historical backgrounds, full graphic orbats, battle maps, and special rules. 1 vol, 40 pgs 2024 UK, RAPID FIRE
NEW-pb, available late May 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-44656 Marsh, Richard and Colin Rumford RAPID FIRE RELOADED: The Road to Carentan This is a 36-page, fully illustrated A5 booklet providing four scenarios for actions involving elements of the American 101st Airborne Division (The Screaming Eagles). It covers the period from D-Day to the initial stages of the battles to capture the vital town of Carentan and thus link up the landings at Omaha and Utah Beaches. The four scenarios were inspired by four of Paul Woodadge's YouTube WW2TV shows. The scenarios are Angoville-au-Plain (D-Day), Vierville (D-Day plus 1), Saint-Come-du-Mont (D-Day plus 1) and Purple Heart Lane Breakout (D-Day plus 4). Focuses on small scale actions that saw improvised US para forces taking on their German counterparts in the 6th Fallschirmjager Regiment (The Lions of Carentan) as well as infantry and Ost battalions. Designed to be played on 6x4 foot or 5x4 foot tables using Reloaded rules (or Rapid Fire 2 rules if players prefer). Includes historical backgrounds, full graphic orbats, battle maps, special rules, and a section on troops needed. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2024 UK, RAPID FIRE
NEW-pb, available late October 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-44657 Marsh, Richard and Colin Rumford RAPID FIRE RELOADED: Monty v Rommel This 40-page, A5 booklet takes four of the 1942 Western Desert scenarios from Monty's Desert Battles book and adapts them for a 4x6-foot table size. With re-worked forces represented by easy to replicate graphic OOBs, it allows players to recreate some of the key clashes between Rommel's Panzer Army Afrika and Montgomery's British 8th Army. Scenarios contain Himeimat, Alam el Halfa, Lightfoot, and Bir el Abd. Includes Rapid Fire Reloaded vehicle and gun chart stats for all the AFVs, softskins, and weapons featured in the scenarios. 1 vol, 36 pgs 2025 UK, RAPID FIRE
NEW-pb, available late January 2025 ......$16.00 rct

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1-236060 Massey, A SABRETACHE NAPOLEONICS: A Game of Generalship & Tactics for the Napoleonic Wars Large format, full-colour paperback. Uses any figure scale. Command & control dominated rules for Corps level and above games. The units are the traditional ones -- infantry battalion, cavalry regiment, and artillery battery -- but they are controlled in brigade groups by orders given with a few keywords. These are factored into a Tactical Engagement Chart that determines the type of engagement and frees the player from low-level tactical decisions, allowing him to concentrate on the overall strategy. 1 vol, 90 pgs 2023 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-pb, available early March 2023 ......$38.00 rct

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1-2089418 McCullough, Joseph FROSTGRAVE: Mortal Enemies Rules for creating recurring villains in both competitive and solo campaigns. These characters are unique individuals who return over the course of a campaign to plague the players' wizards, gaining experience, recruiting allies, and becoming more deadly with each appearance. Against such threats, a wizard's base becomes as much hideout as headquarters, and an expanded range of options for enhancing bases is provided, as are rules for defending your own and attacking those of your rivals. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid April 2024 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226710 McCullough, Joseph RANGERS OF SHADOW DEEP This new Rangers of Shadow Deep book is a brand new retail edition, with a matt laminate cover and updates to the core rules, making it the most definitive version of the game to date.

A kingdom stands on the brink of destruction, as the vast realm called the Shadow Deep slowly swallows everything in its path. As the army fights to contain the tide of evil creatures teeming up out of the black clouds, the kingdom's best soldiers, the rangers, must venture down into the shadows to gather information, rescue prisoners, and ambush enemy supply lines. It is a desperate fight against overwhelming odds, but every little victory brings another day of hope.

Brand new layout with a dozen new pieces of art from Barrett Stanley
Solo and co-operative tabletop miniatures game from the creator of Frostrgrave and Ghost Archipelago Joseph A. McCullough
Create your ranger, gather companions, and play through a series of missions
Survive and you will grow in power and ability, and be sent on more difficult, dangerous and intricate assignments
Includes updated core rules combined with character-building elements first presented in Temple of Madness
New 'Challenge Levels' for all the scenarios can be used when playing with 3 or 4 rangers to ramp up the difficulty, or, if you want to replay the scenario with a higher-level Ranger

Requires a couple d20s, a deck of standard playing cards, an inch ruler, and miniatures.
1 vol, 150 pgs 2021 UK, MODIPHIUS
NEW-hardback, available late March 2021 ......$69.00 rct

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1-226711 McCullough, Joseph RANGERS OF SHADOW DEEP: A Gathering of Heroes A Gathering of Heroes is a supplement to be used with the core rules for Rangers of Shadow Deep. Features:

* Advanced Character Creation including new Traits and Limitations.
* Ten Archetypes, representing the heroes that have come from the lands around Alladore to join the fight against the Shadow Deep.
* Collects five previously stand-alone supplements for the game: Blood Moon, Temple of Madness, Ghost Stone, Incinerator, and Menagerie.
* Fifty-two unique enchanted weapons.
* A bestiary featuring all the creatures from the core rulebook and all the collected supplements.
* New artwork from Barrett Stanley. 1 vol, 192 pgs 2024 UK, MODIPHIUS
NEW-hardcover, available late May 2024 ......$62.00 rct

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1-228453 McCullough, Joseph THE SILVER BAYONET: Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx is a supplement for The Silver Bayonet that brings two new campaigns, one competitive and one for solo or cooperative play -- it allows players to face new foes, recruit new soldiers, and uncover the treasures of Ancient Egypt. The players' special units can explore the mysteries of this great land, venturing into lost cities, forbidden ruins, and even beneath the Pyramids themselves. Also included is a new recruitment list as well as a number of new soldier types, and the equipment that might give them an edge. Also brings an array of terrifying foes, including mummies, werejackals, and serpopards. 1 vol, 64 pgs 2024 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available early June 2024 ......$25.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-226854 McCullough, Joseph STARGRAVE: Bold Endeavour Stargrave Supplement: focuses on the ships that serve as the crews' transports, strategic headquarters, and homes, including new upgrades, a damage system, and rules for crew assignments such as piloting, gunnery, and navigation. New powers, soldiers, technology, and backgrounds for captains and first mates help reinforce crews, while rules for space encounters - dangerous, interesting, and potentially profitable incidents - and five new scenarios bring them face to face with strange alien species and other terrifying dangers in weird and wonderful locations, from unexplored planets to the depths of space.

Just beyond the rim of what was once 'civilized space' lies the vast, colourful expanse of the Crokoan Nebula. Seeking their fortunes, bold independent crews press deep into this largely unexplored sector. But the Ravaged Galaxy is a dangerous place, and the threats that crews face are not limited to those found on a planet's surface. In fact, more independent crews meet their ends in the dark void of space than are wiped out in gunfights. Black holes, asteroid fields, and even the legendary space kraken can all destroy a ship and its crew. It takes a deft hand on the controls, a sharp eye on navigation, and a bit of wizardry with the engines to fly between the stars. 1 vol, 96 pgs 2023 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-pb, available mid October 2023 ......$30.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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2-211950 McWalter, Adrian and Dalton, Quinton OVER THE HILLS: A Napoleonic Wargame For Brigade, Divisional, and Army size Napoleonic wargaming. Each army has been given a set of national characteristics to ensure that each army plays differently. This is enhanced further with the troop formations open to each nation and the differing abilities of each nation's commanders. Units are assigned a fatigue factor and as this degrades, so does your unit's ability to carry out any task. Uses d10s. Includes optional rules. 1 vol, 128 pgs 2016 UK, PARTIZAN PRESS
NEW-hardback, Inventory reduction ......$44.00 with a discount of 50% rct

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1-235130 Mersey, Daniel XENOS RAMPANT: Science Fiction Skirmish Wargame Rules Rules for large skirmishes, based on the Rampant system. Setting-agnostic, large skirmish, miniature wargame for fighting science fiction battles using 28mm figures. Core mechanics will be instantly recognizable to those familiar with the other Rampant systems. Contains army lists, scenarios, and subgenres including: post-apocalyptic, weird war, and near future. 1 vol, 160 pgs 2022 UK, OSPREY PUBLISHING
NEW-hardback ......$35.00 with a discount of 15% rct

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1-225620 Mersey, Daniel and Raccagni, Gianluca Lion Rampant: The Crusader States Take Robin Hood, Richard the Lionheart, Gamelyn, William Wallace, and other legends from the colourful, dangerous medieval period to the tabletop with Lion Rampant -- a new set of rules designed for fighting medieval skirmish games. Ideal for players who wish to collect medieval miniatures and paint the pageantry without wanting to muster huge forces or spend time learning complex rules, this game allows players to game actual historical battles or to delve into the archives of Hollywood to embark on more over-the-top pulp style clashes.

Contents: Overview; Understanding the Basics; Playing the Game; Army Lists; Strategies and Tactics; Sample Armies; Scenarios; Campaigns
NEW-pb ......$38.00 rct

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1-225621 Mersey, Daniel and Raccagni, Gianluca LION RAMPANT: A Viking In The Sun The Mediterranean Adventures of Harald Hardrada

This expansion for Lion Rampant: Medieval Wargaming Rules explores the Mediterranean world before the crusades through the adventures of the exiled Viking prince Harald Hardrada ('hard ruler'). Harald is best known for his invasion of England in 1066 as king of Norway, and for his death at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, which was a prelude to the Norman conquest of England. However, between 1033 and 1042 Harald spent his formative years as a commander in the famous Varangian Guard of Byzantium, taking part in campaigns in Upper Mesopotamia, Palestine, the Aegean Sea, Southern Italy, and the Balkans.

In this supplement you will find historical information, new upgrades (from new tactics, such as Feigned Retreat, to terrain upgrades, among others), and three mini-campaigns based on extracts from Norse sagas and Mediterranean chronicles. The first campaign is a fight against a bandit boss in the Holy Land during an armed pilgrimage to rebuild the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem; the second takes place during a Byzantine attempt to retake Sicily from its Muslim rulers; and the third one tackles the early stages of the Norman conquest of Southern Italy.

At the same time, there is no requirement to use Harald and the Varangians. This supplement includes five army lists (Varangians, Muslim Powers, Byzantines, Normans, Lombard and Byzantine Italian principalities), and alternative leaders for each of the campaigns with suggested skills based on their back stories. The three campaigns are also easily adaptable to other medieval contexts and to other rules sets. 1 vol, 153 pgs 2021 UK, THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH
NEW-pb ......$29.00 rct

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1-208991 Miller, Simon TO THE STRONGEST: The Celtic Fringe This short 26-page book is designed for use alongside the To The Strongest For King and Parliament English Civil War rules and the Montrose 'To Win or Lose it All' scenario book. Contains extra rules that model the traditional styles of fighting that still survived in the land and people west and north of the 'Highland Line' in Scotland and their Gaelic-speaking cousins across the Irish Sea. Wire-bound. 1 vol, 26 pgs 2024 UK, BIG RED BAT VENTURES
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$16.00 rct

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1-208992 Miller, Simon TO THE STRONGEST: Montrose To Win Or Lose It All This 90-page scenario book is designed for use with the To The Strongest For King and Parliament English Civil War rules and the Celtic Fringe extra rules. Contains nine free-standing scenarios covering the Marquis of Montrose's battles in Scotland in 1644-45 -- eight historical and one 'what if.' Each scenario contains a background briefing, separate briefings for each of the players, a deployment plan, and an order of battle. The scenarios can be played individually or in sequence, as a campaign. The book also includes a background to the campaign and descriptions of the principle personalities involved, including Montrose, Alastair MacColla, and Archibald Campbell. Wire bound. 1 vol, 90 pgs 2024 UK, BIG RED BAT VENTURES
NEW-pb, available mid February 2024 ......$39.00 rct

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1-222260 Mori, Paolo PAOLO MORI'S BLITZKRIEG! Core Set (Includes a Free Solo Module) Two players, acting respectively as the Allied and Axis coalitions during WWII, battle for control of the main theaters of the conflict with simple rules and a short playing time. Players draw unit tokens from a bag to determine their starting forces and to replenish their losses.

Rather than fighting battles with dice or cards, players allocate their military resources to each theaters campaigns, winning war victory points, gaining further resources and special weapons and exploiting strategic advantages as they play.

The Box Contains: 1 x rulebook, 1 x game board, 22 x Axis unit tokens, 22 x Allied unit tokens, 16 x special weapons tokens, 2 x player screens, 5 x battle markers, 2 x war victory markers, and 2 x cloth bags. 1 vol, 1 pgs 2019 UK, THE PLASTIC SOLDIER COMPANY
NEW-box ......$42.00 with a discount of 20% rct

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1-222261 Mori, Paolo PAOLO MORI'S BLITZKRIEG! Nippon Expansion Pack The Nippon Expansion adds a new challenge to Blitzkrieg! You need the Core Set to play this expansion.

What if the Axis coalition had won WW II and Germany invaded and occupied the USA? And... what if japan had turned on its former ally and invaded German-held USA in 1946? With the help of Godzilla? The Nippon Expansion explores the hypothetical scenario that the Axis won WWII, but Japan turned on its once ally and invaded German-held USA -- with the help of Godzilla. One player controls the German forces and the other the Japanese.

Contents: 22 Japanese unit tokens, 2 special weapons tokens, 1 rulebook, and 1 game board. 1 vol, 16 pgs 2019 UK, THE PLASTIC SOLDIER COMPANY
NEW-box, available mid December 2019 ......$20.00 rct

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1-246770 Morris, James MIDGARD: Heroic Battles Rulebook New tabletop miniature wargame focuses on heroic leadership and includes sorcery and flying sections, five scenarios, 12 sample force lists, and an appendix to help you create your own forces and heroes. Control of a force of warriors and heroes - any scale miniatures - to game any historical, legendary, or fantasy setting where warriors fight it out with swords, spears, and shields -- from the siege of Troy to the battle of Hastings, from the frost giants of Norse myth to the dwarfs of the mountain halls, and from Arthur to El Cid. 1 vol, 60 pgs 2024 UK, TOO FAT LARDIES
NEW-softcover, available mid November 2024 ......$49.00 rct

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1-219570 Murton, Charles and Cartmell, Craig THUD & BLUNDER: Fantasy Skirmish Wargames Rules Thud & Blunder is a set of generic fantasy skirmish wargaming rules from the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare, whose authors have previously brought you In Her Majesty's Name, Daisho, and Blood Eagle.

With just five to 15 figures a side, you can play a party of brave adventurers, a knight and his retinue, a college of powerful wizards, a company of dwarven prospectors, a patrol of elven rangers, a warparty of orc raiders, a foul necromancer and his undead minions, and so many other classic fantasy warbands.

The book provides numerous example warbands and all the tools you need to create almost any warband that you can imagine, including a detailed and open points system. The rules cover a wide range of armor and weapons, including magical versions. You will also find statistics for a variety of beasts and legendary beasts, rules for flyers, a comprehensive system of magical powers and much, much more. Thud & Blunder is not tied to a specific world; this means you can play your games in any fantasy setting you choose, including realms of your own devising. 1 vol, 164 pgs 2019 UK, MINISTRY GENTLEMANLY WARFARE
NEW-softcover, available late March 2019 ......$48.00 rct

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2-967003 Murton, Charles and Cartmell, Craig IN HER MAJESTY'S NAME: Rules for Clandestine Adventuring Companies In 1895, the world seethes in turmoil in an undeclared and secret war among the Great Powers for resources and the latest technology. Clandestine Adventuring Companies operate in the shadows, matching skills and wits in pursuit of the newest scientific formulae or powerful occult artifacts.

In Her Majesty's Name sets these adventuring companies against each other in one-off encounters and in longer narrative campaigns. Companies are usually comprised of just 4-15 figures and two players could easily play three games in an evening, making an on-going campaign a highly viable option.

Covers weird science, mystical powers, and a range of pre-generated adventuring companies, including the British Explorers' Club, the Prussian Society of Thule, the US Marine Corps, the Legion Etrangere, the revolutionaries of the Brick Lane Commune, ancient Egyptian cults, and the mysterious Black Dragon Tong. 1 vol, 150 pgs 2021 U